Topic: Depression Diaries


Date: 2016-07-30 19:01 EST
I came to Cane?s beach today. As much as I hate the sand, it has become my thinking spot.

Watching the water is so relaxing to me, even if being in it can give me anxiety.

One day I?ll be a stronger swimmer. One day I won?t be so afraid.

One day.

I watched the waves crash, the water lick the shoreline, and I wanted to go to it. I wanted to do more than dip my toes in; I wanted to submerge myself. I wanted to be engulfed in the water and weightless. I just wanted to float in a cocoon of water. I wanted to feel nothing but safe and protected. I wanted a quiet calm to wash over me, one that I can?t seem to find today.

If I had tried, if someone saw? I know what they would think. After all, I am only human. If I told someone I wanted to throw myself into the water and not come back up, they?d think I was crazy, that I wanted to kill myself.

I don?t, I just want a break. I don?t want to experience today, I want to jump to tomorrow, or maybe the day after. But today? Today is hard. Today is pain, and I am tired.

There are things that no one ever tells you about depression.

Like the fact that you can be perfectly happy, happier than you have ever been, and you can still be depressed.

You may just wake up one day and it?s like inexplicably the light switch has been flipped off and no matter how many times you flick it up and down, the lights are not coming on. It can last hours, days, months. When it hits, you may not know if you?ll ever see light again. Everything sort of closes in on you and although you?ve been here before, it?s hard to look at it objectively and know that you?ll be okay. Your field of vision becomes smaller and smaller until you are consumed and all you have is your depression and whatever it allows you to see through it?s smudged and dirty lenses.

Suddenly all thoughts are jumbled and the irrational becomes the rational and those thoughts, awful as they may be, you can?t escape them. They become your truths. Insane truths that any other time you?d scoff at but now you cling to them even when they are covered in thorns and hurt you. You will believe anything your brain tells you and you will refuse to believe that it?s all lies. No one will be able to convince you otherwise. You will hurt the people you love the most just to show them how right you are about the lies. You will recognize the lies but will favor them over anything else simply because you can?t escape them, maybe because you?re too tired to fight them. You can?t think of a time when anything else will make sense again. And so you sit and you obsess over the same thing, over and over, wearing it down thin like a security blanket only to turn it over and wrap yourself in a new one, trying to seek comfort in that pit of lies. The depths are endless, surfacing doesn?t seem like something that will ever happen.

You may go between feeling everything and nothing and switch between these two spectrums multiple times, sometimes in the course of just an hour. Feeling nothing can be the most blessed thing, but it can also be so painful, a maze of nothing that you feel like you will never find your way out of. It?s terrifying. It?s lonely.

Depression isn?t just feeling sad. The television shows, books, movies, they always portray depression as someone who is just sad. A lonely heart healed by love. A void easily filled. A new puppy, a job, money, some other easy fix and suddenly the sad is gone. Take a pill. Get some sunshine. Change perspectives. It?s so easy. If you don?t want to be depressed, you won?t be. That?s what they?d have you believe.

Depression is so much more than being sad.

Depression isn?t even just depression. It?s anxiety, insane thoughts, peculiar reactions, flares of anger, it?s nonsensical. Sudden highs and terrifying lows. It?s physical pain manifested in aching joints, a heart that feels broken, and stabbing pains all over; headaches and burning eyes. It?s the ability to sleep for days on end or to not sleep at all. It?s a racing heart and breath that you can?t catch. It?s laying in bed and watching eight season of a show you hate and have no interest in but you can?t find the motivation to move one finger and press a button. It?s a cleaning frenzy at three a.m. with bleeding fingers and nausea from the chemicals. It?s a fake smile. It?s carrying on like nothing is wrong. It?s me. It?s the person you love most. No one is an exception. Depression wears a million faces and none of them experience it just the same.

Depression doesn?t have a cure and as much as I wish it was, a person, love, is not a cure. People are band-aids. Love is a salve. The wound, however? It doesn?t heal. Sometimes it gets smaller, sometimes it bleeds less, and sometimes it doesn?t even hurt. Other times it?s gaping and infected and it takes over your body, your life. Sometimes the people around you stay and they help that sore to be less painful, they bandage you up and remind you that you are loved. They love you when you can?t possibly love yourself.

