Topic: By The Beautiful Sea


Date: 2016-02-29 14:06 EST
Premise and Purpose:

Like DLaM, this thread will act as a place to put all those little details about the crazy things that happen at Casa del Brujo, such as Rekah leaving sea animals in the bathtubs, Aoife bringing her forest friends to jump on the couch, or Dris setting off another glitter bomb in the house.

Only those who have been invited into his home by Cane himself (at one point or another -- when in doubt, ask!) may actually step foot inside. The place is highly warded.

The beach itself is another story. While Cane calls it "his", he does not actually own the beach. Anyone could, in theory, visit the beach. I only ask that you do not destroy the fixtures that are there, unless discussed with me first. Does your character pass this section of the beach during their morning workout runs? Do they take advantage of the prime waves that seem to come in on a regular basis? Let us know! Feel free to join in.

1. A slackline much like this one.
2. A bonfire pit.

By The Beautiful Sea


Date: 2016-02-29 14:53 EST


For most of the day, the beach was party to a group of friends celebrating the lovely Rekah's fantastical birthday. There was music and food -- enough sugar to get a cavity simply by looking at it. Among the day's many activities were the following:
Sandcastle building! Cane and Rekah are known for their spectacular sand cities and other sculptures. How do they do it?!
Everyone loves a good bonfire. As the host and the birthday girl both have a thing for setting stuff on fire, rest assured this one was huge and it burned for the duration of the party.
How many balloons does it take to make a person fly? They made attempts to find out.
And because Rekah is one of Cane's best friends and he's **** with gifts, he put on a fire dancing show just for her (and everyone else who wanted to watch!)

Lirssa Sarengrave

Date: 2016-02-29 16:52 EST
Lirssa figured Canaan saw Rekah more than she did. But there was no way she was letting another birthday pass by without a gift!

On the front step of Canaan's beach house was a very large bottle of maple syrup the size of a small dollhouse. And a smaller purse size one -- for portability.

"Happy Birthday, Rekah!"


Date: 2016-02-29 17:55 EST
Salvador started the morning making mountains of waffles for the birthday girl. There is more than enough for everybody. By the end of the day, they were all likely to be sick of eating waffles, except Rekah. He made sure there was plenty of syrup, jam, whipped cream, sauces, fresh fruit, and other things available. For dinner, he and Cane grilled up some ground beef patties to make waffle burgers, too! All fixin's included.

Halfway through the day, Salvador took a break from the crowd and went to Matadero to fetch Melanie her baby pig. He made it as far as the Red Dragon Inn before he couldn't take its squirming and squealing anymore. Thankfully, Cane rescued him and helped him bring it the rest of the way to the beach. It is precisely the gender and coloration that Melanie had asked for, wearing a pink bow and a nametag reading: Jericho. The piglet spent the rest of the evening cowering in a corner of Cane's house far, far away from Sal, until Melanie took it home.

Thoughout the late afternoon and early evening hours, the Spaniard spent a lot of time puttering around the beach. He experimented with drinking as much booze as possible to see how many bottles he had to go through to feel even the slightest bit tipsy. He was trying for drunk but wound up only having to take a piss frequently. When inebriation efforts failed, he satisfied himself by making bottle art out of all the empties. Mostly this just consisted of him lining them up in various OCD patterns along the beach.

To commemorate the occasion, while Rekah was there he spent some time gluing some crushed seashells into a bottle cap and turned it into a necklace. A few of Rekah's favorite things combined into one. This, apart from the good times, the food, the company, was his gift to her.

Happy birthday, Leap Year Girl!

Sinjin Fai

Date: 2016-02-29 18:00 EST
Sinjin arrived early in the morning, lingering for a few hours -- long enough to spread the love to the birthday girl and deliver gift that might as well have been a gift to all of them: an army's worth of water blasters. After staying long enough to watch water-related chaos ensue and get some ocean time with the pack, Sinjin retreated during the early afternoon.


