Topic: Damn Everything but the Circus


Date: 2016-03-04 16:49 EST
February 24, 2016

Nothing exciting was going on in the Teas'n Tomes whatsoever. Salvador was tucked into the corner of the couch with his legs drawn up and a notepad resting on his knees. He had on loose fit jeans, well worn with a few holes, and a the purple hoodie he liked to steal from Cane most frequently. In one hand he had a pencil, half chewed to death. Littering the floor were crumpled up pieces of unfinished prose. On the coffee table was a mug full of coffee that had cooled forever ago.

Cane was seated on the floor in front of Salvador with his back against the couch and had the coffee table pulled up close enough to use as a desk. In addition to the Spaniard's cold coffee was his own cup, though it had long since been drained, and a half-eaten beignet on a small ceramic plate. The majority of the table was covered in books and loose sheets of paper. The Cajun's pencil was considerably less chewed on than Sal's, and he used it along with a metal ruler to sketch out some ideas that were rolling around in his head.

The truth of the matter was that Salvador had started writing something, and the his brain wandered and the pencil wound up expanding letters into pictures. By this last one, he had given up on words and decided to just sketch some mindless whorls and patterns, exactly like bored teenagers due in class during an exceptionally non-engaging lecture. Forget taking notes, I'll just doodle random nonsense.

Cane's artistic abilities were reserved to the lines and curves of architecture. Portraits, like the ones Salvador could draw, would forever remain out of his grasp. In this moment, he was busy designing the entrance to a stadium. Lots of angles. Lots of windows. The people in his life liked big windows.

"What're you drawing?" He could hear the difference in the way Salvador?s pencil moved. Also, the man had been quiet for a long time. Now that he had given up on words, Cane sought to pull him out of his head. No getting lost, please.

"Nothing." Sal tossed the notepad to the coffee table, then the pencil, which rolled off the other side. Then he turned to sink down on the couch and stretch out his legs, on his back and using the armrest for a pillow. Staring at the ceiling was a better course of action, he decided

Canaan smiled faintly to himself, chin dipping in a slow and singular nod in response to that answer. He never looked up from his own work and continued to pull the graphite tip of his pencil across the page. "I am sketchin' an idea what's been in my mind fer a while now. Ya know dat gym we been talkin' 'bout? I wanna do more."

Salvador folded his hands together on his stomach and turned his head. The back of Cane's was much more interesting than the ceiling, so he stared at that. He silently argued with himself on whether or not to move so he could actually see what Cane was sketching, but in the end laziness won out and he stayed the way he was.
"Like what?"

"I've been wonderin' what I'd do when I eventually step back from de shop. An aerial gym would be fun ta have, but it ain't gonna line my pockets. So I got ta thinkin'... why not build de place fer de actual performance? A stadium or some'n."

That was intriguing enough to get him to roll onto his side. Salvador had a calculating mind. Even the few sketched lines allowed him to imagine up a dozen possibilities of where the sketch might go from there. He turned onto his stomach and scooted back to put his chin on Cane's shoulder so he could take a better look, but mostly just so he could stick his nose against the side of the Cajun's neck and get a whiff of him.

"That would probably make you more money, yes."

The sketch showed the place where two sides of a building came together to form a point, the walls of windows dissected with a diagonal lattice work pattern. The entrance itself was set off to one side. It was big, much bigger than the converted warehouse gym he?d been planning until now. Cane drew a few more lines and then tipped his head to touch his cheek to Sal's hair. The sketch was nudged over a little further so Sal could see properly.

"I'm gonna need it, since I'm pretty sure dis ****er is gonna cost a fortune ta build,? Cane said.

Sal pressed an amused smile to the skin of Cane's neck, an expression that crinkled the corners of his eyes and didn't last too terribly long, but it was an honest glimpse of a feeling all the same. Probably much better than the pit of sad misery he'd been wallowing in for days before. When he lifted his head, he kissed the Cajun's bearded jaw and then shifted back. Sliding his arms out from under his chest, he folded them under his head before setting it down on them.

