Topic: mieux le Diable que tu connais

Roach Lee

Date: 2017-02-21 06:48 EST
The land of gods and monsters continued...

He placed me on the bed
Pushed his hand through my hair and said:
Wine and blood are both red
And neither do a thing for me at all

I just lay there and I wept
He climbed off and got dressed
Next time if ever again
I'll bring you a rose

Your memory is a monster; you forget, it doesn't.

She had understood before she had ever dreamed of a city such as this, where every texture, every color, leapt out at you, where every fragrance was a drug, and the air itself was something alive and breathing.

I got the ways and means to New Orleans
I'm goin' down by the river where it's warm and green
I'm gonna have a drink and walk around..
I got a lot to think about..
Concrete Blonde

Breaking The Spell

Part one:

Red neon gleamed in puddles outside Bonhamme; the newest chapter in Vitaly's slowly rebuilt presence in West End. The small limestone building was accessible only by a rolling shutter garage door or a sliding grate to the back of the premises and was heavily guarded. The sign flickered to life on the empty street and had only started glowing steadily when the hearse pulled up outside it; cruising like a shark through the city night on an engine that rumbled and growled and always made Elizabeth grin.

Once she got out and closed the heavy door with a clunk she idled a moment to stop and inhale the wet air. The smell of steam and tar carried to her nose and there was something refreshing and enlivening about it as she set her eyes on the sign above. The name read and re-read. Sounded out. "Bonhamme. Dont's sound Russian."

"That is point."

A voice from behind her.

She turned, lowering the black hood of her jacket and found Vitaly smiling at her, the most she had ever seen him smile. He wore a pressed, dark grey suit and his shoes were shiny as always. His hair swept back and secured with gel and his nails manicured and short. There was nothing to be said for several moments as he widened his arms and she broke the short distance between them to hug him tight. She buried her face into his chest. He still smelled like Earl Grey and Bay Rum.

"You look good, Lizzie. All is okay?"

Stepping back, but their arms still linked, she nodded up at him. "You've recovered wells. I'm so fucking glad for that, yo. Gods, you worried me. I'm so, so deeply, deeply sorry for Menace, for Vince, for your men..." she looked down and expelled a sigh, staring at their shoes; her beaten converse pointed at his wingtips.

"Ssshh, shhh, devushka. It over. Nothing to be done. Would have done same all again."

"Vit, man, I..."

"Lizzie, shut up."

She smirked up at him and he laughed and gestured to the garage front. "Come inside, tell me what you need."

Her hand clenched his forearm, stopping him. "I don'ts got much time; I'd love to stay but... I got shiz on. But I do need somethings from you. I'll figure out how to pay you back. It's real important."

"Say the word." He reached up to press a hand back through her dread-free hair, marvelling at the softness, at how nice it looked, not tangled in ropes and knots.

"I got to skip town for a day. But I got word some ... some trouble could be present. I needs you to stick a guy on my therapist, Doc Finch."

"Where will you go?" He stepped away to consider the girl seriously, steadily, while his hands sank into the pockets of his trousers, where he jostled pieces of change and studied her.

"I gots bidness in New Orleans. I'm going to go alone, go see what I can ... can do about stuff. Not askings no one for help with that... because it's... it's my problem. I think I gots to go and seek out some of Jimmie's campadre's, from back in the day. Middle management, so's to speak. But, I gots to be the one to do it."

"Alone?" Alarm filled his face and immediately aged him in the red light of the sign.

"Alone. I got my fire, and it's got to be good for something. All this oogy boogy shiz, it's got to be good for something. Any crazy ass fucking shiz goes down, I'll handle it. Might as well milk the contract while I gots it."

He laughed a little, though not meaning to and shook his head and continue to jostle the change in his pocket which sounded like a drunk at the keys.

"So how long, and you have his address?"

"Day, maybe two, tops. Here." She unzipped her jacket to reach inside and present him with a photo and an address on a small blue card. "He's a good guy. Been lookings out for me. He got told that... that someone from my past mights be in town and if anything goes nuts, I want him to be covered."

"And why you think he is... ah... what is the word, under threat?"

"Cuz the Feds went straight to him. Tried to digs up shiz. He knows everything and I can'ts be too careful. Trying to do the right things here."

Vitaly nodded sombrely and then looked to the sign again. When he looked back to Roach, her face was turned towards it too, coloured in scarlet reflections.

"Be careful, Lizzie. I will do as need. But please, call me when you safe. I will call if anything happen."

Roach tensed and shoved her hands into the pockets of her jacket but had no change to play with, only lint. She nodded stiffly at him and smiled a touch. "You know it, Vit. No worries. I'll be in touch witchu, either way. But... I got another requests, too."


She stepped in a little closer. "On that card is another address. I don'ts know too much about the guy, but I think he's alright. He's helping me with the contract shiz too but he's kind of sort of involved in some other shiz to do with my new employer. Can you do some surveillance theres, too. Just... just to check in." Roach had no concept of how truly formidable Les was. In any case, contingency was everything to her these days and so it was impressed the same on Vitaly, that Les's shop be acknowledged in her absence.

"You leave when?"


"Okay. It is done, devushka. You can count."

"Sway?" A grin.

"Sway." He extended a curled fist and she laughed out loud, bumping his knuckles with hers. "See ya in a couple days."

Vitaly nodded and watched her as she returned to the car. He squinted his eyes at the beast and then shook his head. "Strange girl."

"Oi, I heards that."

"You need nice, new car. Not one for stiffs."

Hanging over the door as she started the ignition, she cast a look back at him and revved the engine, displaying the roar of the V8. "What you think now, yo?"

He cracked a smile and gave her a thumbs up then walked over to the fin of the car and gave it a pat. "Ne idut nezhnyye."

In the rearview, she smiled at him and mouthed it back then went tearing off into the dark. He watched her go with a feeling of foreboding in his chest, but where she was concerned, it was habit.

"Ne idut nezhnyye, Lizzie."

The Black Ryder's 'Sweet Come Down' blasted from the windows and vibrated in the street as she traveled beneath an abscission of light.

Roach Lee

Date: 2017-02-22 22:47 EST
"You sure about this kid?"

"I'll be fine."

"You taking any weapons, just in case?"

"Grey got me a glock a whiles back, taking that but..." she wiggled her fingers in the air and grinned. "This is what I'm about. Whiles I still got it."

Bones placed his hands on his narrow hips and stared over her head as though he could see the streets of New Orleans in the distance. "Don't like it but I know this is something you have to do. For you, by you. Will you see Hade -- uh, Robbie?"

"Nope. I gots to do this. I'll speak to the guy eventually but right now, this is 'tween me and anyone I can find that knews Jimmie. Sway, the dudes I'm speaking of, you...?"

"And that is why it bothers me, Lizzie. But, you'll go anyway because you're Elizabeth Lee and that is what you do."

"Damn right, yo."

He reached out to embrace her and held her tight, his hair in the wind like white streamers and the girl so small in his long arms. "You have any creepy crap go down, kid, you call Les or me. We'll make any calls we can."

Roach hugged him tight, absorbing all the strength and love that she could, then stepped back and frowned determinedly with a curt nod. "Yo. You knows I will."

Then he walked her over to the hearse. "Which portal you using?"

"The one down by that half burned house. Out in the sticks."

