Topic: Coupons, Coupons, Coupons!


Date: 2015-01-14 17:48 EST
Having been at her pub for the last couple of hours making sure all of the necessary bookkeeping and other paperwork is in order (it is), Shy leaves the bar in the capable hands of Gunnar, her burly ex-crewman now barkeep and bouncer of The White Stag, and heads to the Red Dragon Inn. A glance at the overcast sky has her thinking about snow. Hopefully the light fluffy stuff will fall instead of rain, or sleet, since the temperature is hovering around 9 degrees Fahrenheit right now.

Brrrr. It is definitely cold outside, although she has been in much frostier climes than RhyDin while doing battle in other realms. It is the main reason she wears her marvelously warm arctic furs. That, and it is Winter.

Beneath the furry hood she has on an aviator hat (the one with the Scandinavian embroidered design), and on her hands are mittens with the same style of embroidery. Underneath her cozy outer garment is her usual attire of brown suede breeks, and an emerald green silk blouse. On her feet are fur-trimmed knee-high boots of nubuck leather. Oh ja, she is definitely dressed for the weather.

Of course Shy is wearing her weapons belt beneath those furs. She never leaves home without it. The only thing she does not have with her at this time is her sword. Gasp! Nothing to be concerned about. She pauses outside the Inn of Olde for a few moments as she looks around the immediate area. "Hmm."

Victor shakes his head as he makes his way towards the Inn, then suddenly grins. He makes his way towards Shy and opens up his arms to give her a hug. "Good morning, my lady."

She was just about to say 'come out, come out wherever you are!' when she finds herself enveloped in the Garou's embrace. "Oh! Godt morn, Victor!" Smiling ever-so-prettily at him.

"Shall we go in for a drink, Gorgeous?" He asks as he hugs her.

Returns the hug, in kind. "Ja. A mug of something varm will be nice." And by something she means hot cocoa or hot cider.

"Then inside the Inn we go." He smiles once more at her before taking a quick look around.

"Searching for anyone in particular, kj?reste?" The shadow realm hides many.

"No, not anyone in particular."

"Are you concerned about that one?" He should know who she means since he told her about him/her/it.

"I have no idea what you mean."

She will whisper who she means to him, preferring not to say the name out loud. In this land one never knows if mentioning a name will automatically produce said 'person', even if you do not say the name thrice. Lifts his ear covering out of the way just long enough to whisper two words, then lowers the covering back into place. He might have to fix it.

"Not exactly just one." But he gives a nod.

"Oh? I was under the impression 'twas only one." Spreads her arms out wide as she exclaims, "A big one! Gigantic, gargantuan, ginormous ... the Mother of All Ones!" She wonders if he knew that she knew that 'ginormous' word. She just mayhap be trying to make him laugh.

"There is the one, but it is not something I would be looking for in the shadows. It has many minions." He idly reaches up to fix his hat.

"So many do in this land." Smiling wolfishly at him.

"On a different scale, of course."

"But of course, min elskling." Nodding in agreement. "Are you ready to head inside?" It seems the establishment has gotten busier in the last few minutes.

"I think so. I believe I have heard the door open and close a couple of times while we were standing out here." He grins and nods once more, letting one arm drop to leave the other curled about her waist.

Snickers at his remark about hearing the door opening and closing. "You did not happen to see those entering?" She does not mention anything about their scents. No need.

"I was not looking," he replies simply. Then he makes his way towards the door, to open it wide for Shy.

"Takk, Victor," quietly says just before she crosses over the threshold. Several graceful strides inside, and she pauses. Lightest of blue eyes peer at those gathered at the bar before she glances over her shoulder at the handsome Garou. Makes a silly face at him.

He winks in response to Shy, then casts a much more serious eye on the rest of those assembled in the Inn today. Oh dear. Seems a near nudist is here.

Her first stop, after that little pause, is the cubbyholes to see if anyone had been kind enough to place mail into the wooden box with her name scripted above it. Oh look! There *is* something! How nice! It may be what some consider 'junk mail', but she does not care. Extracts Noah's vouchers and peruses them.

(adapted from live RP; tbc)


Date: 2015-01-14 17:49 EST
Moments later Shy meanders toward Victor waving the triplicate coupons at him. That is correct ... not just one, but three! Could be the deliverer does not know how to count, or the papers were stuck together, or two other recipients did not want their coupons so they stuck them in her cubby instead. Whatever the reason, she is a happy Viking!

"See hva I have, Mister Grynyrd?" How can he not notice when she is practically brandishing the coupons in his face.

"Are those all coupons for the same thing?" He is not certain how useful that can be.


The misprint on the coupons has her grinning slyly, and her next remarks to Victor are said quietly, "My hand is craving a free wood object or toy, so I must visit this shoppe." Though her tone of voice sounds quite serious, her gaze reflects her amusement. Just look at the merriment twinkling in those light blues!

He chuckles in his usual deep, rumbling way. "A toy in the hand is worth two in the bush, you think?"

Shy does not get it at first. He can probably tell by the quizzical expression on her face. "Two in the bush?" A heartbeat later. "OH! Because his navn is Bird! Ja?" What the Hel does she know?

He decides to roll with it. "Exactly."

Now that adage is stuck in her head. "Very funny, kj?reste."

She takes another gander at the coupons. "Since I do not see anything about one item per customer, I kan have three! I hope the selections, or offerings, are not skimpy." After all, it is an 'after Christmas' sale.

"It may be selection is somewhat limited now after the holidays."

"I will not know until I go look." She is considering doing that right now. "I am tenkning of heading o'er to the marketplace. Want to kom along?"

"Of course I do, my lady."


Shortly after arriving at the marketplace the booth containing Noah's Wooden Wonders (say that three times fast) is spotted.

"There 'tis, Victor!" Indicating the place with a flourish of her mittened hand in that direction. Ja, the very same hand that is grasping tightly onto those coupons for free stuff. If he hears a tinge of excitement in her voice it is because she truly enjoys having the opportunity to explore new stores. Or in this case, a booth.

"So I see, my lady." He grins, hoping to see if this is the sort of stuff he would like to see in his shop, should he choose to open a toy section. Business, always business.

If Victor's store ends up with a toy section Shy will more than likely decide to call the Garou, Geppetto. Victor "Geppetto" Grynyrd. She tugs her handsome man over to the booth. Once there, each wooden item is studied. Decisions, decisions!

He too pours over the available wooden objects and toys, looking less at the sort of toy and more at the craftsmanship that went into each.

(adapted from live RP)