Topic: Daily Life at Matadero


Date: 2014-12-24 16:55 EST
Premise and Purpose of This Thread

For lack of a better term, this is a "storyline" open to anyone who has been given the profile inventory item(s) "Key to Matadero" and/or "Matadero Factory Key," as well as for, in some instances, visitors, as per JewellRavenlock's example.

Much discussion goes on behind the scenes between us, the players behind the characters of this steadily growing little messed up family that Salvador is building for himself. For funsies, I thought it might be useful to create this thread as a way of keeping the little details in order. All these different characters have been given keys, free range to come and go on the grounds and in the apartment whenever they please. So for the sake of continuity, I've decided to start this thread.

This thread may be used to post little bits of story or imagery of things that happen within the walls of Matadero. It may also be used as kind of a check-in tool. Did your character stay the night at Matadero this weekend? How many different cakes and cookies can Faye and Rekah bake together? Did anybody remember to feed Kavi? I will probably likewise use this thread to post daily menu items of things Salvador might cook to share with anybody who stops by.

There are a few events we have discussed that are done on a continuously fixed schedule, as well, such as the fact that Sabine cleans the apartment on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays only. Additionally, Salvador goes running every morning at sunrise, usually dragging Canaan along with him. Saturdays are designated Sin Days in which he stays in to spend time with Sinjin.

A few characters have knowledge of and access to the secret passage leading down into the sparring/weapons room in the first level basement of the building. Below and beyond the keypad entry only door from that room are mysteries known only to Skid and Salvador himself. Though a couple of other people have been slowly getting to know the Basement levels of Matadero, events that happen there should not be posted here.

Please note that characters who have not been given the profile inventory item ?Key to Matadero? do not have access to the upper level apartment and various secret passages connecting to it. Likewise, characters who have not been given the profile inventory item ?Matadero Key Card? do not have access to the main floor operations facility. Furthermore, characters who do not have either of these items may not even set foot on the facility?s grounds without Salvador?s express permission and granted right of passage. The entire property is exceptionally warded. Nothing gets in unless he wants it to.

Included here is a reposting of the blueprints of the Matadero upstairs apartment that was put together for me by Sabine's player, worked from a really crappy sketch I did. Additional map-work to be done in the future. This introductory post will be updated accordingly. Enjoy!

Rekah Illyriana

Date: 2014-12-26 12:27 EST
Rekah is a chronic sleep-walker. It had subsided these past couple of years, but that was mainly due in part to Jasper.

But, now that she's back to sleeping solo and at Matadero the sleepwalking has started up again.

On the morning after Christmas....
She woke up in the sink.

As witnessed here.


Date: 2014-12-26 12:49 EST
December 26, 2014

Winding down after last night's insane Christmas Party adventure, Salvador is ready for Matadero to get back to business as usual. However, he awoke this morning to discover his mother engaged in an argument with the coffee machine and decided to help her out with breakfast after extricating Rekah from the sink and transferring her to the kitchen island to help bake. Anyone who stayed the night after the party will wake up to fresh hot coffee (caf? con leche) and tea (wildflowers and ginger especially) as well as freshly baked homemade Magdalenas.

Careful not to stuff himself full, Salvador then went for his morning run. Anyone he dragged along with him got told not to overeat as well, because running on a too full stomach is never a good idea. Upon returning home, he threw together a quick tapa of banderillas (minus the anchovies, tuna, and quail eggs in this recipe) for himself and everybody to snack on in the meantime before lunch, because there was more working out to do.


Date: 2014-12-26 19:08 EST
By about 1:00, a big lunch was set out for anyone who happened to be around to eat it. With the help of his mother, Salvador prepared Sopa de Avellanas, a simple glazed pear and spinach salad, and a cauliflower rice vegetable paella.

Because in Spain, big lunches are big and the most important meal of the day. For dessert, there's still a lot of fruit around the apartment, because Rekah and her oranges! Likely still a lot of cookies and things from yesterday as well. Plenty of alcohol to choose leftover from the night before as well.


Date: 2014-12-28 16:38 EST
Cane's having dinner at Matadero tonight with Faye and whomever else is around.


Date: 2014-12-28 18:03 EST
Still mostly leftovers on the menu at Matadero tonight, but Salvador's there and he made something new because variety. Not a big dinner, though. He made a Sauteed Swiss Chard with Raisins and Pine Nuts without the ham.

Sinjin Fai

Date: 2014-12-28 19:44 EST
Kavi, in true cat fashion, spends the day lurking inside the Christmas tree.

Faye Random

Date: 2014-12-29 02:18 EST
Faye's efforts to learn a new skill this human-skin-wearing season have paid off! After many long hours of self-enforced captivity, she has completed a cat toy for Kavi. It is, of course, stuffed with catnip.


Date: 2014-12-29 02:47 EST

At some point tomorrow (Monday) when Sabine cleans she will put this bath mat outside of Sal's shower. A gag gift she found on clearance and was too good to pass up because it's actually kind of cool. Of course it's up to him whether it stays for not. But when wet feet step on it, the white turns bloody! And when it dries, it goes back to white.


Date: 2014-12-29 10:06 EST
This morning, Salvador caught his mother trying her hand at making croissants. Looks like she did a fairly good job. So he helped her make a fresh bowl of fruit salad. Plenty of leftover marmalade from when Rekah made it for Christmas is available. As well as coffee, tea, and freshly squeezed orange juice. Have they run out of oranges yet?

After the morning run and breakfast, he's going to take a shower to discover Sabine's gag gift. It'll take him several minutes of poking at it and investigating before he figures out its magic. Though he'll laugh and find it amusing as hell, Sabine should now be prepared for war. Prank wars are about to happen.

Faye Random

Date: 2014-12-30 12:00 EST
Faye made blueberry muffins this morning.

Perpetual Motion

Date: 2014-12-30 12:25 EST
Around noon today, Olaf (Evelyn's luggage, a Seward trunk covered in travel stamps) manifested on the kitchen counter and started knitting, evidenced by the two wooden pins that he "chewed" with his lid and lengths of brightly colored yarn. Periodically he disgorged a dishcloth and started on another.

After creating four of the cheerfully patterned towels, Olaf disappeared in a cloud of blue and silver cotton balls.

Rekah Illyriana

Date: 2014-12-30 12:43 EST
There's been a great deal of quiet coming from Rekah's usually busy room. However, at times there can be heard the shuffling of feet and furniture. But, the door never opens. One can conclude that she has been coming and going via the terrace or perhaps the Void.


Date: 2014-12-30 13:35 EST
For lunch today, Salvador made Roasted Asparagus and Tomato Penne Salad with Goat Cheese.


Date: 2014-12-30 21:40 EST
Since some time has passed, here's an update on what's been going on with Skid a la Matadero:

Friday, December 26th:

The morning was relatively quiet and bereft of a holiday-themed monstrosity, as he headed out around the time Salvador took off for his run with everyone interested in that. Later in the day he showed back up, but mostly kept vanishing into the lower levels muttering about "At last, at last!" and "None shall pass!" among other nonsensical possible quotes from questionable sources. This proceeded well into the evening, until he vanished altogether.

Sunday, December 28th:

Something shook the grounds for a brief moment mid-morning, but after that all seemed calm. Skid was nowhere to be found on the grounds, though he was certainly around.

Monday, December 29th:

Skid made his way out of the depths of Matadero triumphant, and declared only to Salvador that he'd had some great success and that "It was complete, at long last!" before vanishing into the morning to celebrate.


Date: 2014-12-31 01:30 EST
Around 2am Sabine and Aoife went to Matadero. Just after sunrise they fell asleep in Sal's bed (and in he and Cane's clothes since they didn't have pajamas!) They will probably sleep in and when they wake up (if they are not woke up before), Sabine will go about cleaning as she usually does on Wednesdays and wash the borrowed clothes and bed items and put everything back how they found it.

If anyone goes on the roof, they may also find what looks like a tossed salad all over within a seven foot diameter around Nikky. Sabine wanted to see Nikky in action so she wanted to feed her meat. Being the vegetarian that she is, Aoife insisted on cabbage, carrots, and tomatoes because "meat grosses me out." Nikky did not like Aoife's idea or the girls throwing heads of cabbage at her. Or at least that is the conclusion they came to.


Date: 2014-12-31 11:31 EST
Cane decided to have lunch at Matadero and showed up around 11 to help prepare the meal if leftovers were not on the menu. Then he hoped to stick around to speak with Faye about Sabine if she didn't have other plans.

Faye Random

Date: 2014-12-31 11:51 EST
Faye keeps herself busy by baking and learning to cook other foods. Canaan's company and assistance is, of course, welcomed. On the lunch menu today is Oven "Fried" Pizza, with a variation on the preparation to exclude the use of a cast iron skillet.

Unsurprisingly, she has no other plans for the day, and the Cajun is also welcomed to stick around for conversation as he so desires.


Date: 2015-01-01 10:23 EST
Happy New Year!