"That the one that gets you there faster?" He opened the back door so she could dump her stuff inside. As she pushed her two bags inside she shook her head then slapped his hand away gently to shut the door. "Nope. It opens up at a dumpster on Frenchmen. It's wheres I need to go."

He gave her a look as she walked over to open the driver's side door. "Look, just, it's wheres I need to go. There's a process to this trip, man."

"You? Process?"

"Shut the hells up, old man." She cut him a quick grin and got inside and slammed the door. Music came barrelling out of the speakers immediately and raised the hairs on their arms. A feather from the air, he passed it over inside to her and tucked it behind her ear.

"Listen. Use it if you need to."

Her hand cupped his in place, against the side of her skull, and she nodded, meeting his gaze. "Right on."

"I believe in you, kid."

Roach reversed the hearse and her erratic turn sent dust flying. "You better." Hollered over the music and she leaned outside the door on her elbow. "I'll be back in a day, maybe two."

Then she took off, aimed for the edge of the city, where the winds rolled back and forward like boulders in the middle of nowhere. When she got there, she loaded her shoulders with her two small bags and walked towards the burned down homestead that stood like a black boned skeleton, all stark in the night. Just off from it was where she aimed herself, where the faint gleam of the portal could be made out in the glare off of her torch as she turned it on. A lean coyote streaked through the beam and off into the wild dark. And then Roach calmly walked on through, without a shred of fear. She would trespass against it, into the void on the other side of the pale.

And when she came through, a loss of several hours later but for felt like a minute, it was indeed within an alley mouth near the Spotted Cat on Frenchmen. Just a blonde girl crouched in an alley by a dumpster. The one she had first met Robert Brohkun. From one of her small backpacks she produced a red crayon and marked the ground with an 'x'.


Date: 2017-02-23 01:22 EST
Even in the dark hour, even if her eyes had been closed and she hadn?t known where that portal lead to, the heavy air was distinct. The sweet scent of the magnolia trees mingling with the mystery smell of the river, pervaded by the intrusion of man made sleaze and the metallic fumes expelled by tourist buses was uniquely New Orleans. Sultry, secretive and far from fresh. It was ardent and repressive, soft and violent at the same time.

It was home.

The birthplace of blues didn?t sleep when the sun went down. Hells, it never slept. It was especially true on that historical street. While the tourists wasted their time and money on the trap that was Bourbon street, real folks spent their time on Frenchmen. Exquisite, old-fashioned and a great place to live vicariously. Where, at this late hour, inebriated folks leaned heavily against the walls or on one another to drag themselves through the gutter to the next hopping music club.

A lazy tune drifted melodically through the thick moist air and the atmosphere pulsated with its soulful rhythm. The other beats and ensembles mingled and bounced out from the various night clubs, packed with locals and tourists alike to enjoy all that encompassed what New Orleans truly was. But through it all, that crooning, like a siren song to all those heartsick fools that knew what it was to have the blues, swam through the other sounds of the night to nestle in the former gutter rat?s ears.

Down on past the green and orange sign with the Spotted Cat?s namesake silhouette. Down on past that alley way that served as the portal to Rhy?din. Down further still into the night along that historical street steeped deep in culture.

Something called and pulled at the heart of any music lover, bidding them to come along and follow the music like a a rodent ensnared by a pied piper. Beckoning that came in the form of blues bars and chord progressions made more twangy with the aid of a metal slide along the strings. The music was made more intoxicating with the addition of a low registered voice occasionally belting out a line or two to add emphasis to the words.

Unlike the others drawn unwittingly to the music, Roach could feel something else woven into that soulful tune. Literal magic; pulling, clawing and urging with every bar and verse.

Roach Lee

Date: 2017-02-23 22:17 EST
Getting to her feet, adjusting the two packs over her shoulders and sliding the crayon into her jacket, girl pulls a left out of the alley and takes in the scene. The street is jam-packed; there's an artist's markets a few doors up, all the bars are spilling people onto the sidewalk like an overweight drag queen trying to fit into her hose at Good Friends up on Dauphine, there's a roving brass band getting revellers into ecstasies (..they can't see the loa around them, they can't see the skull boys and girls drawing their joy from every breath in their coat tails and black hats, grinning, grinning, grinning past their skeleton paint, and later they will dance in the moon at St Louis Number One..) and somewhere, somewhere in the mix, was a bluesman.

The chord progression rises and falls and makes her think that it would made a good song for a carousel. Up and down, up and down. She can't help but follow after it, baggy jeans over converse and she's tripping as she moves through the crowd, shoving past ducking under, stepping aside.

And then, she hears the voice.

It's dark chocolate and sin and it rises somehow more powerfully over the throng of people. Over the joie de vivre of the brass clamour on the pavement. It is almost soporific, mournful, dusty. The way this singer expresses it, sounds like he's stayed at that House for some time. Like he knows what it is like to know real misery, to die, to return. He brings it all back, he resurrects the pain and injects it into the music, so it's like a drug. The beat is as loud as the blood in her ears. Roach catches herself, hangs back, frowns, looks over the crowd. She still had to get back to the room she shared with Robbie all those years ago. She needed to mark the time. But that song.

He's seated on an upturned bucket with a slide guitar and his eyes are closed. Does he knows he's the pied piper? Does he know that the notes are chording beneath her skin and committing arson?

The blonde finds herself on the pavement opposite him, just staring. Can't see his eyes under the rakish angle of the trilby.

Dat Dog and Decatur behind him, the breeze blows the song all around, loans a skin-tinglingly sense of foreboding and suspense. It's the feeling of the weekend after a long week. It's a good sativa high. It's sudden rain when you haven't had a shower for weeks and you're living on the humid streets of the south...

She drops the bags at her feet and tilts her head as she watches, tapping a sneaker along to the melody. The air warmed by the tune. Alive with it in pressure and scent. It's magic, she can read it, can smell it, it's a crackle on the back of her tongue. Robbie's mouth on hers on Royal, cinnamon and vodka. She could almost taste it again, almost. The perfume of the moment. The way it went with demons and little gods, loas and deities; always with the burning. The way it went with Johnny Fucking Lagos, too, but that had been a different kind of fire.

Her wilted jasmine-petal of a smile all curled in, her eyes glittering with question.


Date: 2017-02-23 22:24 EST
The culprit was sitting at the crossroads of Decatur and Frenchmen. His skin was a smooth ebony and when he sang, his teeth gleamed all the brighter white in contrast. He was playing a well known, and almost cliche song to hear in that particular city, with a haunting blues twist. A well-loved deep cherry red electric guitar was nestled between his knee and his arm, the bends in the rounded body of the instrument made perfectly to accommodate the limbs. ?Dere is. A house. In-dat-sweet. New Orleans. Dey calls. Oh, dey calls d?riihiiisin? su~unn.? Words added and crooned not always in time to the natural tune of the song but in a way made wholly his own.

His fingers flew along the strings between the frets to wail out those notes that made the distinct ?blues? sound. Bending them upward at times to change the pitch and cause the instrument sound like it was feeling the blues itself. The metal slide encircling his pinky finger made the strings take on that scratchy technique that made it all the more haunting.

