Topic: Maiden Voyage


Date: 2016-09-12 15:38 EST
Popping gum loudly, Kate tapped her hands on the wheel of sleek black beast in which she was rolling around tonight. Not hers, strictly, but she was borrowing it from a friend. That was the story, anyway. That explained how she had the keys, right? Slug was in the back seat, windows tinted so that no one outside could see inside. They were waiting on the Little Bug to show up and once again, Kate wondered how they came up with these cray names. Didn't they want to be cooler than bugs? Different strokes and all that, she supposed.

You should want a bad bitch like this, drop it low and pick it up just like this. Kate mouthed the words absently as they filtered from the speakers, glancing in the rear view mirror. "You think she's sewing her clothes from fuckin' scratch or something? I swear to the Traveler that girl is always late." Not that Kate was punctual - she ran on Wizard time, or something like that - but she didn't like waiting on others. "You sure you're good for this?" twisting to look over the back seat at Slug.

Tonight was unlike any other night. He had gone through the bright lights, the cameras, the fame that came with the blood sports he prided himself on but tonight was one of a kind. Prowling in the darker lit streets where this city transformed into a jungle past sunset. What was a whimsical day dream turned into a war zone, just not one fought with armies, but over the streets.

He had on his getup, but tugged on the bandana that was fastened below the custom-fitted. His eyes said he was ready, steeled and unwavering, but his insides were twisted like they'd been in a pretzel maker. Anxious, exhilarated, he felt lightning going through her bones. "No clue", he had been ready half an hour before he got the text. He had been craving this and now while she sat in an electric chair of nerves, he lied through her teeth to Kate with a small smile. "Got ice water through these veins." He was good for it, he just didn't know how good yet.

Kate smirked and glanced down at the large bag at her side that had odds and ends stuffed inside, things she found useful or practical to take on an outing like this. Fingers felt around for a certain shape and then pulled it out, tossed it casually behind her. "Here, for nerves." A little airline bottle of vodka. "More than that if you need. If you decide this isn't for you, tell me before we get there, no hard feelings, okay? I know this is just some moonlighting for you."

To be honest, she'd been very surprised to know that Slug was looking for some action like this. Maybe he was an adrenaline junkie or maybe he had a need for grit in his otherwise picture perfect life but Kate supposed it took all types. Or whatever the pithy saying around here was for needing a little kink to the sex. Might as well exploit it as long as it lasted, right?

He caught the small bottle and it took no time at all for him to remove the cap and shoot it down. Vodka helped dull that edge and he rolled his shoulders some. "I know I can do it, just that first time jitters coming at me." He held the bat in his lap and gave the handle a squeeze before relaxing his grip again.

Kate could've had five blindfolds on and still pinned that tail on this donkey. He had her vices and like every other high eventually you needed to step it up. Fighting was his high but now it was only the big card deals that gave him the same rush. He needed it, needed that perversion in his life to elevate higher. Probably was going to need sex after it too, but that wasn't on his mind. "Damn, she really is sewing it up by hand."He grinned leaning towards the tinted glass window. "This is a nice ride."

There's a hard smack as Roach sidles up to the black beast and hits the door in Hello. She jerks it open to get inside, dumping herself down beside Slug with a dark smile. A tip of her fedora'd head to both as she shuts the door beside her while tucking the black backpack she's brought between her legs on the floor of the car. "Sup, lady." A flash of teeth as she takes a swig from the flask she sleights into appearance and then holds out if either of them wanted some. "Nice duds, Slug. Looking fresh." A lick of her lips; her face wicked as fuck.

"We were taking guesses on what was taking you. Did you make your clothes by hand? That was in the front running." He didn't hesitate to take the flask and set his dry mouth on fire again, hopefully it wouldn't stay throughout the night. He smiled before he gave a tug on the bandana fixing it over his face again. "You too." A little pivot of the fedora before he fixed it back how it was.

"Baby, I'm always a nice ride," her smirk widening before she saw movement on the side of the car. "You ever hit someone for real, like you were angry at them and didn't care what happened after you left?" That question was directed at Slug moments before a loud bang was heard from Roach's hand slapping against the siding. "Hey, watch it! It's not mine!" As if she cared for the eventual fate of the wheels. "And what's with the hat?" That was for the newest addition to the car because a Fitted was common and at least shadowed the face but a fedora? That could be memorable. But maybe less memorable than the dreads. Sweet Baby Traveler.

"Do I need to lay down ground rules for you two or will you act like professionals?" Giving them shit as she pulled away from the curb and slid into traffic.