Fresh coffee, tea, and juices are available this morning for breakfast at Matadero. Salvador made pancakes too! Who doesn't love pancakes? There is of course also an assortment of fresh fruits just like the picture shows to go along with them.

Rekah Illyriana

Date: 2015-01-02 10:25 EST
She made her presence known after a couple of days of radio silence. It wasn't much. She just walked around Matadero aimlessly. Then stuck a few stars to the wall. They formed the great constellation of 'Elviowien the Wise'**. A common constellation used for seafarers in order to find their western course.

Then she grabbed some food from the kitchen and wandered back into her room just as randomly as she emerged from it.

**Elviowien the Wise was an Elven mystic who some say helped settle the civil war in Gwyddno. But, history is a funny thing.

Faye Random

Date: 2015-01-02 12:57 EST
This morning's baking experiment resulted in homemade cinnamon buns for breakfast.


Date: 2015-01-02 13:36 EST
Salvador came home this morning and crawled immediately into bed, whereupon he slept until noon. For lunch, he whipped up a quick, simple recipe of Ajotomate Murciano served with some hard bread. For a little bit extra of something green and a step in the direction of eating meat again, he also made up some Avocado and Tuna Tapas. He was not in the mood for a big lunch.

After "lunch," Salvador and Rekah had a conversation.


Date: 2015-01-02 17:27 EST
Dinner at Matadero tonight is, as Rekah requested, spaghetti and meatballs. Everything is, of course, fresh and home made. Faye helped with the fresh pasta dough and rolled out the noodles. Salvador made the sauce mostly from scratch. They rolled the meatballs together. Faye even put together freshly baked garlic bread to serve on the side.

Dinner is ready by 7:00 PM and served also with optional freshly tossed Caesar salad, dressing on the side.

Perpetual Motion

Date: 2015-01-02 18:09 EST
Evelyn brought two bottles of wine with her to spaghetti dinner, and on request from Sal, had prepared a story about her family.

Around the time the second bottle of wine was opened, Evelyn began,

"Let me tell you the story of my grandnephew, Griffin Aloysius Bell, who broke eleven different laws and statutes on temporal displacement to hold me in his arms the day I was born.

"He's a time traveler who claims he was born in a time when people rapidly displacing themselves across time and space was perfectly ordinary. In my universe, time travel is heavily regulated as our time is a single stream and people, places and events can be violently altered, unmade or otherwise prevented by traveling into the past. We have firm barriers to prevent people from traveling too far back into the past, and most are not authorized to do it at all, and going beyond these barriers activate gargoyle-like robots that have been scattered throughout the timestream, which will then hunt you down and murder you. With lasers.

"But according to Uncle Griffin -- and yes, I call him Uncle Griffin because of his age -- he used to call me Aunt Evelyn at reunions because I'd get confused and cry --

"Anyhow. According to Uncle Griffin, he crossed the barriers on a bet, defeated the gargoyles with a rapier and his wits, and held me in his arms on the day I was born... and in the process, accidentally unmade his entire timeline, including his parents who will now never be born.

"Time travelers are dangerous, as Uncle Griffin's foolish bet showed. His ability to travel is now locked within a wristwatch, very similar to mine," and she flashed her own interdimensional wristwatch -- six hands, four clockwise, two counter-clockwise, all at different speeds, "and the Galactic Federation in our universe knows every time he jumps, both when and where, and posts an escort to him as soon as he stays put... and as I understand it from my father, they have also beefed up the time-gargoyles as an extra preventative measure.

"I have only traveled through time twice in my life. The second time was recently, with Pharlen, twenty years into RhyDin's past in a presumably isolated space, and it nearly killed me. But the first time?

"I was sixteen years old, and as happened the very many times my parents could not take care of me due to their research obligations to the Galactic Federation, I was sent to stay with Uncle Griffin, who could always make time for babysitting. I must have spent dozens of hours in his cluttered study as a girl, cluttered with everything he could get away with stealing from every corner of time and space in our universe. We'd drink espresso, or he'd drink espresso and I'd drink Spanish chocolate until I was a little older, and he'd teach me about time and space and we'd argue about Marxism and cultural hegemony, gender and feminism, anarchism, transcendentalism... That night I was sixteen, we were drinking espresso and talking about colonialism and the Spanish Empire, and suddenly... he stopped." She paused, smiled at the table, and continued,

"Then he did something very foolish. He asked if I would check the time, and so I took his watch to read it, not realizing that he was holding onto the end, or that he'd set it, until poof! We were in a white stone chamber, lit with four smoldering braziers cut into the floor. The room seemed empty at first, but there was a very old man in a lavender loincloth sleeping on a mat in the corner... Our arrival woke him up, but he just stared at us for a moment and went back to sleep. Uncle Griffin never explained why -- I never saw him after this day.

"I was too shocked by it all to be angry, so when he led me I followed him to the middle of the room, where the old man had been making a bitter chocolate drink. Then we sat and drank -- it was spicier than I thought it would be, but good -- and he showed me the Aztec symbols etched into the walls, and explained what they meant, and how chocolate was an ambrosia meant for the gods and no others.

"As he was saying this, I saw something very like a bird that was roosting in the corner, that definitely hadn't been there before. It had a brilliant emerald and fire and golden coat like the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl himself, but I realized it was a dinosaur, an archaeopteryx. Like Steve, and Robert," she added, for Sal and Rekah.

"The archaeopteryx stared at me, but my uncle didn't see it until I pointed it out and told him what I saw. Then he dropped his chocolate, knocked mine away too, and told me more fiercely than I'd ever heard him say anything, 'Take my hand, Evelyn!' And I did, and we vanished, back to his study and my own time.

"But he never explained any of that, either. As soon as we arrived, he packed his bag with a few things from his study, telling me to apologize to my parents on his behalf, and that he would be some time. Then there was a knock at the door -- his escort from the government, they announced themselves -- and he vanished.

"And I never saw him again.

"Curiously, though... curiously, I have seen an archaeopteryx in almost every universe I've visited since I first arrived in RhyDin. And it would not surprise me if I'd merely missed them in the universes where I can't recall seeing any at all.

"I wonder what that means."


Date: 2015-01-02 22:36 EST
Friday, January 2nd

Skid arrived at Matadero around the time the spaghetti and meatballs were barely beginning prep, though he was wearing weird clothes and his mask was very much altered to resemble some kind of vaguely accurate humanoid face.

That, and he had a pair of weirdly time-struck Snow Elves in-tow. He also had a wig on, that looked like something out of an 80's musical fantasy film. The Elves were introduced as Tack and T?, two out of a set of triplets he employs for various reasons/things.

When pressed for information on his appearance, he'd state "Obviously, to blend in with the locals." before vanishing into the basement with them. After, of course, blindfolding them both.

This resulted in a large amount of swearing from the sister, T?, and an extremely long sigh from the brother, Tack.

They didn't return at any point thereafter.

Faye Random

Date: 2015-01-03 12:57 EST
This morning for breakfast at Matadero, Faye made a batch of Enriched Cream of Wheat with Egg and Vanilla to share with anyone who was about. Possibly even a couple of sleepy girls who may have presumably crashed in someone's bed.


Date: 2015-01-07 20:27 EST
Canaan spent a good hour or so in the late evening with Faye crocheting and discussing Sabine. He threatened anyone who caught him with bodily harm.


Date: 2015-01-08 00:28 EST
Some time after midnight, a tremor shook the grounds of Matadero. An actual, honest-to-goodness seismic event that made glasses rattle in the cabinets and chess pieces slide out of position on one of the boards.

The red vein-thin creeper vines that have steadily been growing on the property had an instant growth spurt, stretching up over the perimeter walls and foundations of the main building at an alarming speed of a few short seconds, creaking as they slithered and spread.

Despite the overwhelmingly cold temperatures of the Winter season, the atmosphere of the grounds just inside the perimeter walls has dropped to a steady 20 degrees colder than the rest of the world outside.

This change will remain in effect until further notice.

Sinjin Fai

Date: 2015-01-08 09:05 EST
Since early this morning, there is no sight or sound of Kavi in Matadero.

Faye Random

Date: 2015-01-08 10:16 EST
First thing this morning, Faye discovered Aoife sitting on the pantry floor, still. She quietly fixed a pot of tea, put it on a tray with a cup and some biscuits (with jam, honey, and butter on the side just in case), and left it on the floor beside her.

After her own breakfast, Faye got dressed. She actually put on warm woolen leggings and fur-lined winter boots. She wound a scarf she had crocheted herself around her neck, put on the new leather and fur-lined coat that Skid had brought her at the beginning of the season...

...and she left the grounds of Matadero.

Faye Random

Date: 2015-01-08 15:04 EST
At approximately 5:30 PM, Faye returned to Matadero. She stomped the snow off of her boots just outside the door, removed them on her way in, and set them aside on the mat placed just for such purposes.