"How can I help?" Because he knew Cane wouldn't let him just throw money at him.

Cane left the sketch to lay on the coffee table and twisted around to drape an arm over Sal's back. "Well, once I get everything in my head down on paper, I'll talk wit' a contractor. Get a rough estimate." He toyed with the edge of the Spaniard's shirt collar with a few fingers. "When I got all dat, I'll be lookin' fer investors." A crooked smile lit his features. "I'll wear a suit to de appointment I make wit'cha."

A lengthy breath of amusement was pushed out Salvador's nose, and his mouth curved a wild smile that was longer lived than the one before it. He pulled the arm closer to Cane out from under his head and shoved it between them until he could hook it around the Cajun's torso. With a pull, twist, and scoot, he wound up on his side again, one hand free, which he used to brush his fingers over Cane's bearded chin and jaw. He just liked playing with it, how the coarse hairs felt on his fingers, which he then pulled down across the other man's throat before hooking them into the collar of his shirt, just below the Adam's apple, imagining a tie that wasn't there.

"I like you in a suit. Mmm. What do I get as an investor?" Because of course he would invest.

The growth of Cane?s smile was in direct correlation to the progression of Salvador's fingers. By the time the man's hand settled at the base of his throat, he looked positively dangerous. Just look at those teeth!

"So. Much. Head," the Cajun promised. And then he chuckled softly, pretending to be blase about the rest. "And either ownership shares or a liquid return when I start makin' a profit. Haven't quite ironed out all the details yet."

"Mmm." Sal squirmed in anticipation about the promise of things to come. Cane's smile made him smile, though he was watching the other man's throat more than his face. He dragged the back of his middle finger's nail along the skin under the Cajun's collarbones, sweeping up toward the tattoo. Then he gathered up a fistful of shirt and pulled himself up to press a lingering but chaste kiss on the warlock's mouth. He leaned back a little afterward. "Will you perform?"

The tattoo, the shirt grab, the kiss... Sal would have to forgive him for the seconds his brain translated 'perform' as something entirely different than intended. When Cane was done thinking about sex, again, he blinked a few times and said, "Oh. Uh." So smart.

The Cajun shifted a little restlessly, thinking back to a time when he performed in the cirque on a regular basis. "Maybe. I think if I did, I wouldn't let anyone know it was me." His eyes cut back over to Sal's face. "'Cept fer maybe you an' a couple others."

Salvador let go of the collar of the Cajun's shirt and sagged back even further, but his hand lifted to rub his fingers and palm over the other man's beard. His hand tipped away so he could prod him in the shoulder.

"You should. I like watching you." He tugged on the fabric of Cane's shirt then pulled his fingers down along his arm, to the elbow at least. "And you like it." That was the more important part, but his brow furrowed with uncertainty. "I think." The Cajun had looked like he'd enjoyed himself when he'd shown Sal a few tricks back in Paris, at least! He looked up at Cane's face for confirmation. "Do you?"

"Dere's times when I like showin' off. A trick on a skateboard, a back handspring, destroyin' someone on a dance floor. It's only ever been de t'ings I got a real passion for dat get me all nervous." That, and sex. It had taken Salvador quite a while to get Cane to indulge his exhibitionism. As it was, Cane still had mini panic attacks when he thought they would get caught. "Music, mostly. But I like you watchin' me. No matter what I'm doin'."

Not so secretly, Sal very much enjoyed causing those mini panic attacks. Added to the thrill of the experience, in his opinion. Plus he liked the sound of Cane's heart trying to explode out of his chest. He liked the sound of Cane's heart beating, period, though, no matter the tempo. Some of the wildness filtered out of his smile, but the expression stuck on despite morphing into something softer. He cut his eyes aside to watch his own fingers pull back up the Cajun's arm from elbow to shoulder.

"After hours, then," he suggested. "For me." They could add it to the investor agreement or something.