Other times they go. When they leave it?s so rarely that they do so because of you, but because they think they make your struggle worse or they are scared and don?t know how to help. Some will not want to love you. Some will not know how to love you. Depression doesn?t understand that though and so you will think that they left because you are too much, too much everything and not enough at the same time. You will remember everyone that left and obsess over why and what you could have done differently while forgetting those that are there and trying. You will say things you don?t mean, express fears as though they are happening, and find ways to create issues out of nothing. You will try to distance yourself to protect others and other times may unload your entire story on anyone that will listen. And then you will punish yourself for being a burden.

Punishment. It has many forms. You may beat yourself up mentally and refuse yourself to be happy, to have hope, to view yourself as something other than broken and unworthy. Some days you may eat until you make yourself sick, other days you may starve yourself until you have no strength. Scratching, cutting, biting, hitting, tearing out your own hair, these may happen as well. Maybe you think you deserve it, maybe the physical pain is easier to digest, maybe you just want to feel something, you want to control something, or you are so overwhelmed you don?t know how else to shake off all of that anxiety and nervous energy. You will push people, sometimes push them away because you don?t deserve them, you want to protect them from the ugliness inside of you, you are better off alone. Some days, seeing your reflection is too much and so you avoid mirrors, even glass so that you don?t glimpse yourself.

Some days you will have small successes. Bathing yourself, putting on real clothes, leaving the house, these things feel like climbing mountains when depression hits. Other days your successes will be bigger. Some days, maybe many days, you won?t feel the effects of your depression at all.

What is so hard to live through, though, is other people not understanding. They can?t see your illness and so it?s hard to believe it exists. Even if they believe it, they don?t understand how it can impact every facet of your life. How can something as small as brushing your own teeth be an accomplishment? How can feeling ?down? exhaust you? Really, you can?t leave the house again? There are times you will be left behind, times you may be forgotten, times people will assume there is no reason to bother asking you to come along, after all, you will decline.

Some will treat you as though you are broken, some will think you are so fragile that they will be afraid, some will mock you, some will not be able to forgive you for the things you do and say when your head is not right.

Some will love you through it.

Some will tell you that you are not too hard to love.

You will remember it all.

This is my place to remember it all.

I have been here before. I will be here again.


Date: 2016-07-31 20:54 EST
Today 7/31 Sunday:

Upset: because I was writing a list and the eraser left streaks all over the paper. Started over on new paper three times. Tore a hole through paper number 2 because I erased too hard. I must remember to not press so hard, things will be easier to erase if I write lightly. Thankfully I quit writing in pen.

Anxious: about the Tournament. What if no one comes? What if the people who entered forget? What if the people do come have a bad time? I hate hosting things. It pays well at least and I can put the money in savings.

Guilty: because feeling low makes me feel unthankful and selfish.

Worried: that I won?t shake this funk and spend the entire night being weird and awkward.

Band-aids: Taking a long bath, a cuddle nap with Lou, fresh wild flowers, sweet words and a back rub from Josiah, a chai tea latte, and a polka dot dress.

Songs: The Black Keys-Turn Blue, Lana Del Ray- Summertime Sadness, Birdy-Not about angels, Radiohead-Creep, Damian Rice- The Blower's Daughter


Date: 2016-08-01 13:43 EST
Today 8/1 Monday:

Exhausted: Mentally and physically. Yesterday was too much. I slept like crap, tossing and turning most of the night. Josiah has to work today and he probably didn?t get much sleep either because of me. I just couldn?t stop replaying the horror of my mistake last night. It was so embarrassing.

Anxious, Upset, Angry: about the Tournament. I messed up in front of all of those people. I want to puke thinking about it.

Worried: that people will remember me as a ****-up. What if people bring it up? I want to hide forever. One day Baroness Beauty is going to realize I am a terrible representative of their company and fire me.

Band-aids: A long walk.

Sal is fixing breakfast at Matadero. I haven?t had time with just the guys and Aoife in a very long time. They won?t mind if I am sad and quiet. I can just go and sit and be comfortable. They understand that sometimes I am just bleh and they don?t actively try to fix it. Sometimes that?s nice, just to be included even when I?m a dud.

