Topic: Con for Confessional - M18

Roach Lee

Date: 2016-09-10 04:29 EST
Why she had walked inside the church nine am on a Saturday was beyond her; chalk it up to one of life's mysteries. Roach hadn't ruminated on religion even in the Crez where which side you were on made for, most times, whether or not you got backing. She'd denied Christ a long time ago to take his name in vain and pervert it beyond meaning, the way she used the terms "frakk" or "angelcake" - it was only a word to her and like so much of her life had ended up being, raped of all meaning.

Maybe Sergei had a point, maybe she didn't feel things enough, but not feeling had kept her alive where life had come to strange ends and stranger beginnings yet. But something struck her that morning when she climbed out of bed. Maybe it was the sound of two breaking fingers still etched finely into her mind from the night prior that did it. Something that to her really was so minor.

The act itself hadn't bothered her, seeing Slug taking the bat to the man's hand at Kate's order. But something about being with a pack again, when since skipping on Jimmie she'd been a lone wolf, something about it all bothered her. Like she was just hopping on another roller coaster. Sure, no demons here wanting her soul, but she was still selling it off in increments, the more she ran with this life. Trading one mask for another.

Roach set foot inside and walked the long, red aisle between the pews that had seen thousands of marriages and funerals. When she reached the door of the 'secret shed' she took a moment to collect herself and look off back down the way she had walked. She saw bouquets and she saw coffins. She saw smiles and she saw tears. Two knocks on the door and she lifted her face.

"Please, come in" came a male's voice. Father Jesou she could only presume; so said the name plate to the panel on the side of the compartment.

With an acute feeling of nervousness, she opened the booth with a creak of ancient hinges that echoed through the entire space and closed it after herself.

Leave your guilt at the door.

Roach Lee

Date: 2016-09-10 07:43 EST
Black, leather docs carried herself the small, dark space of dated wood and fragranced with frankincense and the cloud of chlorine that clung to her skin from very early that morning.

She sat forward; torn, black skinny jeans on legs wide open, elbows on her knees as she got comfortable. She could only just make out the silhouette of the priest through the many, many small hexagram shaped holes that honeycombed the partition between herself and Father Jesou.

"How many days since your last confession?"

"I..." she sighed and brought her hands to her face, trying to rub the exhaustion from her eyes. "I couldn't say."

"Are you here to confess a venial or mortal sin?"

"Wait, Father."

"...Yes?" His voice strung with the kind of practiced warmth and compassion that made her edgy.

"What if .... what if someone don't got a soul that can be saved? What about a sin then?"

There was resounding, tightly-woven silence for a long time.

"I'm afraid, I can't answer that. I don't think you will find what you are looking for here, child."

Roach frowned and looked down into her open palms.

"What about grace?"

"If you have committed mortal sin, it destroys the ... essence of grace in your soul. It is an offence against Christ. Have you committed a mortal sin?"


"Do you have a soul. If s--?"



"Child, you are making me feel very, very uncomfortable."

"What if someone... someone repents?"

"There are three conditions, for a sin to quality as mortal. Are you willing to recognise the severity of one?"

"What are the conditions?"

He paused, cleared his throat a few times and went on.

"The act you committed must be something serious. You must have been cognisant of the act and what was done and why. You must have had freedom of will, in order to conduct this act you were complicit in and of."

"And... and what if I did some of these things, out of my choice, because I had no others? Because, if I didn't, I might have ended up.. wells, dead?" Her voice a tremor at the end.

There was another span of silence that felt like she was being strangled. She closed her eyes against the heat in her eyes.

"We cannot continue without you addressing this; your answer forfeits further discussion if it is that you do not. I will ask you again. Do you still have a soul? This is Rhydin. This is a valid and very serious question, child. You must be certain of this, as fact, before you can begin to restore the grace you seek."

"I have one. But, it's no--"

"You have a soul. But it is not, what, exactly, child?"

"It's not... " she tapped at her knee caps. "It's not mine anymore."

A wooden divider was abruptly driven back across the honeycomb, blocking her view of the hunched silhouette entirely.

"Hello?" She reached out and beat her knuckles against the divider. "Hey? You, uh, you still there, yo?"


Roach Lee

Date: 2016-09-13 04:42 EST
"Lee? Elizabeth Lee?"


"The doctor will see you now, come this way."

Roach rose and followed after five feet of high-strung redhead toward an open door which led into an open, breezy office. By the open window in a sheet of sunlight, stood a man who she put at roughly mid thirties, or younger. He was a tall, slender, dark blonde and dressed like he had just wandered out of an indie gig. Immediately, she doubted the whole thing - what with him appearing way too young to possibly make himself believable to her on top of her almighty hesitance at even setting foot in the building. A last look was tossed back to the receptionist who had led her in as she shut the door and sealed her fate, at least for the next hour. Christ. Roach then raised a brow at this Maynard Finch and shook her head.

"You're the Doc?" A pistol finger his way as she looked around the trendy, deliberately "minimalist" space and the artworks. A small stereo system sat to the left and around it were a few potted succulents and a few books on Dylan, Bowie and Reed, from what she could glean in a quick, searching glance. Ashen brows quirked further as she set further inside and dropped into one of the seats that he directed a hand at. "You're shizzing me? You? You are the guy I'm tipping my heart out to?"

The guy nodded with a smile and lifted his shoulders. "That's me."