After removing her coat, she set it on the laundry machine tucked away in the pantry and pinned a note to it. The note reads as follows:

Dearest Sabine,

My coat has regrettably acquired some blood stains. Unfortunately, I am not yet skilled at laundering such a material as suade. If it is not too terribly much trouble to ask, do you think that you could please address this problem and have the stains removed? It is a very nice coat and I would hate to see it ruined. So far it has served me well in combatting the cold.

With gratitude,


As mentioned in the note, there seems to be a smear of blood stained on the right sleeve and some of that side of the coat. The patterning suggests contact transfer from some unknown source. Not a spray or a spatter to indicate she might have harmed anyone. The blood is on the exterior of the coat as well. Unlikely that she came to any bodily harm herself.

After this, and upon realizing that Aoife was still sitting on the kitchen counter, Faye went back into the pantry. A series of beeps and an air-tight release hiss sounded. She exited the pantry to gather a pair of soft gloves and house slippers. She wordlessly set these on the counter next to Aoife, and then went to go take a bath.

Once washed up and in a fresh change of very warm clothes, because the place was unreasonably chilly today, she set herself to the task of making dinner for anyone who might happen to still be around or drop by.

Three-Bean Vegetarian Chili ready for dinner by 7:00 PM


Date: 2015-01-08 20:22 EST
At some point she'd lost track of time, her thoughts drifting from One to the Other. One to the Other. The pantry was still a dark place even with the lonely light of morning spilling across the floor from the opening she'd left, reaching for her feet. Not only dark, but cold. So cold that her breath made opaque shapes which hung in the air. Faye had drifted in with tea and biscuits, a silent and gentle reminder.

Long after the pot had gathered a chill and a few biscuits turned into crumbs, she broke through the stiffness that had settled into her bones and retreated to the kitchen setting the dishes in the sink. There was a slice of counter that faced the pantry door directly. It was the perfect place for a songbird perch. Still and serene, there and not, she sat with her hands in her lap where her fingers could gather sweater sleeves. Pull and release. Pull and release. She caught Faye's eyes just once before she left, the sound of the front door closing echoed quietly.

Time passed and the woman returned. Aoife watched her disappear into the pantry. Behind the door came a soft series of beeps and an air-tight hiss. She withdrew and melted into the house. Quiet footfalls had Aoife turning to stare down at a pair of gloves and slippers.

Time quaked as she stole minutes for a decision. The gloves were soft over her hands, the slippers too big. Pulling the pantry door wide, she stole inside and paused before the yawn of an opening that would take her into a malevolent part of his world. There were no beautiful windows there. Closing her eyes, she let the darkness swallow her whole. Down, down, down into a place where frigid air made ghosts of her breath and glacial fingers spread over her skin everywhere making it hard to breath.

Her lips moved as she counted each step, each ladder rung lost and left behind. All the way until the very bottom where she clung to a rail shivering.


Her eyes were shut tight.


Date: 2015-01-08 21:03 EST
Phosphorescent stones paved the path from the base of the ladder to the yawning cavern beneath the foundations of Matadero that made up the Basement dungeon. All around was the sound of water running; little rivers through the walls and beneath the grating of the iron walkways further on. Down one tunnel, darkness loomed and a whisper echoed back to her.


. . .

By the time dinner was ready, normal atmospheric temperatures had returned to the grounds of the property.


Date: 2015-01-09 14:53 EST
Faye's coat has been cleaned and sprayed with a protectant made just for suede. Sabine left it hanging in the pantry area after spending a good portion of her morning making sure that it was properly cleaned.


The stains have been removed and the coat has been sprayed with a water repelling protectant which will help protect the suede should it need to be cleaned again in the future. Please do not wear it or get it wet for at least 10 to 12 hours from now. (It is 10:30am)



Date: 2015-01-10 03:14 EST
Sabine and Aoife arrived at Matadero hand in hand around two in the morning. With the command from Aoife that Sabine not sleep until the sun was up, the girls spent their time tip toeing around the apartment, no doubt doing things that would make people scratch their heads. There are crushed flowers in the guest bathtub which also still has some water in it, tea mugs and leaves on the kitchen counters, and the girls of course are wearing clothing items they borrowed from Sal.

Around five, Faye came back out of her room to check on the girls and since the sun would be rising in two hours or so, she offered to tell them a (very long) bedtime story. A bird and bunny were tucked into Sal's bed while Faye weaved a beautiful story. Nearly as soon as the sun came up, Sabine drifted off to sleep and Aoife and Faye had a staring contest.

Faye retreated to her room around seven forty-five and Aoife took up a perch on the catwalk to stare out of the windows.


Date: 2015-01-11 00:21 EST
At approximately 8:00 AM, Salvador and Canaan arrived together to swoop in on the girls at Matadero and gather them up into respective cuddle bundles. More naps were in order for everybody due to late night activities on both sides. All four of them (Aoife and Sabine included) curled up on the giant king-sized bed in the upper level open master bedroom of the apartment and had many sleeps.

Lunch turned out to be a free-for-all of leftovers if anybody woke up in time. Otherwise there was probably much snacking.

Since he was home this evening, Salvador actually cooked dinner again for the first time in several days. Tonight's menu consisted of Greek Salad, Oven-Roasted Potatoes, andLemon Baked Chicken. This meal was ready by 7:00 PM for anyone who might have still been lingering about the premises.,h_461,c_fit/v1/img/recipes/87/78/2/4hOEqjr9TdSxBRsjoydo_Greek%20Potates.jpg,h_461,c_fit/v1/img/recipes/16/02/78/pic9OI29r.jpg

Salvador stayed in with his mother for the evening to catch up on talking and to finally play somebody at a game of chess who actually presented a challenge.

Rekah Illyriana

Date: 2015-01-11 12:41 EST
After disappearing from the Inn Rekah ended up back at Matadero. She picked up any left overs and went back to her room. She closed and locked the door behind her.

It was still closed come morning.

Sinjin Fai

Date: 2015-01-12 18:01 EST
Kavi has reappeared at Matadero, soaking wet and immediately devouring anything left in her food dish.

Perpetual Motion

Date: 2015-01-13 11:15 EST
Olaf (Evelyn's sentient Seward trunk, for the uninitiated) appeared in Matadero's great room with his back to the couch. There he sat in relative silence for a very long time, except for the faint clicking of his knitting pins as he knit an extravagantly long scarf and the creaks, groans and purrs he would emit should anyone grace him with conversation or affection.

On his lid Evelyn (presumably) had attached a note, a single sheaf of genuine Egyptian papyrus but written with bright silver gel ink:

will b working in lab nxt 61 hrs
pls watch olaf
we r having a fight & he dsnt want 2 b near me
urs &c

p.s. he likes being scratched under his lid ok thx

Faye Random

Date: 2015-01-13 13:59 EST
Upon discovering the presence of Olaf the sentient Seward trunk, and after breakfast, Faye collected herself a pillow and her selection of crochet supplies. She set the pillow on the floor in front of the luggage, sat down cross-legged upon it, and proceeded to join the 'creature' (for lack of a better word) in some silent yarn-work camaraderie.

Though she is perfectly comfortable with prolonged periods of silence, it is also a well known fact that Faye has become everybody's resident therapist as well, and therefore engages the Seward trunk in conversation that will perhaps help it work through its problems with Evelyn.

She also indulges Olaf's comforts by giving him a fond pat and scratch under the lid here and there, as the note suggests.

Perpetual Motion

Date: 2015-01-13 15:06 EST
When Olaf sensed what Faye was attempting to engage in, he fixed her with a prolonged 'stare'... and proceeded to relate his frustration with Evelyn's impulsive behavior, notably breaking plans with her new friends to follow another whim whenever it presented itself. Olaf's feeling overall was that this behavior had served Evelyn harmlessly enough when she was still skipping across universes without ever returning to them, but that in the context of RhyDin -- the first universe she kept returning to, the only one in which she had friends in any meaningful sense -- she needed to adjust her behavior accordingly and had so far failed to do so.

If the conversation were recorded and replayed it would sound like meaningless noises, but Olaf seemed to have a way of conveying meaning to those with a knack for listening.

In the course of their conversation he finished a ten-foot velociraptor-patterned scarf and started on an octopus beanie.

Rekah Illyriana

Date: 2015-01-13 17:24 EST
Whenever she made it back after the Beach Party adventure it's a sure bet she would snag the octopus beanie.


Date: 2015-01-13 23:54 EST
At some point, and with great trepidation should Faye still be out and about, Skid would totally snag that scarf on his way up from the basement before doing a circuit, finding a lot of nothing, and heading on out.

He'd have to stop and check it out in any number of reflective surfaces including but not limited to: toaster, refrigerator, the windowed wall, any mirrors, and at least one doorknob.

He approved enough of the scarf to leave the trunk a pile of yarn balls in horribly difficult-to-match colors.

Perpetual Motion

Date: 2015-01-14 14:00 EST
At some point during the second day of Olaf's ongoing tiff with his -- owner? partner? companion? friend? whatever his relationship with Evelyn Augusta Bell had become -- he built a spiderweb.

