Topic: Scarred: Protection from the Corrupted

Russell E Green

Date: 2010-10-12 03:29 EST
Russell hung in the shadows outside of the Deli. How long he'd been there was anybody's guess. Only Russ knew exactly how long he'd been there and why he'd not stepped foot into the establishment that had been a second home to himself and many of his friends. But Russell wasn't there to eat or to mingle. Tugging the hood of the light jacket he wore about his head a bit tighter, he sighed softly.

Ever since the night in the Inn when his granddaughter, Genny, had been so subtly threatened, Russell had been keeping a sharp eye out for her. At first, he thought the threat to be an idle one, so he didn't tell Genny about it to keep her from worrying. But as the days progressed and the nights became longer, Russell was seeing things he didn't want to see.

Just then there was a sharp whistle that had Russell jerking his head to find the source. A young man, wearing dark shades and a trenchcoat over expensive Italian leather shoes grinned at Russell and pointed his hands, in the shape of two pistols, in Russell's direction before rounding the corner and disappearing. Russell simply shook his head. There was no way that they were going to trick him into leaving the post he'd so vigilantly stood at.

He turned those dark as ebony eyes back to the Deli. Inside, he could see Genny and Sadie talking to one another as they worked. A sad smile came to his face and he said yet another prayer for their safety. It never hurt to have a God on your side. He just hoped that the God was hearing him and paying heed.

The bells that announced a new arrival to the Deli chimed and Russell sucked in his breath as yet another trenchcoat covered young man in dark sunglasses entered the building. Before he did, though, a wicked grin came over the man's face. Russell merely glared a hole into the man and convinced him to leave just as suddenly as he came. The trick vampires knew as glamouring was one he'd learned hundreds of years ago.

Idly, Russell wondered when it would all stop. When would Genny be safe again? As his hands formed a small circle in front of himself and a cup of cocoa appeared between them, he knew that he'd grow mad if this went on for very much longer.