He was so casual; in every single way. Jeans? What doctor wore freaking jeans? Converse? At least he had the sense to wear a crisp button up, but over the top of that was one of those wanky, hipster vests. And he even had the tortoise shells.

"Uh, ok." Her eyes panned to the side. "So's.... how we do this?"

He dropped his arms and walked around to his desk to take up a manilla folder, a pen and then indicated the Kurig with his head. "Want?"

"Nope. I'm good." She was too busy eyeing up the file, her attention hooked onto it like he was carrying a venomous snake over towards her and expected that she hold it in her lap. Instead, he dropped down into a chair like she had, relaxed, no farce, no fuss, and flicked through the few pages in the file before lowering the glasses down his face and fixing his eyes on hers. Closer up, his eyes were erudite, serious, as though behind the exterior was a mind fishing further ahead than his easy going facade portrayed. Still, he bothered her. But then, the whole scenario did.

"Can I call you Elizabeth?"

"I guess." She slumped down in the chair. "I usually go by --"

"Roach, I know. We can do that too. You left it on the voice mail."


"Roach. I'm going to cut to it; I take a different approach to the whole, therapy thing? It can be imposing and challenging, confronting and revealing and I get that. I get that, for you, the client, opening up isn't going to come all in one go necessarily. Point here, is I like to keep things on low volume; no airs, no acts, no talking about anything you don't want to, on the agreement, that if we're going to make any kind of progress, you're honest with me about everything that you do. And when you feel comfortable, when I've ascertained that we are ready, we can move on. That sound okay?"

She inhaled and let out a breath with a little shake of the head, pushing a few white dreads from her cheek and behind an ear, where they had come loose from the chaotic bun she had forced the ropes into. "Yeah. It'd be nice if .. uh, could proceed real slow. I got a few things on my mind, in my way and I don't do this..whole...", she flapped her hands weakly, "talky-talky too well."

"That's okay. Takes time." He nudged the folder at her knee lightly and smiled affably. "Low volume."

"Low volume. Right on." Mock cheer, wrists in the air as she waved her hands and then laughed. "Okay, so, what now? I gets to the nitty gritty or what?"

"How about you tell me a little about what is going on. When you came in the other day and met with Rosie out there and filled out that form, you made mention of a few things. But, let's..." he slid the pen between his teeth and ran a finger down the page. "Let's start with the top of the list."

"I got a problem with boundaries."

"Sexual ones, yes?" He again referred to the lined page, his eyes dropping down to the notes before returning to her serious, pale face. For a moment she looked like she wanted to bolt; her chin tipped towards her chest, eyes squeezed shut. Then she made a steeple of her fingers and opened her eyes. "Yeahs. Sexual boundaries."

He nodded and bumped his glasses back up his face as she sat forward and removed the pen, tapping it against his knee. "Look, Roach, before I get you to describe this further, I need to, broach something. Straight off. And, especially, where sex is concerned, boundaries can get murky. But. Every single person has different levels of comfort, of discomfort. Every single person has different markers for things; say, I only want to date Margaret, but she wants to date Hank and Mark, that doesn't make either of these things wrong. It just makes it different. My discomfort, her comfort."

"Doc, I'm a Margaret. I'm Margaret, except, I always got a Hank and Mark going on's. Sometimes, I evens got a Shirlee." She sat forward too, hanging her hands off of her knees.

"'Cept, I got feelings for a Hank that I haven't had before. Likes, real..." she always struggled to describe it. "My life, for the last four months, been extra cray. Like, we talking volume turned so loud ears are bleeding. I don't now that the way I am, the way I gots my boundaries, is to do with.. situation so much as me, or if it's a combination. But, looks, I'm here because I really love someone. For the first time in my life. And I'm doing things that are going to complicate that. Harm it. And I don't got a ... a moral, thingy; whattsamacallit?"


"Yeah. That. Mine sorta got smashed." An uneasy smile. "I... I want to make some changes. But, I also don't knows that I can. I..."

"You feel like you are what you are and it cannot change?"

"Yeah. Maybe. And, and my past? Shiz for a long time, not good. And again, I dunno if it's situational, or .."

"Just you."


He nodded. Consideration bringing a light frown to his features as he jotted down a few things. When he was done he sat forward a little more to engage her.

"I believe in change, Roach. That it is possible for each of us to achieve the things we want in order to lead happy, satisfying lives, that don't destroy us, that hurt the people we love. What you are saying to me is exactly that; that you aren't doing that."

"It's... I hurt people. I'm selfish, I'm thoughtless and .. half the time, it's inadvertent. You know? I've lived a certain way for so long and... then this year. I... I realised that the way I live is, is so different. And, most of all, I have the capacity to cause real pain in other people."

Finch nodded. "That same capacity, can be used for change. For enlightenment. I have a book, I think you should read it. It's something I will loan you and you can take home and flick over and see if anything hits. What it goes into it, is a ... particular avenue of thought. Touching on Carl Jung, Socrates, it discusses this idea that everyone has their naivety, their innocence, their good, and also, every person has their darkness, their impulses. And, ultimately, Roach, it explores the idea that these things can be assimilated."

"What's this book then?" A thrust of her chin as she watched him stand and walk over to a narrow, black bookshelf and trail a fingertip across a series of books until he found the one he wanted. He withdrew it at its spine and carried it over to hand it over. The title read:

Demeter and Persephone: Lessons from a Myth.

