Topic: The dinner of years end and new moons

Ami Lotus

Date: 2010-01-14 17:27 EST
ShinKa had been a visual bustle of activity. Visual simply because even the most diligent house servant worked in complete silence. The Keep was in its final stages of moving. Even with no sign of carts, wagons, teams, or even a ship at the dock, it seemed things where being moved somewhere.

Ami seemed to be of little help when Master Jax arrived back home. She couldn't answer, even if he had asked. She'd been told, 'If Master Jax has any questions, they will be answered shortly' , and that would have been her answer. Even if she was curious herself to many thing going on. She wasn't sure if the Mistress just reasoned that Ami knew things already, or had no need to know. Chong had made it painfully obvious, that it was the more likely the latter of the two. All the better she would remind herself. It was one less thing to worry about everyday.

Tonight a feast was being held, a Clan dinner inside the keeps main dining hall. It was seldom used except for great occasions. Formal clothing traditionally was to be worn by the quests. Ami had seen to making sure all of the Clan invited had attire for the night. Even Master Jax, who's chambers had been packed ahead of time for him in secure personalized crates and lockers in his chamber leaving the necessary items, bedding and clothing out along with personal items. A giggle came out when she thought of poor Master Jax having seen the HanFu set out for him.

He'd become very adapt to blending in and took on the customs of ShinKa very quickly. He seemed to blend in more and more as time went by. If he needed any assistance, many of the maids would be more then happy to help or that one of the men would come along as they shared the same floor of the keep. Ami herself had to have been ready and tend to her Mistress while in her own Han while she prayed dinner was going as planned.

And her prayers had been heard, dinner was going along perfectly as everyone started to gather at their proper places. The Mistress of course sat at the place of honor facing east to the rooms only visible doors, to her left sat Junbao and to her right a place for Master Xaing, next to Young Master Junbao, Master Jax, and the rest followed in their importance to the house.

Ami was just pleased as she took her seat, that tonight, she would not be waiting on anyone and would be waited on herself! She would be allowed to enjoy the food and small chatter that started as the wine was being poured. To this, she always looked forward to these rare dinners and small glances meet across the table from Chong.


Date: 2010-01-16 21:27 EST
Philemon 1:15 Perhaps the reason he was separated from you for a little while was that you might have him back for good-- ~ taken from the King James Bible

Garet Jax, had been one rather busy little beaver, so to speak.. Well that is the term, one could easily coin, had anyone actually 'seen' the young scholar. Of couse, very little was seen of mister Jax, since his sudden departure, nearly a year past, when he literally vanished without a trace. Quite the feet, one would say.. Rather, what more than one had said, save the Lady, herself.. She knew exactly, what young mister Jax, had done, and more so, allowed such.. Of course, the Lady's reasons were in fact her own, as always, and no one ever questioned that. Still, she knew exactly, what Garet Jax had tried to do, and more so, nearly lost his own life, in the process of doing so. A life that was no longer his own, since coming under her care. It was a life that belong to her in many ways, and her people.. Their family, his family. Still, Garet felt the need to do what he had done, and to leave all behind to journey to a place and time, he had never seen, with no knowledge what so ever, save one thing.

He was going to bring back, his mentor, and more so, a man, who was also family. Brian Ravenlock. That is why Garet Jax, left all he had, to the wind. He did what any other Ravenlock, would have done, had they had the chance. He set off into the unknown, leaving fate to the winds, with no real odds in his favour, so attempt to do what he felt, he had to do, and more so, ready to do whatever was required, to see that accomplished. And he did exactly that. Now a year later, he had finally found his way home, as Brian had found his as well. While they had not exactly, had done so, together, Garet was in fact more instumental in Brian's return, than anyone save the Lady would ever know.. Well, save the Lady, and Brian.

Coupled with the fact that somehow, Garet Jax, had come to have the opportunity to actually, study the 'Ark of the Covenant', among the artifacts that Scotty, had left in the care of the Lady and her own, after Tara had gifted them to the young man. Garet had Brian to thank for that chance, and had made note to do just that, when he next saw the Ravenlocks. He would have done so, at the ceremony for Jewell, and her family, but he knew that was not the appropriate of times. So he would do so, soon. Provided the Lady, would allow it. That thought sent some shivers indeed, as Garet headed towards the Hall to join the others gathered.