Date: 2016-03-02 05:55 EST
Nothing Rhymes with Silver ?Cept the Coming of the Dawn
Casa Del Brujo - 03.01.2016

The water was beyond frigid, a million sharp little daggers spilling over bare feet as a wave rolled lazily ashore. Her unlaced boots, garish green socks spilling out of their lolling tongues, sat abandoned a few yards higher in the sand; steadfast sentries just outside the gates of a crumbling castle. The legs of her tattered jeans soaked to mid-calf, sand clung to nearly every part of her. Long violet strands finally tugged free of the last of their pinnings danced, tangled in the wind.

Her face was upturned, a shiver slithering down her spine as the wintery waters surged around her ankles. The sky was all colors smeared together by the careless dragging hand of some finger-painting giant, the sun just beginning to think about getting up for work.

Pre-dawn. It was probably the girl?s favorite part of the day, and she was developing an expertise on all of them. There was something so fresh and clean about dawn, the world quiet and mostly asleep but still crackling with a kind of potential energy, its usual cacophonic vibrance hushed to a gentle hum of promise. It wasn?t exactly the new beginning she understood it to be for people who actually slept, but today ...right this moment Saila thought for the first time that she might know what that felt like.

A light or two burned directly overhead, in the house high above her on the cliff side. Its other occupants were likely still awake, too; a brilliant halo of energy spilled down over the wild grasses like a searchlight on the water. Despite its familiarity, this shimmer pulse drew her attention like a moth; more vividly apparent to the girl on the beach than the window's reflection--a wavering rectangle of incandescence that floated, wraithlike, on the ocean?s ever moving surface.

Saila took several steps of retreat, out of the surf, leaning back and further back until her knees buckled, sinking to the sand in a kind of controlled fall. Landing on her hands, she let her elbows give next, those hands sliding away from her body in opposite directions until she was lying face up. From this vantage point, long limbs folded back on themselves and angled awkwardly to either side of her, fingers splayed wide, her gaze alternated from the square of illumination just above her to the last little circle of moonlight, faded and fading faster above that, back and forth.

The long legs of sunrise between them felt like a barrier, a precipice, a dividing line.

Settling at last for what?s left of the stars, she dug delicate fingers into the sand, handfuls of once-sturdy rock pulverized by the gentle manipulations of weather, time and water into so much crystalline powder fisted in either palm. Splaying spindly digits a moment later, she let it spill through the spaces she?d made -- a living hour glass. A sigh wedged its way past the ever present lump in her throat, a whispered confession to the sky.

It was stunning how much had changed how quickly. She?d pulled a matchstick from the base only to watch the whole tower fall, collapsing in on itself and still imploding. Dizzy sick, a seething turmoil twisted, roiling just along the underside of a belly gone a hint more concave than previous. Still reeling from a double set of tragedies-one personal, the other inherited, Saila had done the totally logical thing and set all the rest of her world on fire, too. Because when the things you love are burning, you pretty much have two choices: escape or detonate.


Saila stood, then. The sun was climbing higher, chasing the moon back into her den at the edge of the sea. Those magical, crepuscular moments between silver and daylight were dwindling, colors seeping into the scenery.

Everything around her, for better or for worse, was coming into focus.

Kicking her way through thick slopes of wet beach sand on her way to retrieve her boots, she bent to sweep them up and saw something she hadn?t noticed before-- a brightly colored plastic thing that looked like? like a stylized cartoon drawing of a gun blown up into three dimensions. Curious, she hooked the fingers of her right hand through the laces in her boots and closed her left around the toy, smoothing her thumb lightly over the colorful material. Her expression puzzled, she slipped an index finger onto the trigger experimentally, giving it a light squeeze. Nearly empty, a thin stream of water gone to brine dribbled from the hole in its barrel, and Saila just stood there, trying to make sense of it.

When she moved on, the pretend weapon was still dangling from her middle fingers, laughter - some familiar, most not--echoing in her mind. The path back towards the stairs led her to another shape she?d encountered without examining in the dark; twin wooden squares sunk into the ground with a length of rope hung between them. There wasn?t much tension in the rope, and its purpose in this configuration was mystifying, which prompted Saila to abandon both her boots and the squirt gun.