"You frakking kidding me?"

She didn't reach for it in turn but lifted an arched brow at Finch.

"What is it?"

"That's the book, you want to has me read?"

He nodded. "It's... the Persephone Principle. It clarifies some complex desires and impulses and behaviour through an exposed use of archetype, mythology, to make it easier to understand and adapt."

Roach pointed at the title and then turned her face and put it into her hand.

"Goddamn RhyDin."

Roach Lee

Date: 2016-09-13 08:25 EST
"What's the deal with the assimilating?"

"It's a notion, to some, a controversial one, but one I think is very powerful. It's about acknowledging the strength in your flaws instead of critically assessing them as.. well, as mal-adapative. Everyone has their adaptive glue, their coping skills, and they aren't always healthy. They can be damaging and it depends entirely on what the personal, pain strategy is. But. What I am presenting to you is a way of empowering yourself with the parts of you that might disenfranchising you, instead."

"Jesus christ. You recording this all or sommin? Bit to take in."

Finch cast a wide, understanding smile and glanced over to the stereo system. "If you like, we can do that. I don't often recommend it being that the city has its magic and recordings can be compromising if they were to fall into the wrong hands. But if you wish..."

"Naahh, looks. Go on. So, this whole ideas thing. What were you saying, after the whole glue part?"

"If you're sure. What I am getting back to, about boundaries and behaviour, is that our ideas inform our beliefs and when we change our beliefs about things we can change the way we think about situations, people and more significantly, in this case, ourselves. We can then change our behaviours according. But in all transformation is decay. The chrysalis."

He placed the book down on the table and she sat forward a little more herself to begin flicking through it. Oh my god, this is actually... Persephone Principle? Maybe you should look around, maybe there's a hidden camera.

"Like, okay. You're saying that my behaviours may not be actually bad but that if I try and thought abouts some shiz differently, I wouldn't act the way I am? That kinda on the money, or am I off the betting table?"

"You're on the right track."

"I feel like my synapses just exploded but okay."

Finch laughed again and sat back looking at her for a length of time.

"Can I ask what or whom directed you here? Did your partner advise you to visit, or was it something else?"

"I am seeking answers. Like I says before, I got a ... a situation going on and I am trying to find a way to deal with that and also's, as a part of that...."

He tilted his head and nodded that she go on.

"Ah man, this is hard." She exhaled and rubbed at her temples. "As a part of coming to terms with a larger problem, I wondered if maybe, other stuff, smaller stuff, might be connected. I feels like, maybe, there's a few things at play and also ... I hurt people. And, I feels bad. I love someone and I want to be able to be there for him, too." Roach stiffened and swallowed and closed the book with a sweep of black nails across the cover. "I got this want to take care of him and be stronger. And not be a sucker who can't do nothing for no one, you know, emo-wise. I am getting better at saying no. I quit coke years ago so.." her voice vibrating with tension, "so I know's that it is possible. To... to stop. But this behaviour, these boundaries, it.. it goes back before even the drugs. And it's ambiguous, like the bigger pic, why it's... it's the way it is.."

"Roach, it is hard. I mentioned before the chrysalis, decay, death. When we move forward there is often pain involved. I can't promise you that is will be easy, that you won't feel it is hard in a week or even a year. But at some point it does get easier and you will begin to find that these new beliefs you have about yourself start to filter into your actions and so forth. And you will begin to feel like it isn't hard at all. But the hardest part, the most seemingly insurmountable part, is always, always the first step."

She looked up at him, his words forcing a twinge of a smile to appear.

"You have already taken that. That is the first and greatest hurdle. You realise you have a problem and want to change it. But first, I'm going to help you to recognise it as something else; change the way you see it completely. And, from there, we can move onto other things. I'm going to need to ask you some very personal questions."

"Like what?"

"There's a reason why you are identifying this behaviour as problematic. As hurtful. You are feeling contrite, aware, bothered and that reaction is from a trigger that something isn't sitting right with you, in the very same way as our hand driving back if we get too close to a hot stove." He made the action, throwing his hand back and then changed the pen between them to write down something else she couldn't make out.

"At some point, you weren't recognising this. I want to observe, from you, the history of this behaviour. The times where boundaries were non-existent. Give me an example."

"I cheated on someone and I really hurt him. And, I can't seem to say no even though..." She tattled her fingertips against the book. "Since that, I've ... mucked around."

"Is there a feeling you get when the situation arises and you feel that you can't?"

"No. But.." she was rubbing at her temples the other night.

"I need a break."

Finch placed down the paper, pen and folder and walked over to the water cooler and fetched her small, styrofoam cup of water which he brought back and handed over. She took it in a gulp and placed it down by the book between them on the clear coffee table.

"When you're ready."

"I'm not, Doc."

He nodded a couple times and looked down to the table as he placed the side of a calf over his knee. "Take your time."

They sat in silence as she stared down at her palms. Come on, Lizzie. Quit frakking around. You're here. Make the most of it.

"I had sex the other morning with someone. And, afterwards, for a brief bit? This... " she shook her head again and sat up a bit straighter and clasped her hands. "I felt this thing. This... real icky, icky kind of pit in my stomach. And I..."

He held up a hand. "It's okay. Don't push it. Low volume. You're doing good. You're being honest."

She nodded and sighed.

"Going to hurt, Roach. But sounds like it's another of those hot stove moments."

"That a technical term? Hot stove moments?"