"Done." He could agreed to that easily. Happily, even. So said his smile. When the Spaniard's fingers retraced their path to his shoulder, Cane tipped his head to one or two of them with a kiss. Because he was, on occasion, disgustingly sweet. When no one was looking. "Plus all de trainin' you'll get ta watch. I'll make ya train wit' me!" Though he had meant it as a joke, it actually had some merit. He perked up a bit at the thought. "Actually, dere's quite a lot 'a de equipment in a gym like dat I think you'd enjoy usin'."

"I look forward to getting my hands on your equipment." Believe it or not, Salvador actually meant it to sound like what it did. He grinned wickedly and turned over onto his back, giving Cane a tug to invite the Cajun to lie with him on the couch, or sprawl on top of him. He wasn't exactly making much room, so it was probably the latter.

The silent invitation was enough reason to put a grin on his face. Canaan glanced back to the coffee table with all its architecture books and drawings strewn about its surface, then gave it a push so he had room to turn over on his knees. He peeked over at the glass bakery display for any sign of the girl who ran the counter, and when he didn't see any sign of her spying on them, made sure to stick his hands in all the right places while getting settled on top of Sal. Eventually, he brought them up to a more respectable height: one to trace the tattoo along Sal's collarbone and the other to use as a prop for his own head.

"So how much head do ya t?ink de other investors'll want?"


Date: 2016-03-14 14:46 EST
March 6, 2016
--an idea

It only took Canaan a couple long strides to draw up to Salvador?s side. He flipped the hood of his purple sweatshirt up over his head and then snaked a hand out to catch Sal?s. They?d been without each other for the majority of the day which meant it was impossible for him to deny the urge to have physical contact. Linking their fingers, he gave the Spaniard?s hand a squeeze that spoke everything he didn?t need to voice: Hello again and I love you.

They excelled at communicating without having to say a thing. Salvador smiled, pulled out of his own meandering thoughts by the Cajun?s touch, and returned the squeeze. He spared a cursory glance around their surroundings just to check back into reality, and then looked aside at Cane. He stepped in just close enough so that they could walk side-by-side without tripping each other up and matched the other man?s stride.

?What?d you do today?? Salvador was the first to ask this time. Maybe the Cajun?s habits were rubbing off on him. And of course he actually did want to know.

?Work.? The long and the short of it. Canaan swung their hands between them while looking around the street. He told the Spaniard about his morning spent mentoring both Lirssa and Saila, which sparked a brief discussion about the latter; she had been offered sanctuary in Cane?s home until she had the means to make a way for herself without having to accept the handouts being thrust upon her by the other people in her life.

?Let?s see,? Cane continued. He hummed a thoughtful noise, furrowing his brows in concentration. ?After I was done wit? de girls, I had ta keep busy ?cause someone ditched me.? He smirked aside at Sal, bobbing his eyebrows teasingly. ?Had a realtor cart me around town ta look at potential locations ta build my -- oh, did I tell ya I named it? I think I did, anyway. Vivant. I like de sound of it.?

In his element, the city streets, his hunting grounds, Salvador looked down at the ground while they walked. A crooked, apologetic smile surfaced at that not-so-subtle jibe. Cane knew largely why he had abandoned ship, as it were. So he felt no need to explain and allowed the subject to move on, so he could absorb that word and let it roll around in his head.

After a minute, Salvador smiled a little less crookedly and said, ?I like it.?

Cane?s smile brightened considerably. Though he did not need it, Salvador?s approval meant a lot to him. He locked eyes with the man for a few seconds, wordless excitement shared for the duration until he returned his gaze to the street before them.

?We?ll see. Ain? set in stone or anything, but it?s at de top ?a de list right now. De realtor showed me several different places. My favorite was in Old Temple, but I?m gonna have ta look into stuff dere. Sin says I should be careful. Somethin? about dangerous activities goin? on dere de past few months.?

