Topic: A Storm of Ghosts

Tinker Dreams

Date: 2013-03-17 13:59 EST
Time drifted by in elusive measures during pieces of the storm. The gray skies darkened and brightened in patches, relentless in its snowfall and sharp winds. Far too dangerous to venture outside, the couple spent time occupying themselves in both productive and pleasurable ways. Every so often tempers flared, more so out of the tension of waiting out the storm, but more often then not they shared a laugh, a meal, a kiss and a bed. Part of the day (or evening) had been spent over pieces of parchment, rendering drawings of possible expansions to the cottage once the snow melted and temperatures rose. And, as she promised herself, she prepared a splendid meal of vegetable stew, fresh bread, and a platter of fruits. Unable to bear the thought of his ruining the day witn an endless bout of snoring, Tink put some talents to work and kept him awake by the most pleasing means. It exhausted the two of them, so much so that she fell asleep tangled in his arms, her cheek resting on his chest. Nestled under the crook of his arm, she felt the protective hold of his hand on her waist, and her palm rested on the top of his stomach. A tap on her shoulder roused her from the deep sleep, prying her from a dream which she'd never remember. Her eyes fluttered open, half-expecting to find Rikhard's grin and a mischievous stare. The only light was from the hearth, gold and flickering, it chased shadows against the walls and behind pieces of furniture. Just as she was about to return to the pillow of his chest, she heard Chester's low growl.

As the storm presented its trials, it also produced pleasure. As Rikhard took their disagreements in stride, he would be met with a hot meal soon enough...he wasn't complaining about his snoring treatments either. Tempers can flare in even the closest of relationships, and the fact the pair wasn't at each others throats (at least not dangerously so) was a good sign. It was an odd ordeal to say the least; Rikhard was not usually so cooped up. When not doing other things, a popular pastime of his during this enclosure seemed to be pacing...lots and lots of pacing. He had never thought about how wildly his mind can wander when he was left without activity until now. Thoughts of future endeavors flowed in and out of his consciousness, and he would sometimes simply watch as Tink sketched her plans for the cottage. Tink was certainly a large help during the storm; if not for her company, Rikhard would surely be driven mad by his wandering thoughts. After being sufficiently occupied, he was now thoroughly exhausted; with the inventor in his arms, he was content. In his light slumber, he was awoken by the sound of Chester as he growled. Rikhard brought his gaze over to the sound, instinctively pulling Tink closer as he did. "Chester. What are you growling at?" he was certain nothing could sneak in, not with the weather outside, and his tone hinted a slight bit of annoyance; surely it was a false alarm and the dog woke him for nothing.

"It has to be the wind," Tink reasoned, nestling back into the comfortable spot next to Rikhard. Her hand lowered away from his stomach and found the rumpled blanket that had been ignored for a good while. After all, they had worked up a heated frenzy and Tink's skin still glowed with a faint sheen of sweat. But that could potentially lead to a chill, something Tink felt creeping up along her calf. She brought the blanket far enough to cover her shoulder and Rikhard's chest. Aside from the occasional crackle of the hearth, all was silent inside the cottage. And that was when she noticed something else -- it was quiet outside as well. The wind lessened and there was no longer a constant rattle of the shutters into the panes of glass. Chester lurched up from his bedding by the hearth, his front legs stretched low as he peered at the middle of the cottage. A bristling of fur by his neck traveled midway down his back, and his teeth flashed in another warning growl. "Chester, shhh...." Just when she stopped Rikhard from snoring, the dog was now keeping her awake!

