Topic: Homage to the Flower

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-04-16 16:45 EST
An antique - but still very fast - sleek black British motorcycle, a Vincent Black Shadow, roars its way through the West End. It's taken some time, but Alain's learned how to make his way through narrow RhyDin streets with it, when to coast and when to open up, which routes to take and which to avoid at all costs. After learning all the tricks, it's almost like driving in a normal city.

It also helps that at least some of the regulars to the West End district have gotten used to seeing him, and know to drift to one side or the other when they hear that roar.

Alain coasts the rest of the way to the Onyx Lotus shop and kills the engine. He pushes back his sunglasses to squint at the sign, and as he climbs off onto the cobblestone street, he adjusts his trench coat to stay over his shoulder-holstered revolver. The shopkeep (and hopefully Myllyanna, if he gets to see her) will notice he's packing sooner or later, but there's no need for that to be the first thing they see.

The last time he saw the Lady of ShinKa Keep, he was a mercenary and a smuggler with a pair of hip-holstered blasters and a matching swagger. Now it is a quieter, more mature confidence that carries him through that front door, plucking his sunglasses from his hair to pocket them.

With his history in smuggling and now in security contracting, he's quite used to exotic goods, but rarely such a wide variety in such a small space. He looks around for a "No Smoking" sign or anything in other language that might resemble one, and when he finds none, he assumes it's allowed. He lights an elvish cigarette and, after another look around, approaches the counter.

Myllyanna Lotus

Date: 2008-04-17 11:54 EST
Ami had heard the bell over the door chime, heralding a visitor to the shop. She stepped out from the folds of the heavily beaded curtains behind the register and bowed at the waist seeing Mr.DMourir. She took her small steps towards the counter.

She'd recognized him, but not as keenly as she would like to. She gave one more bow of her head and a polite smile, "How may I help you?"

"Ami, get D'Mouir-san an ashtray."

Her voice came from the spot Ami had occupied only moments ago in front of the curtains. Ami's pace was fast for her small steps. An elaborate dish of bone china was set aside on the counter for his ashes.

Mylly spoke not a word till Ami was standing slightly behind her and slightly off to the side. Once again Ami blended in like a silent fixture.

"I must say its been a while Alain." she gave him a slight, curious smile. Smoking was indeed allowed here as her own imported scent drifted from the end of her smoking stick, even here and there around the shop drifts of incense could be seen and sampled.

"To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?"

Not one thing had changed about her. All of her titles seemed to fit into one, Lotus, Dragon Lady, Ancient, from her ever exotically eastern wardrobe to suspicious gaze. But that's the surface. As she looked to Alain, no matter what is on top, its rare thing to have the surface match what's underneath.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-04-17 15:46 EST
Alain understands maintaining a deceptive surface better than he would like to now... More than his poise and stride, the cut of his clothing, has changed about him. His skin is a shade paler, his eyes a brighter blue, and if she has any means of reading feelings, his are a confusing and deceptive mass.

Working undercover has its upsides and downsides.

As Ami puts herself out of the way, Alain places all his attention on Myllyanna. He taps his cigarette over the porcelain ashtray and smiles slowly at her.

"Indeed... I believe the last time you saw me, I was well on my way to earning these scars," he says with a soft chuckle, turning his right hand over to hold his cigarette aside and show the palm of his hand at the same time. Burn scars, quite faded now but still distinct.

"As I imagine you can guess, it's business that has brought me here. The political and economic landscape of RhyDin has changed since you and I worked together - there is peace to be kept, and profits to be made."

He grins with the cigarette set between his lips, twisting it around as he does. "And for once, the two go hand in hand."

Myllyanna Lotus

Date: 2008-04-17 16:51 EST
She barely turned her head to Ami, and with a new motion of her hand, ever so slight, signaled her. Ami delicately turned the sign to closed and pulled the blinds. A soft click of the door was heard securing to new customers.

"Come with me upstairs. Ami makes a wonderful tea." She turned and opened the heavy curtains with the wooden and stone tinkling of strung beads and the pull of red velvet. Mylly went ahead of him up the heavily carpeted stairs. Ahead of Alain for reasons only people like them understood.

The scent of Lilies and the aroma of freshly brewing tea floated down the stairs when just as casually as you please, "I can do something for those, the scars..." She said and didn't hide the sliver of a smile as the crested the top of the stairs into a lush and dark receiving parlor. As orient as she could be, she blended the colors and paints of very piece into a perfect blend of east meets west.

surprisingly spacious, the parlor held a comfort among the exotic plants and the few high backed chairs. She motioned to one, before Ami made it fully in the room. "Make yourself at home, please. I hope you don't mind. I just didn't think such matter should be addressed below."