After breakfast, I?ll probably hang out there for a while. I want to hear more about Aoife?s trip. Maybe Sal made a mess last night that I can clean. That?ll be exciting. It?s been a while since he?s been high and left me a fun mess.

I wonder if Sal would make me hot chocolate.

Songs: I don?t want to listen to music yet today but hearing Aoife sing or Cane play a song would be pretty relaxing. Maybe I'll ask.


Date: 2016-08-03 00:29 EST
Today 8/2 Tuesday:

Exhausted: Still really tired. I don't really want to do anything today but stay in bed.

Guilty: We already made plans to have dinner with the guys. I want to cancel but I want to see them too. I feel better when I am with my friends. I just have to put on clothes and once I'm there, I'll be okay.

I should clean something, but I don't even feel like doing that, it makes me feel useless and guilty to not be at work but not doing anything really productive. Josiah goes to work every day in pain.

Anxious: I hope tonight goes well and Josiah and Sal and Cane all get along. I would really like for them to like him, not that it'd change anything if they didn't. I just want them to know how wonderful he is.

Band-aids: Having dinner with Sal and Cane tonight at the beach house. Orange oolong tea. Books. Thigh high socks and Josiah's t-shirt.

Songs: No music today, I just want quiet.


Date: 2016-08-03 22:53 EST
Today 8/3 Wednesday:

Early Morning:

Nothing: I?m sort of in an in-between where I?m not feeling anything yet today. I woke up and I feel okay enough but I can?t say I really feel happy or excited either, just here. On the other hand, I?m not feeling particularly down.

Anxious: I have to call a challenge tonight. I hope no one brings up Sunday?s mistake. Hope will probably pick on me. She likes to do that. At least I can give it back to her okay. The slaver is the one who challenged, that b**** still owes me money for all those over-time shifts I had to work. Must collect. But how?

Bandaids: I ate a real breakfast of toast smothered with avocado, scrambled eggs and tomatoes, and rambutans that Josiah brought me. He loves finding me new and weird fruits to try, this pleases me more than I let on. I had lemon tea which made me feel awake. A scalding hot bath with a salt blend Aoife made me improved my mood. The blend is very feminine but not overly floral.

Songs: Matisyahu- One Day, it?s sort of a gentle upbeat song, it?s hard to feel down while listening to it.

Late Morning:

Sensual: Feeling rather sensual today. Probably that damn bath. I should ask Aoife what?s in the salts. Something about silky soft legs after shaving them also makes me think of sex.

Band-aids: Photography. I?ve been working on my photography in general but sometimes I photograph myself. Looking at the pictures can help me see myself differently. I felt kind of pretty and alluring after.

Songs: The Weekend- Earned It, Sex on Fire-Kings of Leon, Dark Horse- Katy Perry


Anxious: I need to go to the china shop, they have crystal vases there and I?d really like one for all the wild-flowers that Josiah brings me. A nervous klutz in a china shop though? Ugh, it makes me sick thinking about it.

Late Afternoon:

Angry and Embarrassed: Someone spilled something at the shop. I slipped. I broke thirteen?crystal vases, two display bowls, one figurine, and ten plates. The store owner said I had to pay for them. It was obvious I slipped in a wet spot though and there was a witness, so yeah, not my fault. It was still super embarrassing though. All that glass was so loud. I don?t think I?ll ever go in a shop like that again.


Date: 2016-09-01 17:00 EST
Today 9/1 Thursday:

Feeling: Bruised. The way a bruise aches? That is how I feel today. Just bruised. My soul, my mind, my body. Yesterday was good and then not.

I auditioned for the Shanachie Theater and I think the audition went well. The song I chose, I thought it was great because I really connected with it, I could pour out emotion and really shine. By the end of the day though it just left me aching and exhausted. It brought up too many bad feelings and like the song title, I?m Still Hurting.

There is a line in the song: ?Jamie decides it's his right to decide. Jamie?s got secrets he doesn't confide. And I'm still hurting. Go and hide and run away.? It just reminds me so much of the hurt I felt when a choice was made for me when my first relationship fell apart. I don?t know how to not be hurt by it anymore or how to fully trust. It has scabbed over so many times but it?s a wound that won?t heal. How many times have I said that I have moved on? That I am over it? I?m pathetic.