Sinking to her knees, the muse lifted both hands, laying one flat on the nearest post and curling the other around the rope. She knelt there for awhile, silvery brows hunched together, her lips pursed thoughtfully. Seeking clarity. It was harder here, with things that belonged more completely to their owner. Everything she touched in this place smoldered, a phantom kind of heat swelling up through her fingers, tickling her palms.

Rarely able to resist that which perplexed her, Saila got back to her feet, not bothering to shake the sand from her jeans. The line wobbled fiercely, aborting her first several attempts as she tried it. With each misstep or sudden slip, the storm clouds that had gathered at her brow seemed to lift, the rigid tension easing from her shoulders. The scowl washed away from her mouth by degrees, like an outgoing tide.



With the scent of gasoline and smoldering ash still fresh in her nostrils, she?d sought his company a few hours ago, if only for a very necessary reality check.

She?d expected a drink, a smirk, maybe a few terse words of advice. Perhaps, if he was feeling generous, the advice might even be delivered gently. What she?d gotten instead was a shock that still had her scrambling to regroup; a rapid fire series of surprises that had-for the time being- eclipsed everything.

Saila was, generally, extremely difficult to surprise.

When she closed her eyes she could still see it, that wall of fire that smelled like wood and smoke and, distantly, sugar; an impenetrable blaze so thick that it obscured anything, everything else around it.

Cane, the warlock. The herbalist. The athlete.

Cane, the living, breathing bonfire. The mentor. The?friend.

Cane, the roommate.

Not even a week ago, he?d told her how only family could be allowed into these private spaces. It wasn't unkind-she?d understood, and there had been no hard feelings. But here, just days later, the spare bedroom up there, the one with the bed and the dresser and the strangely colored chair, the one whose window faced oceans of grass instead of salt; for the time being, that room was hers.


By the time she finally managed to get both feet underneath her on the rope, the new day was upon her, the sky to the east gone bright and brilliant blue. The day cold but clear, the newly-risen sun set sand and sea spray to glittering like twinkle lights in all that tangled purple.

For half a second, it seemed she might actually have managed it, an elated smile just cresting on her lips as she straightened her legs, trying to bring herself up. For that one fraction of a moment, time stopped, exhilaration and hope flooding her chest. For the space of a heartbeat, she stood, victorious.

The achievement there and gone just as quickly, her lank frame unbalanced, and Saila went over backwards. Landing on her back with a wet thump that rattled her ribcage and stole the breath from her lungs, Saila gasped, and then she grinned.

For a time she just laid there, disheveled and damp and covered in sand.

And giggling like crazy.


Date: 2016-03-04 16:25 EST
A note left on the kitchen table early this morning:


Here's the name & number of
the Realtor I've used.
Sheila Markham


Date: 2016-04-11 01:36 EST
Sal and Cane rolled in some time after midnight, locked themselves away in the master bedroom, and all was quiet all night long. In the morning, Sal made breffast. Including coffee. You're welcome, Saila.


Date: 2016-04-11 13:14 EST
Over the last six weeks, an increasing number of visitors to the seaside have reported what appears to be an intelligent haunting in the area. The apparition seems to be concentrated to a few specific locations in and around a single house, purported to belong to noted local warlock Canaan Devillier. Proprietor of Panacea in Dockside, Mr. Devillier is also known for his modelling as well as his performance in the rings as a member of IFL Team Deathcake.