A new standing ashtray was presented and crowning a dark hard wood stand. "D'Mourir-san" It was Ami's whispered words and proper manner not to speak over them, she held a trey with two tiny cups and plum tea. She would not ask if he wanted tea, He would tell her yes or no. Simply that.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-04-17 17:05 EST
He follows her - if there weren't such serious business to attend to, he would spend more time examining his curious surroundings. But it is critical he pay close attention to the Ancient.

"They serve as a good reminder," he replies simply to the question of the scars, and takes a seat across from her, tapping his cigarette again over the ashtray. Ami gets a subtle motion of his hand and a slight nod for the tea.

"I understand completely... and I agree - such matters are better behind closed doors, or at least beyond the curtain, as it were." He smiles again.

"How's business?"

Myllyanna Lotus

Date: 2008-04-18 13:05 EST
"For me, business is always good. I've signed off on a few new deals. Expanding many needed services to those of the city. To branch out a little bit. Nothing too fancy, just things to keep my children out of trouble."

She picked up her tea cup after Ami filled it, a soft foreign word spoken that made Ami bow enough to show compliance, and move off enough and wait, if they desired it.

"Now, How is business for you Alain-san?" she smiled over her tea, just curiously. "I see things have changed, quite a bit. I will admit I am curious to hear how you and your family have been."

She was not at a loss, the D'Mourir Family while most of the time stayed under the radar; they were active enough to get on the common gossip chain.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-04-18 13:41 EST
"The family?" That question always makes Alain pause. His fellow D'Mourirs (and he's heard rumor of a Clarendon or two wandering around, though not for some time)...

"...They've slipped off the map, mostly. I see a few of them occasionally - and as for the rest? Who can tell?"

He sips his tea carefully. "Business is good, though. I've been expanding into other small businesses while the detective agency and security company continue to grow, slowly but surely. Engaging more in entrepeneurship has... opened my eyes on a level I did not entirely expect."

"The health of the city and the strength of the market are closely linked, and there are many out there who make this city ill in the name of short-term gain. I have a contract of sorts, a very unusual one, with a man of business who understands this dilemma all too well."

Myllyanna Lotus

Date: 2008-04-18 14:12 EST
She watched him carefully when he paused.

"Indeed, not just family, have a tendency to do that."

She listened to him talk about business, but of course waited for him to finish. She lit a new cigarette, and looked at her holder as she thought a moment.

"I am curious as to what made you switch. You understand this is a 180 from our last meeting."

As she let her multi hued eyes drift from the holder to Alain she brought it to her lips for a brief inhale, speaking around the smoke as it curled out from her lips and small nostrils.

"And this one you made a contract with, is he the reason of this new 'view' ?"

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-04-18 14:19 EST
"The view is my own." He sets his tea down quietly and retries his cigarette from the edge of the ashtray, watching her carefully.

"Call it what you will, but I've had a fair amount of time to arrive at the views I have now. I realize that, inevitably, a RhyDinian black market is going to exist... and a grey market may even be healthy, necessary for the economy. If these sections of the market are going to exist, and may even need to exist, they may as well be controlled by the best and the brightest."

He takes a long drag, and blows a little smoke ring just for kicks. He watches it dissipate slowly... "People who won't run around blowing up buildings and shooting up diners and murdering just because they can. People who understand long-term gain." Bright eyes cut over to her again.


Myllyanna Lotus

Date: 2008-04-18 14:55 EST
She stood up and let the trail of smoke follow her as she walked to window across the room with natural confidence. Its view of the west end market streets below picture perfect and stands aside as the curtains let in the outside light.

"While I may deal in, the rarer of services then most Alain-san, maybe a few hard to find items..." she watched the street below.

"I do not believe in a grey market. There are only Black Markets and the Ones Fat, Rich Society Accepts because it is guiltless. But I will agree. Many of these upstarts and so called Black Market Masters are nothing more then flea market vendors and pawn shop junkies."

She inhaled with a grin looking from the window a moment. "But I guess someone in your new line of business doesn't need to be told that. So, I'm not quite sure what you want with me..."

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-04-20 16:36 EST
"It's not the pawn shops that concern me, but the larger black market business interests of this city who use violence in senseless, excessive ways."

He watches her walk to the window to watch the street below, a fine-lined frown etched into his brow.

"With many of these businesses out of the way, your own would flourish... and as you've always handled your affairs quietly and responsibly, I don't see any reason why anyone, lawman or otherwise, would pay you any mind. These senseless crimelords... well..."