He had spent the entire night chewing thoughtfully (both metaphorically and literally) on the challenging combination of yarn colors gifted by Skid. The apparent solution had been to wind them together into thick cords of 'webbing' stretching from a ceiling light to either end of the back of the couch. They were also strong enough to support his weight with scarcely any give, and he sat in the middle like a great rectangular spider, staring at everyone coming and going.

Rekah Illyriana

Date: 2015-01-14 15:25 EST
Rekah returned from her trip to Inn to nap. She spied Olaf's web and curled up next to the trunk for a mid-afternoon sleep.


Date: 2015-01-14 16:08 EST
"Cane your nipple just winked at me. Make it stop." Rekah went back to covering her eyes.

Chuckling, Salvador shoved his arms under Cane's to wrap his chest up with his arms.

She heaved a sigh of relief.

"You might as well get used to them, amiga. I've decided that from now on, whenever Cane stays over, he's not allowed to wear clothes." At all. What?

Canaan grinned, mostly to himself but he did shoot a glance up at Rekah. Wait, what? "Hey now. Dere's a crap ton 'a people at'cher house all da time." Maybe not all the time, but there was always someone coming and going! Not to mention Faye.

"Oh. Good, I won't be the only one! It's lonely being the solitary naked person," Rekah replied.

"So? Rekah ne--" See!? Salvador pulled one hand away from man-boob to gesture at her.

"He could wear that red thong I found in his closet if you have guests over." Micah offered helpfully.

Canaan pointed a hand at Micah and laughed. "You ain' helpin'!"

Micah beamed at Cane.

"Hmm. Thong." Daydreaming a moment. Lookit that wicked smile on the Spaniard's face.

"See? Sal likes it." Micah gestured to him.

With Micah's direction, the elder Cajun craned his neck around to peer at him.

"No thongs." Said Rekah decidedly. "Just be naked. It's just better."

"Just naked is better." When Cane craned his neck so he could see, Salvador tipped his head the other way so the man could better see the deviousness in his smile.

"It's true."

Salvador sighed. "You wouldn't do it, though." Challenge presented.

That devious smile had done quite a bit to sway his decision, but not enough. Canaan continued to peer at Salvador, a somewhat embarrassed smile on his face until the Spaniard offered up the challenge. It was his one weakness. Well, one of two. The other was pretty girls. "Goddamn you." He turned away and elbowed Sal lightly.

Oh how Salvador smiled. His arms slid back across Cane's chest to squeeze him while he leaned in to press a long, loud, obnoxious kiss on the man's cheek. "You love me."

"Yeah," he nodded. Both hands moved to rest on Salvador's knees. "I do, indeed." Then he cast a squint in Rekah's direction. "Now, y'all's jes' gonna have ta get used ta Jean Claude an' VanDayum bein' on display all da time."

"Can we put band aids over your nipples?"

"No." An immediate retort from the Spaniard. He put his chin to Cane's shoulder, face mostly angled toward and touching the man's neck.

"It's all 'r not'in, cher!" Hell, if he was going to be naked, then Rekah had to see his nips.

"Fine then!!"

And thus was born a new house rule. Be ye warned, the Cajun is henceforth buck-naked when inside the walls of Matadero. It should be noted he's got some ink there on the left cheek. A lovely drawing of a heart next to some man-bits. If asked about it, he'll tell you he lost a bet and say nothing more.

Perpetual Motion

Date: 2015-01-14 16:59 EST
Olaf and Evelyn held different opinions on a number of matters, including the beauty of the male form. This may have triggered the change in Olaf's 'expression,' no longer feeling like he was staring. Instead he bent his lid in several places, giving the distinct impression that he was frowning; when this failed to improve the situation, he took a nosedive out of the knit webbing, flopped over rightside-up and waddled out the door. He grumbled the entire way out, trailing bright green and yellow yarn.

Anyone who listened sufficiently closely to the tone of his grumbling might surmise that he had left to settle his differences with Evelyn.

Sinjin Fai

Date: 2015-01-15 08:56 EST
Beginning last night, Sinjin has been staked out inside one of the two pillow forts now inside Matadero. Passerbys (including Kavi) will be subject to pillow assault if they don't pay a toll. The toll is variable.

Cane will be laughed at if he walks by.


Date: 2015-01-15 10:49 EST
Salvador took heavy fire this morning when he returned home from his morning run, and then he sacrificed himself as a diversionary tactic by diving into Sinjin's pillow fort so that his mother could safely navigate the great room to get herself some overdue breakfast. And preemptive lunch and dinner before running away to hide out in her room.

When he managed to escape, he noticed a significant lack of Olaf in his knit spiderweb, but declared House Rule #2 to be: "That thing stays!" While pointing out the knit spiderweb. "Anyone who takes it down gets their nuts cut off!" After a pause he added, "Or boobs should you be lacking nuts." Then he went to take a shower.


Date: 2015-01-15 19:22 EST
From 1:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon, Salvador was not in the building, but he came back home to assault the forts again for a little while, and then make dinner for anyone who was about: Arroz Empedrat, aka: pebbled rice, and Salm?n con Salsa de Azafr?n.

As per usual, dinner was ready by about 7 o'clock. He left to likely go dueling afterward.


Date: 2015-01-16 11:25 EST
When Sabine comes into work this morning, she's going to have her work cut out for her. There's a trail of bloody footprints leading from the back of the pantry, through the kitchen, up the stairs, and into the master bedroom's closet and bathroom. These footprints unmistakably belong to two men, and a lot of bloody clothes are strewn about along the trail. The bed, though obviously slept in, is remarkably blood free in comparison.

As an apology for the mess, Salvador made churros again this morning, as well as a pot of Spanish hot chocolate, which is left on a warmer so that it doesn't congeal by the time she gets to it.

Rekah Illyriana

Date: 2015-01-16 12:18 EST
Rekah slept in Olaf's web and was gone by early morning.

She left a note on the counter.

'I'm back. Penelope lent me her voice. Watch out for Esmeralda.'


Date: 2015-01-16 13:21 EST
Upon entering the apartment, anyone who was at home (sorry Faye) would hear a loud....

SQUEAL OF DELIGHT and the proclamation of "Oh My God! It's like CHRISTMAS!"

Once Sabine was sufficiently sugared up on churros and hot chocolate, she put her headphones on and went to town cleaning up the bloody mess that the boys had left. Finally, after months of re-cleaning already clean things, Sabine got to put her talents of stain fighting to work.

High on the fumes of bleach and other chemicals that probably should not be mixed together, Sabine also prepared lunch for anyone who was there. Using the leftover ingredients from dinner, she made salmon and rice cakes with a side salad.

After coming off both a sugar and chemical high, Sabine dove into a fort to snooze the afternoon away.


Date: 2015-01-16 18:20 EST
Around 4:30pm Cane arrived at Matadero carrying Rekah who had a broken arm and a recent stab wound. Neither seemed too fussed about it, so it must not have been a big deal. He broke house rule number one to focus on fitting Rekah with a cast, then set her up in bed to sleep for a while. After she was out, he asked either Sinjin or Faye to make sure she got some food in her when she woke up because she lost a lot of blood.


Date: 2015-01-16 21:35 EST
From no where and someplace in between, a small glass bowl appeared in Salvador's bedroom.

It was full of little, paper stars with lullaby promises secreted within.

Rekah Illyriana

Date: 2015-01-17 06:22 EST
She showed back up in Matadero some time in the early morning. There were a few hours that she slept in her room. But, she ended up in Olaf's web by dawn.

If asked where she'd been she just say she had an appointment with a man about a horse.

After the events yesterday it is a safe bet that she slept into the early afternoon.

Sinjin Fai

Date: 2015-01-18 09:11 EST
Sinjin is spending a remarkably uncommon amount of time in Matadero lately, and some of it is spent keeping an eye on Rekah. The rest of his time appears to be reading a series of old black ledgers. It also seems as if he is not sleeping, though if interacted with, his mood is mild and pleasant.


Date: 2015-01-18 13:48 EST
Saturday. January 17, 2015. 3:00 AM.

Salvador dropped in on Matadero in the wee early hours of the morning, still riding a ferocious pixie dust overdose high, returning briefly from dueling to show off his new "pet"! While at the Annex the night before, he had called dibs on a dead cat from Jesse, a prize which Olaf (Evelyn's sentient Seward trunk) then turned into a cybernetic life form. He spent about half an hour showing off Dead Cat, and trying to keep it from killing Kavi, before taking it down into the Basement and setting it loose to play with Grumples, Snubs, and Daisy. Then he left to go spend the night (or rest of the morning, as it were) with Canaan.

Much later that same day, at approximately 5:00 PM he came back home from spending the day with the Cajun looking pale and exhausted. He crawled into wherever Sin was to extra nap on him for about an hour before fixing dinner. He spent the rest of the evening in the sinner's company and probably fell asleep on him somewhere before midnight rolled around.