?An? it?s been. D?ruin. Been d?ruin of many. Many a poor boy. An? gahd. Oh, I know. Know dat ah?m one~.? A hat made of tightly woven synthetic straw and the same cherry red as the weeping guitar sat slightly askew on his head short shaved head. The color pulled at the eye, almost served as a beacon under the streetlamp poised as if it were a spotlight. As if the street itself was a far better stage than any of those music clubs.

His dark colored toes lifted and tapped a dark colored flip flop sandal with the beat, keeping time for his song as he continued. Not far from his foot was a regular sized mason jar with ?Good JuJu Jar? written in black sharpie on a stark white label secured by tape. A clever alternative to the traditional ?Tip Jar? that seemed to have worked at least a couple of times judging by the loose change and couple bills stuffed inside.

The nearly suffocating charge of magic emanated all around the area; flowing and swirling in a lazy but powerful dance. It ebbed and surged, pulsating with his deep silky voice as he continued the gloomy tune. It felt eerily familiar and it was difficult to tell if it was comforting or terrifying but there was no denying it held a certain captivating quality to her attention.

?So mamaaaaaas~! Tell yo childrens. Not t?dooo. What I. What I shouldn?a done. An? spend dere lives in sin an? misery. Down at dat riihii~sinn? sun.? The civilians oblivious to the magic that had them ensnared by his song seemed as if caught in a trance, swaying to the soulful melody until he slowly plucked the last few notes to end the House of the Rising Sun.

When the show was over, the magic slowly drifted off down the four directions as if itself had been caught in a trance by the musician?s song. The listeners moved on their way, their hearts heavy with the mournful sound of the tune even though they had all heard the song before; his version would haunt them long after the melody ended. Some stuffed gratuities into the jar before dispersing, leaving the chocolate skinned guitarist to his own devices again.

It was then he noticed her and with a slow toothy smile like a cheshire cat, lifted and tipped that crimson red lid in her direction. Even the jumping skeletons in their reverie knew to steer clear of this one and when he lifted his eyes to her, she saw the scalera a pitch black, soul sucking darkness and his pupils like the firey red coals of Hell.

"Well Well Well....ifin it ain't Jimmie's gurl. Miss Lil' Lizzie Lee." The blues man purred. She only knew him as Mettise and knew that even Jimmie showed the man respect.

Roach Lee

Date: 2017-02-23 22:43 EST
"Aw, fuck."

She folded her arms across her middle when he addressed her and impressed her attention with his fixing gaze. "Metisse. Holy shit. Uh, I thought you was dead. You hears about Jimmie?"

Jimmie who was definitely dead.

Roach expelled a long breath and shook her head, and the breath became a hollow little laugh as she looked off back down the street. "Didn't knows youse taken to busking again. Surely you don'ts need to do this."

But then she smiled, which became more of a grin. "Still sound off the hooks, man." And to pay her respects, because you don't cross no loa, she dug around in her pockets for loose change. Next to forage in and around in one of the small backpacks for her lighter, the one that had been everywhere with her, her baby blue, and with a brief, sad look, tossed that into the Juju Jar too. Next came a chocolate protein bar (tasted like crap, no real loss) and then she reached up to undo the leather, spiked choker around her delicate throat and appeased his love for jewellery.

"Thinks that puts me up to scratch for a bits, yo." She smiled again, it was real, it had to be for Metisse, and she rose to her feet. "You knew I was coming?" Lift of an ashen brow. "Or this just another fucking coincidence?" She was going to put her money on it not being the latter. But Metisse, funny enough, was exactly who she needed.

And a crossroads conduit always needed a girl like Lizzie Lee.

"Seen Hades?"


Date: 2017-02-23 23:10 EST
He gave a deep throaty chuckle being told her thought on his demise, ?Dat news t?me. Dunno why you?d think someone could off me. C?mon, ain?t no one dat stupid.? A wink of an unnatural eye, ?I don?t need to do anything. But I do it. Simple pleasures, sha.?

He sat all calm and relaxed like from his perch, silent as the grave then as he watched her dig out the various tributes and blinking not nearly enough. The constant gaze certainly lending a more unsettling sensation. He set the scuffed up guitar aside and stooped over to collect the jar when she stood and backed off a touch, giving it a shake to inspect what she?d put forth. When he lifted his gaze to her again, the black had receded, giving way to a natural white and the red dulling down to a cockroach brown and that slow toothy smile came again, ?It?ll do for now. Doh it sure depend on whacha lookin? for, gurl? The sacrifices she had made were satisfactory for a meeting with the Loa.

Metisse dug about in the jar, pocketing the cash and change in one of the side pockets of his olive colored baggy cargo pants as he listened. Another deep chuckle, ?Wha? Y?mean I don?t know ev?rything?? He made a short steupsing sound against the back of his teeth before smirking again as he fingered the other items out of the jar to inspect them more closely. He pocketed the blue lighter in his polo shirt pocket giving it a deliberate pat. That had meant the most to her so it was the best bargaining chip. He opened up the chocolate protein bar and with it hanging out of his mouth, wrapper discarded into another of those pockets, he gestured with a silent beckoning finger back over to him.

?D?King? Ya. I seen him about with his lady dat ain?t Persephone. But dat ain?t really a surprise all things considered, huh?? He continued to beckon and speak around the bar in his teeth.

Roach Lee

Date: 2017-02-23 23:47 EST
With trepidation and with amusement, Roach listened and watched and basked in the presence of the man who wasn't a man and took from it what she could. Took from him only what he was giving, and that was mostly glamour and electricity and coercion with a sprinkle of information.

"I sure as fuck didn't come here seeking you outs, but we get what we're given, huh." Her hands fidgeted at the ends of the hoodie, emblazoned with a peeling skull face from years of wear, and observed the air around him, still subtly sparking with his mojo and too, the presence of the deceased; the few stray ghosts that wanted their replenishment, wanted to know if they could make contact tonight. For the most part, Roach switched off her attention to them; they could propagate like a disease if looked at too much - give them a glance and they could harass you all night and right now, she didn't have time for anyone else's bullshiz. Especially not that of the dead.

"And yeahs, the King." There was a roll of eyes and a sarcastic smirk as she clarified. Then she got to thinking about this woman. Who the hell was he hanging out with? Certainly not Doll, or at least, he wouldn't willingly be seen with her in public, not with all her scandal and her duplicity. He hadn't tolerate her well before and Roach couldn't imagine him doing so now that he had ascended. So that left that Salome, but that wasn't likely, or Kate, whom the grapevine had whispered of being involved with the demon on some level and the attempted retrieval of her from the swamp, before the vampire Michael stepped in and gotten her back to Rhy'Din and away from the cult, away from Hades, away from whatever could have been.

"A lady, eh?" If it was Kate she didn't know what to think but what she was had a surprising effect. Roach felt the first pangs of envy in her stomach, an uncomfortable feeling that curdled and wanted to rise up her throat. There was no placing why she felt that; she didn't love Robert but perhaps the potential for love, for being something more than the rat she still felt she was, meant something to her. It a struggle to know what to feel when you weren't entirely yourself. When you had to be someone else.

"I uh... I never wanted to be Persephone. You knows that, right, Mettise? I.. I nevers wanted to be that girl. I never wanted to put on those shoes, yo."