He finishes his cigarette and puts it out. "Quite frankly, some of these people need to die."

Myllyanna Lotus

Date: 2008-04-21 11:08 EST
For the first time, He had her attention. Undivided interest. Normally that wasn't the best thing.

A sharp snap of her fingers and a chiming gold and jade flick of her wrist, sent Ami rushing out of the room and down the stairs as fast as her small steps and getas would allow. Myllyanna walked back and took her seat, watching the parlor entrance close, sealing it in a silence.

The silence would keep anyone not invited or present in the parlor, ignorant of what transgressed. Even visual was hidden in a gauzier mist. Maybe it was a little paranoid, but she enjoyed her privacy and liked to keep strangers out of her shop's affairs.

"I would have sworn you were saying I was in danger of extortion, until you added that last part."

She inhaled deeply this time, enjoying the clove mix a little longer. Her mind was already at play. "So, you have suggestions?"

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-04-21 11:19 EST
It's a chess match, carefully planned - every pause not only for consideration of the next move, but to let the other know that you are thinking, and keeping from them what those plans are. He sips his tea carefully not once but twice, clicks the teacup back into its saucer, folds his hands, and at last speaks.

"If my people or if Watchmen begin killing off gang and syndicate leaders, questions I don't want asked will arise. ...If your people assassinate the odd crimelord, I can arrange it so it is merely considered 'bloodletting' - that the rival gangs are killing each other, and the best thing is to let them kill each other off without any intervention. Each target would be a rival of yours on some level. Every assassination would add points to your stock."

He pauses to itch at his jaw, and looks up at her: "It is a risk, to be sure... but this gamble could, say... double your profits, in the end?" He smiles.

Myllyanna Lotus

Date: 2008-04-21 14:42 EST
"So you are wanting us to do a bit of the dirty work, in turn for a blind eye?" she tapped her cigarette to a different ashtray.

"You understand that, I am wondering what kind of guaranty you can offer. From the city and yourself." so many versions on the same story played out in different directions, "as well as obligations afterwards."

She poured herself another cup of tea while she looked at pros and cons. Some she would be happy to voice aloud. Then a sudden smile flashed in her eyes and curled the corners of her crimson lips, then just like that it softened as she spoke.

"You spoke of a contract you were under, who else have you spoken with about this. Obviously I was not the only one you had in mind... "

It would depend on the other players, how willing she was to be commited to the venture, how watchful, or just how much she took Alain's words for truth. Surely he would understand and be the same way, if the tables were reversed.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-04-21 17:48 EST
"As far as a guarantee... I have contacts within the Watch, including an entire company wholly trained by an employee of mine. Lt. O'Brien within the West End has demonstrated his flexibility so far, and the Watchman they call Paladin is a friend and ally of mine. Obligations that follow?"

He smiles, shrugs his shoulders slightly. "Don't engage in senseless violence. Don't blow up any buildings - that is, unless it's strictly necessary."

He taps the edge of his saucer thoughtfully, his smile growing. "Ironically enough, the man I am under contract with is not aware of the more specific actions I have been taking - I think he wishes to be able to plead ignorance. He's allowed me a great deal of flexibility with his funding... and if I find his name has gone beyond your closest confidantes, the deal is off, and we will never have any business with each other."

Another sip is taken. The cup replaced, he too crosses the room to the window, looking out at the street. "Count Longden, of SECTOR. There are other funds I have directed towards this particular project in secret, but he is the largest contributor by far."

Myllyanna Lotus

Date: 2008-04-22 20:02 EST
?I am almost insulted that you don?t know me better Mr. Alain. Engage is senseless violence, honestly. I am not that kind of citizen? Her tone was sweet and fix like, playing the right tone of mock hurt at just the right moment on just the right word. And then she heard him...

A fan slipped from her right sleeve into her hand and snapped open. A flutter of lace flashed gracefully as she laughed behind its screen. A laugh fully meant and fully felt. Short lived though it was she dropped the fan from her lips.

?Oh, the Dear Count. Old Talamor, I remember him well. I see much has not changed since we dissolved our last business agreement?? the smile was most assuredly brightening. The Dragon Lady?s view of all this was defiantly improving. Yes, this could be? it could work? her eyes steady on Alain.

?and please,? she places the fan on her lap, ?about his name? Again Alain, I should be insulted. Why would I go about throwing his name around? Remember who you are talking to.?

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-04-22 21:43 EST
"As you said yourself, it's been a long time, Myllyanna," he smiles, bowing his head to her. "A lot can change... though for my part, I'm happy to see you haven't changed much at all."

He turns to reapproach the table, facing her.