Sunday. January 18, 2015.

Feeling much refreshed the next morning, breakfast was a light affair of toast and jam, coffee and tea between he and his mother and anyone else who wanted to sit around with them. He hung around the entire day doing pretty much nothing but chilling with Sin while he was reading. Come lunchtime, however, he felt like cooking again, and whipped up a variation of a Seafood Paella and a Catalonian Salad to go along with it, because he likes his salads.

Rekah Illyriana

Date: 2015-01-18 20:36 EST
Her comings and goings were pretty steady throughout the weekend. Although, when she was at Matadero she spent a good amount of time laying in wait within one of the pillow forts. If anyone were unlucky enough to pass by she would attempt to hit them with throw pillows.

If they wished to not be hit with a pillow she evoked her right to use a toll tax. She usually asked for cake or gummy bears.


Date: 2015-01-19 12:58 EST
Sabine did not show up today at Matadero. She is also not answering her phone or door.


Date: 2015-01-20 13:52 EST
Salvador returned home to Matadero this morning at approximately 11:00 AM, albeit a little reluctantly maybe. After a shower and a change of clothes, he got busy preparing lunch for an expected guest visit. On the menu today for anyone else who happened to be about as well is a freshly baked home made ciabatta bread courtesy of his mother, minestrone soup made mostly from scratch, and Chicken Valdostrano with all the additional fixings of fettuccine and brussel sprouts as shown in the picture below.

The afternoon siesta following such a big lunch consisted of easily talking his guest ( Micah West ) into undressing and posing in the nude so that Salvador can see all of his awesome tattoos. Despite popular belief and ignorant theory, nothing else untoward happened that afternoon. He honestly only wants to see the tattoos for aesthetic purposes. Then he probably tried to con the man into playing a game of chess with him in an effort to sit around, talk, and better get to know him for the sake of possibly making a new friend.


Date: 2015-01-25 14:58 EST
Salvador has declared this day a Stay Home day. He's been in at Matadero since 9:30 last night.

Breakfast was a light jam and toast with coffee day. Nothing spectacular whipped up in the Delahada kitchen on this lazy Sunday morning.

For Lunch, however, Salvador and his mother prepared some homemade dumplings and a variation on some healthy vegetable fried rice.

After lunch, Salvador passed out on the couch for a few hours, quite possibly bored with whatever Sin was reading.

Dinner consisted of leftovers from the previous days. Lazy Sundays include doing very little cooking.

Shortly after nine o'clock in the evening, he got swept up in a text exchange game that went on until midnight. This included taking a snapshot of Kavi's butt and, later, a close-up of his mouth pretend kissing his phone camera.

After midnight, he had gone up to the roof, and shortly thereafter disappeared from the property. Quite likely he spent the night at someone else's house.

Rekah Illyriana

Date: 2015-01-26 08:34 EST
Rekah finally came back to Matadero late Sunday night. She took her usual route and climbed up to the terrace and into her room. After a quick stop by the kitchen she went back into her room with an armful of food and leftovers.

She hung a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door. The room has been quiet since.


Date: 2015-01-26 23:42 EST
Monday. January 26, 2015.

Salvador popped back in at Matadero around noon with a couple of large paper shopping bags full of books. He had stopped off at a store after his morning run to purchase a wide variety of topic selections to help keep his avid reader mother busy in her downtime from teaching herself to crochet.

Then he cooked lunch...

After lunch, he took a tape measure to the southwest wall of the great room just by the entryway into the wrap around hall, the southeast wall of the great room, and the bit of wall under the bend in the stairs just south of the pantry. Then he spent some time sitting up on the catwalk drawing up some rough draft sketches of ideas on where to add in a book shelf.

Not that he would ever read any of the books he bought, personally, but a place to store them for guests might not be a bad idea.

By seven o'clock he reheated some leftovers for dinner and then went out for the night. Word was he'd intended to attend a challenge match as a spectator...


Date: 2015-01-27 14:57 EST
Tuesday. January 27, 2015.

By 10:30 AM, Salvador came back home to Matadero. Among his parcels today were a few groceries to restock on essential supplies and an assortment of ash trays which he spent some time strategically placing around the apartment for Sin's benefit. He had also bought a carton of the sinner's preferred brand of cigarettes.

Additionally, he hung a chalkboard on the wall south of the pantry just under the stairs and next to the kitchen. Upon which he set up an ever-evolving and subject to change list of House Rules.

Then he prepared lunch and ate with his mother. After which he spent the afternoon lazing about and harassing Sinjin. Quite probably passed out somewhere for a nap, because siesta.

Per request, Salvador is cooking dinner tonight for anyone who happens to be at Matadero and is capable of eating. All in one, tonight's meal is Grilled Snapper with Melon Salsa & Saut?ed Vegetables. As an added bonus, Faye and Rekah worked together on a dessert all day, and it is available for consumption after the meal: Texturas de Chocolate, Ma?z y Lim?n.


Date: 2015-01-29 01:50 EST
Salvador has been absent from the property since after dinner on the night of the 27th. All day Wednesday, he was not at all at Matadero.

As per a series of warning texts sent to Sinjin the evening of the 28th, Evelyn August Bell's companion sentient Seward trunk arrived somewhere in the upper level apartment at approximately a quarter after eleven o'clock.

Some time after midnight on the rollover into the 29th, it is rumored that Taneth dropped in on Matadero to "snuggle" with her "Boobie" and Olaf the sentient Seward trunk in the enormous king sized bed in the second level of the loft.

Per Taneth's request, Salvador returned sometime before sunrise to prepare a very big breakfast consisting of a traditional Spanish Omelet with sliced tomatoes on the side, an assortment of cheeses (some grated in bowls), a platter of fresh fruit, an assortment of baked goods, a platter of bacon and sausages and ham steaks, jams and jellies and butters for spreading, freshly brewed coffee, a variety of hot teas to choose from, and juices too. Honey, maple syrup, and other condiments were also made available. As per a secondary request, he also busted out the waffle iron to make some of those from homemade batter!

Faye Random

Date: 2015-01-29 13:59 EST
After lunch, Faye put on her boots and her coat and left the premises to give Salvador and Sinjin (if he was still about) some privacy for the afternoon.


She returned to Matadero by eight o'clock in the evening, retreating immediately to her bedroom to indulge in some reading before calling it a night.


Perpetual Motion

Date: 2015-01-30 23:24 EST
At eleven o'clock this evening, three dinosaurs tended by three small construction robots arrived at Matadero to stay in the basement, per Evelyn's agreement with Sal. Evangeline the triceratops was not among them.

At eleven thirty, Olaf arrived. He did not respond to any stimuli or give any indication that he was anything other than a normal piece of luggage.

Faye Random

Date: 2015-01-31 00:21 EST
Awakened by a great deal of thumping about, Faye in her night gown slid out of bed, pulled on a robe, and padded barefoot down the hall to see what all the ruckus was about in the great room. Upon finding the Seward trunk, she settled down to sit beside him, cross-legged, and for a time joined him in staring at the door.

Several minutes passed this way. At some point early on she realized that there was something unusual about the luggage. The fact that it had not at all lifted its lid even a marginal crack to greet her had sunk in. As the minutes ticked by and weariness began to take its toll on her presently handicapped form, she made a decision.

Perhaps on her own she pulled Olaf away from the door and set him up behind the the U-shaped white leather sofa so that he was facing outward and could always see the comings and goings of the apartment. She went into her room, took a spare crocheted blanket from the pile she had started to collect, and brought it back out to drape over the trunk's closed lid, arranged both for decorative purposes and on the off chance that luggage might possibly catch a cold if left alone in a drafty room for too long.

Once she was certain he was settled, she gave him a fond pat on his lid, wished him a good evening, and returned to her bed to resume sleep.

Come morning, she would greet him as she would any other still sentient creature, whether responsive or not. And this proclivity of hers is likely to continue for however long the Seward trunk remains as a decoration.

"Good morning, Olaf."

. . .

"Good afternoon, Olaf."

. . .

"Good evening, Olaf."

. . .

Until such time as circumstances change.


Date: 2015-01-31 11:41 EST
Saturday, 31 January 2015

As requested by Evelyn, Jewell reluctantly brought Evangeline to Matadero early Saturday afternoon. She probably would not have returned the dinosaur at all except for Ishmerai's insistence that they had no place to keep here--"We can make room," Jewell had replied sulkily--and the fact that she didn't exactly want to mess with Evelyn after the woman had displayed an uncanny ability to pop back to life and carry around weapons like death rays.

Having not been granted access to Matadero, Jewell stood outside and stroked Evangeline's rough, textured hide while she waited for someone to allow the dino entrance. The cold winter breeze stirred the blue ribbons now tied to the triceratops' horns.