And yet in the muck of the swamp they had consummated the contract. And after that, the air between them hadn't been the same. He wasn't just her Robbie-boy. It had awoke feelings explored in the week they had tried to be something. Something ill-advised given their divergent natures and expectations. But they had believed in one another, after everything and that was the most powerful magic of all. Belief. So she thought. But it had been weeks since they had spoken and while he had embraced his new position, Roach still sought to undo her own; though she had to question why.

"Looks I... I wants to get my soul back. I realise I'll always have ties to the Crez, but I isn't no Queen. I am not the fit for any kind of prophecy to bloom, even if it has. I dont's want it." She watched the protein bar fill his mouth and all it reminded her of was Bosch's hell paintings. She'd seen them in a book in high school and become transfixed by the distorted, graphic, visceral imagery. Bodies prone in the jaws of monsters. Roach sharpened to at the thought; no matter how charming or helpful Mettise might be, he was still a Loa. He still had a bargain and whatever went on was, at the end of the day, business. This wasn't a holiday to soak up some local culture. This was blood. This was fate.

"I know what I gave over now isn't gon' cut it none. But maybe we can sorts out some kind of deal. I know you got some serious swing in the court of the city. In the auction hall. Jimmie is dead and we don'ts got to worry about him. I need to hash out somethings to get out of this shiz. I'll do whatever you want, to be agreed upon mutually, cuz Metisse, anything is better than..." she looked down to her beaten sneakers and thought about the blonde flower reclining on a rooftop. That girl Noelle. About how nice it would be to kiss her and have a soul while doing so. To feel herself again. No enchantments. No masquerades.

"Je veux briser ce sort." I want to break this spell.


Date: 2017-02-24 00:23 EST
?But y?did. An? now here you is.? When she didn?t come to him at his beckoning, he closed the distance himself. Long legs carrying him the short distance between them to loom his dark form over her small pale one.

?Hair, up.? Came the short instruction as he lifted the sacrificed collar up in front of her throat. He ignored her comments for a few moments and her desires to get down to business. He wanted some things cleared up first, ?I hears dat y?negged on some dough y?owed Jimmie, Li?l Lizzie. We ain?t gunna have something like dat happen here now, is we? I don?t have t?be worried about our reluctant li?l Queenie goin? back on any sort of agreements we may or may not come to, do I?? He waited for a response for a moment, finishing the protein bar as he did so he didn?t have to talk around it anymore.

The Loa knew far more than Roach could believe. The spirits spoke with him all the time and unlike her, he permitted them and commanded them with ease. He listened to their whispering and bemoaning and he,like them, had very much been present at the event that sealed the girl?s fate she still struggled against accepting.

?Like most things involving magic, sha, is easiah t?get in den out.? Clasping the choker back around her throat to fit perhaps a little too snug for a moment as he lowered his eyes down to hers. A crooked smirk came to his lips rather than the mirthful amused one, ?...careful, gurl, you betta think hard on d?things y?say before y?say?em. Sayin? y?ll do anything I want could mean a helluva lot worse den bein? an unhappy Persephone.? His eyes clouded over to that soulless black and red, reminding her of what she already knew he was. He was dangerous. Smiling like one of the gators in the murky water that could snap a person up and spin them all which ways so they didn?t know their up from down and drown long before being eaten.

Roach Lee

Date: 2017-02-24 07:51 EST
Scooping up the layers of her newly tangle-free hair while he re-applied her choker, she listened keenly to Metisse, with a wary reserve when he began to bring up Jimmie's accusations from June a year ago.

"Yo, I didn't skip on his ass nor no coming up short. Billy, that asshole demon hunter 'fore me, he keeps clams for himself and then abandons post, cue Lizzie being sent on in to pick up the fucking pieces. Someone started some fucking rumour, probably Doll, that I was the one without the full deck. Fuck them. I always did good by Jimmie. You know as well as me, I was a pawn. All of us was. Menace, Vincent. Even you. All a scheme and we was the moving numbers."

Dropping her hair to fall to her neck, she made sure she had his eyes. "I might be a hellion, Bluesman, I have been a slut, killer of demons, a social security blinker, a piece of dirt on these streets along with all the other riff raff and crusties. But I isn't no liar and I isn't no thief. So, Kalfou, youse not gonna have no problem with me holding up my end of the deal. My past may be full of foils and trouble but not once have I let down my personal reputation in that way. Not fucking once."

When he tightened the necklace, snapping it into place and holding it in a soft choke at her throat, girl tensed all over and her eyes went cold.

"You threatening me?" One brow inched up as a rage went flush through her body. A palpable change in her and around her like an aura. Like standing near a hot stove. Mercury about to burst from its glass. A magnified heat. Firestarter getting exactly that... started.

"Take your hands off of me, yo. I said I would do anything because this is the game of my life ands I'm willing to bet high, asshole. But that anything is gon' get worded nice and fucking clear when we's get there. I respect you and now you can respect me. Cuz while I don't wants no crown, I am Queen. So's you listen to me and I'm going to tell you how this is going to go.

One, you're goings to show me where I might pick up a few ritual items.

Two, you're going to respect me like I respects you. And I'll do right by you, Metisse. I'll make you offerings so sweet you'll lick your fucking fingers. But I am not going to stand here and be's patronised because I isn't as old as you. You'll get something out of this yets. At the end of this, we are both gonna be gravy. But none of this talking at me like I don'ts know what is what. Okay?"

She pulled up her hoodie with a thrust of her shoulders and a lift of her chin and then stepped back off of the curb and bent down to pull on her packs. "Now, I gots to go... do a thing. Meet you at Pere Antoine's in an hour. Up back."

Then she hit the street and became one with the great serpent of bodies moving down Frenchmen into Decatur. First to find accommodation, then to ascribe that crayon to a key locations. To own the past, to honor the present and protect the future. But before all of that.... a bourbon at Lafitte's. Cuz damn Loa's got her mad and the contract was making her temperature continue to rise.


Date: 2017-02-24 13:41 EST
Metisse held her eyes with his unnatural ones; that gator-toothed too-bright smile still on his lips as he listened to her explanation and words as they grew heated and terse. He liked Lizzie, but a lot had happened in a year and he needed to be sure not everything had changed in a way he didn?t know of. He already held a modicum of respect for the girl and how she knew to keep to the proper procedures and ceremonies when they were due.

When she was done and turned to go, he let out a howl of a laugh, relaxed as ever, ?As y?say, y?majesty.? He swiped the red hat from his head and gave a flourish of a bow, his smile returning to the mirthful and amused one rather than the dangerous threat of earlier. When he straightened back up again, he tilted his head slightly to one side as he enjoyed watching her go at an angle, ?Y?say y?don?t wanna be Queen but I think y?d do a daym fine job, bebe Lee!? The Loa called after her, ?Pere Antoine?s. One hour. I be dere with bells on!?

He chuckled as Roach wound her way through the streets of revelers; the living not realizing who they were near and noticed the dead and damned not daring to go near. He considered making Persephone a sacrifice of his own to appease that anger when next he saw her...he?d think about it. For now, he had time to do one more song and captivate the attention of the meandering music lovers and enjoy a dark wrapped cigarillo, lit with royalty?s baby blue.

Roach Lee

Date: 2017-02-26 08:34 EST
"Hello and welcome to the Wyndham, Ma'am. How can I help you? Are you here to check in?"