Salvador snorted and rolled his eyes with a shake of his head. ?It?s Rhydin. There?s always dangerous activities in every district. If Sin?s telling you to be careful to avoid a place, he?s probably involved in **** he doesn?t want you to find out about.?

?You?re right. It?s Rhydin. Dere?s bad **** everywhere. Hell if I?m gonna pass up a good opportunity. He also offered ta help me line up investors. Mentioned dat?s kinda what he did when he worked at -- what was it? Ambrosio??

?Ambrosio Enterprises.? That name left a bitter taste in Salvador?s mouth and it was quite audible. His fingers flexed, gripping Cane?s a little too tightly for a moment. ?Be wary of any investors he might introduce you to. I don?t know if he told you, but many of the businesses he and Ambrosio Enterprises dealt with were not always ethical in nature.?

While Cane afforded a handsome amount of trust to Sinjin, the man at his side had obtained its entire wealth. Salvador might not have known all the in?s and out?s of the sinner?s dealings, but the man still knew more than Cane himself did. In this he would defer to the younger Spaniard?s cautions.

Salvador was quietly introspective for a time. ?I did learn a lot about how to run a business from him.?

?I?m glad. I?ve had a couple?a businesses over de years, but nothin? dis grand. I don? want it ta fail, so I?ll prolly be askin? yer opinion an? help sometimes. I know it?s got de potential; I want it ta thrive.?

?I?ll try not to let you down,? Sal said with a breathy chuckle. ?I mean?. I took the safe bet. Everybody needs to eat. Who doesn?t like bacon? Pork sells. An entertainment venue?? Well. I can, at least, help you with the numbers.? He was exceptionally good with numbers. People? Not so much.

?Good,? Cane chuckled, too. ?I?m not so hot wit? numbers, so dat works out. I did some math today, an? assumin? I didn? **** it up, I?m lookin? at some?n like a hundred an? forty million dollars in building costs alone.? Then there was staffing and start up and a million other expenses to consider. Just thinking about that much money made his stomach twist itself into a knot.

?Fundraisers,? Salvador suggested immediately. ?Lirssa does that ****, right? The cirque stuff? Get her into it. Throw some parties and give people a taste of what?s in store.? Amazing. He had some ideas after all! ?Dan could probably help you there. He loves throwing parties.? Here, Sal rolled his eyes again, because ugh Dris.

The Cajun?s chin lifted so he could stare at the stars while thinking. ?I could?? He trailed off without finishing the thought. Whatever it was must have needed more contemplation. A few seconds later, he had to temper a self-conscious smile. ?Think I could throw a party an? perform with her without anyone figuring out it?s me??

?You?re a ****ing warlock, aren?t you? Throw some glamour around. Who will know? Plus, I?ll lie my ass off for you if anybody asks.? Because of course he?d watch Cane perform! And of course people would ask where Cane was. ?Hell. Throw up an illusion of yourself in a chair somewhere. I?ll growl at anybody who gets close.?

Laughing, Cane squeezed Sal?s hand with his own. ?I?ll ask Peaches if I can borrow her throne.?

?Now you?re thinking.? Salvador smiled brilliantly. He loved the sound of Cane?s laugh. He broke the rhythm of their step momentarily and turned in to press a kiss on the Cajun?s mouth, slightly off center.

Cane reached up with his other hand to catch Sal by the side of the neck before he could pull away. He drew to a stop in the middle of wherever they were and kissed him again. This time it was full on the mouth.

?Thank you.? He breathed the words into the Spaniard?s mouth, dragging the rough pad of his thumb down the front of his throat. Cane didn?t elaborate on why he?d felt that was necessary, but there it was.

Salvador didn?t ask for elaboration; he only smiled and kissed the Cajun again. Soft and chaste but full of adoration and love. With his eyes closed, of course. He kept them closed while tipping his head to touch their foreheads together. He brought his other hand up to hook his fingers over Cane?s wrist, only to settle, not to pull that hand away from his neck. He liked it there. ?Te amo mucho,? he whispered. That could never be said enough, and it worked better than ?you?re welcome.?

