Topic: Captain's Log (Dante)

Dante Keltar

Date: 2014-12-20 20:34 EST
Captain's Log


The first time I picked up my pen as Captain. I have been prepping for Captain Thorne?s funeral. A water burial.

I wasn?t ready to say good bye to him. Ravyn?s flowers were a hit. How can I be the man Captian Thorne wants me to be.

We are going to sail off. Going to be leaving the day before Yule Christmas, I wish Noah could go with me. But he can?t. I am not going to take him away.

I had found and met someone. and Lost her in the short time. Ravyn. A succubus that hangs out in the dome. I got jealous. Simple put.

I am working on getting me where I need to be. I am working on joining the watch, Veronika laughed at that.

I leave on that. Time to make sure we get the supplies for the trip to Merica.