Topic: There Once Was a Boy...

Dirk Stevens

Date: 2009-07-24 21:27 EST
"Dirk Edward Stevens!"

Blond curls danced upon his head as he turned to face the teacher. Blood ran from his nose and his eye was already starting to bruise. His light brown eyes, flecked with gold, were wide with anger, fear. He shook with adrenaline. His fist was poised, ready to strike his worst enemy in the entire 5th grade at Appalachian Elementary and Nursery School.

"Rodney Eugene Mora!"

The school bully, bigger than most of the other kids by about 50 pounds and a head taller than them, too. His face was scrunched up, prepared for the fist that Dirk had drawn back. Just like most bullies, Rodney was not prepared for a fight. The new kid, Dirk, was proving to be not worth the time or trouble. As Rodney turned big, pitiful brown eyes on the teacher, alligator tears welled up in his eyes. "He won't leave me alone, Mrs. White! He keeps hitting me!"

It had started earlier, during lunch hour. Dirk and Rodney had eaten lunch, and Rodney had picked Dirk out as a perfect target. Dirk was a thin boy, waifish almost. Dirk dressed nicely, so, to Rodney, Dirk had to have had money, of course. And, Dirk was the new guy. Rodney had spent his entire academic career, up to this point, proving to the other children just who ran the playground.

"Hey, kid, what are you doing?" Rodney's voice came from behind Dirk. A shove to Dirk's shoulder sent him sprawling to the ground. Loud, raucous laughter from Rodney as Dirk lay there. That laughter quickly died as Rodney gained a look of horror as Dirk jumped up and lunged at the bigger boy. Dirk's arms caught the boy around the waist, his shoulder hit Rodney's stomach hard and both boys fell back onto the asphalt.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" A chorus of voices, both male and female started to chant as a crowd of children quickly surrounded the combatants. The sea of voices quickly died away as teachers moved in. Mrs. White grabbed Dirk by the belt and lifted him easily off of Rodney. The Principal, Mr. Berk, reached for and pulled Rodney to a stand, keeping his hand firmly upon the boy's shoulder.

The circle of children parted like the Red Sea when Dirk and Rodney were led into the Administrative Building, and directly into Mr. Berk's office. "How many times, Rodney, do I have to warn you about keeping your hands and your mouth to yourself?" Rodney squirmed under Mr. Berk's choleric gaze. Then that gaze turned on to Dirk. "And you, Mr. Stevens. Only your second day and already you're in my office.' Mr. Berk then took a seat on the edge of his desk, hands curled around the edge of the wood. He continued to stare at the boys, who tried to look anywhere but at each other or the Principal. "Detention, both of you. Maybe banging erasers will get that fight out of you. Now go back to class."

Dirk spent the rest of the day, quietly reflecting on what had happened. His parents had been informed, already, so they wouldn't worry when their only son was late coming home from school. He knew the consequences of his actions and it made him sick to his stomach. To make himself feel better, he twirled and smoothed out the bracelet of yarn on his wrist. Given to him by Abigail, his baby sister, Dirk wore it proudly. Abigail had been born with Down's Syndrome, so the fact that she could piece together the braided yarn, and present it to Dirk with one of the few words she had learned to say, "Duhk."

"What's that, sissy? Rodney sneered as he walked by Dirk's desk. Dirk's vexed expression caused Rodney to take a step back. "Dirk's a sissy, with a retarded baby sister!" Rodney laughed until he had to hold his stomach.

Dirk could only take so much of the stupid boy's laughing. His eyes narrowed and his jaw set indignantly. His little hands curled and uncurled in fists at his side. He rose up from his desk and gave Rodney a hard push, causing the bigger boy to stumble. It also got him to stop laughing.

"Teach you a lesson, sissyboy!" Rodney rounded on Dirk and his fist flew, smacking Dirk in the eye. Instantly Dirk saw a flash of bright white and he felt his nose start to bleed. Gritting his teeth, he grabbed Rodney by the shoulders, leaned forward and placed a well trained knee to Rodney's groin.

Rodney fell back, gasping, holding himself. His eyes closed and his mouth a perfect oval of agony. Dirk just smiled down at him, wiping the blood from his own nose. "Who's the sissy now?"

Dirk Stevens

Date: 2009-07-25 07:46 EST
"Come on, Dirk, wake up!"