Sightings describe the specter as ?a woman in black?, or more often ?a girl with purple hair.? She is most frequently seen on the unnaturally warm lanai in the center of the house; some say it?s the heat that draws her. She can be seen in the late hours of the night, it?s said, most often between two a.m. and dawn. Supposedly, she will appear to be sitting in a chair at the so-called ?dick table?, busily at work drawing with colored pencils. The following image, found one recent morning by Mr. Devillier stuck to his fridge with a child?s brightly colored alphabet letter magnet (apparently it was a ?C? for ?Cane?) was allegedly produced by the phantom:
((Image credit: Beachside Drawing by Nils Beasley))

Some eyewitness reports claim the shade can frequently be seen wandering the stretch of beach just beneath the house, particularly around sunrise. Reports of an unearthly laughter emanating from the sand around a slack line Mr. Devillier has set up on the beach are becoming a common occurrence among early morning joggers. Other paranormal phenomena have been reported as well: the sound of the piano playing in the music room; the movement of objects in the spare bedroom; the occasional and seemingly random appearance of drawings left in prominent places about the residence. Coffee left unattended for more than a few minutes in the kitchen is alleged to disappear.

Not much is known regarding the origins of the spectre. Other residents and frequent visitors to the beach say they?d never seen her before she began appearing around March 1, and they?re not sure what to make of her presence now. There have been no reports of tragic deaths in the area, no precipitating events that would have spawned a haunting. ?It?s like she just followed him home,? claims a witness who wished to remain anonymous. ?One day she wasn?t here, the next day she was.?

When asked, Mr. Devillier seems unperturbed by his mysterious houseguest. ?Yeh, dat?s Saila,? he told us in his exclusive interview. ?She?s a stray. Ain?t botherin? me none; she don?t eat nothin? an? I ain?t here much anyway. She?s welcome to stay.?

Aoife Duggan, Mr. Devillier?s business partner in the Panacea venture, well, she didn?t actually say anything when questioned regarding the shade. But a source close to the property told us she has been known on at least one occasion to leave an offering for the girl with the purple hair on the lanai.

Not all of the locals are happy with the ghost?s arrival, however. Another recent visitor to the house by the sea, famed model and dueler known simply as Melanie, spat something unintelligible when asked for her opinion. We?re pretty sure it made sense in another language, and whatever it was didn?t sound particularly flattering. Salvador Delahada, owner of the Matadero Meat Company and the Carniceria located in the Old Market district, and Mr. Devillier?s partner, almost (but not quite) laughed when we asked him about these strange occurrences. ?I warned him,? said Team Deathcake?s Captain, looking away. Mr. Delahada would not comment further.

Mr. Devillier cautions curious ghost hunters from trying to seek her out. ?If y?see her on de? beach, fine, but I don?t recommend tryin? to find de house. Y?ain?t gonna be able to get in anyway, so don?t do it.? When we asked him how avid spookhounds might best be able to draw the apparition out, he gave us a strange look. ?...Hell if I know. I ain't got no trouble seein' her. If she feels like showin' up, she will. Otherwise, I suggest y?leave her alone.?

Who is this mysterious Saila? What event brought her to our beautiful seaside, and why does she linger? What?s with all the drawings? How come she can drink coffee, and why does she like it so much? This piece will be updated as more developments unfold.

((Author?s Note: This piece is a short comic exercise shared for entertainment purposes and is not intended to be a real report. There is no newspaper or online blog this got published in -- Saila?s not really a ghost, obvs-- and any ?quotes? or actions ascribed to your character were intended as a tribute/?shout out? to you and your work. I tried to be as true to your characters (as I understand them) as possible, but please remember this is all tongue in cheek and they are not intended as actual representations or reflections of them. If you don?t want your character referenced or feel the reference I used is incorrect, let me know and I?ll be happy to amend. <3 ))


Date: 2016-04-17 12:50 EST
Sunday morning breakfast! After staying the night snuggling a Taneth with Canaan, a certain Spaniard slipped out early to grab something from a local bakery. Baking is not something he excels at compared to other forms of cooking. Upon his return, he set out the croissants, butter, and jam. The juice is freshly squeezed and the coffee is freshly brewed.
( Image from )

While the Cajun was busy with his lessons, Salvador spent some time beating the crap out of the heavy weight bag on the lanai. After a basic hour of working out, he spent some time taking measurements of various sections of the great room and drawing up a few ideas for possible shelving additions.