Roach slouched all over the desk and shot her eyes towards the marble wall that curved around towards the elevators. "Yeahs, need a room. But uh, one in particular."

"I'm afraid we are at capacity. But, we have a sister hot--"

"Don't wants no sister hotel, lady." She leaned over the desk, eyeing the woman with that intrusive glare. More mesmeric than usual. Playing off of the energy that traveled the air around her, had electrified her presence since entering the alley. "Capiche, baby doll?"

The woman slowly nodded and rubbed her bubble-gum pink lips together and cast her eyes at the computer, running through the reservations. "The deluxe..."

"No." Roach tapped the high desk between them with her finger. "I wants Room fooo-ur, two, sixxxx." Smacking her lips at the end, she grinned falsely and waited, beating her palms against the counter as she leant back, waiting for the cards to fall in place. And sure enough, in less than ten minutes, she was in the elevator on the way up; key card in hand and her own reflection looking back at her. She double-glanced. Without the dreads, after years and years of having them, she didn't recognise herself. But deeper, she didn't recognise the woman she was becoming. Who she still was, who she had been. The hotel wasn't a place she was comfortable in, with memories haunting the halls and the flashbacks it afforded, but a ritual was a ritual. She had to look the past in the eye if she had any hope of facing the future.

Swiping the key into the socket, she entered the room with an unchecked catch of breath. A switch of the lights on the narrow wall to her left, she dumped her bags on the bed as she reached it, casting her eyes over the sheets. Neatly made. A menu and a list of local activities on a flyer left on the bedside table. With another little hitch of a breath, she headed over to pick one of them up and read over it.

"Miriam isn't a voodun queen. God fucking damnit. Whens are people going to catch on? Can't they feels the lie?" She rolled her eyes despairingly and tore the paper up and rained it over the empty, perfect bed and then reached out to run the tips of black nailed fingers along the pillow. "Ah, Robbie." They had barely started anything in that room. But it felt like something had, nonetheless. His eyes watching her as she showered, watching her as she came on the edge of the bed; opening, opening like a flower for him. More poison than pollen, but opening nonetheless. Trying, trying..

She walked across the room and pushed open the curtains to peer out over the street. Another roving brass band on the sidewalk, loud and infectious even at the height and distance of her window and it made her smile a little distantly. But it was another kind of music she could make out behind it, below it, beside it all. The unheard music. The music of the skull faces in their dapper hats and dapper coats and shiny boots colored with grave dirt. White gloves linked hand in hand as as they sang their merry dirges, either praising Hades and Persephone, or chanting in the old words for the time that may never come where they would be undone.

But they would be undone.

She had things to do to get to that point, but for the first time in weeks ana apathy came over her, not unlike the gentle rain of the flyer in pieces down upon the white quilt. Grinding her teeth, she dug around her jacket for her lighter and then remembered that it was with Metisse. "Fuck."

No smokes and a bad mood descending. Or was it a bad moon that was still rising?

Roach walked over to the television and turned it on. "Twin Peaks" came rolling onto the screen after a moment of blue static at her nearness and then she stepped back to sit on the end of the bed and watch it, without any real interest other than knowing what had to be done might be harder than she had realised. It was why she had prescribed to the crew's M.O - don't feel, don't overthink. Keep moving. It had served her well not having an emotional reserve. It had kept her alive, perhaps. But she didn't know that she didn't want to feel any more. Feelings were needed. Stifling them with booze and weed didn't hold the same appeal. She didn't know when that had changed or why it was that she didn't feel like being Roach any more than she didn't want to be Persephone. Lizzie wanted to be Lizzie. Nothing more or less.

Tears came to her eyes, a feeling of helplessness, of simply being tired. She wiped them away roughly with the heels of her hands and then stuck out a finger to turn the television of. She had another forty minutes before meeting the Bluesman at Antoine's. A smoke was craved. Something to quieten her thoughts and bolster her resolve.

Dropping backwards to sprawl out on the bed, dark, troubled hazel eyes on the ceiling, she bit her lip and frowned. Would it ever change? Would it ever get easier? Roach reached down inside her jeans and she touched herself. Eyes shut tight and she continued to delve deeper.

The fire alarm went off. The television flashed on and the volume jumped to thirty. Water started running from the shower and the basin. The toilet started flushing. But she didn't give two damns. She wanted to feel. And so, she did, until her fingers were wet with her orgasm, perspiration dotted her pale brow and the mirrors were running with condensation.

Afterwards, she lay there and floated in the feeling. The way the sexual felt with the contract made true. The way every hair on her body rose and her stomach clenched deliciously for several minutes post-climax. And when that feeling of weightlessness had passed and her head felt mildly clearer, she washed her hands, re-applied patchouli oil, ran a brush through her hair and left for the restaurant. Now and again her eyes sought out Robert or Kate in the streets but she did not see them. A listlessness came to her in brief, potent surges and went back out like a dark, confused sea. When she sat down at Antoine's she ordered a bourbon immediately. It arrived quickly and it tasted like malt and old wood and it satisfied something in her. Metisse would not be long..

Back at the hotel the impression of her writhing was still on the bed. A design of a girl in lust. A tattoo of a lonely passion. A tribute and a warning. A marking and a reminder.


Date: 2017-02-26 14:24 EST
One thing that could be said for Metisse that would never change was his punctuality. Fifty nine minutes since their agreement, he was arriving at restaurant and spotting the girl that no longer looked so out of place. At one hour to the very second, he was taking a seat across from her with that wide cheshire cat smile of too-white teeth. ?Y?know. I meant t?say earlia...y?clean up real nice, Lizzie. Certainly a change from what we all used to for yous.? He paused, scratching his short well manicured nails into the close trimmed hair at his chin as he regarded her, ?Had t?be sure about what all had changed...but y?right, shoulda showed ya d?respect due. Apologies. Sway??

He would say it once and be done with it. As Persephone and the Queen of NOLA, she demanded that respect but it was because she was an an old compatriot that she deserved it. She certainly did look different without her tangle of dreads and at first, if he hadn?t felt the magic in her on the street, he wouldn?t have recognized the petite Persephone. She didn?t look like the wild and dangerous little punk gutter rat he was used to seeing.

He leaned back in his seat, ordering a dark spiced rum when he was asked by the server before returning his attention to the woman across from him.

She hadn?t changed her clothes but he certainly had. She had wanted to meet him for business, so gone was the ?downtime? hat, the casual clothes and out came the bloody red jacket, black button-down shirt and tie to match the color of his jacket. Pressed black slacks and two toned shoes: red and black as well of course. He gave a gentle tug to one cuff of his shirt than the other before folding his hands in front of him on the table between them.

?Now?.y?realize what yous askin?, right, Lee?? One of his dark eyebrows arched a bit, ?It ain?t no easy thang yous afta. Gettin? a soul back, it got some high prices. Gettin? your soul back, dat gunna be real steep.? He dipped his chin a bit, ?And I ain?t just talkin? for yous. We talkin? all a NOLA; Me, d'udda Invisibles, Skelly kids, d'King and d'rest a d'like. Y?don?t want d'crown but it has you deep now and it ain?t gunna wanna let you go so easy like.?

