Topic: Party Girl (NSFW 18+)

DJ Wilson

Date: 2015-01-12 12:38 EST
It didn't take much to make her world go 'round. Sex, drugs, and alcohol kept her from losing her mind. But when she needed to breath she would surf. It was her zone. Her zen. Her happy place. But a lot about her was a mystery. Who was she? Where did she come from? Was she always like this? She'd smile and tell you to kindly f*ck off if you asked. She didn't like getting close.

Let's start with the beginning. Let's focus on Sebring, Florida. DJ's mother had no real skills as she had never finished school. She was blessed with naturally good looks. Dark hair, dark eyes, gorgeous skin, and lovely curves. DJ's mother had originally come from Cuba with a lot of other immigrants. With that body she used it to make money. Whether it was on the streets or in the clubs. She made a decent living and was able to afford her own place and have a roof over her head and food on the table.

Things were going about as well as one could imagine for a poor Cuban girl addicted to coke. And she finally hit the big money! Or at least she did. At one of the finer clubs a wealthy white gentleman came to frequent and picked her as a favorite. He was young and handsome. Blonde hair and blue eyes that made her melt. He could do whatever he wanted to her just as long as he kept giving her money and the drugs. And oh did he. It wasn't long into their drug fueled affair that her mom got knocked up. Now daddy was married to a woman with a hefty inheritance. If it was found out that he fathered another woman's child it would result in divorce and a loss of money.

Despite all of her fuck ups in life she felt this was the one thing she could do right. It was also against her beliefs. So naturally she rejected the idea of aborting the baby or giving it away. He knew there was there was nothing he could do to change her mind. They agreed that they would part ways and he would give her money each month in an undisclosed account. Though they did continue to see each other as their lust for each other seemed to be stronger than ever. She did stop all the drugs and toxins so the baby could be healthy.
Her mother really wanted a boy. So even before finding out what she was having she chose the name of David John. One of those names was after the father. It wasn't until the baby was born she found out she had a girl. So it was shortened to DJ. DJ is what she would go by for the rest of her life despite what it said on her birth certificate and ID. Kicking and screaming DJ came into the world.

DJ Wilson

Date: 2015-01-12 12:39 EST
DJ's mom really didn't want a girl. She knew that chicas were loca in the cabeza. But what could she do? She swore she would do right by her little girl. A young unwed Cuban she was shunned by the Church the very faith that she was raised to live by. Her mom quit that lifestyle the day DJ came into the world. It was hard and took time but she managed to find a decent job waiting tables. In the daytime DJ was looked after by one of her primas.

As soon as she was old enough DJ was put in school. Despite all the poverty and crime around them DJ did pretty well for herself. Going to school and church. She did the best she could and got good grades. Her childhood wasn't a fairy tale but it wasn't horrible either. Thanks to the money her mother earned from working, the government, and her father they didn't struggle like others. Still her mother would save what little she could for DJ's future.

Around her teenage years is when things changed. She always saw her mother as more of a friend than a maternal figure. DJ's mom began to slip back into her old ways as she felt her daughter was now old enough to "take care of herself." It was because of her mother that she had her first taste of many things. Drugs, booze, and men. But DJ felt so grown up and only wanted to please her mother. Sometimes they would both be with a man at the same time. Despite the years and childbirth DJ's mother was still a very beautiful woman.

It was getting hard to balance the partying with her mother, friends, and school. But somehow she managed. In all that chaos she found her center. It was in surfing. When she was out there by herself riding those waves everything fell away. It helped clear her mind when things got to be overwhelming. It was her one sincere passion in life. When she told her mother she wanted to be a professional surfer the woman had laughed. DJ's mom said it was a fool's dream and to finish school to become a nurse or doctor.

DJ just wasn't having it. This is what she wanted to do. With the sun on her skin and the smell of the ocean and gliding on those waves. She wouldn't let it go. She kept pushing and pushing and tried to make her mother see that is what made her truly happy. It was then that DJ's mother realized she had lost control of her daughter. This isn't what she wanted for her. Sure they partied and shared a lot but she wanted her to have a real job. At a loss as to what to do she contacted DJ's father.

DJ had never met her father. She was just told that he was some rich white man and that they should be thankful he kept providing money so they could survive. Whether it was because of her own opinions or how she was raised DJ just didn't trust men. At least not as far as she could spit. She was surprised her mother still trusted him. It made her mother weak in her eyes. The way her mother pawed at the man disgusted her.

But at least DJ could see where she got some of her looks from. His mannerisms were of someone who was from a different world than they were. Yet she saw the passion in his eyes when he looked at her mother. They spent the entire day together. Getting to know each other and catching up. She was surprised to find out that he had been in the loop of her childhood even though she had never met him. It didn't take long for them to catch up surprisingly enough.

She'd hoped and pleaded he would understand. But he didn't. He was worse than her mother! According to him no daughter of his should settle to be a surfer. He went on about how she was a beautiful and smart young woman and how she could be what she wanted. He told her she shouldn't sell herself short. That she should aim high for success. That's not what she wanted. That's not what would make her happy. Young as she may be they still had some say in what she could do. Finally as a mutual decision they sent her to Rhy'Din. To give her time to calm down and find out what she really wanted to do. So, she came in like a wrecking ball to stir the pot and have the time of her life!

DJ Wilson

Date: 2015-01-12 12:40 EST
Since coming to Rhy'Din DJ has made it her playground. Hitting up the bars and clubs. Finding connections to get what money could buy quickly. She had it all. Lovers, booze, and drugs. Sex, drugs, and rock n roll. What more could you want?

But Rhy'Din was changing her. Or at least the people were. She had broken a couple of hearts. Left a few in the dust. Without blinking those pretty blues. It didn't matter to her. But she did let a couple of people in. They were able to scratch the surface. Even if only for a moment.

DJ was a wonderfully broken and self-destructive individual. A midst all the chaos she only found brief moments of perfect zen and peace when she surfed. Even caught in the throes of passion it wouldn't reveal who she was.

She was raised to never care for anyone or anything but herself. But that was slowly changing. When she hurt someone it hurt her as well. She didn't even know if there was a way to salvage what was broken. But in the end she felt like she gained something. A closeness. Now though even that seemed to be slipping away from her.

Maybe she was right. Maybe she did just fuck up everything she touched. Maybe they should just stay away. Keeping them at arm's length and never letting anyone in. Never letting anyone close. It's worked for her so far.