He humoured her. "No, it's not. But it makes it easier for you to follow."

She smirked and looked down at her boots, rubbing the sides of them against one another. "So's, something is telling me that what I'm doing isn't good no more?"

"Conscience. And change. Feelings of being hollow or empty as some describe, come from a feeling of being displaced in some regard. It's a sign from your body as much as it is your mind that it isn't right for you."


"But you said, you love someone. And how does it feel with him?"

"Perfect." Immediately, her face lifting and she was smiling. "I mean, it's not like, shiz was bad with this other guy the other morning, mean, guy is hot, got that French accent, daaaaaaamn, and the one I love, it's great, but it's not why it's good with him, you know?"

"Because you love him."

"Yeah. It's different. When we are together, I don't feel bad. Never. He makes me feel so frakking happy." She grit her teeth and looked down, rubbing at her forehead with the heel of a hand.

"I don't want to lose him."

"That's good. But, you're not here for him, Roach. You're here for you. And if you work on you for you it's much more likely to stick. If he were to leave you, for any reason, and you make these changes, you will revert back to your old ways."

She dropped her hand and met his eyes again as he removed his glasses and reached out to move the book closer towards her on the table between them. "Read this. Give it a think but not too hard. Let it sink in. And when you come back, in a couple weeks, we can discuss the parts I'm going to ask you circle and make your own notes on. In your own time, in your own pace."

Taking the book up she sighed again and tapped the cover with her the side of her thumb.

"You said something befores. About, things not being bad. The comfort thing?"

"Yes, and?"

"Sounds like maybe you were ... getting somewheres with that."

"It is a point I will circle back to."

She frowned a touch. "Can I ask something about that?"

"Of course you can. Go ahead." He gave her a warm smile and indicated she go on with a tip of his head.

"That whole Margaret thing. What if I want Hank and Mark, likes, what if that's just me?"

"Maybe that is the case. I can't advise you on your personal morality, Roach. I can help guide you but at the end of the day you need to decide yourself on what beliefs you want for yourself and if the behaviour you exhibit matches that, based upon the feelings in between these things. Good or bad. And likewise, how these thoughts, actions and feelings affect Hank, or Hank and Mark and... what was it, Shirlee, as the case may be."

"But it's not bad, then, to likes... a few peeps?"

Finch smiled a little. "That is up to you to decide. For some people, it isn't bad, for some people, it is. I think, professional speaking, for someone who has boundary issues a few partners is a recipe for disaster, if I can be so frank. But if you are honestly asking me what I think, then, I would not recommend it. At least, not while you are in a period of flux. Of disturbance. But you would need to elucidate on things, this, bigger picture you spoke of and I intend to circle back to that too. Right now, I am trying to establish, with you, and for you, what those boundaries are."

"So's having a few lovers isn't necessarily.. wells, frakked up?"

"There is more to it than that."

"Is there, really?"

"There are behaviours which are... akin to a programming. Something we have experienced that lead us to acting a certain way and there is a belief behind that. That aside, some people can have functional, happy, multi-partner, ethical relationships. But.."

"But what if I really likes all three?"

"You may very well. But if you feel emptiness or discomfort, then it needs to be acknowledged. Roach, I want to help you to start leading an examined life. To help you to better apply meaning to things. You are capable of this; you've told me as much, and for someone that doesn't "talky-talky", you're making plenty of sense. You're articulating some difficult concepts just fine."

"My head hurts."

He looked at her with an expression of mild amusement as he stood and moved to the door. Roach grabbed her hefty purse off the floor and slung its strap over her shoulder while grabbing the book.

"We can leave it for today. Just, it has to be a step at a time. If, morally, you are feeling you have questions, there are resources for that. I can certainly assist you on that basis, however, I feel that one's morals, pertinent to their sexuality or religion, is something that really is personal choice. Someone might advise you on their opinion on either, but it doesn't make it right."

He opened the door and smiled again. "You will find the answers you seek. But you have to have the right tools first, Roach. Perception, attitude, belief they each go into that. Right now, something isn't sitting well with you, so have a read of that book and try and apply the parts you like to what you're experiencing. See if you can find some... parallel." He nodded once and moved with her into the waiting room and rested an elbow on the counter as she paid Rosie.

"Two weeks."

"Alright, Doc."

He grinned at her and turned to head back in. Once she was paid up she walked out into the sun, the door swinging shut behind her.

Rosie looked back at Finch at the exact moment he peered around the door.

"Reckon she will come back, Maynard?"

"She'll be back. There's a light bulb going off."

Rosie smiled sweetly and laughed a little. "There's something going off."

They shared a chuckle. "Every one in a while you get one of those. They can be the sorts that surprise you."

Further on down the street she paused by a bin to toss the book in... when she froze. She looked down at the cover with a grimace, a roll of eyes at that bright blue sky and flicked through it one more time. Then muttered, shoved it back into her bag, turned the corner and walked on, lighting up a smoke.

Roach Lee

Date: 2016-09-14 00:55 EST
Gulls wheeled in concurrent circles overhead. Misty water lapped at the docks in half-hearted gestures. The air hung too-close, too-sticky, like Johnny's words leaving the Inn like he was trying not to care. And hell, maybe he didn't. But some moments leave fingerprints.