Date: 2016-04-17 23:47 EST
Two Sundays in a row, now, sunrise found the beach house full of people and the seductive scent of The Best Coffee Ever.

Sunrise, coffee with the terrible two, lessons on the beach with a Cajun.

Sundays were rapidly becoming her favorite day.
((Img found on Tumblr, no source cited))


Date: 2016-04-18 23:02 EST
Monday evening found Salvador and Canaan occupying Casa del Brujo once more.

The two spent some time on the beach making use of the slack line before heading back up to the house where Sal spent the next two hours giving Cane another cooking lesson, during which time they made their own fresh pasta.
(1, 2, 3)

The end result was a delicious seafood linguine and a tomato & avocado arugula salad that they ate together out on the lanai. The two talked about everything and nothing until the sun went down and they were left to sit in the semi-dark of night beneath the moons and the white, glittering string lights hung by Aoife the year before.

After cleaning up their dinner, they camped out on the couch together for the rest of the evening like bums. While Canaan watched a ball game on TV, Salvador busied himself with whittling new pieces for the latest board game he was making.

Some time before they retreated to their room, a pot of coffee was made. Cane got the fantastic idea to turn Salvador's signature coffee into ice cream, and so he did. As if she'd smelled the delicious confection, a Rekah monster popped out of the kitchen cupboards. Her hair was a mess, full of sand and bits of seaweed; she was naked, save her lower half, around which she'd fashioned a fishing net that didn't actually cover much of anything at all. Not that Sal or Cane cared. Coffee and ice cream were consumed on the front porch while Rekah regaled the two men with stories of her latest adventures.
(ca phe sua da)


Date: 2016-04-18 23:36 EST
The mercurial teen arrived too late for the festivities. There were fresh, lingering impressions of both terrible twos and a third entity she'd only encountered once before on nearly every surface she touched; the lingering scent of coffee but none actually left abandoned in the pot.

Shaking her head with a smirk, Saila pulled her notebook and the sleeve of cookies from her bag, setting both on the table that separated the kitchen from the living room. Turning the notebook to a fresh page, she scribbled out a quick note for her favorites, which she tore out and left for him in case he woke up or re-emerged from the Master Bedroom while she was out on the beach.

Dear Cane,

The counter girl at Teas seemed real sad that I actually showed up there tonight without the two of you nearby. When she refilled my coffee, she gave me this package of cookies and made me promise to pass them along. So. Cookies for you! Along with her greetings or .. something.

Y'all didn't leave me any coffee and now I has a sad.

Please can there be coffee in the morning, Sal? Pretty please with, uh. Something you don't hate on top? Maybe Cane? I don't know. I'm just sad that I missed out on coffee.



Date: 2016-04-19 13:11 EST
Tuesday morning, April the 19th, Salvador did not make coffee. Instead, he left Saila a detailed step-by-step note on how to make coffee for herself. This mini-guide includes roughly drawn sketches of various items, and as an extra test of her abilities even a psychic imprint of Salvador himself making his own special brew.

Some things of note: the Spaniard only uses freshly ground beans. The instructions include how to use the manual hand grinder sitting next to the coffee machine. Though the psychic imprint includes him doing that as well should she be capable of gleaning that knowledge. One scoop of beans is all she needs, aside from the water and such for the machine.
( Organic Hessian Coffee Bag )

Neither the Cajun nor the Spaniard stuck around in the morning to share "breakfast" with her. Instead, Salvador whisked Cane away first thing for a run, never to return again. Or... At least not any time that day.


Date: 2016-05-18 15:20 EST
It all started when Saila stumbled upon a brightly colored clipboard in the Marketplace. There were some familiar names already on the list, so the purple haired teenager signed up on impulse, with no clear idea what she was getting herself into.

Well, that was pretty much par for the course with her, but the girl decided that some insight as to what she was getting into might be a good thing, and that resulted in a handful of text messages. It was only a few moments later before Jackie messaged her back.