It was 3 am, and the house was still and quiet. Most of it's inhabitants were resting peacefully. All, that is, except Richard Stevens. The patriarch of the family, had a tendency to wake his only son up to share pearls of wisdom between father and son. Sometimes it was to take Dirk hunting, fishing, to a ball game. Everything had a life lesson to be learned from it.

"Wake up boy, time to hunt coon."

Richard was bent over Dirk's bed, shaking him vigorously. Dirk moaned sleepily and rubbed his eyes, signaling to his father that he was, indeed, awake.

"Yes, Pa." Dirk yawned tiredly as he sat up in his bed. The Sandman's remnants rubbed from his eyes, finally. This was actually an exciting day for Dirk. At the ripe old age of ten, he was finally going to be allowed to use a hunting rifle on an actual hunt! He'd learned to use the .22 by shooting old tin cans and bottles. Dirk was proud that his father thought him ready enough to take hunting.

Richard Stevens left his son to get dressed and ready. As Dirk showered, then got dressed in jeans, hiking boots, t-shirt and what he called "hunting flannel," he could hear the dogs being set free from their kennels. Barking, howling and running about, vying for Richard's attention.

When Dirk placed the dark blue ball cap on his head, blond curls jutted out all around the base of the hat. He was too young to care that boys should have short hair that didn't curl around the base of their hat. And, while Richard wanted his boy to get a haircut, Catherine, Dirk's mother, insisted that her baby keep on being a baby for as long as possible. Catherine won that battle and Dirk's hair was allowed to grow long and untamed.

On his way out of the house, Dirk stopped by Abigail's room. He could hear her snoring behind the door. Slipping inside, he pulled the coverlet back up over her and placed a kiss to her forehead. A smile as he watched her for a moment, then he slipped back out. The lunches that his mother had prepared for father and son were retrieved from the fridge before he stepped out into the darkness.

Suddenly he was surrounded by a swarm of warm, furry bodies. He laughed as the dogs licked at his hands and barked their hellos. He greeted each dog with a pat to their heads and by calling them each by name. Wading through, he got to his father's truck and opened the tailgate. The dogs knew to jump up into the truck, without a single order given.

Once the dogs were loaded up, Dirk climbed into the truck, beside his father. The guns were held on a rack behind the seat. "I'm ready, Pa." Dirk smiled brightly and wriggled in his seat with excitement.

Richard smiled fondly towards his son and soon they were traveling down a dirt road that led deep into the heart of the heavily wooded estate. They arrived at their hunting destination for the day and the truck came to a halt. Leaving the lunch inside of the truck, Dirk climbed out, then set the dogs loose. "What do we do now, Pa?"

Richard had pulled the rifles and the boxes of ammunition from the truck and was walking over to the hunting stand. It was more like a little shack that had a single lightbulb dangling from the ceiling. He walked inside and gestured for Dirk to follow. Once they were inside, they sat on benches opposite from each other. Richard handed Dirk's rifle over and smiled.

"Son, I've taught you how to aim, how to fire, how to clean that there rifle." His Kentucky accent was thick and slow. Dirk clutched the rifle with both hands and nodded. No interrupting his father when he spoke. "Now you are going to learn what that gun is for. And you remember one thing. Don't you point that thing at anything or anybody you don't aim to kill."

"Yes, Pa." Dirk nodded, wide eyed. It never occurred to him that he might be pointing a rifle at a person some day. It was a heady feeling, holding that rifle and knowing that it, and he through it, could take a life. Whether it be furry or human, a life was a life. Dirk listened to his father, intently, as Richard continued the lesson about firearm safety. It was something that his father would repeat to him, several times, in his lifetime.

Finally dawn broke through the trees. The heavy morning dew left traces of fog and moisture everywhere. Dirk and Richard left the stand and walked out into the morning. The food that Dirk had left behind in the truck had already attracted raccoons and Richard cursed under his breath at the sight of a huge, red and gray raccoon perched on the passenger side window frame, the window left wide open by Dirk.

A loud report from the gun that Dirk held and he laughed when the raccoon fell from the window to the ground in a dull thump. The dogs howled and snarled, barked and literally had the dead raccoon torn apart and eaten within moments.

Richard could not help but laugh at his son's first kill. "That'll do son, that'll do."

Dirk Stevens

Date: 2009-07-26 15:52 EST
"Your mother and I are going out to watch a movie. We're trusting you with your sister, Dirk. Do you understand what that means?"