?Te amo,? Cane whispered back. ?Je t?aime, I love you.? He pressed his forehead as firmly to Sal?s as possible and squeezed the man?s hand which he still held within in his own. Those words had come as easily as breathing. They were absolute. Never was thought required when expressing that sentiment. It was and always would be.


Date: 2016-03-16 20:03 EST
March 14, 2016
--party favors

"Dris, I've a favor ta ask." Cane planted his elbows on his knees and looked the Bard square in the face. "How would'ja like ta help me throw a party?"

He choked on that last swallow of scotch. "Seriously?"

"Yeah. But no glitter."

"No glitter." Hmph. "What're we throwing this party for?"

"It's a fundraiser. I need a **** ton 'a money to build my dreams." The last word was stressed comically and he made a silly expression to go along with it.

Dris nearly inhaled scotch again when he snickered. "Tell me about these dreams. We'll need to plan a theme accordingly."

Cane chuckled. "I need investors. Plan ta build a stadium. It'll be home ta all sorts 'a t'ings, but I really want ta showcase de Aerial Arts. Get a cirque troupe put together. Teach some classes. An entertainment venue, basically. De party is to impress my investors. Lirssa an'-- another fella is gonna give 'em a taste 'a what's to come. Put on a couple'a short performances.?

Dris nodded. "How soon ye wanna do this?"

"How soon's too soon? I was thinkin' beginning of April." Still working on eating his popcorn.

"Well..." The Bard tapped his lower lip a couple of times, then swept his hand out to indicate a whole lot of imaginary nothing. "Something as large o' scale as yer talkin' might take more'n a few events scattered over a period of time. Ye wanna whip somethin' t'gether quick, start small with, say... Backyard barbecue. Invite a handful of friends. Have a plan for the next event and whisper it in a few ears. Spread the word from mouth to mouth before puttin' up any advertisin' like, say..." He pointed at the cork board where someone had just stapled a bunch of posters. "Have yer second event somewhere like... Dockside? Middle of the Marketplace? And again have people whisperin' in ears to work toward maybe a third even bigger event. With drop boxes for donations. Sign up pledges for possible investors. That sort of thing. Maybe even between events ye could have a few people workin' street corners puttin' on mini shows!"

Man's got ideas.


Cane scratched his beard thoughtfully while sending his gaze about the room. "Apparently it's time ta hit Sal up fer my first loan." This all sounded expensive.

Chuckling, Dris lifted his glass to Cane. "Gotta spend t' earn. That's the truth." Though the Cajun appeared cool and collected, he could feel the wave of anxiety as it rolled through the man. He gave him a reassuring smile. "It'll work out. I've got some connections I can probably wrangle up to do a few freebies."

"Freebies," Cane repeated, smiling. "Dat's a nice word." Though he was more serious when his eyes caught Dris' and he said, "I appreciate it."

"What's family for, eh?" He winked.


Saila turned to Cane. "Do you have opinions on the Travelers?"

"Gypsies? No, why?"

She pointed back at Dris. "He mentioned street performers. I know... lots... of them, now."

"Ah," Cane nodded. "I'd need ta hold interviews, or some'n. Ta make sure said performances is up ta my standard." He smiled pleasantly at Saila.

Dris piped in. "Ye're gonna need an office. Wait. Ye got one atop the shop, right?"

"Yeeeah," Cane said, looking a little uneasy. He pulled his hat off and raked a hand through his long, sandy blond hair a couple times before replacing it. "Not really enough space ta have folk flippin' around. Hmm." Brows furrowed. The wheels were turning.

"The beach?" Saila suggested.

"Fer as much as me an' Lir' jump around out dere, sand is not very helpful fer dat sorta t'ing." Cane pondered some more and then looked around for his partner in crime. "Lirssa!"