Date: 2015-01-31 12:14 EST
Some several minutes passed before someone, or something came to greet Jewell at the iron gates of Matadero. A partially rotting cybernetic feline approached her through a series of hops, jumps, and periodic jet-propelled moments of flight. The cyborg cat came to a stop hovering at the Empress's eye level and informed her, through a somehow understood sequence of meers and robotic purrs, that it would take care of Evengeline the triceratops from here. It also thanked her, as only cats can do, by circling her head and rubbing up against her, for her consideration and time. It then alighted atop the dinosaur's head and proceeded to ride it through, onto the property.


Date: 2015-02-01 13:13 EST
Again, the master of the house has been absent from the property for several days. Salvador left when his mother got in the evening of the 29th around 8:00 PM to attend the Old Market challenge as a spectator. Eye witnesses report he left the Arena shortly after the completion of that match, in the company of Canaan Devillier.

He was not present during the time in which Olaf arrived and was dealt with by his mother. He was not present during the time in which Jewell Ravenlock delivered Evangeline the triceratops to the gates of Matadero. He did not return at all until approximately 7:30 PM the evening of the 31st.

And that is when he discovered the nonresponsive, very familiar looking Seward trunk acting as a new decoration in his apartment's great room. Otherwise undisturbed since his mother had moved Olaf away from the door, Salvador went a step further. He dug up a real fur blanket, pulled the luggage away from the couch, laid the blanket down, and situated Olaf back atop of it in the same position to better ensure his not catching a chill.

Salvador then gave the trunk a fond pat and went about his business harassing anyone who was at home, particularly Sinjin. He spent the evening and entirety of Sunday morning at home.

Perpetual Motion

Date: 2015-02-05 23:38 EST
At the same moment that Griffin Aloysius Bell put on Evelyn's watch and vanished, Olaf flapped his lid open and emitted a long, low groan resembling a yawn, scattering a number of plaid-patterned butterflies when he clapped his lid shut again.

He rocked and twisted to turn left to look at the front door. He turned right to look for anyone else on the first floor with him. Then he hop-thumped his way down the hall, all the way to Faye's bed, and disgorged a Cthulhu-patterned fleece blanket across her sleeping form. He nipped the corners with his lid, dragging it carefully to cover her from shoulders to toes, and after an affectionate tonal rumble that sounded a lot like 'don't let the gamma-mites bite,' hopped his way back to the door.

The old Seward trunk scattered bright pink glitter and dinosaur confetti in his wake as he nudged the door open and disappeared into the night, seeking another way to pass the days now that he was awake, until such time as he was needed.


Date: 2015-02-16 14:35 EST
Sabine arrived at Matadero later than normal, by a few hours. Whomever was home would also be subjected to her singing love songs and randomly twirling around and dancing with a broom and a mop.


Date: 2015-03-06 11:34 EST
Lunch today at Matadero will be ready by 1:00 pm. Salvador arrived by noonish to prepare Grilled Portobello, Bell Pepper, and Goat Cheese Sandwiches and a Cranberry Spinach Salad for whoever happened to be around. Presumably, Sabine was there after cleaning and Aoife dropped in as per invitation.

After lunch, he took Aoife up to the roof to present her a gift from Dama, for her new home.

Enjoy your baby dryad sapling, little songbird. Treat her well.

As a side note: His hair has been freshly trimmed, because at six months of growth it was getting a little scraggly at three inches in length. If asked about it, he'll only smile and not comment. Nor will he answer any obvious questions of "who did/cut your hair?"

After lunch, and after Aoife was given her gift, he crawled into bed, likely in Sinjin's company, and stayed there the rest of the afternoon. Everybody else other than the sinner, or Skid, was told to go away.


Date: 2015-03-09 14:11 EST
Monday. March 9, 2015.

This morning, should Sabine show up for work, she will find a classic brown paper shopping bag sitting on the kitchen island, folded shut with a note stapled to it to help keep it closed. The note reads as follows:

campanilla -

please give this to fin

tell him to hang it on the wall

over his bed above his head

don't tell him it's from me

not a gift this is important


- sal

Inside the bag is this:

And an extra note that reads as follows:

to help you with your nightmares

This note is not signed.


Date: 2015-03-12 12:54 EST
PLEASE NOTE: The introductory post has been updated to reflect certain changes that will soon be coming into effect where regarding the use of this thread and storyline. Stay tuned for more exciting Matadero adventures!


Date: 2015-03-12 15:48 EST
At about four in the afternoon, Sabine showed up at Matadero and went straight to the catwalk where she sat down cross-legged and just stared out of the window for several hours. If anyone spoke to her, she would just reply with nods but not make any eye contact. The only person who might be able to get words from her would be Sal, if he came home.

Faye Random

Date: 2015-03-12 17:01 EST
Thirty minutes after Sabine had arrived and settled, Faye carried a tray up to the catwalk and set it down on the girl's left side. Upon the tray was a freshly prepared pot of tea and two cups. She sat cross-legged on the other side of the tray, filled up both cups without a word, and lifted one for herself to sip from in communal silence.

Also on the tea tray was a book. After several minutes of sharing Sabine's quiet, Faye set aside her cup, picked up the book, opened it to one of the first few pages, and began reading. She completely read through the first story of the book ("Mowgli's Brothers"), which took quite a bit more time. When she was finished, she closed the book and set it back down on the tray.$_35.JPG

Once more in silence she rose from her sitting position, left Sabine with the tray of cooling tea and the book, and her solitude on the catwalk. Faye returned to the lower level to prepare a light evening meal with enough to share should the girl, or anyone else, happen along this evening with a hunger.

Then, of course, she retreated into her room for her own solitude and further reading.


Date: 2015-03-12 20:11 EST
After Faye retreats back into her room for the night, Sabine finally ate something for the first time today, sucked in her bottom lip, and wrote a note that was slipped beneath Faye's door.

It simply said:

"Thank you."

And then she went home.


Date: 2015-03-16 13:50 EST
Canaan showed up in the late morning hours to see if Sin was home so he could pass along a message from Tara. The redheaded terror wished for the Sinner to visit her. He also intended to ask the man a strange question: how he pets Tara's hair, explaining that he'd been directed to find out.

Before he left, Cane aided Faye in lunchtime preparation since Salvador was not home. Together they made some Spinach and Feta Pasta, of which Cane took some to go as he headed out shortly thereafter.


Date: 2015-03-17 13:07 EST
Sometime late Monday night after the stars had been told their stories and secrets were shared, hidden for safe keeping, a songbird drifted onto the grounds and inside beneath the cover of shadows and night. She ghosted into Faye's room and curled up at the end of her bed, asking for a tale of her own.

Spring would arrive at the end of the week taking Faye and her words with it. There was so little time for the dreamer to add them to her nest.

Aoife slipped away come the early signs of dawn for the shore of a beach to sing with the sun as it rose. Before the bright rays could stretch far enough to touch the house that slept there, she disappeared through a Passage to lose herself in a forest.

Faye Random

Date: 2015-03-20 19:54 EST
As of 6:00 this evening, the human woman Faye Random is no longer on the property of Matadero.

Rumor has it a few people stopped in to say good-bye before this time.

In the company of her son, Salvador Delahada, she left his lands to return her to her own Grove, where, upon the hour of the equinox she has returned to her natural form.

It is unlikely she will be returning to Matadero any time soon, as she is otherwise barred from the property, though it is said she has left tokens of her gratitude for those who made her Winter memorable.*

(( *I have yet to write these up. Hopefully some day I will. ))


Date: 2015-04-07 12:42 EST
Today, after spending the morning at the gym, Canaan stopped by Matadero around lunchtime to see if Rekah was home. When the Cajun didn't find his best adventure buddy, he sneaked into her room and left a sticky note on her nightstand which was tucked under the edge of a little mason jar holding a button bouquet.

The note reads,

Rekah. I miss your face.
All of you, really. I'm about
to start my candy business
back up, can't wait to tell you
all about it when I see you
again. -Cane


Date: 2015-04-09 11:09 EST
Bright and early before sunrise, Salvador made churros and hot chocolate just for Sabine.

There is also some fresh fruit available.

He did not stay to eat breakfast with the girls, though. Probably left before they even got up, and/or right as Aoife was going to sleep.


Date: 2015-04-10 02:54 EST
At approximately a quarter to three in the morning on the 10th of April, a small group of vagabonds descended upon the upper level apartment of Matadero bearing a large selection of paintball guns and ammunition. Not to mention copious amounts of alcohol.

Salvador Delahada, Canaan Devillier, and Crispin Ashwood for certain engaged themselves in a late-night paintball war event that wound up destroying the apartment as a present to Sabine Gabrielle (who also participated in the shenanigans) so that she had an epic cleaning challenge to deal with in the morning. Between Sal and Cris, much parkour awesomeness was involved in places as well.

Nikky was fed a stray dog so that their wild and crazy fun times could extend up onto the roof without risk of any of them being eaten by the murderous, giant, mutant cape sundew.

Anyone with a key who might have showed up was encouraged to pick up a gun and join in! Fair warning was tossed out to beware the Cajun who was set on only aiming crotch shots at anyone who happened to pass him by.