It was a year of firsts for Dirk. His first hunting rifle, his first kill, now the first time his parents had ever left him alone to care for his sister, Abigail. Dirk felt proud and thrust his chest out as he nodded his head.

"Yes, Pa. I'll take care of Abby."

Ever since Abigail had been brought home from the hospital, Dirk had been there for her. It didn't matter to him that her eyes were set too far apart or that her mouth hung open. Abby was his baby sister. And that's all that mattered.

"The phone number to the theater and to your grandmother is on the refridgerator."

His mother had a worried look on her face. She wasn't as confident in Dirk's abilities to take care of Abigail as her husband was. In her eyes, Dirk was only a baby, himself. But Richard had won the battle this time. She relented and agreed to go out on a date with her husband. Something they hadn't done since Dirk was born.

"Yes, Ma. And I know how to fix her breathing machine when she's taking a nap. It'll be ok."

Dirk smiled for his mother, his hands clasped behind his back, big brown eyes shining and proud. He wanted nothing more than to please his parents and make them proud of him.

"Alright, Mother, the movie starts soon."

And with that, Dirk was left alone in the house with Abigail. Lunch had already been eaten, so the children were left to their own devices. Abigail sat on the living room rug, playing with her Barbies and Kens. She giggled in her own special way when Dirk sat down with his legs folded under him, across from her.

"Duhk!" It was one of the few words that Abigail had learned to speak. The doctors, his parents, all dumbfounded that she couldn't say mother or father, ma or pa, but she could say her brother's name. She held out a Ken doll towards her brother.

Dirk smiled and took the doll from her. They sat and played dolls together for an hour before Abigail started to yawn and lay down on the floor. "No, Abby, we sleep in beds." Dirk laughed and helped his sister to her feet.

He tucked her in, placing the mask upon her face carefully, then turned on the machine that kept his sister's airways open so she could sleep. "Sleep now, and I'll be right here when you wake up." Dirk gave her a kiss to her forehead and hummed a lullabye until Abby was peacefully asleep.

He knew that her naps could last for hours, so Dirk quietly closed the door to Abigail's room as he moved out of it. With hands in his pockets, he went back out into the living room. Abigail's Barbies were still scattered along with clothes and other toys, on the carpeting.

He knelt down and began to pick them up and put them into the pink carrying case. They were meticulously placed into the hard plastic case, clothes in one section, shoes in another, Barbies in yet another. He saved the Ken for last.

He picked up the Ken doll and sat back on his heels. A slow smile curled his pink lips and then they parted in a soft sigh. "Hi, Ken." Dirk laughed at himself, but only briefly before answering. "Hi, Dirk." He lowered his voice, trying to imitate an adult's voice. But he couldn't manage that so well and ended up laughing at himself again.

Dirk rocked backwards, pulling his legs out from under himself and settling onto the carpeting. He continued to stare at that doll in his hands, mesmerized by it. Dirk wasn't sure how long he'd been staring at the broad smile, bright eyes and perfectly molded plastic doll in his hand.

Upon impulse, Dirk brought the Ken doll slowly towards his own face. Taking a deep breath in, he closed his eyes and brought the doll to his lips in a brief kiss that covered the doll's entire face. Quickly he brought Ken down and placed him into the carrying case with the rest of the dolls.

He wasn't sure what he'd just done, it didn't feel like a bad thing, but he knew, instinctively, that his parents would not approve. Getting up from the floor, he moved as fast as he could to Abigail's room to put her carrying case in it's special spot. Abigail had a space for everything. The pink carrying case sat upon her shelf, just above her bed.

Then Dirk left Abigail's room, just as he had before. Back out into the living room he went, turning on the television. Just as he crawled onto the couch, he heard his parent's car pull into the driveway. They were home early.

Dirk greeted his parents at the door and they both congratulated him on doing so well with Abigail. That they were going to go out again next week and leave her in his care, once again. With a secret smile, never seen before by either parent, Dirk couldn't wait.

Dirk Stevens

Date: 2009-08-02 03:59 EST
"Five, six, seven, eight!"

It was an unusually warm, spring day in Eastern Kentucky. Dirk, along with the other children in his class, were standing on the asphalt playground, arranged in large circles. The entire sixth grade was there. Embarrassed giggles from behind tiny hands filtered through the air.

As the music began, the children began to perform the dance they'd been rehearsing for weeks. Hands held shoulder high, they opened and closed them, four times in rapid succession, fingertips striking the thumbs.

"Yes! Beaks,now wings!"