"Aye, Obi-Wan! Cutie there slaughtered me, did you see it?" The woman headed over to Canaan while she sheathed a pair of daggers. "You bellowed, Master?" Oh so cheeky grin.

Cane took a moment to check out the man Lirssa had been dueling, but made no comment about him and smiled when he looked up at Lir. He pulled the woman into his lap for a cuddle. "Would it be possible fer me ta rent out yer gym space to conduct some working interviews?"

"Sure, don't even have to rent it out. Though...I best tell Maman about it. Can schedule around her work time, yeah? I should get going." Lirssa smiled up to him. "You text me when you've got prospects, yeah?"

"Will do. Thanks again, cher."


"Walk me home t'night an' tell me more about yer dreams along the way?" Dris said aside to Cane.

?I'll definitely walk home wit'cha tonight."


Date: 2016-08-15 12:54 EST
August 15, 2016
--Kettell & Weller, LLP

?I?m sorry, Canaan.?

?But they signed a contract!?

My lawyer, Fern Weller, shook her head, sending blonde curls bouncing around her face. ?A term sheet is not a legally binding document.?

I gave her a withering stare while willing myself to remain calm. If people only knew how often I had to do that...

I?d shown up at her office half an hour earlier after getting a voicemail regarding some ?unfortunate news?. Having expected to hear something about delays in the legal proceedings, I?d been floored to hear, instead, that all but one of my investors had backed out of our agreement. There?d been no reason to ask which investor remained true--Salvador would probably give me all the money he had if I let him. I wouldn?t let him, though, and without those other investors, my dreams of building a stadium were on a hard course to crash and burn.

?Look, where I come from, you sign a piece of paper an? that means you gotta do the **** you said you would!?

Fern watched me calmly from behind her desk, legs crossed at the knee and hands folded demurely in her lap. She shook her head again, slowly, infuriatingly composed. ?I know that, and I?m sorry, but we discussed these risks when everything was signed. The venture capitalists who pulled their funding were within their legal right to do so. It?s? it?s not something that happens often, in fact, this is the first time in my career that I?ve seen a VC back out of a term sheet. But it does happen.?

The severity of the situation was just starting to sink in. I felt my skin grow warm. The heat came off me like a swift wave being poured out, spreading quickly through the room. I could see when it touched her; Fern?s chin lifted about an inch. She stared imperiously at me down her narrow nose. Of course she was used to dealing with hotheads like me. She?d have to be to work as a lawyer in a place like Rhydin.

?Did they give a ****in? reason as ta why??

?They aren?t required to give one, I?m afraid.?

?So they jes?--they jes? pulled out. All of ?em, fer no goddamn reason.? Anxiety began to override anger. The ball of rage that had remained caged in my chest started to sink, knotting itself deep in my belly, turning into something else altogether. ?Yer sayin?,? I continued, somewhat unsteadily, ?that I bought a two an? a half million dollar plot of land an? no longer have the means ta build the only thing that was gonna get me out of millions of dollars of debt.?

Saying it out loud made me sick to my stomach. Reeling, and suddenly dizzy, I leaned forward to pick up the glass of water Fern had poured for me at the start of the meeting. It barely helped. What I really needed was a cigarette.

?You have options.?

?Like what?? I croaked. God, I was going to be sick.

?Get more funding. The building process will be delayed temporarily, but overall the plan should stay the same. There?s also the option of selling the property. Chances are you?d take a hit going that route, but it?s better than continuing to pay property taxes on a piece of land you can?t use.?

?An? that?s it? I?ve got no? legal recourse available ta me whatsoever??

Fern?s smile was a sad sort of thing. She wasn?t patronizing me, but it was hard to refrain from growling at her like an animal. ?I?d fix this for you if I could, Cane,? she said.


Swiftly losing my cool, I set the glass on her desk and ran a hand through my hair. Desperate to focus on anything other than my misfortune, I decided my hair was too long. Maybe it was time to cut it. I?d spent years growing it out to the length it was now: past my chin, just brushing the crest of my shoulder.