Some time before sunrise they exhausted their ammunition and themselves. Word is that Cris snuck out to return home with a big old smile on his face. Cane and Sal hogged the giant bed and may have allowed Sabine to cuddle with them. Maybe. Okay they're totally suckers and obviously did.


Date: 2015-04-13 18:48 EST


Date: 2015-04-15 13:58 EST
Mid-morning, Canaan showed up at Matadero and convinced Sabine they needed to go on vacation. She wanted a night of dancing? Well how about several of them? In Paris? Yes? Peace out, Rhydin!

A note was left under a green apple on the otherwise empty island counter in the kitchen.


Date: 2015-04-22 02:37 EST
Around 2:30 am Sabine wandered into Matadero. If Sal's bed was empty she would end up there. If the bed was full she would go stay in her old room. She will be holed up at Matadero for most of Wednesday.


Date: 2015-05-21 15:06 EST
Thursday. May 21, 2015.

Tonight, Salvador is hosting a small dinner party in his apartment for himself, Canaan Devillier, Crispin Ashwood, Leena Vincent, Sabine Gabrielle, and Jacob Tucci.*

Rumor has it that Crispin's experience with food variety is very limited, and so Salvador invited him over to experiment. Knowing how much Cane and Sabine love food, too, he extended the invitation to them, and then thought "what the hell; let's turn this into a triple date night at my place."

On the menu are a variety of semi-traditional Spanish tapas, or what other cultures might consider "finger foods." Salvador will have explained that usually tapas are consumed before dinner, which in Spain isn't often until much later in the evening (about 9:00), but for this gathering he was willing to turn it into a meal with an all out spread set out on the center kitchen island.

What was presented, he will have further explained, is only a limited selection of the hundreds of available options that people might make. And yes those are quail eggs on the right. Mm mm.

Though guests were encouraged to bring their own booze, there are also a couple bottles of Albari?o wine available to indulge in. And of course he made a fresh pot of coffee. There's also tea, likely an Aoife made blend.

Between Sal, Cane, and Sabine there was likely a lot of talk about the duels. After dinner, it was suggested they all go cut each other up at the Arena.

(( *If the writers of these characters so choose, they may add something to this thread to reflect their activity during this temporary event. ))


Date: 2015-05-24 00:30 EST
A single piece of paper bearing the name CRIS is tacked to the main door of the upper level apartment at the top of the stairs.

It is stuck to the door with a knife. Once unfolded, the interior reads as follows:

queen's rook white
pretty sure steel
board on coffee table
slot in the wall behind
weight bench
shut the panel to keep
the cat out when you
go down
have fun


Date: 2015-05-24 19:49 EST
Sunday, May 24

Between 6:45 and 7am, Cris arrived at Matadero to make use of Salvador's roof and a weapons room downstairs that he'd been told was fully equipped enough to make him drool.

He did not leave until well after noon.


Date: 2015-05-25 13:39 EST
Monday, May 25

Once again, the early morning found him at Matadero, and he hoped that Salvador would not mind him making use of the fridge this time.


Date: 2015-05-25 14:41 EST
Left on the counter after she cleaned today was the following card for Sal:


Date: 2015-05-28 20:38 EST
The next time Cris stops by Matadero to use the sparring room downstairs, he'll find a brown paper package in an impossible to miss location waiting for him with a folded note reading his name on it. The inside of the note reads as follows:

saw this knew you
had to have it
have fun amigo Salvador's unmistakable sloppy handwriting.

Inside the package is the following item:


Date: 2015-05-31 13:56 EST
Sal and Cris dropped in on Matadero this afternoon after their morning parkour session. Salvador whipped up a quick lunch of Ensalada de Mejill?n, Granadas y Semillas de Lino, and texted Cane to join them because he knew the Cajun would never forgive him for making something with pomegranate to eat without him.


Date: 2015-06-01 11:27 EST
A fine mess awaited Sabine come Monday morning: a bloody trail of footprints and sodden clothing led from the pantry to the open bathroom on the second floor of the apartment. Judging by the hand smears on the wall, some kind of pit-stop had been made on the stairs.


Date: 2015-06-03 13:24 EST
In the spirit of Medicine for Sabine after her long night of tearing through the Matadero Tunnels, Salvador made churros and Spanish hot chocolate this morning for breakfast after rescuing her from the scary catacombs. Comfort food to settle the stomach with and refresh her human mind.


Date: 2015-06-13 13:08 EST
Anyone who stayed over after Friday night's paintball festivities will be treated to breakfast this morning. After setting a pot of coffee to brew, Salvador went for a morning run and then came back to fix up something particularly Spanish.

Freshly squeezed orange juice is available as an additional option or substitute for anyone who ridiculously does not want coffee. Breakfast itself consists of tostadas much like one might be served in an authentic Spanish bar early in the morning. Olive oil, tomato, salt, jam?n serrano, and queso manchengo have been put out as well as butter and a selection of fruit jams (peach, orange, and strawberry in particular) for those who might prefer their breakfast more sweet.


Date: 2015-06-27 11:14 EST
Rare treat this morning at Matadero. This menu actually includes meat! For Sabine and Canaan and himself, Salvador whipped up some good old-fashioned steak and eggs, with his own twist. For extra iron intake he also threw together a Spinach, Mushroom and Cheese Breakfast Casserole. Unlike the other two, he awoke energized and refreshed after a night of hunting and had a lot of energy to burn cooking.

Also available were an assortment of summer fruits, and of course fresh brewed coffee.


Date: 2015-06-30 16:36 EST
Sabine demanded Sal cook dinner, and since Cane holds 51% of the vote on that matter (according to him) Salvador obliged them both. With the Cajun's help, they put together a quick meal, ready by 7:00 PM. Canaan specifically requested seafood, and so the Spaniard let him help whip up a Rodaballo al Vapor con Salsa de Vino Blanco, or Steamed Loin Fillets of Turbot in a White Wine Sauce. This meal includes a side of roasted asparagus, and was a learning experience for the Cajun who had asked Salvador to teach him how to make whatever he picked to be on the menu.

Sinjin Fai

Date: 2015-09-21 10:42 EST
As of a day prior, Sinjin's presence has become a regular staple around Matadero again, particularly early in the mornings and very late in the evenings, and mostly on the rooftop garden.

Kavi has disappeared.


Date: 2015-09-21 15:05 EST
This morning, Cane and Sal began tearing apart the guest bath in preparation for renovations. Before the Cajun was kicked out of the apartment around noonish to get himself some lunch, yellow caution tape was strung up over the east and west doors. A handful of signs were slapped up on the walls, too.

Until further notice, the guest bathroom is unusable. Any house guests are visitors will have to use the bathroom on the upper level just off the master bedroom. Sorry for the inconvenience of no available soaking tub at this time. The plan is to have that remedied before Christmas.

At present, the room is a wreck of smashed in tiles, concrete, porcelain, and glass. Careful where you step as some residue might have been dragged out into the hall and great room.


Date: 2015-09-22 12:22 EST
For the whole of Tuesday, September 22nd, and on into the night, any visitors to Matadero were able to hear a rare treat. In addition to the sounds of a guitar wafting from the master bedroom through the apartment very nearly all day, the Cajun's voice could be heard on occasion singing along to the music.

The songs were an even mix of old and new, English and French; most recognizable and a few that no one but Sal would have ever heard before as they were original compositions.


Date: 2015-09-27 23:34 EST
Anyone visiting late Sunday evening will discover, laying tipped on its side in the lawn on the east side of the building, a clawfoot bathtub. Scattered around it in the grass are shards of broken glass and an array of rose petals, whole flowers and thorns varying in color from white, pink, to red, depending on how well fed they were last. One of the rectangular planters beneath the busted out window on the second level apartment is hanging askew. Clods of fresh soil have salted the ground below as well.

Upstairs, a long furrow of grooves has been scraped into the hardwood floor leading from the first level guest bath, all the way across the great room, directly to the newly broken section of window. In addition to that, there remains a variety of days old bloodstains and splatters that suggest either a mass murder took place over the past week, or a couple of psychotic bastards had way too good of a time with each other.

Obviously, the guest bathroom is now lacking one clawfoot bathtub. Not to mention a few tiles and part of the door jamb.


Date: 2015-11-23 01:49 EST
As of late Wednesday evening, the 18th of November, the remodeling project of Matadero's apartment guest bathroom has been completed. Since then it has seen quite a bit of use.

The previous centerpiece of the antique claw foot bathtub has been replaced entirely with a new, modern sunken tub that is level with the freshly tiled floor. Upon entering from either the east great room or west guest hallway, the tub is centered directly in the middle of the spacious room. The tub is large enough to nearly be considered a very small swimming pool and can fit at least six people comfortably.

A high ceiling cuts through the unused space of a potential second level and a new sky light has been installed, its thick glass hidden somewhere in the rooftop garden above but allowing in ample sunlight during the day, making the alternative electric lighting wholly unnecessary.