Mrs. Whiting was on the microphone in the middle of the playground, directing the children with her normal amount of hyper enthusiasm. The children followed her instructions, tucking their hands into their armpits and bouncing their elbows to the beat of the polka.

"Tail feathers!"

Keeping their hands tucked under their armpits, the children began to twist at the waist, shaking their behinds. Some twisted low, others were not so enthusiastic. The polka blared on through the loudspeaker.

"Four times!"


Dirk turned and linked arms with the boy next to him, propelling himself forward to the next in line, a girl named Sarah. He stuck his tongue out at her as he linked arms with her, then propelled himself on towards the next.

It was spring in Eastern Kentucky, and that meant the annual May Day dance that the school put on. It was an end of the year affair that the parents were invited to. Each grade level performed their dances with proud parents watching and applauding their oh so adorable attempts.

The dance was two days away and Dirk was standing in front of a mirror in his bedroom. "But Ma!" He grimaced and tugged at the string tie, tied in a bow at his neck. "This thing is ugly! Why do we have to look like Colonel Sanders?" Dirk frowned at his image in the mirror. He wore a white suit with a black string tie. "Not cool, Ma, not cool!"

Once the fitting was over, Dirk changed into a pair of jeans with the knees torn out of them, a brown and yellow striped tee and his John Deere ball cap, parked backwards on his head. With a huff, he walked out of the store while his mother purchased the suit and paid for the alterations.

Once home, Dirk met up with a few of his friends. Russ and Gary were the best friends that ever walked the planet, in Dirk's eyes. Together, they climbed into Dirk's tree house and sat, commiserating about the unethical treatment of making them dress as Colonel Sanders for the dance. "Stupid chicken dance." Russ was the first to voice his opinion, as always. The two others chimed in, muttering their agreement.

A cooler in the tree house was kept replenished by Dirk's mother. Today's treat was Moonpies and R C Cola. As the boys ate and drank, they put their heads together to come up with a plan. It was their last year of elementary school and mischief was on their minds. Laughter flowed from the windows of the tree house. Below, Dirk's mother smiled as she hung the sheets out to dry.

The day of the dance arrived and the boys prepared for their prank in the bathroom. They could have been triplets, all blond, all blue eyed and all dressed in the Colonel's best. Shoe black was passed from hand to hand as they snickered. They did not speak of what was to come, but the gleam in their eyes should have alerted the teachers that the troublesome trio was up to no good, once again.

They took their seats, out there on the hot black top, as the production began. Dirk kept his hands together, sliding them slightly to keep the shoe black moist. As the kindergarten class began their dancing, Dirk groaned. It'd be forever until it was their turn!

In a moment of thoughtlessness, Dirk reached up and scratched at his nose. A bead of sweat had trickled from his forehead and caused an itch. The scratch left a long black mark on the end of his nose. A mark he did not even realize was there.

Finally, it was there turn to perform. Being the eldest in the school, they had to wait in that blistering sun for an hour and a half before they finally got to rise and take their places. Dirk smiled, but couldn't figure out just why the parents were snickering as he walked past them. His mother had a horrified look on her face and began rubbing her own nose, trying to tell Dirk to wipe the dirt off of his own.

Dirk frowned and brought his hand up to his face and wiped at his nose, leaving an even bigger smudge. Russ, who was right in front of him, turned and gave Dirk a confused look, then laughed out loud. "Stop rubbing your face!" But the warning was too late, Dirk had his entire nose and part of his cheek covered in shoe black.

As they took their places, Dirk began to squirm. The sound of whispering, then laughter as one child after another looked to see what was so funny. Soon the entire class was staring and laughing at him. Dirk frowned darkly and counted the seconds until the music began to blare. Never was he so glad to hear the first strains of The Chicken Dance blare from the loudspeaker.

The fifth grade class settled into their dance, and as they linked arms, Dirk took the opportunity to reach down and grab a handful of Sarah's bright pink dress. "Laugh at me!" He huffed and each girl that he passed got a hand print on their bright pink dress.

The song came to a conclusion and the children went to take their seats. While the parents were laughing hysterically in the stands, the teachers had anger in their eyes as they stared at the three boys that had caused the ruckus. And there was no denying just who had done it.

Once the parents had left and the children were back in class, Dirk was whisked away, by himself, to the principal's office. Still, with shoe back on his face, he got laughed at and pointed at as he made his way down the halls. He felt his face grow hot as his temper rose.