She stared out over the water. A calliope made sad sounds somewhere over by the mirror maze and her cigarette was nearly dead. The others weren't due for another hour and Grey was still caught on a job. Time twisted around her like a noose, or the dragging deep chains of an anchor, with an almost overwhelming pull towards the water; the diaphanous, silver garment chased by the breeze to ruffle up the backs of her tattooed thighs, docs crossed as she leaned right out over the wind-beaten, wooden rail of the boardwalk. The wind threw her hair about in windmills. Her eyes closed. Thoughts milled. Thoughts a-hurricane.

The cigarette flicked, it floats on the surface down below, hissing against the moisture and sinking. For a moment she thinks that that is her; a burning thing drowning. Or, about to. Again. Robert had said keep your head above water and she had gone and dived deeper. The gulls cried out and she watched them turning freely in the salt-sprayed air. There's a smile; beaten like that wooden rail. Then she wanders on, into the fair, looking for something. Anything. Bag beating at her backside. Eat me. Drink me. That's what the world said. Come a little closer.

That's when she sees the table. A tie-dyed cloth spread across it, a few candles, burning incense, and a stout woman with chestnut hair backcombed into a beehive, round face heavily caked with make up and her rotund form covered in a pink, t-shirt dress, bitten in creases. A lace shawl across her shoulders. A dark mole on her top lip.

Roach found herself sitting in the open chair before her and dumping her bag by her feet. "Yo."

The woman looked upon her with a tight smile before reaching out and making a gesture that she wanted Roach's hands. She held them out and the woman squeezed them and closed her eyes. There was a moment of excruciating silence.

"Restless. Your soul is not calm. But it has never been."

Her voice was very prim and she spoke like someone who was sharing gossip. Her eyes opened. "There is lots of interesting, vibrant energy about you. Things come in and out of exposure. You are made of nitrate. You show so much beauty but it all can go so very quickly up in flames, my girl."

She closed her eyes again. Squeezed harder. Blue lips (dystopian cobalt) on a hellion's face puckered into a mouthed what the?!

"What? What does that even mean?"

"There are changes for you."

Roach looked up at the sky and shook her head. "No shiz, Sherlock."

The woman gripped firmer. "People are coming in and out of your life. Fading. In and out. In and out."

The sounds of the calliope continue to filter through, adrift on the wind; the draught shaping the music into a tinny howl where it careened off of the canvas of the weak sideshow nearby.

"There are some that will stay and some that will go. And when they go, they are gone for good. Like they never were there. You have power over this. You need to choose."

"Choose what, lady?"

Again, her bright, aquamarine eyes opened and she smiled with pity at Roach and sat forward, rubbing at the younger woman's cool hands in a maternal way. "You are fire. The people in your life either turn you into a steady flame or a wild catastrophe. You need to choose whom you burn for and what you wish to become. For each, an inflection on these people."

Roach frowned and pulled her hands back to her knees. "I got to pay you for this?"

"No, you don't. I think you paid for that on admission."


Rearing back her head, her eyes followed the woman's hand to the entrance of the ghost train. Take the train to Hell..

Roach rose to her feet grabbing her purse along the way. The fortune teller and her locking eyes. "How do you..."

"Take the ride. Everyone experiences it differently. See what it has in store for you..."

Taking a hand to her hair, she looked off at the attraction and chewed her lip absently at its corner. "Right."

"This is your domain, Persephone. Best get acquainted."

Roach didn't even react to the name. The time for avoiding or denying was done. Instead, she stepped away from the table and sauntered to the ticket gate with a flat expression. There was no no exchange of tokens or coin, they opened the car and she got settled. With a clack of the rails, a hiss of fake smoke, her car drew towards the rubber curtains that led into the darkness ahead. A werewolf rotated back and forth on axles at the front, stiffly lifting its animatronic head to howl falsely at the darkening sky. Machine demons ticked their heads side to side with wide, painted smiles.

Roach Lee

Date: 2016-09-18 09:35 EST
"Hey Roach."

"Yo, Doc."

"Please, have a seat."

Settling down into the chair she dumped her bag and went for her cigarettes - only to pause.

"By the window is fine."

"Oh? Okay." And up she got, to join him by the window he was unlatching to raise.

"I'll join you." And Finch stepped over to open a drawer and reach inside for one of his Lucky Strikes and a small, cheap, red bic.

"Tell me about your week, Roach. Since we met last." He lit up and the way he went about handling the cigarette, his fingers, reminded her of Vitaly's elegance and immediately guilt and sadness ran through her like a full-body paper cut.

"Kinda shizzy, to be honest. Kinda real... real frakking awesome."

"Start with the good?" He exhaled and stared off into the sunny courtyard outside.

"I saw my boyfriend a bit more. We's good. But, I still haven't told him nothing, is all. But we's good, you know? And been spending more time with an old friend of mine from back in the Crez."


"New Orleans."

Finch turned to look at her through his thick-framed glasses, wonderingly. Then "Ah, Crescent City."

"Yo." Pointing her cigarette at him. "Bingo, Doc."

"And what else has been positive?"

"Vitaly, someone... who has become real important to me, he .. he's been in hospital. And uh... he's doing a bit better. He's been in an induced coma and they're going to pull him outta that shiz. Thank frakk."

Finch smiled, if dimly and exhaled. "That's great news, Roach."

"Yeah, relieved is... " she sighed and blew smoke in smooth jets from her nose. "And, other good stuff but, it uh, it goes into what we was talking about last week. Boundaries."

