Topic: At The Marketplace


Date: 2012-08-10 08:50 EST
The morning dawned as she crawled out of the bed in the room she kept at the Red Dragon. Though she had a little plot of land and a home upon it, just beyond the northern city's walls, when it was too late to travel the roads alone she stayed in the room that had been hers at the inn for almost five years.

A missive had been sent to Garet and the other fishermen and dockhands that she would not be at the docks until later in the day.

The sleeveless white dress had been worn the day before and the brown working one was soaking in bucket of spice and salts to rid it of stains and smells of fish from working the docks a few days before.

Instead, the small on blearily opened the trunk at the foot of the bed after it had been made and pulled out a green one she had worn to some of the events. Her own hands had not made it, but sleepy eyes smiled to look on it. No sleeves would be added to it, since RhyDin still steamed with the heat of Summer though Fall was already easing in.

The green dress was left to the end of the neatly made bed so that she could wash. Lightly, scented oils were rubbed into her elbows and knees, just enough to keep them from being too dry, and finishing with her feet.

Hair was brushed and she then wriggled into the dress. She criss crossed the binding of it at the front, midriff area of the very, simple bodice. Hems were at her knees, tickling at the flesh there while the plain strip of black leater was belted about her waist with the coinpouch hanging from it.

S'jira glanced about and took the empty, cloth slingsack from the imbedded wooden peg near the door where a short brown cloak hung. She pulled her light leather summer boots on and was soon headed out, after locking the door well.

Down the hall and then the stairs to the inn's common room that was dormant that time of morning, 'jira moved for the main door's way and out of it.

The cobbled road lead her passed shoppes and businesses, some closed and others just opening, until she ventured into the marketplace itself.


Date: 2012-09-07 18:39 EST
When she arrived at the marketplace it was livelier than usual.

A group of vendors were grouped about a youth that had stolen, it seemed, items from several of them and one of the local guards was trying to keep blades in their sheathes.

And upon a platform danced a troup that was comical in their muticolored outfits, ribbons and mismatched and homemade instruments. Still, a dozen or more market-goers were gathered before the entertainers and grinned while talking amongst themselves. Coins were tossed forward by one person, then another.

S'jira wondered at the first of things to catch her attention, but smiled to witness the dancing group. The deflated, unfilled cloth slingsack was carried as she headed towards the butcher to get a small duck from him. Coins exchanged hands and she took care to tuck away what would be dinner for her for at least three days. To go with it, she there was want and need for spices, rices, and if there was any to be found...she would buy a small wheel of cheese.

Lightly, she stepped, feeling the cobbled stones of the marketplace beneath without great thought to them. The breeze brought a creak and groan from signs hanging from the eaves of shops by their chains. As she moved among the stalls and booths, she glanced to the signs and the images on them.

Mood was fair and the weather with it. Perhaps work would be put aside with the thought of play, instead.