Once in the principal's office, Dirk glowered as he sat himself. He wanted out of the suit so badly it was killing him. And his face itched something terrible. Worst of all, he had been laughed at, pointed at. He was in a terrible mood. What they had thought would have been hilarious had turned horribly wrong.

The principal, Mr. Berk, handed Dirk a mirror first, then a box of wipes to clean off his face. "Dirk, you're graduating in three days. Even so, I'm not going to punish you for what you did to the girl's dresses. I think you've done enough damage to yourself, son." And with that, he dismissed Dirk from the room.

As Dirk looked at himself in the mirror, he stared, wide eyed with horror. He began to swipe at his face as huge tears of embarrassment fell down his face. Frustrated with everything, he threw the mirror and the wipes across the room. The mirror shattered against the wall, but Dirk didn't care. He was up and out of that chair and running.

He passed by more kids, laughing and pointing. He covered his face with his hands as he ran. Out of the school, his hands leaving black marks on the door as it was pushed open. Running, running, past his house to the creek that ran along the property line between the farmlands that he had been born and raised on, and the adjacent farmlands of the McCrackens. The suit was clawed at and left in tatters as he stripped down.

Diving into the creek, he washed himself clean of the boot black. The frustration and embarrassment of the day took it's toll and Dirk ended up sitting there, waist deep in cool water, crying.

Nothing was said to him, as he walked into the farm house, naked as the day he was born. Abigail was asleep in her room, and he was glad of that. Dirk marched into his bedroom and slammed the door behind himself. Throwing himself onto his bed, he clutched his pillow tight and sobbed into it. His shoulders were still moving and tears still streaming down his face as he drifted off to sleep.

Dirk Stevens

Date: 2010-02-05 05:45 EST
"I got it, I got it!"

Looking up at the ball; brilliantly white against the azure sky, Dirk put his hands just so, he set it up in a high arch towards the net.

"Mmmph.. aahh!"

Russ, Dirk's best friend since grammar school, Leaped up and brought his hand down hard on the volleyball, spiking it straight into the net.

"That's okay!"

Dirk called out as he chased after the volleyball. Truth be known, he was getting tired and frustrated.

"Hey maybe I should be center. I am taller."

Dirk picked up the ball and turned to look at his friend. The ball was held between his arm and his hip. He was twelve now, and in middle school. While not involved in any organized sport, he did take physical education class. And in that class, they were learning to play volleyball. Dirk took to it like a duck in water. Russ, on the other hand, looked more like a fish out of water.

"Okay, Dirk. But I've got algebra homework and my mom will skin me if I get another F."

Both boys nodded and they changed places on the court. Dirk stood next to the net and Russ stood near the back corner. With a soft grunt, Dirk tossed the ball in a high arc towards Russ. Russ, in turn, set the ball in a high arc back to Dirk. Dirk took a running jump and slammed the ball just over the net.



Two days later, they were in phys ed. It couldn't have been better if they'd planned it themselves. Dirk had rotated to center and Russ rotated in as server. The volleyball went across the net several times, the pre-teens laughing and shouting in surprise each time the ball flew over the net. This time, the ball sailed high and it was Russ calling out.

"I got it! I got it!"

Russ set the ball perfectly in a move that their teacher smiled proudly for. Then Dirk took his two steps and the ball was spiked over the net. His thin body glistening in the warm Kentucky sun. The other team scrambled, but the ball fell. Point scored.

The team celebrated, all but Russ. Giving Dirk a scowl, Russ ran under the net and over to Bobbi Jo. Dirk simply watched with a scratch to his head and confusion written all over his face.

"What'd I do?" Dirk demanded once the boys were in the locker room. "it was just like we'd practiced!"

"Did you have to slam the ball so hard? You almost hit Bobbi Jo!" Russ shot back, grabbing a towel and moving towards the showers.

"So?" Dirk shrugged and grabbed his own towel. "It's not like it would hurt her none. Ugly as she is."

Dirk had more than one run in with Bobbi Jo. The little red headed girl with cat like green eyes freaked him out. And, truth be known, he freaked her out a bit, too. At the age when boys and girls started to notice each other; Dirk felt alone and lost. He didn't find any of the girls attractive. Not even Bobbi Jo, the most sought out girl in their class.