"As sharp as you are beautiful, as careful as you are dangerous." His smile turns a bit crooked as he retakes his seat, refills his cup, and sips it.

"I'm sure you have your own informants and your own funding... but I'm prepared to offer the intelligence to see this done, and I'm willing to negotiate a limited degree of direct financial compensation... although I'm sure you realize the long-term payoff is much greater than what I can offer you out of my own contract."

Myllyanna Lotus

Date: 2008-04-22 22:36 EST
?Flattery will get you almost everywhere.?

She pondered his offer a bit as she slowly twirled her cigarette stick, smoke drifting slowly from the red holder. Her cup sat aside, still half full and never growing cold.

?Financial, compensation is minimal where intelligence is a high commodity for me. But as for you, I want us to draft a little deal of our own. Nothing too pricey. Just something to make me,? feel better. Just between you and I.?

?You have almost sealed the deal Alain-san??

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-04-23 14:06 EST
He stands slightly to remove his trench coat and folds it double over his lap; he takes a long envelope out of one of the pockets, tears open the end, and pours out two neatly folded papers. One is slid directly across the table - it has numbers, figures. The technical data. The offer itself.

The second paper has a list of names, with a paragraph detailing places and types of operations, aliases, known henchmen and contract workers for each big name... He leaves it in the open just long enough for her to get an idea of what's on there, and then draws it back several inches and places his hand over it.

Bright blue eyes rest directly on hers. "You were saying something about sealing the deal."

Myllyanna Lotus

Date: 2008-04-25 10:46 EST
He leaves it in the open just long enough for her to get an idea of what's on there, and then draws it back several inches and places his hand over it.

Her cigarette light slide hidden into her sleeve as she slightly lifted a brow.

?You are rather presumptuous. I always took you as ambitious even if overly. But
Money? There are things more valuable then money, even more valuable then flesh.

There are a few things I would like. One, To know what is in it for you? Two, A personal guarantee from you and your ?men of law?. Three, well, I will let you know that when you come up with something tangible for number two.?

Myllyanna knew a good amount of what was on the paper, she knew who the upstarts where, where they worked, they were too bold as it was. She didn?t need the slip but would take it, if? he could seal this right. She?d not said yes?

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-04-25 11:02 EST
"It's not an issue of money outright, Myllyanna... but power," he says plainly, as if he were discussing the weather.

"In my line of work, I get to see a lot of what goes on in this city... and I think I've come to an understanding, that this city does not need to be rid of its criminal element per se, but those most reckless, perhaps on both sides. Financially speaking? Other than the continuation of the contract that makes this possible for another quarter, in the long term my security businesses would suffer as a result of the increased stability. But the security business is not my only business, so this is a cut in profit I'm willing to take."

He steeples his fingers, frowning as he thinks this over, chin leaned onto his hands, staring somewhere past her. "I guess... what I've really come to desire is... just one morning where I can go to Lt. O'Brien of the West End Watch and ask him, Quiet night? And for him to turn and look me in the eye, and say quite seriously, Yes, and leave it at that. Too many mornings I've had a knock on my door at dawn to see the latest grisly murder, and a few times too many, I've known the victim. I've appealed to one of the city's larger wallets for a chance to see one quiet night... but it's not about money for me."

He looks back at her again. "You have my personal guarantee... but if you're still concerned, give me a contract and I'll sign it. Keep it with you, keep it secret, and if I ever betrayed you, all you would have to do is show the contract to the Watch or the Governor, and my career would be ruined. Give me such a contract, and I'll gladly sign it. I'm sure I can even get a few Watch officers to sign similar contracts that they've been bribed, for me to hold onto lest they have any second thoughts."

Myllyanna Lotus

Date: 2008-04-27 16:48 EST
"... give me a contract and I'll sign it. Keep it with you ...."

"Alright, Alain" It was one of the cats seen about the shop, one of the only real Siamese in the realm. And from its mouth, hung an ancient looking scroll of rice paper, bound in a black silk ribbon by which the cat carried it.

Resting its front paws on the side of the chair Alain occupied, dropped the paper in his lap to unroll and show the pen inside of imperial design.. Tail straight up it hurried back into the shadows as if it never was.

"Humor me and write your confession on that bit of paper. Do that and you will satisfy Number One as well as Two. But for number Three, I require personal gift from you... The Pistol you brought in to my shop so boldly. A weapon for a weapon, Mr. D'Mourir."