Since his return, the Lady herself, had not said one word to the young man, in regards to his venture. Not a word.. And any child can tell you, that is indeed, worse than any spanking, because you just do not know, what will come, and when it will come.. In fact.. No one had said any word.. They simply asked how he had been, and that was it.. Save the day to day, not another word at all.. No questions, no incilnations, and if he offered anything, they suddenly had to excuse themselves.. Yes.. The unknown, was not so good, for one's state of being, when they expected punishment..

A moment taken, just before making his entrance, as hands fiddled somewhat nervously, with the han fu.. The sight of which caused, a few of the chamber maids, to giggle, a bit. One of which, came to the aid of the scholar, as she gently set his hands aside, and offered a slight bow. A faint smile, as she then adjusted the fabric for him, and gave him, a one over, as she looked back to his companions, who also nodded in approval. That done, she nodded to Garet, and then proceeded down the hall with the others, leaving Garet in the hallway once more.

So into the hall, Garet went.

For a moment, it was as if time stood still for Garet.. Those who were present, looked towards the door, and offered slight nods, and bows, as Garet greeted in kind. The sight before the scholar was magnificent! So many gathered, and such a spectacle of colour, and more so. Each face taken in, slowly, as Garet made his way, offering a warm smile for Ami, herself as he did so, and a most respectful nod for Chong. A seat taken, slowly, as he adjusted himself, a moment.. Then it had truy settled upon Garet Jax.. More than ever before, it had.

Garet Jax, was home..

Myllyanna Lotus

Date: 2010-02-10 02:18 EST
Everything in the dinning hall had been touched the the hue of red with small gold and black accents, from the heaviest silks to the lightest linens. Candles and oils danced perfectly and without scent or smoke amongst the flowers and various accents about the room. Everything seemed to be on the knives edges of being overly elaborate from the gold chopstick rest to the black pearls and fine gold clips that adorned Myllyanna's hair. Ami had out done herself with the smooth folds and looping locks.

Myllyanna watched Garet from the corner of her eye as he'd been shown to his seat, Li was speaking softly in her ear. But since it was business she replied in silence and non-interest and watched as the main body of her house made them selves comfortable and had their wines and tea served.

More then one thing caught her eye, and mental notes were made to think on them at a later time.

"As the Tiger enters as softly as the Ox leaves, it is not with silence they acknowledge each other but with respect, for they know they shall meet once more. May the endurance of the Ox remain and the power of the Tiger's good fortune be ours."

As the toast was finished, all accepted by drinking the first drink of the plum wine she favored so dearly. Ever so faintly the sound of music could be heard as numerous plates over flowing with food where brought out and set to the centers of the table. Even Mylly, not one for eating, would take to sampling the courses as they arrived.

Many of the men would be drunk tonight, it was a given as while they all ate, toasts went answered and returned all around the table keeping them all in high spirits. This was what she'd planned for. It would not be a pretty year for the whole of the land and those beyond.

"For with the tiger, comes the claws. Wouldn't you agree Garet?"

She rolled a bit of meat on her small plate before tasting it. Her sharp eyes watching him. Where they smiling or was it something else for the rest of her features seemed something different...

"So tell me, What did the mouse expect when he wondered so far away from his home?"


Date: 2010-02-17 17:23 EST
pinyin: yǒu zh? zhe, sh? j?ng ch?ng

Translation : "If a person has ambition, things will be accomplished."

Such sights, and sounds abound,as Garet slowly took it all in.. The young man, feeling more, and more comfortable, with each passing moment, as he greeted, and in kind was greeted by those in attendance. So far, no one had even made mention of his absence in a poor manner, or for that fact any matter at all. In fact, the great amount of nervousness, he had felt since the evening, he and Lord Ravenlock, returned, had reduced greatly.. To the point, the young man, actually thought, that by some miracle of the gods themselves, that the Lady would in fact not address, the issue..

So the festivities, commenced, as Garet spoke, and laughed.. Listening, and sharing with those around him. The young man, felt as if all were indeed settling into place, and right with the world. He made it back home, his uncle made it back home, and despite the hardships he knew, the Lord Ravenlock, would be dealing with, he still felt all was moving in the direction it needed to be.. Of course, we all know, things to not necessarily, pan out quiet that easily, don't we?

