Topic: OOC & More

Li Xiang

Date: 2008-01-03 12:09 EST
Figured now could be a good time to start our OOC file/Thread.

Already getting know it alls diving in why and how. Not cool, but then again We know what this place is full of.

Anyone wants to know why a few of us have screwed up names.... ... CAUSE ITS RPG! We are not Chinese or Japanese knucklehead! We may use some of the same things or words or ref's, but God I get in the room for one minute and get this ... yes I will use it ... n00b in my face...

Li Xaing: spelled what wrong?
#####: The name. Chinese has
no a-i-n-g sound.
Li Xaing: Ah okay. You are one of those.
Li Xaing: Thnx
#####: Umm, yeah, I speak the
Li Xaing: No need to get uppity. I just
said you were one of those. Who said
what type my toon is? I didn't correct you.
I just know you will be one of those that
likes to correct others. I didn't question
what language(s) you spoke or anything
and even told you Thanks. But I will keep
it how it is for a reason that this Toon has
no nationality.

Sorry Myll, everyone. That just bit my nerve. We should start an Char/Toon string.

Myllyanna Lotus

Date: 2008-01-03 12:20 EST
Another reason I do not play with alot of people here. Petty shallow things can happen more then the great things.

Just ignore him, after all this is FForm. I would make a rules or something, but then that would end up starting some stupid spam flame fight somewhere and I dont care enough. We'll just ignore that person. Anyways, we have a SL to write here. They dont have to read it.

LOL on the Chinese! Myllyanna Sliver's not an asian name either but I didnt get a tell. Maybe you have a fan already! Liek I said we'll just ignore those who want to be bashers and do what we wanna do.

Ami Lotus

Date: 2008-01-03 13:22 EST
could try and wait to see if they could switch the ai around and this is Mandarin. But I guess that person didn't know how long it takes to get things like that done. So. What ever.

I know who you are talking about. I have no issue ig'him.

Edited for LOL sake!
Anyway that person's a retard. Anyone can google what you spelled and come up with all sorts of people and products and art with Your spelling.

Ami Lotus

Date: 2008-01-05 01:33 EST
I'm almost done!

Myllyanna Lotus

Date: 2008-01-05 17:16 EST
reshuffled a few Story Lines and deleted others. It just skipped too much. I might be moving back ground stuff I had on the net here as well.

Ami Lotus

Date: 2008-01-19 22:35 EST
The others coming, I talked to a few new ones today and yesterday. Doing alot of writing and playing outside of here and will be posting asap!

Myllyanna Lotus

Date: 2008-01-20 14:27 EST
Should be starting one of those Char Bio things. Everyone seems to have them. I just dread releasing too much info and there is too much of Mylly's past. I had writen alot before but lost it in a comp crash.

Myllyanna Lotus

Date: 2008-04-02 08:23 EST
To keep active, Been a little too busy IRL as the closest of you know. Will be back shortly when I am done completing 1 more thing.


Date: 2008-04-16 13:30 EST
Due to a few MUN issues with people no longer involved with anything ShinKa and kicked out of the SL for reason we will not state in this site; We have had to jump sections of time and trashed other SLs to no longer be posted here. (we are elitist bastards)

As far as the Scath SL.... why tf we are in it?

It is an open Story Line to anyone that wants to get involved and doesnt screw things up for everyone else.

Myllyanna and the Lotus Yakuza have a stake in this. But since we are NOT main chars there and NOT fighting in the Roaring Thunder, we are NOT posting there and keeping everything out of it but Ming or Ling there to show connection. When a connection or direct interaction is needed, we will post there.

Li Xiang

Date: 2008-04-16 13:58 EST
It was either Ming or Ling, I dont remeber, and myself having issues with INVAILD SESSION no matter what we did, so sorry for any double posts that may pop up later.

Also One of the Cats pictures are not showing. Thats what you get for being cats I guess. :shock:


Date: 2008-04-26 15:51 EST
Its a Proxy address issue. But I know we figured that out.

Rakki Noodle is up!

Myllyanna Lotus

Date: 2010-01-13 17:53 EST
I have a screaming head ache shifting thru so much junk and... non-junk. I wish i could find out who will still be here playing supporting rolls and trying to get things organized. I see a few old nmes pop here and there now that i started signing in.

I'm not sending out invites. If they want to play they can contact me, the old ones that is. New players I would love to see write and reply. That would be fun.

Myllyanna Lotus

Date: 2010-07-13 10:29 EST
A little bump before things get started again.


Date: 2010-07-13 13:47 EST
Welcome back! <3

Myllyanna Lotus

Date: 2010-08-23 10:03 EST
Thanks Scotty! It seems I hit a minor speed bump, and it is over a month later.

I had some things to re-fine, re-write, and re-design. So to everyone, my apologies.