She watched him calmly as she reached out to run her hands along the fat leaf of the lily's near her seat. It was a fair and simple request. Besides, wasn't' that just how things worked? You cant take something with out something taking its place? He wanted her men, one of her treasures... she would ask to hold on to one of his.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-04-27 17:22 EST
He looks at the paper... and then begins to write. Usually he's not the one writing out the contracts himself, but he's learned a thing or two about them, and it doesn't take him more than a few minutes. When he's done... he sighs, and removes the massive revolver from its holster.

"One of my favorites... I was hoping to kill a man with it before we parted ways." He smiles and offers it over to her. "Taurus Raging Bull - uses .454 Casull rounds. Not the easiest ammunition to find, but I'm sure with your resources, you'll be able to locate it well enough. It's powerful... precise... sure to stop a man in his tracks." It's a rather modern-looking revolver, but a thing of beauty in its own right.

Myllyanna Lotus

Date: 2008-04-28 09:42 EST
A deep and royal swatch of silk was pulled from a seam in the specialty designed corset. She held it so that her porcelain fingers would never touch the metal as she turned it, enclosing it like a spider with its meal.

?I am surprised. Not with this one? But, you have killed before? such a vicious hope Alain.? She moved her head as if she was going to look over her shoulder, but instead simply called her hand maid and wards name. ?Ami?

In the time it would have taken the girl to come up the stairs, Mylly placed the two gifts side by side. The sounds from the shop came to the parlor along with Ami, who bent at the knee and folded into a kneel.

?Please take those two items, put them away, you know the spot.? Not even a yes Mistress, okay, Ma?am, nothing Ami simply obeys. With the items removed she headed down the stairs once more, even though the very soft sound of company was present down stairs.

?If you will excuse me, I have business to attend to.? She gave Alain the most perfect smile and slight nod of the head as she stood from her chair. ?But if you would like to meet again, I must ask that you understand, given our agreement, things will be much more formal from this day on.?

Seven of the Lotus stood downstairs. Quiet yet not hiding their presence among the curios and near the counter, but it was Chong who stood watchful, near Ami.

Alain DeMuer

Date: 2008-04-28 13:33 EST
...things will be much more formal from this day on.

"But of course," Alain smiles, at last rising from his seat. "Next time, Myllyanna, dinner - my treat. Enjoy the rest of your day. I'm sure we'll be in touch." His head is bowed respectfully to her.

He straightens his collar and descends the stairs, greeted by the seven. He cannot help but wonder if the number is deliberate. It's a good opportunity to try and commit the faces of her lieutenants to memory, in any case... Out through the curtain, he leaves the shop of this dangerous but valuable ally.


Date: 2008-05-12 13:24 EST
They had all watched him leave. It was Chong who gave the signal and Hao obeyed.

First he had taken the shops stairs 2 or 3 at a time, then thought better of it. Slowly he took the remaining stairs. When he stepped in, he took a couple more steps and kneeled by the door way.

He watched respectfully as moved about. "Myll-sama" he said as he lowered his head quickly awaiting further orders.

Ami was usually the one to attend to her Mistress, and Chong was very much in charge of the Lotus. Hao, was and acted like second. For him to be sent instead of those two meant too many thing. But to Hao it meant honor.

Myllyanna Lotus

Date: 2008-05-12 13:51 EST
"I am fine Hao," she had walked away from her chair a bit. A new smoldering cigarette in the end of her stick. The ashtray and stand that had been near Alain's seat quietly and most curiously became animated and walked towards the beckoning finger of the Dragon Lady. It even made the sound of a small pet as it hurried over to her.

"I want you to have one of your choosing to get a part time job." He would know what she meant right away. Instead of tapping her ashes into the tray, she plucked the spent end of the one Alain D'Mourir had left behind between silver nails.

"wasn't that sweet of him to leave me an extra gift?" the smile that grew across her lips was pure delight as she held it up, as if watching it do a trick of some sort, that only she could see. She turned as she dropped it into a small pocket on a string.

"That will be all Hao. Unless you want to help move the warehouse..." she looked over her shoulder and sharply raised her brow.


Date: 2008-05-12 14:07 EST
"That will be all Hao. Unless you want to help move the warehouse..." she looked over her shoulder and sharply raised her brow.

He could never stop watching some of the oddities ShinKa and the Lotus always seemed to have about. Sometimes they even creeped him out.

If he thought about it, that was exactly how she found more then a few of the Lotus Yakuza. Little creepy oddities discarded or un-cared for.

He did know what to do and exactly who should do it. If he made the wrong choice, he would have to pay a price as well as who he chose. There were many things right now that were going on, and he wanted something much more important then lifting dusty boxes into a portal.

"yes Myll-sama" he was down the stairs and out of her sight quickly.