Saila caught the phone before it fell off the dick table, read the messages on it and stood up. She was puzzled for sure, but she'd also long since learned not to Question the Jackie. So she abandoned the phone and her colored pencils on the table, stepped off the lanai into the main room, let herself outside and rounded the house. Taking the stairs at a rapid clip, the girl almost slipped a step when there wasn't a Des and then suddenly there was, only just barely righting herself before she went face first into the sand. Little Des came scurrying out from under the stairs, pretty randomly except he knows he's a mage and can command time and space -- but Saila didn't know all that.

The boy lugged a bucket of water balloons, the little ones, full up enough to break and with enough air to sting a bit. He thumped them to Saila's feet and peered up at her. Wow. She is TALL. He had a pugnacious look on his face. "Okay, now you throw them when Jackie..."

Blinking mismatched eyes down at him, her head tilted curiously. "Des? Jackie said I'm supposed to be ignoring you..." She peered at the bucket quizzically. "Water balloons?" Just confirming. For all she knew they were water buffalo.

"Yes... I know she did, but we're supposed to serve Balance and Justice..."
Here came Jackie now in her little sportscar! Wait, what?!

"Balance and Jus--what now?" Saila was lost, as usual, and working double time to catch up.

Oh, guess who learned something new in class today? Also: perfect opportunity to paste his sister with water balloons. But didn't he look so sweet and earnest? Jackie was glowering at her brother as she swarmed out of the car, and thus, the first water balloon in her arsenal -- the big ten inch party balloons, filled mostly with water! came sailing to kersploosh! Over Des! He flailed a few of the smaller ones. "Avenge me!" he was going down! It wasn't true that they melted like brown sugar and certain wicked witches when wetted. He did manage to lob one of his towards Jackie.

There was a shadow making its arc from on high and then suddenly the boy mage beside Saila was drenched and demanding vengeance. One second, two, and then it clicked! Water balloon fight! A grin spread across her features as she reached into the bucket. Ringed fingers closed over a water balloon and it might have been the strangest thing she'd tried to grab onto yet, all.. wiggly and slippery smooth and unwieldy. Her strange eyes slid from Jackie coming down the stairs to Desdenova getting drenched beside her and well, there wasn't really a choice in the matter, the way she turned and lobbed her little water balloon at Des.

Given how close to him she was, though, it totally bounced off him and rebounded back at her, which Saila was not expecting. When it collided with her hip, it hit one of the metal rivets on her belt and broke, drenching her from the waist down. Saila, of course, was astonished.

"Cheat! Foul! My vengeance! My veeennnnggeeeaaaannnceeeee!" Desdenova yowled as he 'died', dramatically, and oh hey! It worked! Saila got her own watery doom! So he fell to his butt and cackled. Jackie hooted and picked up another of the big water balloons to lob at Saila. "Throw 'em harder! Those little ones will bounce!" Because Saila mightn't have noticed that. She was wearing a black Hello Kitty Captain America t-shirt and shorts, so she was fearless.

Thankfully, Saila wasn't wearing anything that might go see-through on wetting. Saila doesn't actually own anything that isn't black, so she's totally safe? But still perplexed. "I don't understand. Why didn't it..." But then Jackie in her Captain America gear was explaining, and Saila was, well. Saila was getting wet some more as another of the larger water balloons landed on her head. It was her time to cry "Foul!" --because it sounded so good when Des did it, you see -- and she scooped up another of the little ones to hurl at Jackie this time.

"It's just for fun," Jackie started to say, when she was nailed in the face with a water balloon. SPLOOSH! Hey, at least this one broke! Desdenova arose from the mildly deceased and hucked a few more balloons at her. "Yeah! Foul! Soak her!" Splash splash! So far, he was on Saila's 'side', but ... that probably wouldn't last.

Jackie cackled and spat out balloon, skipping back up to her car to grab the big tub of balloons. It was a tactical thing. Bigger balloons meant more water per payload, but smaller ones meant more throws. She lugged the tub out and tipped over forward until she had her face in the balloons, off balance and yowling. Saila snickered, now fully drenched, and switched sides yet again as she ran up the stairs to help bail Jackie out of the tub of water balloons. Once her partner in arms was lifted, the girl with damp purple snakes of hair plastered to her everywhere hefted one of the bigger balloons out of the bucket and lobbed it at Des below!