His cheshire cat smile had faded to a more serious look but it flashed a brightly again for the girl who brought his drink, taking a sip. It wasn?t what he preferred but it was close enough and the best he would get at a restaurant anyway. When the drink was lowered again, it was back to business as he fished a familiar baby blue lighter from his jacket?s breast pocket. He placed the flat bottom end of it on the table and with his finger on the metal bit of the mini bic, rocked it slowly from side to side like a slow metronome. Tick, tick, tick to some unheard song. His dark eyes were still on hers and not the tiny item. ?Dis is important t?yous. Why?? Her answer was important. She would need something important, something tangible, to anchor to before they even thought about going down that dangerous rabbit hole.

Roach Lee

Date: 2017-02-26 22:54 EST
He looked much more akin to the Bluesman from her memory. Dressed sharp, charming and looking ready to win and always somewhat devious. Her eyes met his at his expression of apology and she inched back in her seat, toying with the corner of her menu. "No hard feelings, yo. S'all good. Felt a needs speak up. Never had much of a voice withs you all back in the day. But! Thats said, I 'preciate...." she waved her fingers at him and waved it all off. "The apology", a rise and fall of small shoulders. "Thanks." Her face and the way it lightened from its usual sour glare said that it meant something. His compliment over her appearance was met with an aloof and somewhat embarrassed turn of her eyes away, watching the people pass outside. The color and the smells. A saxophone somewhere in the post-noon thrum, signalling something in her heart. She let the moment wander off, not wishing to get too friendly with the Loa. There were boundaries. Doc Finch would be impressed.

Seeing the lighter in his hand; ultra blue against the dark of his flesh, brought a frown to her face as quickly as any light had filled it. "It's been with me a long time. It's a ... a silly fucking sentiment."

But it was the baby blue of Johnny's blazer. It was the baby blue of the sky when she had first arrived in New Orleans, all those moons ago. It was the color of her Grandmother's eyes. It was the color she saw before her gaze, body arched in pleasure beneath a lover, stars streaking across her vision. It was a lighter that had been a constant for a life on the run, where everything else moved and changed around her. She reached up to unzipper the jacket hoodie and threw it over the back of her chair.

"Hey there Queenie. Hey there Maitre, love." A waitress; blue hair, vibrant red-tinged eyes, a deep tan, flashed her razorblade of a smile at each of them but her gaze lingered on Metisse in a flirtatious fashion. Roach watched this with an amused tilt of her brows and then looked down to her menu as she smoothed a hand down the front of her loose grey t shirt creased from her journey.

"I'll order those maple fries. Puhleeeeeeze."

"Extra for you, Persephone. It's on the house. Another bourbon?" Roach nodded affirmatively and then looked across to Metisse as the waitress did. "And I'll apologise, that other waitress is new. I'll make sure some gunpowder is in that next rum." Then she bustled off out back into the kitchen leaving the two alone.

Sitting forward, she laid her hands knuckle down on the crisp, white table cloth and thought briefly back to that perfect white bed. Then she unfurled her fingers towards him, her face almost pious. "I knows it's isn't going to be an easy sitch to pull off. But I figure, this is on my head. Robert was only evers trying to help me get out of shiz, but he got so far in, somehow, and I suppose he don't gots no reason not to enjoy the fucking show. But me? I..." she looked down to her open hands and then spun them around, curling them into fists. "I'm physically tired, mentally tired, I'm spent from all of it. From the years of all the shiz with this city. And, not sayings I didn't bring on my own .... downfall, but I want to turn this around."

The large bowl of french fries arrived coated in powdered sugar and maple syrup. Roach took one out and bit off the end. "I came here cuz ... something propelled me to. I was reading a book I picked up that was abouts "cross roading" your own soul. About... about..." it was hard for her to be eloquent about her thoughts to begin with, let alone the often convoluted world of souls, demons and bayou cults. It was all so weird and she really wondered sometimes at what trajectory she might be if she hadn't caught that 'hound to the Crez those years ago. Or hell, maybe she would have just ended up in the same prophecy for another city. She knew staying in New Jersey had never been an option. Not with Sean. Not with her mother. Once her grandmother had died, running away had been the only way to go and she had been doing that since. In the least, she could say she had been doing some real living, even if it had been while running ever since.

"Bumping into you however.... you didn't answers me before. You knew I was comings? Did Doll put you up to this? You never did wrong by me, Kalfou, but don't think I don't know how bad your rep can be. Erzulie sure don't think too highly of you."

A bit of a grin as she reached for another fry, dragging it around the maple spill before pressing it past her naked lips. No warpaint on her here. No kohl-made eyes for days, no black lipstick, no affectations; just a runaway in a too big t shirt trying to undo the wrongs of her checkered past and make tomorrow a little brighter.

"Looks, I just.... I'm willing to go out on a limb to get to the place the fruits is. There's no room for reluctance or safety nets heres. Tell me what my options are. I'm doing already what I can on my end to close the doors of the past. Tells me how I get it back, how I work with the skull kids, the Invisibles, the dead. They visit me all the time and I can't stand that shit no more."

Outside, the saxophonist walked by, blowing mournful notes into the sky. Roach watched him with another of those distant, small smiles. Then from behind him came a crowd all dressed in black, crying and singing and some even dancing. The thick of them kept rolling by until the coffin they carried came into sight. The crowd in the restaurant bowed their head in respect and Roach turned away and looked down to the bowl. The ghost of the dead man was leaning in the window, looking her way expectantly. She clicked her fingers and thumb jerked at him for Metisse. "See? Always wanting some fucking thing."

The jazz funeral walked on. The slow swing of the downbeat melody making her feel sad again. Tense. That funny little longing in her belly when she set foot into room 406.

"I'm done with this stuff, man." Her face hardened. "Hook me up."


Date: 2017-02-27 15:49 EST
He continued the tick tock of the lighter, metronome style, for a few moments before leaving it to stand it up straight on its end. It stood straight like some chunk of the sky against the cloud white tablecloth. The wooden chair creaked a bit as the athletic built black man leaned back in his seat to regard the girl. ?...Silly *** sentiment or no. Is important to yous. So...dat?s important and gives d?thing power. Power t?keep your mind focused and your body grounded during d?ritual.?

Metisse was going to elaborate but it was then that the lovely Dominique sashayed on by and he was rendered rather distracted momentarily. That wide cheshire cat grin returned to his face and a wink was shot over to the waitress, ?You a peach, sha. Knows d?way right t?my li?l black heart, y?do.? When she retreated again to put in the order for Roach?s sickeningly sweet fries and his special brand of spicy rum, Metisse lulled his head back over the back of his seat. Black and red eyes watched her go with a lovely view of that round backside, albeit upside down, it was still a nice view.

The front two legs of his chair tipped back to afford him a longer, more easy linger of a look before she was out of sight. Leaning forward again, the chair legs thumped back down to the floor and that business look was on his face again, though, there may have been a bit more humor in it now. He may be a strange creature of voodoo but he was still a man with desires.

?Your downfall certainly weren?t all your fault, Lizzie. ****, Jimmie made sure to guide dat downfall right along. In truth,? He took a breath through his mouth and let it out in a sigh through his nose as he recalled, ?We all had a hand in each otha?s corruption in some form or anotha...was just how thangs went down around d?House. Was just d?energy. D?flow. We all got used to it. We all lost our souls in some way, sha.? He had been around a long while before little Lizzie Lee showed up on the doorstep but that didn?t mean there weren?t regrets lingering about in the Bluesman?s mind sometimes. Things he did and didn?t do weighed the same and always would. She had been coerced into it, no other real opportunity or option before her given the tumultuous life she had lived up until then. Most others had volunteered, knowing full well what they were getting into ahead of time.

