Topic: A Snow Day


Date: 2008-12-05 10:08 EST
She stood there where the cobbled road fell away to dirt. It was at the edge of town to the south. More than aware that the last time she had been in this area was when Panther had helped her escape from the barbarians, she would not look in that specific direction that stood thick with trees and wood.

Instead, she shivered and offered a smile towards the Fisherwoman. "A safe journey is wished for you, Thale." It still sounded strange to call her by that. Though, to this day, she was not certain if it was her first or last name.

The small one shifted from one soft leather booted foot to the other while the old fisherwoman climbed back up to the cart. The back of it was filled with supplies: bundles, crates, and barrles with a bed of hay to help pad the bumping and shifting about of the trip she had ahead of her.

"Now, ye be'havin' yerself while I'm gone. Keep yerself busy and ye won't be feelin' so alone." Weather and age cracked featured deepened lines at her eyes when she smiled an understanding smile. "I'll be back when the weather's better. My sister'll nae allow me long than that!" Chuckling, Thale slapped the reins down on the back of the old swag back horse and she headed south, out of the main city of RhyDin to a far-less populated southeastern end of it.

S'jira stomped her feet against the cobbles while she watched the old woman. The snow was falling about her in thick, wet tufts and added each great flake to the layers of snow and ice already there.

She pulled the hood of the cloak up over her head and started off in the direction of town and for the bridge that stretched over the water.


Date: 2008-12-05 10:29 EST
Layers had been worn that day of dull browns and earthy reds to help keep the cold from seeping in too quick and harsh. The starbust necklace clattered quietly against the cat's eye pendant as she walked along. When she reached the crest of the bridge, she stopped to let a few that were on horseback moved by. While she did, attention strayed to the frigid water below and watched it flow its course.

A smile to self and another heartbeat of a moment or two to wait for the way to clear, then she continued onward and across the bridge to the other side.

S'jira headed in the direction of the market with some coin singing lightly in the soft leather pouch that hung from the belt about her waist. Darkness of her gaze flitted curiously from one building to another, as she followed the main road that led straight from the bridge and into the marketplace.

A hummed melody passed her lips, smiling occasionally as a snowflake settled somewhere on her pinkened nose or rosey cheeks. She shivered and pulled the plain, brown short cloak about her and kept a steady pace though she didn't go as fast as to trot or run. The weather was enjoyed as much as she could.

Once she stepped into the market, she was bombarded with the business of it. Of sights, sounds, and smells that enthralled most. But especially her. And even though crowds normally sent her retreating for a quieter spot, she pressed in carefully among the crowd within the market with a gentle smile on her lips and light of heart.


Date: 2008-12-05 10:43 EST
Each of the vendors she passed was given a smile and respectful inclination of her head. Though she tried well to stay out from underfoot, even there, it proved difficult. She was bumped into and jostled about, but she was certain to let them know that it was, without a doubt, her fault.

Somewhere, she could hear music playing. Minstrels, perhaps. She listened to them while she paused at a table that was laden with trinkets of all sort, from glass and pewter to wool and wood. A hand snuck out from her cloak to pick up a carved figure of a large cat on the prowl, then replaced it carefully beside a glass figuring of a dragon with its wings spread and looking as if it might take flight at any moment.

Then she moved on from that table to another that had pelts of all sorts. Her hand touched against a wolf pelt the merchant was selling when she smelled meat at the food vendor. Its spices made her mouth water. A light nod of her head to the pelt merchant, she gave into a turn and moved off through the marketplace and followed her nose to the food.

?May one of those be purchased please?? Touch pointed towards the slender sticks of seasoned meats.

?What kind you want? Beef? Ogre? Dragon??

S?jira blinked and quickly shook her head at the mention of Ogre, but gasped softly at the mention of the latter. ?Dragon?? She shuddered. ?Cow, if it pleases. The beef.? The small one shuddered again to even try to imagine one of the patrons of the inn of dragon form to be there on the food merchant?s table. She offered him a couple of coins for the purchase and excepted the meat in return.

As it was hot, she carefully nibbled at it as she stepped away from the food stall and ventured through the marketplace to see all that was there on display.


Date: 2008-12-05 11:05 EST
The hood of her cloak kept the dampness of the snowflakes from her head and hair while she wandered, seemingly aimlessly, through the crowd of the busy market.