Des gasped, indignant. Saila was worse than him! He gaped at the huge balloon wobbling its way towards him. And flung out his arms to cast a spell -- too late. Pasted right in the mug. He blinked a few times. His eye twitched. Then narrowed. Jackie was howling laughter until then. "Ooh no, we've awakened Brat-thulu!!" she cackled. She slung another balloon at the boy and he cast: Rain of Water Balloons. A good two dozen assorted water balloons appeared overhead, and fell. Just as he got pegged again! GIRLS SUCK!

Saila was just getting the hang of this whole water balloon fight thing when she and Jackie lost. Spectacularly. She went from bright eyed and just about to throw another water balloon to having a veritable hail of brightly colored grenades raining down on the pair of them like righteous, uh. Hail. With vivid purple flowing over her face and obscuring her vision, Saila blindly threw the one in her hands, with virtually no chance of actually hitting the target below but hey- she had to try.

Desdenova had yet to learn that all-important lesson: never exult over your enemies until you are certain they are completely hosed. So, mid-victory booty dance, he got thwacked again - twice! The balloon his sister threw, then the one Saila pitched. He had another dramatic death scene, except he was trying to grab another balloon from the bucket. EVIL GIRLS. Jackie hooted and high-fived Saila! "That was cheating, Desdenova! No magic!"

The muse made a mental note: No magic in a water balloon fight. Saila was in the process of peeling her hair out of her eyes, trying to shift a curtain of purple that clung like sea weed. Second mental note: Wear hair up next time. She spat out what turned out to be a little bit of blue latex balloon, snickering once she could see, high-fiving her comrade in arms right back. "How do you know who wins?"

"It's whoever surrenders or gets most wet," Jackie explained, ducking the balloon Desdenova pitched at her and promptly sticking her tongue out, giggling. She was sodden and so was Des, black hair slicked down and at least Des resembling a drowned rat. "Also, you have to watch out for cheaters, like him, who'll suddenly pull out some heavy artillery..." as she spoke, she leaned into her car and pulled out ... a squirt gun. ...Actually, more of a water cannon. She handed it to Saila as Desdenova gaped. "Pull the trigger!" Jackie advised happily. She rummaged out a water balloon bazooka, and promptly fired several 'shots' at her beloved baby brother -- who was fleeing!

Saila had virtually no idea what she was holding and therefore gamely, thoughtlessly, pulled the trigger when instructed to do so. Could be the force of the water that exploded out from it knocked her on her butt, could be she just tripped. Saila's not telling. "Wait, you win by giving up?"

Jackie folded over cackling! "No no no, I meant, the winner is the one that doesn't surrender..." Jackie knows how to talk, really! "I guess it depends on the rules that the water fight sets up. They may decide whoever's hosed the worst after ten minutes or something. Or maybe they'll put dye in the water."

Saila was also drenched to the skin, and possibly covered in sand as she picked herself back up. Dusting off her jeans was of course a lost cause, but. It's cool. "This has been a very educational experience," said the teenager, peering down the beach as she scanned for energy that might be Des.

Desdenova had scooted out of range, and then disappeared. Probably regrouping. Possibly just done for the day! He was soaked to the skin! Jackie snickered as she scanned the horizon for him or other likely targets. Looking for Des energy would bring the muse into a loop: he doubled back and was sneaking up behind the car.

Jackie gave a good dog-shake, eyes narrowed as she tasted the air. "Well, I couldn't let you come into a water balloon war without learning the basics." Also, of course, couldn't let her get pegged by people who didn't know and love her! Bwhahaha. "Then we get to watch hot guys and gals running around in wet clothes and swimsuits. Oh, yeah, you should probably wear a swimsuit for the fight..."