He frowned in a considered way and lowered his smoking hand to tuck a hand down the pocket of his jeans and study her face. "Pushing or maintaining?"

"Been frakking this guy. At first, it was all bizz."

"Bizz? What is it you do, Roach? You put Sales on the form you filled out, but unless by sales you meant stripper or prost, most people don't sleep with their clients." He grinned, just barely. "I suppose, then, you're not most people..."

Roach barked with smoke-ridden laughter, coughing. A wave of a hand.

"I can'ts really goes into that stuff."

"It's confidential, Roach." He implored, his face concerned.

She peered out at the garden, hard, just like her pull on that cigarette held delicately between forefinger and middle. A slant-wise look his way. "You don't got to report shiz, likes, surely, some of what I say goes somewhere."

"Only if you go missing, or, wind up dead; which, in the case of the latter, you won't have to worry about it." He smirked.

She frowned and then grinned a bit. "You a dark mofo, man."

"Is that.. a compliment?" He was smiling a bit more, peering at her over his glasses.

"Nope. Just an observation, Doc." But she was grinning even wider, a shoulder turned back as she leaned into it and gazed at him thoughtfully before looking back into the garden and exhaling.

"So, about the boundaries. You slept with a business associate. And, you've not told your boyfriend. Is that the only boundary you've..." He took another pull as she took the cigarette from her own mouth and stepped up to sit on the sill and carelessly ash her cigarette into a bush below. Finch moved over to his desk, collected the ceramic ash tray by the monitor and placed it on the sill by her knee.

"It's not just bizz no more. That's the problem. And, I don'ts know why, cuz, I love my boyfriend, likes, first time I've had these, these feelings, like I tells you last time I was here? But this guy. Man. We, we so intense? We frakk for hours and hours and watch movies and ... man." She tries to swallow away the lump in her throat and in a nervy way takes another draw. "He reads frakking ... poetry to me from books? And tells me all this shiz about the world and words and... it's like being a teenager again? And it bothers me because, we dived right in and it's a lot, a lot of... of stuff, there, he and I, straight up."

Doctor Finch nodded, stubbed his cigarette and then walked over to drop into his wheeled chair behind his desk.

"So you are saying that the boundaries you are worried about, with regards to this business associate who is now - a second boyfriend - you're concerned you have feelings? It's not so much the boundary you broke by sleeping with another man, again, as it is, having an emotional attachment?"

"Yo, Doc, I am nots attached. Not likes, it's..." she shut up and frowned. Her face dark and cold.

"Roach. Correct me then, please." He didn't say the words with contempt or pity or in any way that might stir her. He sat forward and spun the chair around to face her some more.

"I don'ts... ok. I might be a little attached, but it's not likes it is with my boyfriend."

"The first one?"

"Oi, looks, I only got one. This other guy, we just.... we just frakking."

"And bonding over literature and film and...?"

"Okays. Doc, I.. yeah. I like him. He's... he's frakking neat, man. He... he .."

"He.. he?"

"I don't know!" Hands thrown in the air, she took one last, frustrated pull on the cigarette and stubbed it into the tray.

"Roach. Come sit down."

She walked across the room and dropped down in the chair by her bag and nodded. Sinking right down. "What?"

"Is it possible - this is all purely hypothetical - is it possible you are attaching yourself to this not-boyfriend because you fear telling your actual boyfriend about this all and that you won't have a safety net?"

"Frakk no. I ... I wasn't even thinking about that! Not even, not even.. in my darkest recesses; no, no ways."

"You asked me last time if I thought it was possible to love a few people at once."

"Yeahs, I did. And you got an answer for me?"

"I am not here to enable unhealthy behaviour - and I think, unhealthy behaviour, is a person without sound boundary making abilities forming a multitude of relationships - but."

"Oh frakk. But. But?! But is always bad."

"Listen. I think it is possible to love many people at once. Maybe it is a series of genuine connections that vary in intensity and quality and context. I think, perhaps, this is possible for you. You... don't strike me as the sort to necessarily sleep with anyone. That, is an assessment I can only make from... well, partly being a fairly good judge of character, but also, what I know, the way you are. Who you are. Perhaps, you move quickly with those you choose and you don't have any boundaries, but I don't believe your flippant ideas around fidelity are rooted in.."

She was laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh no's, just..." she sat forward, laughing harder. "When's you said rooted, I don't know, it tickled me."

"Poor choice of words, I would agree." He adjusted his skinny hipster tie and cleared his throat. "Roach.... "

She was still laughing.


"Oh, sorry, sorry Doc. Looks, uh.. I am.. I am zhebe; old term for someone who is alive. In every sense, but particularly, uh, promiscuous. And, I don't gots no shame about that? But I don't goes getting feels for people easy like. And, well, I don't just jump on every body, neither. I don't. I never frakked Robert!"

".. Robert?"

"Oh, shiz. We didn't get there last time, eh."

"Where, exactly?"

"Oh frakking hell man."

"What is it, Roach?"

"I gots to tell you that, likes, but it's a big story."

Finch sat back and relaxed into the curve of his chair and nodded at her, removing his glasses. It made him appear younger, more at ease. "Go on." He gestured to the white clock on the wall. "We still have forty minutes."

She rubbed the sides of her combat boots together and sighed. "Then we get back to the boundaries shiz, huh?"

"Then we get back to the boundaries shiz." He smiled, that affable, calm, smoke on the water smile. "And, you'll disclose to me what it is that you really do."