The blonde swatted Slug's hand lightly for touching the goods and set about re-adjusting the hat herself, again, before slumping back and sinking down. "Where I'm staying these days isn't just any house. Can't just up and leave. Shiz be tight. There's a process, yo." She explains her tardiness as she tosses her eyes out the window as they cruise and she bobs her head to the music that's just loud enough. A little trail of a look over Slug's form from the side of her eyes before she thrusts her chin forward, hazel gaze on Kate. "You can lay something, but that won't be it, Queen." She retorts with a cackle. Taking back the flask for a hit. "Ready as we'll ever be, eh?" A nudge of an elbow to Slug's side as she too draws her kerchief up over the lower half of her face, getting into Bidness Mode.

"And what. You saying you don't like the hat?" In mock offence.

"Sorry sorry." he cooed his hands before he kept them on the bat and let out a laugh. And he tried not to get lost in the lights flying on by, distorted by the tint like they were in a much deeper cave of the normal Rhy'Din. "Then it makes sense huh?" Nice car, nice ride, semantics. "I have before. It was such an intense..." He trailed off, he had felt guilty after doing it but there was no denying it. It was euphoric. "I want to do it again." He slapped his palmed glove with the head of the bat and looked back at the Fedora. "It's.. well you pull it off but.." He just trailed off with a hidden smile.

"There's rules?" He tagged on afterwards, half joking half sincere.

"As you'll ever be? You're not exactly building my confidence in your skills, here. I swear to the Traveler that if you two make me look bad..." She threw a little glare into the backseat before cursing out the car next to them. In a language that they probably hadn't heard before. She huffed and then glanced back at her fares. "Good, A for enthusiasm but I hope this really goes well. Now, little background - this guy has been welching on some money he owed for a few bets he laid down. This was after he tried to sell me some garbage that he called 'off world' because he thought I was some podunk yokel that's never seen the stars up close. Tonight, he's going to learn the error of his ways. But I want you two to let me do all the talking, okay?"

They pulled past some clubs that were steadily declining in quality until they gave way to dive bars and seedy warehouses. Creeping up on some tenements, she slowed and pulled over to the curb.

Roach snorted with a scuffed little laugh, all breath, but kept quiet behind the material that covered her face. She's already pulling the .22 out of her pack and sticking it down her pierced-dimpled lower back and into her jeans as the car is gravitating over to the side of the street, then she's fetching her nunchucks which she tucks into the smaller purse she also procures from the inside of the backpack. Next, another hit from the flask and she tucks that away too and hits the door to open it; out in a flash and eyes switching left and right as she soaks up the sights and gets into the zone.

"Gotta love cock crusts who skip their dimes." Murmured low, raspy voice all kicked gravel with antagonism.

Slug was already getting into his persona. His mouth was out of sight so were his words. He held up his right hand making a thumbs up and took a moment to open the door as to avoid any traffic.Standing to his full height he let the bat clank on the road and began to round the vehicle dragging it as he did so filling the street with its grungy noise.

It was a sound that was music to the miscreant's ears. You can bet there was a wide grin under that bandana. Her eyes slitting with the expression of mischievous delight.

Who brought a purse to a muscle job? Kate sighed to herself and climbed out of the car, tucking the key away. "Come on," she murmured to them, heading inside, heels clacking up the stairs. They had to go up three flights, graffiti and a different flavor of funky smell greeting them at each landing. Some tenants were in the hallway and either made lewd comments to Kate or ignored them completely, just gave slit-eyed stares to the trio. Kate finally stopped at a door that was missing a number and held up a hand to the other two, indicating they should hang back a beat. Knocking three times, she pitched her voice high so that it sounded young. "Hey mister, you there?" They waited five minutes before a voice came from the other side. "Who is it?"

"I got the stuff you ordered," still sounding like a much younger girl.
"What stuff?"

A giggle. "I can't say out here. I can show you if you open the door." Now Kate signaled for the other two to come forward and kick the door in once the knob turned.

There was a cant of her head to the side as she frowned and stepped up behind Kate; a hand drawn around to her lower back in recovery, her other casually grabbing the purse about her side; fingers stroking a chuck. A look to Slug, as the handle slowly turned....

It was a seedy place. Off down the hall once they had passed she heard an echo'd, 'Halloween isn't for another month you ass', which helped his fix that grip on the bat. It bounced off each step and as the knob turned the bandana and hat nodded to Roach. The bat was pulled up and he leaned back before throwing a kick to the door.

In sync, Roach's leg hit the door with Slug's and in some asshole's face went as the door collided with it.