Fern?s voice, low and full of concern, pulled me out of the mire of my thoughts. ?Hnn??

?I asked if you were all right.?

Rather than lie to her face, I opted for silence. After a long moment, I got up from my chair. ?Unless there?s more ya need ta discuss with me, I?m gonna get outta here.?

Fern stood up as well, smoothing both hands over the crisp, pleated thighs of her pants suit. Then she held a hand out to me from across the desk. ?That?s all for right now, yes.?

Even though every part of me (unjustly) held Fern accountable for the way everything so rapidly unraveled, I shook her hand politely and took my leave before I razed the building to the ground in my disquiet.


Date: 2016-10-15 22:40 EST
October 15, 2016
-- on to plan b

?So... if all goes as planned, we should be ready to open our doors November 1st.?

Kenzi bounced in place, clutching a plastic cup filled with bubble tea to her chest; the pink liquid with its tapioca pearls sloshed around wildly. Cane couldn?t help but see some similarities between the effervescent woman and her drink.

?This is so awesome. AWESOME, Ko. How long have you been working on this??

The Cajun looked around the room and scratched his head. It was two months to the day since Fern had informed him that the investors were pulling out of the original plan. It was devastating news, to say the least, but he wasn?t the sort of man who gave up when things got tough. Besides, he still had Salvador?s unfailing support and Lirssa?s optimism to keep him to task.

?Couple months,? he admitted.

?Nooooo!? Kenzi gasped the word, sounding shocked. ?You?ve got to be joking me. No way you did all this in such a short amount of time.?

Cane shook his head. He folded his arms across his chest and leaned against a metal pylon. ?Seriously! Until two months ago, I was fixin? ta build a ****in? stadium, not a gym. But **** went south an? I had ta come up with Plan B.? Nodding out into the room at large, he added, ?This is it. But ta be fair, I know a lot about this stuff. Was in the cirque fer a decade. I also have a benefactor who?s making it easy fer me ta pay contractors day an? night ta get this place ready.?

?I can?t believe I get to work here!? Kenzi squealed while clapping her hands excitedly.

Chuckling, Cane pushed away from the pylon and waved at the woman to follow him through a nearby door. A short walk down a hallway led them into a new space. It matched the rest of the building?s aesthetic in that it was clearly industrial in design, but the walls and furnishings here were all dazzlingly bright and cheerful colors. Silk slings hung from the ceiling, a lyra hoop off to one side. The floor was completely new, semi-sprung, with a large, purple foam mat in one corner. One set of stairs led up to an open air loft and a bathroom painted the most garish lime green color known to mankind. The other led to a skybox style office and equipment storage.

?This is the Get Bent studio. It?s a gift fer my partner, Lirssa. She doesn?t know about it yet, hopin? to surprise ?er.? The redhead thrust her tea into Cane?s hands and darted off to sit in one of the silk slings. He smiled, watching Kenzi use it as a swing. ?This is where you?d be workin?.?

?Shut UP!? She planted her feet on the floor to stop the swinging motion and stared at Cane, slack-jawed. ?For real?!? Her voice echoed around the room in her excitement.

Cane chuckled, unable to hide his amusement. ?For real,? he confirmed. ?Now, she?s? uh, indisposed fer the time being. I?m actually not sure when she?ll get back, but until then, this is where you?d teach the youth classes. Ken Rosetti and his sister, Katelyn, are gonna help with the class load until Lir? returns.? Still smiling, he held the tea out to its owner. ?So what do ya say, cher? Gonna accept my offer??

Kenzi exploded out of the sling in a burst of frenetic movement. It was clear she?d intended to hug Cane, but reined herself in at the last second. Instead, she took her cup from his outstretched hand and nodded enthusiastically. ?YES! How could you think I?d turn this down? Duh.?


(Many thanks to Kenzi who trusted me to write this scene on my own.)