(( General conception can be seen in the design of Sunken Tub by Ludovica and Roberto Palomba but with the addition of jets as seen here. ))


Date: 2015-12-01 12:52 EST
Since the evening of Saturday, November 28th, some minor redecorating has been done to the great room of the Matadero upper level apartment. The u-shaped sofa has been pushed a few feet further north, closer to the kitchen. The southeastern corner of the room has been sectioned off by an enormous amount of opaque plastic drop cloth that hangs from the high overhead ceiling to the floor. That corner of the room has been entirely obscured from view. Signs have been taped to the plastic reading such things as OFF LIMITS and KEEP OUT. Whatever is there cannot even be seen through the windows from ground level as they, too, have been shrouded. Even the catwalk leading to that area is blocked off. The curious should beware of booby traps, because Salvador went through a lot of trouble to keep whatever is behind the plastic hidden and secret.


Date: 2015-12-10 00:05 EST
December 10, 2015

As promised to Rekah by Salvador, the kitchen is filled with heaping stacks of both waffles AND pancakes. All of team Deathcake, plus some, are invited over to celebrate Rekah's victory in the Iron Fist bout against Claire last night, as well as the entire team winning every single Iron Fist matchup in the first seven weeks preceding playoffs!

A variety of syrups are available. Fresh fruit and juices as well. There is also coffee, tea, and thick Spanish hot chocolate. Various fruit jams and jellies (especially grape), chocolate chips, whipped cream, and whatever hotcake or waffle toppings people can dream up are set out on the kitchen island. Everybody is free to pile their plates high and pig out. And because he owns a slaughterhouse specializing in pork, there is also bacon.

Salvador will not be eating as his special seasonal dietary limitations prevent him from partaking of this particular meal. However, he subdued Nikky, the monstrous cape sundew lurking in the central greenhouse at the top of the spiral staircase, to allow guests unhindered access to the rooftop gardens during their visit.


Date: 2016-01-09 18:23 EST
January 9, 2016

Canaan and Rekah arrived at Matadero in the evening hours, arms laden with bags and bags of everything needed to create a gingerbread village! They were careful to put Salvador's chess board on the piano for safe keeping and then, with the help of Skid (and whomever else was present), covered the empty floor space created within the couch's U-shape with their masterpiece.

When they were finished, the marshmallow invaders, wielding sharpened candy cane polearms, laid siege to the gingerbread castle!

The marshmallow men were well armed. Cannon (gum)balls and Sixlet grenades decimated gingerbread men and homes alike.

The gingerbread clan did not give up; they fought valiantly, harnessing the power of peppermint scented candles to turn the invaders into s'mores!

But it was too little, too late. Toxins from the melted marshmallow men infected the dead gingers, spreading like wildfire through the sugary battlefield.

All was lost.

((lolololol thanks Skid))


Date: 2016-01-24 00:21 EST
January 23rd, 2016

At around 8:32pm, Skid arrived outside of Matadero. He had with him a moving van, and a whim that simply had to become reality.

After a couple of hours of work, and far too much meticulous unfolding and refolding of sheets and cases, the entire ground level and most of the second level of Matadero had been replaced (i.e. covered by) king-sized mattresses. Their bedspreads were alternating in color between black and white, creating a chessboard pattern all along the floor.

They were cut where necessary (around the base of the kitchen island, for example) and the fitted sheets had somehow been able to account for it. The important thing is, atop all of that was a truly ungodly amount of pillows in either plain black or white covers.

The furniture that had previously decorated the spaces was nowhere to be found. For now.


Date: 2016-01-24 21:53 EST
Monday. January 25, 2016

The above tea set was left for Aoife on the office desk at Panacea, a gift from her friend and business partner in early celebration of her birthday. The inside of the teapot is filled with potting soil and a singular sprouting flower bulb.

A small, folded note was tucked inside one of the teacups that read:

I know it's early yet, but Happy Birthday. I'll be back before it blooms.

(Note: This was left for Aoife at Panacea, not Matadero. I just put it here so you all could see how big of a sap Cane can be.)


Date: 2016-01-25 00:17 EST
As of Monday morning, January 25th, the mess of mattresses Skid created still remains. Have fun with that, Sabine! Speaking of her, there's a note on the counter with her name on it. There is a second note folded up even smaller inside the first with Skid's name on it. The first reads as follows:

Sabine -

Please give this note to Skid. Or pass along the message.
See you in the spring. Don't worry about us. Have fun.

Do me a favor and keep an eye on Sin for me, will you?

- Sal

The second note for Skid reads thusly:

Peluche -

Off to Spain with Canaan. Be back before spring. Relying
on you to keep everything in order while I'm gone.

Be sure to make messes for Sabine from time to time. She
needs to be kept busy.

Don't let Sin wallow. Remind him how to have fun, will you?

Love you.

- Sal

ps: I left you something
awful in the basement.

On the nightstand in the master bedroom, not plugged in at all, are both Cane and Sal's horrifically bedazzled cell phones. They will remain there until otherwise noted or they return from their vacation. Whichever comes first.

Likely any incoming calls will go directly to voicemail for them both, for a time. (See the Voicemail Index at the start of the Technolag?a Redux thread should you desire to use that for story writing purposes.) Texts will eventually assault them in rapid succession when they reclaim their phones. The devices will vibrate or chirp uncontrollably until the batteries run out.

Salvador and Canaan are nowhere to be found and will not be seen at Matadero, or anywhere else in Rhydin, for at least a month.

The "something awful in the basement" mentioned in Salvador's note to Skid happens to be a pair of Poros freshly purchased/adopted from New Haven.


Date: 2016-02-27 21:47 EST
After Salvador's sleepover with Taneth at Matadero last night, the stairs leading up to the second level apartment are looking prettier.

The toilet in the guest bathroom has had a makeover.

One of Cane's ties fell victim:

And this hat:

This'll teach the girls to leave their lingerie laying around:

Hopefully this wasn't Cane's favorite:

Now everybody can feel pretty when they check themselves out:

So many belts in the closet. Some might not have even been Cane's or Sal's or anyone's to begin with.

And these are only a few...


Date: 2016-03-28 19:16 EST
Monday! March 28, 2016.

Tonight on the menu at Matadero, Salvador has prepared Asparagus and Mozzarella Stuffed Chicken Breasts with an extra side of Roast Potatoes.

He's expecting specific company, but drop-ins are welcome to join in, as always. Expect wine and booze and stories! As an extra treat, though he didn't make himself, for dessert there is some lemon cake that he found at a local bakery.


Date: 2016-04-01 01:25 EST
Between the evening hours of 6:30 and 8:30 on Thursday, March 31st, the grounds of Matadero shook from a tremor caused by a localized power surge.

As a late birthday present from Skid, two new entities were "born," keyed to the property, and welcomed to join the ranks of the defenders of Salvador's domain. Matadero is now the home to a Naiad and Auloniad, taken under the wing of the already resident dryad and her nature giant companion.

Trespassing on the property has now become a whole lot more dangerous.

(Images provided by Necromesh of dryad Dama, nature giant Torre, auloniad Prado, and naiad Charca.)


Date: 2016-04-11 02:45 EST
Monday. April 11, 2016.



On a folded in half piece of card stock. The inside of the little
card reads:

Saw these and thought of you. - Sal

Inside the box within the brown paper packaging, carefully
rolled in cloth to keep them from rattling around and getting
dinged up too bad, are the following:


Date: 2016-05-02 16:04 EST
Monday. May 2, 2016.

Some time in the middle of the afternoon, Salvador dropped by to shove a giant stuffed dragon into Rekah's bedroom. It was so large, he considered for a moment just replacing her bed with it, but that required too much effort at the time. Besides, it's her room; he'd let her redecorate at will.
(( Aurora World Dreamy Eyes Flame Red and Purple Dragons. ))


Date: 2016-05-13 15:52 EST
As promised, after their sparring session Friday at noonish,
Sal made lunch for both Sabine and Cane.
Grilled Turkey and Ham Sandwiches!


Date: 2016-08-01 10:18 EST
Monday morning. August 1, 2016. BREAFFAST! Sal, Cane, Aoife, and Sabine style.


Date: 2017-12-29 18:51 EST
The morning of Friday, December 29, 2017, after having an Empress over for the night, involving music and cuddles and much needed sleep. Salvador rose early, before sunrise as usual. He prepared a fresh pot of his signature best coffee and heated the kettle for tea (some of Aoife's special blends). Freshly squeezed orange juice was also made available. He made breakfast for Jewell and Cane, consisting mostly of pancakes (which rumor has it he's amazing at making, and may have showed off a little flipping them in the pan), per request. A variety of jams (apple, orange, strawberry and blackberry) were set out along with butter and maple syrup. He also prepared a plate of avocado and tomato slices, mostly for himself to go on his toast. And because he owns the Matadero Meat Company, which currently specializes in pork products, he was certain to fry up some bacon, especially for his Cajun.