For a small moment, Rikhard inched closer toward Tink as they were covered by the blanket, hoping he could get comfortable again; that dream was quickly shattered by Chester's second growl. As quickly as he was covered, Rikhard made his way off the bed, sitting at its edge. "I'll see what he's going on about," he grumbled. Pants that were strewn about the floor were gathered and quickly slipped on, and he unsheathed the dagger Tink had gifted him for good measure; if there truly was something dangerous inside, he wished to be somewhat prepared. "If there's nothing over there, I'm using this on you!" As much of an exaggeration as that was, it was clear Rikhard was not at all pleased at being awoken by the dog; perhaps it was his turn to be a bit grumpy. Ambling over to Chester, a slightly weary Rikhard had a better view of the cottage; there was nothing notable in sight. He stared in bewilderment at the dog as he bore his teeth. What was he so fiercely trying to deter? Surveying the area again, he found nothing, only the eerie silence outside.

As soon as Rikhard untangled himself from the comfort of Tink's embrace, she groaned in disappointment. She could feel the chill climb up the bed and search for the newly abandoned space beside her under the blanket. Reaching up, she snagged one of the pillows still warm from Rikhard's body and cuddled against it. "There's nothing there," she muttered into the pillowcase. "He's probably going stir crazy in here." Like the two of them. Chester relaxed when Rikhard approached, his fur flattening into the sleek and elegant coat that his breed was known. The tall dog circled his master, stopping on his left side to continue staring at ... nothing. Tink's eyes closed momentarily, but a slow stroke against her forehead had her swatting at the air. Pieces of her hair fell in unruly curls by her forehead, tickling her skin as it fluttered in a spiderlike grace to the bridge of her nose. Assuming it was Rikhard, she did not yet open her eyes. Chester's gaze, at that same time, started to growl in the direction of the bed.

With an exasperated sigh, Rikhard brought a hand down to scratch Chester behind the ear; false alarms were better than none at all. Tink's words only seemed to confirm his belief that the dog was simply going stir crazy, and he began to make his way back toward the bed. He caught a glimpse of Tink swatting at the air, something which he found a bit odd, but dismissed fairly quickly. However, as Rikhard crossed the foot of the bed, he paused in his tracks; the air around him seemed cold, unnaturally so. Normally he would attribute it to the weather, but the chill creeping down his spine seemed much different. Chester's growl in that direction did nothing to relieve Rikhard's apprehension, and his brows furrowed in concern. "Tink, I...," he spoke in a hushed voice; he was not sure how to describe the uneasy feelings he experienced at that moment. The pause in his words was brought about as he seemed to witness strands of the inventor's hair sweeping across her brow, moved aside by an unseen hand. Hesitantly Rikhard remained at the foot of the bed, only having the presence of mind to clutch his dagger harder in the deafening silence; for that moment time seemed to pause.

( Scene played by Tink and Rikhard. )

Tinker Dreams

Date: 2013-03-17 14:00 EST
Rikhard's voice gave her the chills. True, he had done so a hundred times over in a variety of ways, all of them incredibly good, that time the tone of his words turned her blood cold. It wasn't anything he said, since he said next to nothing, but the distance of his voice did not match the subtle touch to her brow. A cold chill, almost like a dampness from being out in icy rain, swam across her flesh from the tip of her ear down her neck and across her arm. The orange-gold light from the hearth flickered when a couple of embers fired up and crackled in a spark, causing shadows to dance and weave across the wall. It was there a very faint outline took shape, there and gone in a blink of an eye. Tink did not see it, her gaze was still blurred by the lack of glasses and a layered fatigue from sleepless nights and satisfying exertion. Gripping the blanket across her shoulders, she sat up and covered herself, unable to shake the feeling of being watched. Chester whimpered and hurried back to his bedding, circling it a few times before sitting. His dark eyes stared at the wall, marking the spot with another low, menacing growl.

The sudden crackle of the fire had Rikhard turning its direction in an instant; it seemed every slight sound and movement had him on edge. A silhouette danced with the flames, gone as quick as it came. It seemed like the faint shadow of a man lurking about the cottage, but how could someone have snuck in without anyone noticing? Again Chester growled, and Rikhard's glance bolted in that direction, hoping to finally catch a glimpse of the trespasser, but again nothing was seen. From behind, he felt the sensation of cold hands on his throat; catching sight of Tink in the periphery of his vision, the realization that it wasn't her sprung him into action, and he quickly swung his dagger around, swiping at his attacker as the grip tightened around him. As he turned, the same frustrating sight befell him...nothing. These constant disturbances had him at wit's end, and he desperately shouted toward the center of the cottage, "Show yourself, fiend!" Rikhard unwittingly spoke the same words that greeted the last "guest" to the farm those many weeks ago.