The doorknob had just started to turn as it was kicked inward viciously. Kate nodded her approval and glanced behind just to make sure no one else felt a welling of philanthropy and wanted to get involved. Ev went stumbling backward with an expletive, falling on his ass and then scrambling to his hands and knees. "Hey, what the hell?"

Kate shooed everyone inside, bringing up the rear and even shutting the door behind them despite the broken latch. "Ev, it's been so long since I heard from you," she purred, sauntering slowly behind her wall o' muscle. Pushing between them, she dropped to a crouch in front of him as he stared, mouth hanging open. "Have you forgotten me? I'm just plum hurt. Feelings crushed and everything. I might vlog about it. Now, where's my money?" asking with a sugary sweet smile.

Slug began to wander around the room, the looming sound of the dragging bat was a fine reminder of their presence while Kate got down to the nitty gritty business. Just poking around, flipping through things with the gloves before taking a seat on a desk nearby, resting the bat between her legs within the hands.

Ev stammered and then shoved to his feet, glaring at Slug, who presumed to sit on his furniture. "I told you, girl, I'd get it for you. Now get the hell out, I have to call a locksmith." Kate also pushed to her feet and shook her head, clucking her tongue to her teeth. "Wrong answer, Evvie darling." Without turning around, she lifted a hand in the air and circled it around. "Look for my money, kitties."

The hellion dragged a claw of fingers along the wall as she sauntered along, eyeing up the others at the party with a few narrow-eyed upward nods that said yeahs, you don't wan' fuck with this, swinging her nunchuck in lazy, lazy circles, with no need for the iron down her backside. She came to a pause by Slug, resting an elbow on one of his broad shoulders and leaned. Watching Ev with that same contempt, stopped in place, frozen in fear.

"Yo." And on Queen's Command, Roach rocked away to begin tearing through the furnishings and cds, drawers and pillows. "Oh, he's a fan of Yanni. Fuck this guy."

"HEY!" Ev yelled, sputtering while they started to trash his place. "Stop, put that down!" Not that he had much but it was his. Meanwhile, Kate kept herself near the door, watching the show unfold.

"You shut your fuckin' mouth about Yanni!" he gasped in outrage and made for Roach. She was small, she would probably be easy to take out.

The shoulders rose and fell with a silent chuckle before the bat was used to push everything off the top of the desk. If there was money, bills, change or anything of value they'd make a noise. When that came up empty the bat was taken to some of the fixtures. Hollow things break when they're struck and this wasn't really a finesseful job. Tap tap tap on the floorboards until a plank made a different noise. It was then that Ev made his move. There was far enough distance between them that Slug couldn't make it, so he threw his bat at his ankles. That oughta do the trick to slow him down.

Ev hits the ground in a pained howl and Roach drops down beside him and works her way over onto his back, putting all her weight into it as she straddles him and draws the chucks in a choke around his throat, pulling his head back. "Where's the fucking goods, asshole?!"

His face is going red as he wriggles around like a fish on sand beneath her. She grunts and continues applying pressure to his neck. "Cough up or choke out; your choice."

Slug went over to pick up the rolling bat and took a squat in front of Ev as Roach began to work those chucks. With the bat in the hand Slug shrugged to Ev and tapped with an index on the other arm's wrist, indicating he better make up his mind fast.

"Let's see what little treasure chest Captain Jack's got beneath the floor," sauntering toward Slug. "Keep him comfy, Bug, while we take a look, yeah?" If that didn't yield anything, things would get bloody. Crouching down, she pulled out a switchblade and flicked it open to pry up the end of the floor board. It was only a foot long, cut carefully to fit.

She digs her ass down low into the guy's lower back as she maintains her fix on the guy as he begins spluttering from the pain in his ankle and the growing discomfort of having the steel at his throat. And, the fact he was about to hemorrhage some cash.

Another shrug and Slug rose up, Ev was in control of his own fate now. The continued tap tap of the bat to find any more hollow spots resumed around the one floorboard. Occasionally that bat splintered some of the old wooden planks to keep the man on edge.

There was a small drawstring sack under there holding some jewelry. Not enough to cover his debts, some of it costume crap, but it was a start. "I feel like it's Yost-Eve and these are my presents. What a fun little gathering we're having, really pulls at the heartstrings. I want to leave you with a souvenir of my familial love." Rising to her heels, Kate clacked over and used the toe of her shoe to push Ev's face to the side. "Slug, break two of his fingers."

"Christmas came early, bucko." She leaned low and whispered it into the man's ear once Kate's shoe rolled it aside. Then she pulled hard on the chucks and laughed wildly. "Batter up, boy." Peering up at Slug.