"What's a swimsuit?" Saila's been in the water a lot, actually, but never exactly on purpose and never in a bathing suit. Fully clothed most of the time, at least once in her bra and undies. Mismatched eyes narrowed as she turned in a circle. "I think your brother's trying to sneak up on us..." She's squinting at the car now.

Saila's the worst person in the world to play hide and seek with.
Des and Jackie could be awful, too, as they both had keen noses. Though all that water diffused scent, they could see aura energy when they so chose, but it took concentration. She was just about to note it was just like Des to hit from behind when ...wait, what? Wide eyed stare at Saila -- as Desdenova struck, popping up and pitching a water balloon at his sister. So HE said it, blinking a lot, leaning to the car. Interestingly, the water wasn't pooling in it. It was nice and dry. "Wait, you don't know what a swimsuit is? I guess you're gonna go shopping now."

"I... no. Should I?" Sure enough there was a Des behind the car. She took advantage of his shock to throw another water balloon at him! Her aim was getting better, too. "What do they look like?"

GAH! Hit! He reeled back, flailing, and giggling. "I'm peacin' outta this one!" he announced, and yup, he was gone. Energy pooled and vanished.

Jackie cackled, putting away her launcher. "They look like bras and panties but more colorful, or a girdle, but less girded. Come on, girl, we're going shopping for swimsuits!" Oh geez!

"Victory!" with a gleeful shout, Saila raised her hands in the air. "Go team Girls!" Or, you know, something like that. At the mention of shopping, her brows furrow, and she's glancing down at herself, her dripping, sandy clothes. "Maybe we should... change first?"

"...Oh. Yes." Jackie blinked, realizing they were soggy. She snickered. "Meet ya in an hour, or I can come and get you tomorrow?"

"Let's go tomorrow! We can make a day of it." I mean, Saila doesn't really shop? But it sounds like something one should make a day of to her. She grinned, then, wrapping an arm around the smaller Hellion, sharing all that sopping wet love. "Thanks for the education."

"Perfect. I'll swing by and we'll hit the shops," Fates help the marketplace! She hugged Saila in return. "No worry. We'll have plenty of water ballooning skills!" And then off she went, jumping in her little red sports? car and zooming off back down the hill...

Just as quickly and seemingly randomly as they?d arrived, her visitors were gone. Saila turned then, crossing back over to the top of the stairs to peer down at the carnage wrought. Bits of brightly colored latex littered the landscape, a breadcrumb trail of the short lived skirmish all the way from where the car had been turned out to the foot of the stairs where Des had first appeared. Shaking her head with a grin of amusement, the teenager peeled long hair heavy with damp away from her throat and shoulders, twisting it up into a messy knot before she she set herself to the task of clean up.

(adapted from live play with Jackie! Shout out to Peaches for the idea that inspired this! )


Date: 2016-08-03 14:39 EST

On Tuesday night, Casa del Brujo was occupied by Cane, Sal, Sabine, and Josiah. Originally, the Cajun had offered to do the cooking, but it was Salvador who did the honors. While the rest of them talked and lounged in the lanai, he cooked up the fish that he and Cane caught earlier in the day.

Seafood had been Cane's idea, but the genius of making tacos for Sabine was all Sal.

Throughout the meal, Cane made use of his extroverted people skills to keep the flow of conversation moving organically, actively engaging Josiah the whole time so that Salvador felt comfortable to do as he wished, which was to sit quietly and observe while he ate.

After dinner, the Spaniard offered to do the clean-up. Cane suggested a walk on the beach to show Josiah around and Sal caught up with them once he was finished. The little group rounded out the night with a small bonfire and Cane trying to teach Sabine and Josiah how to keep their balance on the slackline.


Date: 2016-09-22 10:07 EST
As of September 22, 2016, everyone* who previously had entry to Cane's home will no longer be able to even step foot on the property. The beach remains neutral territory, since it does not belong to Canaan, but the cliff-side stairs will be inaccessible. Anyone wishing to enjoy the beach must use a different access point, which can be found a mile in either direction of the house.

Note: Everyone but Rekah - Cane couldn't keep her out if he tried!