She paused beside another vendor. After a while of quiet talks between, a small container of paint was ordered through him to be sent to the Loft near the inn. Then she continued on until the weapons merchant was seen speaking with a tall, thick-armed man. Within a careful distance of both, she stopped to wait her turn. There seemed an air of an impending quarrel between them when she the vendor slammed his fist down against the tableful of blades and other weapons, sending them clattering against each other. The customer did not seem pleased but left with the steam wafting from his shaved head.

The vendor?s temper was still with him when he turned and spotted S?jira there. ?And what?re you looking for, huh? Magick swords? People to do your fighting for you??

S?jira blinked, still chewing on a bite of the meat and then swallowed it down before she dared to answer him. ?None of those things. If it pleases, a small set of blades are looked for. Two and light enough for these hands to use.? A momentary look from him pressed her to explain just a bit further. ?For protection.?

He eyed her and started to laugh, then shook his head. ?You?re small. But I have something for you.? He dug about in the piles of blades until a cloth was pulled out from beneath a few of the heavier, larger in his selection. Atop them, her untied the cloth and opened it up to display an assortment of daggers. Two at the end were slipped from the sewn section of the cloth and shown to her: slender and just a little longer than S?jira?s hands from palm to fingertips with grips of plain wood.

She eased in a little closer from where she had been standing and moved the stick of meat out of the way, politely. A small smile and she nodded. ?One of them is wished, if it pleases.?

?One. Not two??

?Just one, please. It is all that is needed.? The thought of more simply made her nervous and a certain uneasiness showed on her face.

The merchant muttered something and shoved the small dagger into a sheath. He shook his head, handed it to her and held his other hand out for payment. When the coins trickled in, he waited, and more were put to his hand before he was satisfied.

The dagger was then pushed, knife and sheath, into her boot. Happy with that certain necessity bought, she the small one headed off to other booths to buy gentler things.


Date: 2008-12-05 12:01 EST
The marketplace had been left and the Loft headed for.

By the time the Loft and Red Dragon inn were within sight, S?jira was freezing. Small, booted steps were quicker and skirts and cloak fluttered about. Heart was still light but she had spent too long outside. Lips had a faint blue tinge to them and her gloveless hands had begun to truly hurt.

She rushed into the livery with an armful of packages and a basket dangling from the crook of one elbow. A smile was given to the men working there as she headed for the ladder.

S?jira moved towards a large, square basket ? about the size one might have one a picnic ? and set the items into it. She had fashioned and knotted a rope to it weeks ago to help with getting things up into the loft. When they were in the basket, she climbed the ladder into the loft and then pulled on the rope once she was up in the Loft itself. The basket was drawn aside to side on the Loft?s floor and left it there for a short while.

The Loft was a little cold, despite the activity of the large livery below it of horses and hay. She moved towards the hearth Panther had made certain was there for them and stepped passed his chair. She bent to take one of the small logs and put it atop another already used on within the modest fireplace. It was soon lit and she crouched down before it to make certain it was feeding well before she stood and untied her cloak to hang it nearby.

A glance was given towards the bed, then about the room as a whole. Everything was as she had left it that morning. From the basket, she removed the items: cured and dried meats, cheese, fruits and other foods as well as cloth, and presents. They were put to the shelves while her thoughts turned pleasantly to Panther and brought with them a smile.

When things were in their places, she moved towards the basket that she used to haul things up to that gentle, second level of the livery and lowered it to the first level to be used for the next time.


Date: 2008-12-05 12:34 EST
She moved towards the hearth again to find the fire was warm and steady. With a thick cloth she took from the mantle, she drew one of the slender, iron arms out towards her. One of the pans was hooked to it. Some of the meat, seasonings, and some cold rice was put into it.

It was a quiet existence between the two of them that drew that smile. She did not worry that he would harm her intentionally. Heart trusted him in all things completely. Though she did worry over him, she tried hard not to fuss too much. Her smile improved all the more when she recalled that he had finally said that he loved her. It was nothing she had dared press with him or upon him. But she had reveled to have heard it from him.

The rice was stirred before she then reached to untie the soft, leather coin pouch and put it to the mantle along with the sheathed little dagger. While the food warmed, she moved towards the window and gently pushed aside the cloth there that she had hung months ago and served as curtains. Through the window, she watched the main road that ran passed the livery and inn, both.

Then, for a time, while the men worked in the livery below, the light meal cooked, and the snow fell hard enough to discourage venturing out for a while to come? she danced.