Slug let out a whistle and began trotting on over. As he stepped, he swung the bat in a circle. Coming over, Slug kicked one hand out of the way and squatted down next to the other. Index and middle fingers came up and waggled in front of Ev before Slug stepped on his middle, ring and pinky fingers. The bat got flipped so the handle was up, the head down. Holding the thicker end, Slug slammed the bat down on those two fingers. Once wasn't enough, again the bat came down on the fingers and that definitely did the trick. Those cracks weren't coming from the boards.

Roach closed one eye, jerking her head back. "Ooohhh, baby." Then she released the chucks and crouched and rose to her feet; the chucks rattling as she caught them by their grips and tucked them into her purse and stepped back over the man screaming in horror, pain and regret.

Ev screamed, the sound strangled around the steel Roach was keeping at his throat. Kate watched dispassionately, arms crossed in front of her torso. "My heart is really bleeding for you, Ev. I could make your heart bleed, too, all over the floor but I really hope it doesn't come to that. I'll let you know the balance on your account after I pawn off this shit you think is valuable. I don't want to have to come back here because it's going to take forever to get the stink of this shithole out of my hair." A palm smoothed over the ebon strands before she glanced around. "Trash the rest of it, see if there's anything else he's hiding."

The Fedora stepped to it and returned to glaring at the CD collection as she trolled his stuff. "Rebecca Black, too? God, you fucking suck." Tossing the cd over a shoulder; it hits Ev on the head and its case smashes into splinters of plastic. She continues to forage. "Oh, looky here, Kate." Waving her over. "This belong to you?" It's a small pouch full of the pills she normally ran for the woman.

"Everything in here belongs to me, right now." Kate stood guard over Ev, listening to him whimper as he cradled his hand to his chest. "Bag it."

And it was play time. Slug got up and started to beat the living hell out of the walls. Something was stored in there and Slug was going to find it. After some of the already decaying drywall Slug began feeling around and tossed a trash bag taped up over. A few bills, not an enormous sum but something. Slug siped the shelves with the bat clearing things onto the floor and held out a cd, Shania Twain's Greatest Hits. A toss and a swing and it was a home run sending it into pieces against the opposite wall.

Roach just shook her head. "You musta been through some serious ass shiz as a child, Ev. Fuck." She walked over to peer around behind the shelving unit Slug cleared. She yoinked out another baggy, taped to the wall. "Oh, nice. The Dust." She bagged that too. And then prowled around the room some more.


Date: 2016-09-12 15:42 EST
"It really is Yost-Eve," commenting dryly at the sack. "I feel like I should be boiling the goat's blood and getting ready for the dragon. I'm going to have to remember to come shopping here next time I'm short on cash. You'd let your old pal back in, wouldn't you Ev?" He didn't make a sound so she kicked him until he grunted. "You're not going to try and skip town on me, are you Ev?" He blubbered and shook his head, edging toward the fridge to put his back against it.

"You'll hook a girl up won'tcha, Evie?" Her prowl wrapping around the small, tight kitchen as she began swiping stuff from the shelves, reaching behind bowls. Another baggy, also taped, to the back wall behind the tupperware. She tosses that into the pocket of her leopard print letterman style jacket. Getting to her feet she wanders over to stand before Ev and smiles at him, though he can't see it and then sticks the sole of her black doc into his face, hard. "So's, anywhere else Slug and I have missed, eh?" A hard press, knee bent.

Each cabinet was given a thorough battering before the lids came off and the contents were tossed out onto the floor. Mostly dirt cheap canned shit and the like until a Folger's can was taken and there was a rattling. Popping the cap, Slug showed some more pills stored inside and gave it a lob to Roach. Those weren't coffee grains. Slug rested the bat on his shoulder and gestured around with the free hand. A mess was there before they got there, all they did was spread it out.

"Don't forget the bathroom," she reminded him while stockpiling all the goods too large to fit in Roach's jacket.

A finger snap and Slug made his way to the bathroom and began to pull out all the drawers and, the medicine cabinet was too obvious wasn't it? A bunch of cheap over the counters and.. of course. A baggy was tossed out through the door before the ceramic lid got taken off the tank.

Catching the pills that Slug tossed, she pocketed them and pressed again; the boot sliding up his saggy-cheeked face as she began to massage his forehead with the toe of the doc. "Not nice to ignore your guests, son. I says... anywhere else you got stuff hiding?" She peers around the wall watching as the baggy hits the ground outside the bathroom.

"Check the showerhead," she said in a sing song voice. This was adding up to more than Ev owed Kate but no sense in throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Even if she didn't really like kids. "Mattress," Ev gasped out, pointing to the mattress he had on the floor in the corner.

