Topic: Captain's Log


Date: 2016-10-21 15:54 EST
(A log of Sabine's trip with Josiah)

10/8 DAY 1 of Air-Sailing

I DO NOT LIKE TAKE OFF. No thank you!

We?re high like really frickin high and getting higher. My head feels fuzzy up here like all the oxygen is being sucked from my brain. It?s probably going to shrivel up or explode. Oh my bob, can that happen?! I?ve read about airplanes and cabin pressure. Okay, so it probably can?t happen. I mean, Josiah has flown on these things since he was like 8. His head is normal. Well I think it?s normal. One time when Sal was high he told Josiah his forehead is huge. I don?t think Josiah?s forehead is huge.

*Note: Must inquire about forehead sizes in relation to high elevations. Perhaps this is a long term symptom of lack of oxygen and thus leads to head growth which leads to head explosions!

I can *probably* cross ?head exploding? off of my list of things to worry about but it never hurts to do research. For ? fun. (science)

You know what I CAN?T cross of my list of worries? Scurvy. People on ships get scurvy. That is a fact.

Well, people who are on ships for months with a lack of vitamin c get scurvy. We?re only going to be on this ship for two weeks and there are plenty of potatoes and shit. Josiah says we?ll be fine, he cannot recall a single case of scurvy in twenty years that he has been at this.

I am reluctantly crossing scurvy off of my list of worries. BUT IT COULD HAPPEN.

Josiah is looking at me with that little half smile and shaking his head. I think he knows what I am writing. He knows a lot. Too much. Especially about me. He knows me better than me. He may be secretly psychic.

He?s not. But he might as well be. His smile is growing while he?s watching me. HE?S ON TO ME THAT I AM ON TO HIM. He totally is psychic re: all things Sabine. My thoughts are not safe. Must learn to poker face. Josiah is a poker master. Can I out poker face a well-practiced poker facer?

*Note: Attempted poker face at Josiah resulted in looks of confusion and eyebrow raises and a head shake. Must learn different poker face.

Tried out different faces, forgot I am being watched. I am now being laughed at. HE?S LAUGHING AT ME. Ass.

Must attack him and make him regret this.


Date: 2016-10-21 15:55 EST


Attacking turned to ? other things. I get horny when I?m growly. Oops. I don?t think he minded. However, my attack was non-threatening. He did not regret laughing at me. He may do it again just to get the same results. He learned nothing!

Ship Fact: Walls? Not so thick. Based upon the whooping I heard, my attacking of Josiah was a pornographic laced audio-drama for the crew of the ship. I did not know whether to bow or fling myself over the side of the ship when we exited our cabin this morning. Josiah disapproved of my flinging. Fun ruiner.

Josiah assured me that the ship is large enough and there is enough noise pollution from the gears, sails and wind that it is unlikely we were as heard as I think we were. I think he?s trying to make me feel not embarrassed. I heard whooping. I know I did. Maybe it was gears turning, but it sounded like whooping!

He?s smirking at me again.


He says I make cute faces when I am thinking and writing.

The ship IS big, like super big. I am free to walk most of it, so that helps with my inability to sit still. I love walking. I walked the perimeter of the ship three times already, just the upper level. I need a vat of lotion though. It?s so dry up here and windy and chilly! I may freeze to death. I have googles. Sweet.Ass.Goggles. I look stellar in my goggles and layers of blankets draped about me, like a hobo steampunk pirate. I wasn?t even this awesome looking when I was in fact an actual hobo, then again I didn?t have the goggles. I did have a backpack though. That?s nerdy. I?m a nerd.
Oh I puked. Things got a little wooshy in the skies and I got seasick. Airsick. Wooshy sick. DON?T LIKE. Josiah held my hair back for me though and explained what was happening and what to expect and some things that may help. I?m glad he knows what the frick is going on because it eases my nerves some. THIS IS ME CALM. I AM AT EASE DAMN IT.

Some of the crew sleep in hammocks on the deck. I have half a mind to crawl beneath them and poke them in the butts at night. It would be entertaining. All the hanging butts ripe for poking. They look like saggy potatoes in pantyhose. I can?t help wanting to poke them. This may get me thrown over the edge of the ship. I will keep this idea to myself, for now. I feel as though Josiah would disapprove. I may do a test run of butt poking starting with Josiah to gauge possible reactions. I wish I had room to have packed my ninja gear. Cane and I were sweet ninjas when we were in NYC. We broke into that giant lady statue and everything!

Being on this ship is however giving me insights to all things Josiah. So even if the ship life is not for me (and it is DEFINITELY NOT) it is still a cool experience so that I can know him and understand him better.

You know what is not a cool experience? Whore baths. Whore baths all day er?y day. Can?t frickin bathe like I normally would so it?s me and a washcloth. Pits, Tits, and the ugly Bits. I also brought a case of wet wipes. Josiah says they smell weird. You know what smells weird? Me after marinating in sex-snot. So, yeah, wet wipes it is. We are only on day two and the bath situation is already making me twitchy. I knew, I was prepared, but I thought I could find a solution, like bribing my way into the Captain?s quarters and using all his water. Certainly the Captain of a ship has a bath tub, right? Right? I wonder if I could propose a duel. A duel for the water rights. I could totally win, maybe.

He?s watching me again and quaking with laughter and shaking his head no. I think I may have been thinking out-loud? with my mouth and words. Oops.