He didn't want to be made fun of, so he obligingly held hands and carried books for a couple of girls. But when those girls, namely Nancy, tried to kiss him, he bolted. There was always the excuse of homework or chores. But when Bobbi Jo set her sights on Dirk, it made him squirm. He didn't even pretend to like her. She was loud, overbearing and a brat. He didn't care that the other boys his age were tripping over themselves to carry her books or to hold her hand. Dirk steered clear of Bobbi Jo.

Bobbi Jo knew what power she held over the other boys and gloated on it to her friends. She had seen Dirk holding Nancy's hand and carrying her books. Bobbi Jo immediately befriended the shy and bespectacled Nancy in hopes that the taciturn Dirk would show her the same attention. The other boys had, so why not Dirk, too?

Dirk saw the one-sided friendship bloom between Bobbi Jo and Nancy. In a way, he felt sorry for Nancy. Once Bobbi Jo got what she wanted, she quickly forgot the friends that helped her to obtain her goals. But, Dirk was clueless as to what he could do, if anything. So he remained silent and shied away from them both.

Russ' attention turned to Bobbi Jo. Before Dirk knew it, even his best friend was somebody he waved to in the halls. With his own feelings of awkwardness towards the girls; the confusion he felt over how the other boys were acting, Dirk found himself sitting by himself during lunch more often than not.

The locker room was hot and sticky with the combined humidity from the showers and the Kentucky summer that was about to begin. Russ gave Dirk a long look after the remark Dirk made about Bobbi Jo. Without a word, Russ simply shook his head and got dressed. As he moved past Dirk to leave the locker room, he nudged Dirk heavily with his shoulder. "Queer."

Dirk Stevens

Date: 2010-02-28 13:29 EST
"Come on man, it won't kill you. What are you, a pussy?"

Dirk sat in the tree house, knees to his chest. It was the only way that he and his friends, Russ and Greg, could fit into the perch amongst the leaves. He'd hit a growth spurt and in that summer, he'd gone from five foot even to five foot six. And he was only fourteen.

The small room was filled with acrid, sweet smelling smoke. Dirk waved it from his face and turned his head. Lifting the dark blue fabric, he stuck his head out of the window to get a deep breath of fresh air.

"Naa, we shouldn't be doing this."

Dirk let the flap of material fall back, obliterating all light from the window. He turned his blond head and considered his friends. He knew what they were doing was not only wrong, but illegal. What was it that their health teacher had said? He couldn't remember the statistic regarding teenagers and the use of marijuana as a starter drug to more heavy things. Truth be known, it was hard to think about such things when his lungs were filling with the second hand smoke that filled the room.

His eyes watered and were bloodshot. Russ and Greg were in the same state, only they were laughing. Dirk couldn't figure out what was so funny, and he watched them curiously. Marijuana couldn't be that bad, if they were so happy, right?

Wiping his eyes with one hand, he stretched out his long arm and took the offered cigarette from Greg. He'd been watching Greg closely and put the joint to his mouth. His lips puckered and he sucked on the end.

His eyes went wide as the smoke invaded into his nose, his throat and his lungs. It felt like the smoke was expanding and going to make him explode. Fingers pinched the joint tightly as his body was wracked with convulsive coughing.

Russ and Greg burst out into fits of riotous laughter. They pointed and shook their heads, held their bellies and stomped their feet. Once Dirk gained composure over his breathing again, he frowned darkly. He hated to be made fun of.

With the "I'll show them!" attitude, Dirk brought the joint back up to his mouth. He inhaled deeply, then held the joint out to Russ. He held his breath to keep from coughing. It was a war with his diaphragm and invaded lungs to keep from expelling the ever expanding smoke in a huge, hacking cough.

And then the sensation hit him. Leaning back, he rocked a bit when his back came into contact with the firm wood of the wall of the tree house.

"Holy shit."

His eyes glazed over and he grinned stupidly at his friends. Russ and Greg laughed again, but this time with nods to their heads.

"Yeah, that's it! See, it's good shit, isn't it?"

Greg was talking, but the words weren't synched to his mouth's movements. Dirk laughed at the way it sounded in his ears. As if in slow motion and underwater. Dirk's head went back against the wall.

"Yeah, good shit."

The three shared the joint, laughing raucously at each other the entire time. At one point, Dirk thought he saw an orange unicorn perched upon Greg's head, a purple one on Russ' shoulder. He stared at them, and the unicorns stared back with black, beady eyes.


When Dirk blinked, the unicorns were gone.

"The heck you staring at?"

Both Russ and Greg waved their hands in front of Dirk's eyes, Russ snapped his fingers.