All had gone quiet, as the Lady herself, commanded the floor. Such a striking visage, she portrayed, as she spoke, offering the toast to truly commence, this very special occasion. Garet had to admit, the Lady, was something, he could not fathom, by any stretch of the imagination,. Her beauty, captivating.. Her composure, likened to nothing he had ever encountered, and the sheer aura, that surrounded her, at times, was staggering! He knew all too well, that power that welled in this place, was incredible, and yet the feeling of power, from the Lady..

Well, let us just say, that young Mister Jax, could not properly find the words, alone to describe such a thing. Yet, despite this wondrous awe,of the Lady, Garet also felt.. Well, quite comfortable.. Oft,he would be chided for letting eyes, stray far too long, when it came to watching the Lady, and oft he would chide himself, as he knew more than anyone, that his expression of awe, was easily mistaken for something, of a more.. Intimate nature. Luckily, for Mister Jax, the Lady knew all too well, the nature of the young man's awe,and that was perfectly fine with, Garet, so long as she truly knew, his intentions. But I digress, we shifted track a tad.. Let us proceed back a bit, shall we?

The Lady's toast..

The Lady's words, spread such a feeling among the gathered, and more so. The power of the Ox, and the fortune of the tiger, an incredible feeling to those who understood it's significance. While Garet was not one to be 'religious' by nature, he himself, could not argue the effects, the beings of the Zodiac, had upon those around him, and even himself. The signs, and guardians, indeed were seen and felt, and even those he was not a believer in every sense of the word, he did in fact respect it all, to an enormous degree.

A slow sip of plum wine, was taken, as Garet's eyes panned the gathered yet again. The overwhelming feeling of joy and contentment, was quite contagious, and Garet enjoyed it immensely, as he began to sample a good deal of what was served for the evening. A playful face made to Junbao, and Ami in turn, as the scholar let the evening, take him where it would. Of course, one would never truly know, just how unpredictable, a decision like that, could very well be..

"For with the tiger, comes the claws. Wouldn't you agree Garet?"

It had taken a moment, for the words to register, as Garet turned more so, to the Lady.. His drink set down gently, as his eyes came to rest upon her once more. Swallowing a bit, Garet looked a tad unnerved,yet quickly regained his composure, as he began to respond, yet was cut short, by the Lady's words once more.

"So tell me, what did the mouse expect, when he wandered,so far away from his home?"

Garet said nothing for a moment, as he pondered the Lady's words, letting them sink in, more so. The unnerved feeling remaining a bit longer, as he pondered what he had done, in his time away. How he had sought out his uncle, when others could not, at the time.. How he had literally found Brian Ravenlock, and more so, the journey, the pair of them shared, together, and apart, in regards to getting back home.

A journey, that lasted far more than the year or so, the pair was actually absent, from their friends, and family in Rhy'din. The Mouse.. He knew exactly, what she meant.. What she referred to, and while they did not bother him in the least, the young man still felt the need to reply, as he did.

"My Lady, the mouse did not know what to expect, what so ever. The mouse only sought to bring back, the tiger that was taken from his land, and see that the tiger was reunited with his own.. And the mouse did exactly that my Lady."

A ponderful pause, as Garet Jax, then continued, his eyes to the Lady,as he spoke, once more.

"However, the mouse did a bit more than, that my Lady, you see.. The mouse did not only bring one tiger back, instead, he brought two tigers back from the unknown, and that is because the mouse, is no longer a mouse, but a tiger, himself."

Garet's eyes held such a respectful gaze to the Lady, as he offered a deep bow of head Myllyanna herself. No other words came from the young man, as he awaited the Lady's reply.

Myllyanna Lotus

Date: 2010-04-04 16:26 EST

"However, the mouse did a bit more than, that my Lady, you see.. The mouse did not only bring one tiger back, instead, he brought two tigers back from the unknown, and that is because the mouse, is no longer a mouse, but a tiger, himself."

An amused turn to her mouth in a smile and slim eyebrows arched.

Part of her wanted to chide him. For while she would think more cub then tiger, she found some enjoyment out of this new sense of ... what was it... confidence? What ever it was some how a delight to see. But none the less it was bravely teetering on arrogance.

"Should I be worried enough to consider de-clagarwing?" her tone still carried the enjoyment of her own thoughts as she took a brief sip of her wine.

Just as it began... it ended. Her glass softly set aside.

"You bring up the unknown, this reminds me.

While there is not much unknown to me, especially with in my own home. That does not mean matters will go unanswered for. Just as there is a reason for everything in this world and the next, there is responsibility.