There was a little fiddling to be done before patience ran short and the repetitive bang of the bat struck the shower head. Soon enough it fell and a duct-taped cassette was in Slug's hand when he came out. A little shake, yep, another one for the stash.

Ev was too far down the hole to respond further so with a final press, she relieved his face of her boot and stalked over to the mattress face down on the floor. Climbing onto it, she issued the karambit claw from her jean pocket and began swiping it in zig zags up and down the cushioning. Then reached around inside.
And, then, in a jazz croon she looked over her shoulder at Kate. "I said, hey, dirtayyy, baby I got yo money." A fist of black nails with loose dollar bills squeezing past the gaps in them.

He made his way to Ev and prodded him a few times in the shoulder to make sure he was still with them, in some kind. When Roach sang that tune the bat tapped the floorboard to the beat of the song.

She cut in with a chorus of Bitch better have my money, bent her knees and put her booty into it before putting her Game Face back on. "Alright, kitties, I'd say we're done here for the evening. Let's leave Ev alone to clean up after the party. Might take him awhile with one hand." With a grand flourish, she gestured to the door. "Ev, baby, it's been grand. Let's never do this again."

See, the purse came in hand. She was stuffing all them dollah dollah billzzzz inside it and once done, launched to her feet and sauntered on down the hall. A stroke of a finger along Ev's sweaty brow. "Thanks, babycakes." That ass sashayed her to the door aside to hold it for the other two.

Slug swung the bat in a circle, fashionably and tactically the last one out watching the girls before giving a small tap to Ev's chin with the aluminum. Wag of the index saying 'No' before continuing the stroll on out.
Once again, Kate brought up the rear and followed the other two back outside. This time, no one was in the hallway to stare at them, the noise had driven all the mice scurrying back inside their holes. Kate hummed to herself the whole way down to the sidewalk, even smiling to herself as she click-clacked to the car. "I think I feel like a milkshake. And by milkshake, I mean a vodka float. You guys down?"

She hummed some more Kelis in that torchy little voice as she moved along with them, all black cat and bad omen, shoulders haughty with satisfaction. "Down and then some, but likes, only if you're paying, Katie." A glance back to Slug as they moved. "Am I right?"

The bat dragged every step down the three flights and against the pavement as they went. It wasn't so heavy, but it would hopefully stay in their minds, in case of a next time. The bat was laid on the floor and both hands went up to form 'ok' postures.

A grin as she scanned the streets before tugging the fabric down to her throat and breathing in fresh air with a smack of her lips. She moved around to open the door for Kate.

"I told you not to call me that," as she sank into the car and slammed the door shut. Started up the engine and waited for her associates to climb in the back. "And I don't pay for anything. We'll get our milkshakes, don't worry." Pulling away from the curb, she gestured to the front seat. "Dump all that shit up here so I can see what we're dealing with and then we can talk about your cut."

In back, she began pulling baggies and notes and pills from her pockets and purse and tossing them into the front seat. When she was clear of the goods she sank back and took up that flask for a swig while removing the gun from her back and tossing it into the backpack at her feet. "Aiight." Then she passed the flask over to her associate with the bat.

Once inside the backseat he gave a tug the door and then to the bandana letting out a sigh of relief. He looked at his hands shaking and took the hat off, setting it down. When the flask was offered he took it and went straight up before shaking his head and handing it back. "Fuck." He looked to Kate then Roach and a big smile came across his face. "Fuck!"

"You did pretty good in there, Slug. No wavering. I'd use you again," tossing off the compliment nonchalantly.

The hellion swept off her fedora and shook her hair free with a wide grin. "Fuck, alright. Feeling alive?" Towards Slug as he returned to them. Then to Kate. "Here, have some whiskey." She held out the flask for him. "Give us some music, bitch."

"I'm good," she murmured regarding the flask before she tapped the radio back on. Didn't need anything to calm her nerves, it wasn't her first time at the rodeo. "Don't binge on the alcohol, though. Have some food and then go get laid, helps take the edge off without you getting knackered and blabbing."

Someone might normally be shaking from fright but he was feeling the opposite. It was hard not to break all of his fingers and the an arm. It hadn't even registered as breaking and entering and countless damages. No, it was just exhilarating. "I'll have a White Russian, but hold everything not Vodka." That was his kind of Milkshake.

A shrug, she took another hit from the flask and then tucked it back down into the bag along with the purse and the gun, patting it all down and then sinking back. "Hells yeah." In agreement, as she wound down the window to allow the bite of cooler air to enter the car. As it did, she shut her eyes briefly and smiled softly into it.