He gave a small grin at her struggling to put words to her thoughts, he didn?t know why but it amused him a little bit. Reminded him of the flustered way she?d get when receiving an honest compliment and not the typical lewd one she must have been used to getting. It reminded him that Lizzie was still a girl.

One of his dark eyebrows arched as he folded his arms over his chest when she used his title instead of his name. It was a stark reminder that it was always business and not two folks just hanging out. They weren?t friends. Hell, he wasn?t even sure if she liked him or if she was just like everyone else. What can Metisse do for me? Of course, he was used to that. Why expect any different from an old familiar face. Not many people wanted to hang around the crossroads conduit who granted power to all manner of terrible people for their wicked deeds. As if consorting with their types damned him to the same circles as well. It was just part of the job, no sense in bellyaching about it. And no sense in wishing for more. It was why in his ?downtime? he chose to sit on the streets and play them blues to strangers in the street. He felt closer to those folks that passed by after listening to one of his tunes than anyone else. The Lone Wolf of the Crossroads left to howl on his own.

In a way, he was almost jealous of Lizzie even having the opportunity to retain her soul and have it back for her own as it had been. Metisse still had his in a manner of speaking, but it wasn?t the same as when he was born. It had been twisted, mangled and reassembled into the new shape for a permanent vessel of the Kalfou.

He had to force a laugh at her almost paranoid comment. ?Now, I could get upset at ya for even hinting dat I?d double-cross anyone. A deal?s, a deal?s, a deal?, sha. Y?know if is a deal I made, I ain?t gunna break it. Dat?s just bad business right dere.? Metisse grinned that wide gator smile, ?No. I didn?t know y?was comin?. I was messin? with ya earlier. But I sure as hell knew when y?was here. Like I said before, I seen Hades but not spoken with him yet. No cause to, really. Only folks dat tend to come my way are d?ones dat need something and he seem to have all his thangs well in hand.?

A small curl of his upper lip into an almost snarl and the smallest of twitches came to one of his eyes at the mention of his bad rep and the name. His square jaw tensed a bit and he folded his arms over his chest again, leaning back in his seat. Metisse had a hot temper and that was where most of his bad reputation came from; hot temper and violent outbursts when pushed along with working with all manner of unsavoury types.

He stayed silent with his negative thoughts as she continued to speak and the procession went by outside the windows. He was used to the dead and didn?t see them as nuisances anymore. He was used to people, dead and alive, coming to him, wanting something for some trivial tributes. He?d supped on more animal sacrifices, rum tainted with gunpower and without, all manner of red articles be they clothing, jewelry or food. He gave an annoyed sigh and looked down at his proper drink the lovely Dominique had left for him. Metisse paused to push his thoughts away and took a deep drink from the short glass; the grainy texture of the gunpowder feeling like a hot explosion in his gullet after the swallow.

?Not even got d?job a year and y?want out...? Metisse murmured more to himself than to her as he swirled his drink around He hadn?t set it down just yet, he needed more drink to replace the heat of his rising agitation with the heat of the drink. He made a steupsing sound again; his upper lip lifting to pull away from his teeth a bit with the noise before another drink was taken.

This time when he was done, the drink half gone, he set it down and leveled his gaze on hers, a neutral look. No cheshire cat grin or gator, just a flat line, ?...Funny you use dat analogy. Cause dats exactly what yous gunna have t?do. Go out on dat limb t?get dat fruit.?

He leaned to the side to fish out his wallet from his back pocket and thumbed some bills out. The Queen may eat for free but he was used to paying his own way. ?Four apples actually. As red as can be.? He tucked his wallet back away and took up his drink again to gulp it down, ?Get dem. Dey?ll act as a hourglass for yous when we gets down to the nitty gritty of d?thang.?

He looked like he was getting ready to get up and go but then a thought struck him and he sighed, leaning forward a bit in an almost conspiritus manner, ?...Y?know...yous gunna be d?only one dat wants dis, Lizzie....? He looked to the table and picked up a knife and a fork, setting them on either side of the baby blue lighter still standing there like a silent beacon on the stark white of the cloth. ?You know dat dere?s a veil between d?dead and livin? dat we kinda straddle. Let?s call d?lighta all of us magic inclined folk, kay?? He lightly tapped the two utensils against the table, barely an inch away on either of the lighter, ?For us, normally, dat veil is skinny. Thicker den just about everywhere else in the United States but still thin. It harda to do magic, talk with spirits, do all d?voodoo dat we do so well?.but?.With Persephone and Hades finally joined and both in d?Crez?? He moved the utensils farther apart, three or four inches rather than the one, ? make dat divide a whole lot less. It make usin? and movin? magic about all d?more easy. And some folks?.well...some folks are gunna wanna keep it dat way. Dey may not look too kindly should dey find out you wanna bring dat to an end cause you ?tired?.? He cleared his throat and slowly moved the utensils back in, his voice low, ?I ain?t threatin? yous so don?t get your back up at me. I gunna do dese rituals for you, I just want you t?know, t?really know, dat dis thang gunna effect folks y?know dat may not care as much about d?magic and care more about your well-bein? and folks ya don?t know dat will take issue and come at you and yours guns a blazin?. You saw d'lengths some a dem cultists went to t'get it all squared away...dey'll do a lot more t'keep it.?

He wasn?t so sure the lesson on the veil and their strange world was required, but he knew he needed to drive home the dangers that this task would trigger. ?Is it really dat bad t?have dese powers, Lizzie?...Is d?burden of dat crown really so heavy for you? You could literally have anything yous want in dis city with dat title?.?

Roach Lee

Date: 2017-02-28 23:49 EST
Maple-mouthed, droplets of syrup speckling her lower lip, the girl watched the Bluesman with an intensity as he spoke, trying to keep up; it was a lot to assimilate in her mind. Everything from his pointers on what to expect in the LotD with all those needful spirits and grievous beasts, the murky history that Metisse shared in with her around The House of the Rising Sun, his personal opinion on her and the value of her lighter.

As for the apples, she would add them to Owen's list of things he required for his own shenanigans.

"No green apples, got it." She gave him a softer look and then reached for another chip, the taste of the sugar and the syrup beginning to grow sickening. It reminded her of the air down at the bayou. Fragrant, stuffy, overwhelming. A mixture of moisture, of wild floral accords and decay. Pushing the bowl aside, she answered his question, a question she had had to contemplate in the wake of the incidents in late 2016.

"I'm not sayings it don't got it's merit. But I'm like Cinderella before the fucking dress and shoes and I never wanteds to go to the motherfucking ball."

She looked down at the white tablecloth and her skinny white hand against it with the chipped nails. "I knows it could give me more than I've evers had, Metisse. I knows there's a whole tonne of significance on the title. Of wearings it. But it's all tied up for me in something I can'ts believes in. It's been... it's like..." she looked outside on the street, relieved to see the ghost of the dead man had gone. Just passerby. Just a street performer, juggling knives.