We all must be held responsible for our own actions. No matter the reason. No matter fate's design. For some would even believe that one simply leads to another and again the whole 'everything for a reason' comes back once more.

The price one must pay depends on the reason I guess."

She was clearing watching Garet. She had already made up her mind what she would call him to records for. But not here, at dinner. She would have him brought before her later and... talk.

Garet Jaxx had been given a place of importance in the house. Doing such came with more respect then those lower then his station, or assignment in Skin Ka. She wondered if maybe sometimes he didn't understand what that meant. Or maybe he did. The other petals of the Lotus did.

The arrangements of sweets for dessert was on her mind. Eating was something Myllyanna seldom did or even needed to do and left her appetite lacking over time. But when she did... the foods were of extraordinary expectations where cost and labor of preparations were never an issue.

She gave Junbao a rare smile as she made sure he would receive as many of the sweets and cakes he desired today. He beamed a smile back to his mother and tried to keep his legs from swinging in anticipation of the sugar rush he would eventually have. She put a single cake on a plate in front of her and waited.


Date: 2010-05-06 10:39 EST
(pinyin: xīng xīng zhī huǒ kě yǐ li?o yu?n)

Literally: A spark can start a fire that burns the entire prairie.
Moral: Don't underestimate the potential destructive power that a seemingly minor problem can cause.


?We all must be held responsible for our own actions. No matter the reason. No matter fate's design. For some would even believe that one simply leads to another and again the whole 'everything for a reason' comes back once more.

The words of the Lady, settled heavily upon the young Garet Jax, as he carefully pondered, what she had bestowed upon him. His eyes reading her, as best as they could, and truth be told, that did very little in the way, of even that. He had understood, as soon, as the words had left his mouth, that he may have erred, indeed, but as they say, his lot had been cast.

Of course, the words did sound, a bit arrogant.. Well, truth be told, a great deal, more than that. They were arrogant, however, not in the way, some would take it.. Still, that was between, Garet and the Lady, and he was sure, she would address the situation, in due course.

The mention, of ?De-Clawing?, also rang upon the young scholar, yet he decided not to bring it to air, for the moment. After all, he would only say the obvious, as the Lady herself, had already known, so that, itself was a moot point. Still, he had to wonder, just what the Lady did have in store for the scholar.. He knew, he would be punished, or at the very least should be punished..

After all, he had left with no word, and more so, ventured to an unknown land, with no support. He had left in the dead of night, in secret.. Well to the others, it was in secret, yet he knew, the Lady knew far more than, she would ever let on, and again, he knew that, for the measure of respect, he carried for the Lady, was more than the greater many, truly understood.

Again, that was something that would be addressed, in due course. That he was sure of.

The price one pays?

Garet knew there would be a price to pay for what he had done, and more so, the manner he had done it. He accepted that, fully, and expected it, nearly as soon as he arrived home once more, to ShinKa..

Yet none came..

Instead, he was literally handed the ?Ark of the Covenant?, delivered by Scotty, at the suggestion of Brian Ravenlock, when Scotty was gifted this item, and some others, by Tara. Garet was allowed to study at length, and go about his daily activities, with no supervision. He tended his duties, as well, and did whatever he could to assist others, and still, no mention of what happened..

And he dared not to speak to it, to anyone else.. Granted, he was very tempted, and more than anyone, save the Lady truly knew.

He wished to tell, of the Gauntlet, of the fact that somehow, beyond all rhyme, and reason, it very well may have been brought back, to this side of the veil so to speak. He wished to tell of the peoples, and places, they had seen and been to. The struggles, and pains, the road home, had brought back, and so much more. Yet, he did no such thing, and would not do so, until the Lady herself, decided, as was the course of things.

So Garet sat there, partaking with the others, as he replied to the Lady, most respectfully.

?My Lady, there is no need to worry, what so ever, as you already know.. The tiger I speak of, is yours, as is all within your grace. In regards to that itself, perhaps I phrased it wrong, but there have none the less been changes, and I would love more than anything to make whatever, is considered unknown, known. Whatever the Lady wishes of course. That aside, I am.. I am glad to be home, my Lady, and well.. I missed you all.. A lot?

Another unknown..

It was the first time, that Garet Jax, had ever spoken in such a manner.. He had expressed an emotion, and while he had never done so, before, when it came to the Lady, or their gathered, he felt the need to do so, as unsure as he was, about what he had said, and more so, what was to come, as they say, the lot was indeed cast.