Roach looked aside, awkward, then wrapped her fingers in a clasp around each, distressed-denim knee and set her eyes on him across the room.

"You see, I was living on the streets...."

Roach Lee

Date: 2016-09-21 06:43 EST
"That's a ... that's a story, Roach."

She shrugged, uncomfortably and shifted in the seat. "Reckon I could write a bio and make a mill?"

He couldn't contain the laughter that came from him, not even if he had tried. Finch removed his glasses and placed them down on the coffee table with a look at her that was studious. For a second of shared gaze she wondered if perhaps he was about to seriously answer that question she had jokingly posed.

"I think what we have is a lot of talking to do."

"That too."

"Have you read the book?"

"Flicked through it. I will though, likes, I uh..."

"Roach. Read the book." He smiled kindly then frowned some. "Has anything jumped out at you?"

"To be honest Doc, uh, all that New Orleans shiz? It goes deeper. You giving me that book, of all books.." she pointed at the selection on his shelf across the room, "is kinda weird. More'n kinda weird. But, I don't thinks I can get into that today."

He nodded and looked at her in that thoughtful way again. "It's nearly time anyway and I never want you to leave feeling bad. It can be draining, but, step at a time. I won't overwhelm you."

"Thanks Doc."

"But, I will ask. Read chapter six."

"Chapter Six. Is that a how's to not sell your soul to no deity? Or that come laters, chapter eight mebbe?"

"Please, just read it."


"Next time, to prepare you, I'd like to go back. Before New Orleans. Talk about where you grew up, your family. You mentioned a Shaun, briefly?"

Roach looked down at the coffee table. Cringing. Her body language withdrawn. Disconsolate.

"I'd like to discuss him, if we may. Something you said ... has raised my interest. Did something happen with your step father?"

"He was never no step father. He was my bitch mother's boyfriend."

Finch scratched at his cheek and brushed his fingers along the watch at his wrist. "Did something happen with him, Roach?"

"Gotta go."

Girl was a hurricane - bag over shoulder, to her feet and out the door in record time. Finch rose to his and stared after her at a loss. He heard the till at the front desk open and close and the chimes at the front door jingle. Sometimes, you just had to let them go. Rosie soon was peering around the door frame at him.

"Everything okay?" Her blue eyes wide with concern.

He was standing there, glasses in one hand, his other on his hip, staring at the floor. "It's okay, Rosie." He waved her off with a weak smile and returned to his desk to open her file, put on his glasses and take up his pen. A note made to call her later that afternoon. Then the strokes of the pen began adding to LEE, ELIZABETH.

What was once a grimy window was now becoming more and more clear.

Roach Lee

Date: 2016-12-19 07:02 EST
"Good to see you Rita; come along, have a ... "

"Doctor, I couldn't stop..."

"Yo Doc."


Rosie stood with a hand on her waist, the other at the door, staring at Roach in a mousy breed of contempt. "..Her."

"Roach..." Finch steepled his hands and bowed his head to his client as the dreadlocked girl hurtled inside, hellbent on his attention, like a thunderhead, or a comet always off course. "I'm with Mrs Lynch, you'll have to come back."

"No, y'see Doc, I gots some serious shiz to be discussing witchu. The lady here can wait."

"I beg your pardon!" Rita, inflamed, leapt to her feet. "This is an outrage! Excuse me, but I've paid for this hour."

"Yeah, y'see, lady, an outrage is when your husband cheats on yer ass, like you're here for, can see it in your face, or, how's about, ifs I was to sets your car on fire when I left. That's an outrage. I gots some urgent shiz to be sorting here with the Doc. So's get those panties out of their knot. Capiche?"

The woman just stared at Roach and fluffed at her inky, back combed hair and then pressed her fuchsia lips into a tight line and gave Maynard Finch a raised brow of expectancy.

"Miss Lynch, my client here, Ms Lee, she's been ... uh, missing for a time. I am ever so sorry about this..."

"Are you telling me you're going to see me over this wretch?"

Roach folded her arms and tilted her head at the Doctor. "Yeahs, are you gonna see this wretch?" She tilted her head further, eyes flying towards Rita. "That one theres."

"Doctor..." Rosie begged, moving to clasp Rita's elbow. "I'm so very sorry about this, she's unmedicated..."

Roach spun around to give Rosie the long eye. "Oi. Lady. What happened to confidentiality. Fucking hell!" Hands thrown in the air she chartered a course with her eyes between the awkward triumvirate of Rita, Doctor and receptionist.

"Roach, outside. Rita, give me a couple of minutes. This session is on me."

Rita huffed and sat down with a lift of her chin as Rosie fluttered out of the room in a cloud of admonishing mutters. "Rosie, later" the Doctor curtailing his assistant's nebula of frustration with a hard stare along with his smooth, sharp tone.

Outside, in the hall, he steered Roach, and when she was back against a wall he placed his hands on his hips and looked at her. "You can't do this. But, look. I'm glad you finally managed to come in. Are you alright?" He removed his tortoise-shell frames and leaned into his right leg, his face concerned. "How long have you been back?"

"Justs on a week and yeah.. feeling allergic to the state of Louisiana and I nevers want to eat gator again in my fucking life, but aight, I'm fine, Doc. Looks, I gots this wild fucking idea to help with.. wells, everything, and I really needs to discuss it with you. It's... it's beyond urgent, man. Likes, we got to talk."