"Unicorns. You had unicorns."

Russ and Greg stared at Dirk for a moment, then at each other. Then the laughter began, all over again.

"Unicorns! Unicorns!"

An hour later, Dirk's mother stepped out of the house and called him in for dinner. Laughing, and stumbling over one another; Dirk, Russ and Greg left the tree house. His friends giggled as they passed the corner of the house and disappeared into the woods; on their way home to their own dinners.

Dirk Stevens

Date: 2010-12-08 14:54 EST
"Hey, Dirk!" It was Greg, Dirk's best friend, calling for him and waving his arm. The lunch bell had just rang and the hallway was crowded with teenagers zooming this way and that with their backpacks slung low on their shoulders.

"Dirk!" Greg yelled, jockeying his way through the crowd to get to the now very tall and lanky Dirk. Lockers clanged open and banged shut and their was a dull roar in the hall from the students merging into their little cliques of friends. Laughter, loud and innocent, rang through the halls.

"Didn't you hear me?" Greg put his hand on Dirk's shoulder, tapping him twice, before swatting him upside the head.

Dirk had just opened his locker and dumped his backpack inside. The reason why he hadn't heard Greg, other than the obvious reason, was that he had been deep in thought, mulling something over in his head.

"Hey!" he laughed and ducked a second too late and was smacked in the head. "Sorry about that, kind of loud in here. What's up?" Dirk grabbed his brown paper sack lunch from the locker. Grabbing Greg's backpack, he tossed it into the locker with his own and slammed it shut.

"Yeah, you're just going deaf," Greg smirked as the boys began their trek towards the doors and their usual place to eat during lunch. There was much playful elbowing and tripping each other up before they reached the tall oak, scarlett in the late October weather.

Dirk sat and opened the bag, offering Greg a sandwich. "You know Jamie Kirkpatrick?" Dirk fished his own sandwich out of the bag and sat back.

Greg took his sandwich and nodded. The plastic overwrap was undone and he took a bite. "Yeah, little miss I'm a red head and too good to go out with you," Greg answered dryly. "What about her?"

Dirk pulled a folded up piece of notebook paper from his pocket and handed it over. The letter read:


I told Randy Jenkins that I couldn't go to the Jr. Prom with him because I was going with you. What time are you picking me up?



Greg's eyes rounded and with brows high, he looked up at Dirk. "How'd you get her to go out with you? I know Randy's been trying for years!"

Dirk took the letter back, glanced at it, then crumbled it up and tossed it into the paper bag. "I didn't. I had no idea that I was taking her." He shrugged and took another bite of his sandwich. Hazel eyes searched the horizon and he sighed. "I don't want to go out with her."

Greg sat back and listened and watched Dirk carefully. "You what? Almost every guy is school wants to date Jamie!"

"Yeah, well I don't."

Greg didn't know what to think, but with Dirk's tone of voice, it was better not to argue. He hadn't been in a fist fight with Dirk before, but he'd seen it happen and there was a reason most of the guys in school left Dirk alone.

"Why not?" Greg's voice was soft and he leaned forward, just a bit.

Dirk snorted a laugh and he brought his attention back to his friend. "I just don't want to. I mean, she's nice and all. But I..." he shook his head. He had never told anybody about the way he felt inside. Not to his mother, and definitely not to his friends.

Girls had always intrigued Dirk, but not in the way most hormonal teenager males are intrigued. He wanted to be their friends, hang out, talk about the things girls do. But the thought of even kissing one never had entered his mind.

The thought of kissing Greg had, on several occasions. And as Greg leaned closer to try to hear what Dirk had to say, Dirk took the chance he knew he'd never get again.

Reaching out, he pulled Greg closer and pressed his lips against Greg's. It was quick and over with before either boy really knew what had just happened. They stared at each other with wide open eyes and hearts beating rapidly.

Dirk expected to be hit, at least. Beat up at the most. But what Greg did next completely shocked Dirk to his core. Greg reached up and pulled Dirk closer. This time the kiss was softer, more gentle and loving. Dirk sighed and his eyes closed. His entire body tingled and he felt a warmth rush over him, despite the autumn chill.

The kiss lasted a minute, maybe two. But when they pulled apart, both boys were smiling. Greg reached up and cupped Dirk's cheek. "I was wondering what was taking you so long."

Dirk leaned into his friend's hand and smiled. "You had spinach in your teeth."