"Rikhard..." Tink's tone dropped a considerable notch, loitering close to a whisper but tainted with an edge of concern. Ever so slowly, she pulled herself from the bed, blanket wrapped tight around her shoulders and arms since her clothing, all pieces of it, were thrown to a chair by the bed. Chester bolted to Tink's side, standing in guard to the invisible threat inside the cottage. Something cold brushed by her leg, and it forced her to turn in a half-circle. The hem of the blanket fluttered up by her knees, revealing the subtle curve of muscle of her toned thighs. But it could not have been the force of her movement to make the heavy weight of the coverlet rise in such a manner. "What is that?" she cried out, dragging one hand free to force the blanket down and, at the same time, tighten the warm embrace of the makeshift garment to her body. With her right arm bared from shoulder all the way down to her hand, the chill inside the cottage became unbearable. Chester growled again, pacing between both masters. The sound of his warning almost -almost- drowned out a hint of a laugh. A dark, sinister laugh.

Rikhard's sharp gaze scanned the cottage further; he was ready to spring toward the slightest movement in hopes of finding its source. From the corner of his eye, he witnessed Tink rise from the bed, and he took a few steps in her direction before noticing the hem rise in her makeshift covering. The rise was followed by that sinister laugh, a laugh that seemed oddly familiar as it sent further chills down Rikhard's spine; his heart raced and he brought a hand to rest on Tink's shoulder as he attempted to pull her close. The laugh rushed forth memories of the assassin that attacked the pair at the farm. Rikhard heard that same voice again as he stood near Tink in nervous anticipation, "There'll be others....They'll wait for her to beg to die." It was difficult for him to tell if the words were only in his mind or they slithered from the cottage; they seemed distant but near at the same time. "Stop!" Rikhard shouted, his tone not desperate, but furious toward the source of this disturbance. If this was a nightmare, he was ready to wake up.

Tink cursed not having a spare set of spectacles, having lost her good pair when she nearly tumbled into an old well. There were pieces of glasses in the top drawer of a stand by the wardrobe, but it'd take her days to assemble anything that might be worthwhile. So, at the mercy of her near-sightedness, she had to trust her other senses and, of course, Rikhard. She heard the words --familiar in tone and structure-- and searched the shadows for any hint of the assassin's existence. Impossible! He was killed -- killed and burned and left to rot in a field a good distance from the cottage. She clutched at Rikhard's arm, careful not to surprise him while he wielded the dagger in the other hand. "W-who are t-they?" she felt like a fool staring at the shadows massing against the wall, some of them bobbing in time with the constant dance of the flames, but a silhouette of a figure stood among the assembly, as stationary as a statue and just as cold. She struggled to keep the blanket positioned around her, feeling all the more exposed and vulnerable with the ... entity inside their home.

"Nobody is coming for you. This is a trick....Somebody is playing with our minds," Rikhard spoke almost in a whisper; he spoke those words to reassure himself just as much as her. He absolutely hated feeling so helpless to stop whatever this was; he wished something tangible would show itself so that he might at least attempt to drive it away. Rikhard's eyes fell upon a silhouette, and a fierce chill once again bit at his skin. "Oh yes, they'll have fun with her," the apparition jeered, "and you'll beg for death just as badly!" The foreboding words felt like they came from all around, and Rikhard pulled Tink that much close at the sound of them. "Let them come, then," Rikhard sneered, "Your words mean nothing to me! We have seen nothing of your 'friends'; perhaps they're too afraid to show themselves!" It seemed the air of defiance Rikhard offered only amused the intruder, as only another sinister laugh was given in reply.

( Scene played by Tink & Rikhard )