Date: 2016-10-29 20:41 EST

Ahhh, nothing says romance like ?Darling, may I sponge bathe you with wet wipes?? I guess it is good practice for when we?re really old though and getting down into a bathtub or standing in a shower is an impossibility. He?ll get old first. Maybe I?ll hire him a hot nurse to come and do it. It?ll be the least I can do for him putting up with my shit for the rest of his life. Even then he will probably still tell me things like ?I didn?t notice she was hot.? and ?I only have eyes for you.? He?s kind of sort of amazing. He has washed my hair for me. Clean hair makes everything better and he is doing his best to make this trip easy on me. I wish I was a go with the flow sort of person who can easily swap between situations, but I?m not.

Ship life is interesting. The biggest thing to get used to is how it moves and learning to move with it and remembering that stuff can go flying. I have to walk like I?ve been riding Josiah? or a horse (I?ve never ridden a horse, so I am guessing) for several days. If I walk normal I find my balance isn?t as good so I have to walk with a wider gait and sort of loosen up to allow myself to move with the ship. I?m pretty sure I look like a drunk sloot. I tried to do like this bob and weave thing when I walked but I looked pretty shifty, I kept getting suspicious stares. The other thing is that I rarely have two free hands. I am always reaching out for something and holding on with at least one hand. Josiah is usually with me and he could walk a straight line even if this thing was spinning inside a tornado, so I usually hold on to him and he keeps me upright. This is where my lack of grace becomes very apparent.

Even though this is an airship and we don?t have waves beneath us, there is still wind and weather and other stuff to account for which means we have to expect that things can happen. I learned this when I was standing in the doorway and the ship shifted and the door came slamming shut and punted me in the ass. It?s a heavy door. I am not so heavy. I splatted. Doors must always be properly shut and secured. I also learned that it?s best not to leave things just sitting around, nearly everything is bolted down or secured in some fashion. I feel like a customer at a bank trying to use one of those damn pens on a chain. I do however finally understand the need for soap on a rope. I have made so many messes already and I am told we haven?t encountered anything bad weather wise. Can you imagine if we get caught in a storm or something? Frack, they?d better bolt me down, I will end up being a human bowling ball if not.

I can?t believe Josiah used to walk on the rope things and do repairs way up there on the sails. I can?t remember all the words, I think rigging and masts might be right. Either way, I can?t even walk and he somehow managed to climb up and balance on those wood beams and ropes and would repair damage in the middle of storms. That?s so hot and it did very nice things for his body. Yum.

Ultimately it?s how he got injured and it ended his career as a privateer and ship carpenter, so that kind of sucks but can I be a little happy? If he had not gotten injured then he would not have come to Rhydin, he?d still be on a ship and working, sword fighting ?bad? guys and doing buildy-repair things. I feel badly that he still has so much pain with his hand and he struggles doing carpentry and the work he loves, buuuut?. I?m selfish and well, things worked out. I think he?s happy. I know he?s happy. That?s all that matters really.


Date: 2016-10-29 23:00 EST

I was worried about privacy on the ship and people ALWAYS being around and being in this confined space, but so far it?s not so bad. Everyone here is kind of like a family, they all work and play together but there are those who wander off and no one is offended if someone isn?t feeling sociable. The majority of people on this ship are men and I am fairly certain they are all humans.

Remembering to not talk about supernatural stuff is going to be hard. I don?t suppose Josiah?s older sister has a warlock or fae/ish kind for best friends or that any of them have ever had a psychotic dead lady in their head or have been temporarily turned into a hybrid-not-hybrid. No no, that?s just the kind of stuff that happens to me. Well me and like 98% of Rhydin, but still, in their world? Yeaaah. I?ll end up committed before the trip is over. I just know it. I bet I could pull off a straightjacket. Nothing like a little bondage.

The food. It?s not terrible but it?s not what I am used to. I would kill for some tacos or pizza right now. A month without tacos. How will I survive? I?d rather give up sex than tacos, well, maybe. Probably not, but this situation is dire! I don?t mind that the varieties of food are limited here on the ship. I used to eat the same things all the time, but I try to mix it up now that Josiah and I live together. He?s a meat and potatoes kind of guy, loves steak. Anytime I make steak he thinks he?s forgotten an important date or anniversary of something. Where he is from steak is reserved for very special meals. I made it for his first birthday dinner that he and I were together. I never really had steak growing up so I can understand his uncertainty about it being a regular sort of meal. Then again I didn?t even have basics like spaghetti and tacos, not until I was older and could cook for myself and even then it depended on our finances and living situation at the time. I think that?s why I love takeout like pizza and tacos so much and also fresh veggies and fruit. When you?re poor those sorts of things are luxuries. It?s not necessarily that fruits and veggies are expensive but they perish rather quickly. We were not allowed things like that at shelters, nothing that would spoil and invite bugs or critters. We had to have things that would last which usually meant cheap and boxed. I hate pasta. Not a lot of people know that. We ate it frequently because it was cheap and somewhat filling. Usually, it was plain though or with something like ketchup mixed in or a cheap can of sauce. I remember being very little and eating dry pasta because I was so hungry. I just can?t do it now. I do try to make it for Josiah sometimes but I prefer not to eat it. Who could think that pasta would be a trigger? And peas. No peas. No food touching. It?s amazing what you dump in a pot to try and create something filling and complete when you?re poor. I?ve eaten some pretty disgusting combinations.

I need cuddles now which must be apparent because Josiah is eyeing me from the bed and has his arms open.

My cheeks are wet.

I want some damn tacos.