"This whole scenario was tied up in Jimmie and me signing offs my soul. I can't put the two apart. And, mosts of all, it isn'ts just about me, Bluesman. It's Robbie. He's... " she took a deep breath and lifted her eyes again to meet the loa's. "Robbie made compromises for me. I cares about him. It's kindsa complicated with us cuz... we shagged. But... we don't love each other. We're not in love. And beings this ... person I'm really not, it's me just living this... fake ass life. And I don'ts got to hide anymore. Rather... I'm not going to do it. I've been doing it for years and years man. I can't.. I can't. I hide in drugs, in alcohol, in sleep, in sex. I know what the fuck I am doing.... but what happened to me woke me the hells up. My Doc back home... he...he's helped to make sense of shiz for me" and yeah, Rhy'Din was home now. Not New Orleans. Not New York. Rhy'Din. There would always be ties to this city, but it could not be home for her now.

"If I do this, if i stay here..." she poked her index into the table and tapped it. "If I stay heres, Metisse, I'm participating in something I nevers wanted to be in. And it'd be easier, it'd be a hell of a lot easier to just... pretend this wholes life with him. But I don't wants it. It's what I told you earlier... it's all a spell. It's bullshit. It's based on ... on some backwoods, bayou cult. Their believing in me. And frankly, who the fuck am I to be reviled?" She laughed out loud at that and hard. "I'm not that. Never was."

She sat back in her seat and pulled her jacket back over her shoulders as thought a chill had taken her. But it was the conversation, it was her awareness of spirits at the edges of her vision, it was the heat and magnetism and zhebe coming off of Metisse like a mirage. "Once upon a time, Metisse. Once upon a time. Might have takens it all on and been greedy with it. But, I isn't that girl no more."

Fastening the jacket, she fluffed her hair from under its colllar and cast her eyes over the restaurant, filling up with more early evening diners. And more spectres. And outside, the Skullies, who pranced around tourists completely unaware; one with a parasol she spun in the air above her head, balancing a very smart looking black crow at its peak and before her the snap of a tailcoat and white, shiny doc martens smattered in chicken blood and with soles lined in graveyard dirt. Lizzie strained to see Morrigan but the St. Louis One skull kid was too quick and her party of attendants and revellers and friends had already faded from view.

"Tell me everythings I need to make this happen and to do so safely. You're the ferryman, you know how it's done. I needs to know how I get back." Lizzie exhaled and frowned. "And what it is I owe you, in exchange."


Date: 2017-03-02 22:17 EST
Part of him was curious to ask about the place she now called home since it wasn?t New Orleans anymore. He was curious about her doctor and her current relationship with the Hades of New Orleans but there was no place for friendship in business so he pushed his thoughts aside and focused. He pondered on what manner of items she would need to collect to get her through the far reaches of the veil into the land where only the dead should be as she spoke. By the time she was done, he?d thought about the ingredients and procedures she would need to take care of and some that he would need to deal with himself.

?Well, Cinderelli, let?s get y?back into yo comfortable rags den if dat ball gown aint wha?cha really want, ah?? He clapped his hands together, drawing some attention from the others in the restaurant briefly before he rubbed them together. He rubbed them hard and fast until they were warm and tingling, just shy of burning with the friction of his pale palms against one another. Before he started speaking he stopped and leaned his arms on the table.

?Location and time, y?gunna meet me at midnight when d?moon full, out back a Theatre Olympia. Y?know where dat at?? One of his dark eyebrows arched briefly at the question to check in with her before he continued, ?Y?gunna need t?find some sorta thang t?tetha yous to dis here world. If y?don?t got somethin? to hang onto, y?gunna get lost over dere. And it easy to get lost over dere. Sometimes, d?spirits talk sweet thangs in y?ear dat make it seem like dey can do no wrong but dere all sorts, Lizzie. Just like ?ere. Good, bad...but dey all got one thang in common and dat is dey dead.? He paused to level a rather serious look at her, ?You isn?t. So yous gunna light up like a god daym christmas tree if we don?t do dis here thang propa.?

He sighed and relaxed a little, scratching his fingernails into his goatee as he thought outloud, still formulating a plan, ?D?best way t?get you in and out again in one peice is gunna be t?make you seem like y?dead too. You gunna needs to blend.? He paused in his scratching to point at her, ?Can?t be plastic and it can?t be anything? dat is frivolous or impersonal. It gotta mean somethin?. It gotta be honest like. I was thinkin? dat your lighter would work but d?more I think on it, d?more I realize dat won?t do. Can?t be anythin? dat ain?t natural or is man-made. It can be metal but only d?pure ones. High heat resistance is also betta, so gold and aluminum wouldn?t be as good as say tungsten or titanium.?

?For d?ritual, y?gunna need t?take a bath before, like hair-still-wet-when-you-arrive, right before. Brush it nice but don?t dry it. Yous gunna need to wear white too.? The corners of his lips curled upward briefly in a twitch of a smirk as he didn?t think he?d ever seen the girl in anything other than black or dark tones, it would be a first. ?Not all white, but a good eighty percent of it. Get a box a matches. Bottle a rum, white preferably. .40 caliba bullets...six a dem worth a gunpowda outta do it. And a doubloon from eitha d?yea yous born or d?yea y?got all tangled up in dis life.? He gave a wave of his hand, ?It don?t make no nevermind which Krewe?s, just d?yea.?

Finished with listing off the items, he leaned back in his seat and folding his arms over his chest, looked pensive for a moment, ?Dere some otha thangs I?ll have t?take care of on my end but we got a li?l time.? Steupsing sound made again, he looked around the restaurant, people had returned to their conversations and activities once again ignoring the pair and their conversation.

When he returned his attention to her, he sighed, ?Now...when we gets ova dere...I?m only gunna be able t?take yous so far, Li?l bug. Y?gunna be doin? most a d?searchin? on your own. But I think dat?s good. But dat?s where dem apples I tell you need t?get gunna come in. Since y?alive and not dead, d?Othaside gunna take a toll on your body. Dem apples gunna sustain ya. I suggest two for lookin? and two for gettin? d?hell outta dodge cause as soon as things know yous tryin? to take away from dat place, you gunna have trouble.? He pursed his lips and lowered his voice again, like the idea of what they were talking about was dangerous, conspiritus. In a way, it was, ?If y?get in too deep...if y?think y?ain?t gunna be able t?make it back in time or somethin? trap ya?.? He looked to the table and frowned a little, ?Y?can call for me. Y?gotta use my title dere though. And only my title.? He lifted his eyes and wagged his finger a bit at her, ?Use my name and you gunna damn me further den dis gunna do as is.?

He cleared his throat when he was done with the warning and the dire situation before going on, ?Y?gunna be lookin? for the thang dat hold your soul. Usually some sorta vessel: Jar, bottle, hells, I even had a fella with his in a guitar case. Now?what dat gunna be for yous, I?m afraid I can?t say. It different for everybody...but yous gunna know it when you sees it. Feel it even. Only dem folks involved in the contract and contact with your soul gunna knows it: You, Hades and Jimmie.?

?So, li?l miss Theseus,? Metisse gave a wide toothy grin of amusement at the humourous similarity - a living person, heading to the land of the dead, in the name of Persephone, ?Y?got any questions? Or it all clear as mud??