"What is it, precisely, that you want me to assist you with immediately? Mental and emotional turmoil doesn't cease in the click of your fingers, Roach. While I would love to be able to..."

She held his eyes, pleadingly, and reached out to grab his elbow. "Look, man, I think I gots a way to get out of the hole I'm in. Nots the emotional shiz, I knows that is all going to take a holy mother of a miracle. Heh. But what I need from you is a prescription or a hook up."

Finch went rigid and stood back, shooing her arm off his gently by drawing it away, replacing his glasses and studying her closely with a sweep of a hand through his dark blonde hair; it had grown since she had last seen him, and fell to frame his face. Made him look even less like a professional than she thought when she had first met him, what felt like an eon ago.

"There's a few cards got to be played, but, to start with.. cans you get your hand on the Ambrose BD? 'Parently some sorts of .. of local grown belladonna variety that..."

"Yes I can and no I won't. I would be risking my job, frankly, Roach. No. The answer is no."

"Maaaaaan. Pleaaaaaase."

"Roach. No."

"But Doc, I'm paid up by Grey, likes, he did a little sommin', now you can do a little sommin', eh? Come ooonnnnn." She stomped lazily at the floor and threw her head back making a whiny face. "Pleaaaaaase."

He folded his arms and blew a stream of hot air from his nose. "I am with a client. I could compromise this practice, Roach, by doing what you ask."

"What ifs you dont's do nothing. Just gimme a name." A black nail pointed his way.

He started back towards his office and paused by the door, ducked his head, placed his hand on the frame and gave her a glare. He sighed and despite himself gave her what he did have, his voice lowered out of Rosie's range, who was furiously typing at her desk.

"Lagos. Johnny. Now go away."

He gave her a quick smile that almost became a grin, shut the door behind him and left her staring with wide eyes at the place where he had been standing.

"Well, fuck me!"

Rosie's eyes rose over the lip of the desk and bore daggers. Roach stood dumb founded in place for a minute before crossing the room and exiting via the front door. The bells by it jingled, like relief, and Rosie laughed a little before composing herself and continued to type.

Roach Lee

Date: 2017-02-16 09:09 EST
"So in your opinion, Miss Lee has improved?"

Maynard Finch rolled his shoulders and gave an even smile. "I wouldn't say markedly, but she's not gone off the rails in a while. I think she's making some small but crucial changes nonetheless." He tried to remain cool, helpful, casual.

"Are you aware of her history in New York City? Of what happened on the way to New Orleans?"

"I... I am afraid I don't have all those details. I elect for my patients to tell me as they choose and only pursue... well, certain details, if they've demonstrated worrying behaviour or are at risk to themselves or others. Miss Lee wasn't recommended to me by any body, as such; she came here of her volition and her ... her boyfriend saw fit to pay her up another year. Out of concern for her state of mind given..."

"Sean. What do you know about him?"

"We haven't probed there yet. We began to and then Elizabeth..."

"We are looking for the men who participated in her kidnap. It's a federal offence and this group and their cultist activities have been on our radar for some time now. But back to Sean..."

Finch rose from his seat and gave a kindly smile as he removed his glasses, tucking them down his collar. "I don't know about him. I have an... impression I have formed given what little she has told us about him but..."

"And what is that impression, Mr Finch?" Rhonda Maclain. Superintendent from Brooklyn P.D. Her rectangular face towards Finch with a severe expression. "We have as much time in the world as is needed to be filled in."

Finch sighed and looked towards his window, smiling a touch, thinking of Roach over there with a wise crack and a cigarette cloud above her head like a storm. The phantom of her disintegrated and he was left with only sheets of sunlight.

"That he was a danger to her, perhaps an elementary fixture in her mental breakdown. He entered her life and from the records you prepared for me the other day, for me to go over...."

"A hunch isn't good enough to be a professional opinion. What makes you think she was a danger, what he was so critical to her decline... mentally?"

"Look, why are you asking? I am telling you, I don't know enough and you're not going to catch me out asking me back to front questions. My opinion isn't a professional one; I never said it was. it's instinctual. The way she did discuss him, her body language, her evasiveness, the fact her behaviour took a sharp ... detour..." He could feel his equanimity slipping. "You blast in here, unannounced, and demand questions of a client and like any of mine, her confidentiality I will enforce within certain perimeters."

"How about this, Doc. Are you aware that Sean is wanted on rape charges?"

"What? No. I mean, how could I possibly be aware of that?" Slipping, slipping, slipping. Horror and shock and concern filtered through his features as he stepped back into his chair and sat. "Is that why you're here?"

"We are concerned for her welfare and we need to check in. Maybe she can help us locate him. We have been trying to find him since late November. CID haven't had much luck, either. Look, you next see her, Doctor, you get straight to the punchline."

Finch re-applied his glasses and nodded, stiffly. "We're due for an appointment on Friday. Can I ask... you said, something happened, between New York and New Orleans... what was that?"

Rhonda rose and looked to her partner who stepped off his lean against the wall and tossed his coffee cup into the trash.

"We'll be in touch, Doctor Finch. Thanks for your enlightening chat with us. You'll refer her to us, now won't you." It wasn't a question. A business card was slipped his way and the two agents walked out the door. He stared at it for several minutes.

"Rosie, call Miss Lee for me. Tell her our appointment is going to be tonight. No buts, no ifs."