That sense of loss, betrayal, of not being good enough? those are the parts of it all that I can?t shake because they are things I have felt over and over again my entire life.

And it?s Josiah who pays for it.

?Are we okay??

?We?re okay.?

? but what if we?re not? And that what if stays with me because I?ve had this conversation before and things were not okay, I thought things were, and then?

?I can?t do this anymore.? and the other shoe dropped.

And so I wait, I wait for him to give me those words too. I wait for me to wear him down so thin that he can?t do this anymore.

It?s awful to think that I am better than I was and I am still this bad. It?s the same old boring song and dance with me. I?m sick of myself.

I swore to myself that I wouldn?t allow myself to use him as a caretaker, to expect him to hold me together while dealing with all of the shit I throw at him all while keeping himself together, keeping us together.

I am my mother. I can see it. I can see all the little ways she has influenced me and I hate her so much, but here I am doing the same things she did to me, to the people that I love.

I know what I?m doing. I can see myself doing it, setting my world on fire. I can see it burning but I don?t know how to put it out. I don?t know how to move on from the past and leave it there.

I have done so much growing in the past two years, but the healing has been slow, and I?m sure to some my growth doesn?t seem like much at all.

I?m like a cracked vase put back together with cheap glue. I look alright for a while, maybe I function, but functioning erodes that glue and soon I began to leak and then it?s not long until I fall apart again. It?s Josiah who is left to either step on or collect the pieces, sometimes both but certainly it is not without him getting cut on my jagged pieces. It?s so unfair to him. He pays for my mother, he pays for exes, he pays for it all.

I wish that I could be okay for more than a few days at a time. If I am this exhausted, he has to be as well.

I talked to Charlie a few weeks ago, she told me that I should think about talking to someone, a professional. I?ve been there before, it was required when I stayed at the shelter. But that was before, that was more than two years ago. I didn?t have personal relationships, romantic relationships, or sex back then and those things have changed me. It?s not just me anymore, but others who are feeling the heat of my fire, and maybe even if I don?t do therapy for myself, maybe I should do it for them. For Josiah, for us.

It probably doesn?t seem like it, but I know that I am the happiest I have ever been. The most secure. I just want to hold on to it so badly that it?s like I have become paranoid about losing it so I?m just holding on *too* tightly.

Josiah hasn?t complained. He never does. He is patient and understanding. Sometimes I wish he?d let me have it. I know I deserve it. I need to hear the truths, even if they are brutal. I need to know when I get it wrong so that I can learn. I do know that he deserves better, better than what I am giving him.

Part of me is very sad to admit that I need help, but part of me feels proud. It just, it makes me feel crazier than I already know I am, I feel ashamed. The stigma that comes with mental illness isn?t an easy one, and no one is harder on a person with mental illness than themselves.

I don?t know if I should do it alone or if I should ask Josiah to be there with me. I want to protect him from my past, from the things that I went through. It?s such a heavy load to bear but he makes it easier. I just don?t want to weigh him down too.

Band-aids: I?m actually looking forward to the Baron?s tournament tonight, it?s basically risk-free, I have nothing to lose. I put together a pretty awesome outfit.

I?m spending my day writing. I?ve called my doctor for a referral, so that is a good step. I?m listening to music that makes me happy instead of sad, music that reminds me of how Josiah makes me feel.

Looking through pictures of me and Cane in New York. The reason we went was stupid, I shouldn?t have run from problems, but in truth, we had a good time. I?ve missed him, it was wonderful to have some time with him and to pick his brain and to just be carefree for a little while.

Songs: Yours- Ella Henderson, This Is What It Takes- Shawn Mendes, Lullaby- Dixie Chicks


Date: 2016-10-21 15:54 EST
10/7 - Friday

All Day:


We leave soon to go to Josiah?s homeland. I am to meet his sisters and brother. He never intended to stay in Rhydin and so there are loose ends he needs to tie up and goodbyes that need to be said since he is staying here now because of me. Because he loves me. Swooon.

We are taking an Airship there, one similar to the sort that Josiah used to work and live on. He seems thrilled. I wish his excitement was contagious, but I just feel sick.

I am so anxious about being away from my home, from Lou, my friends, my routines! We can only bring limited luggage with us and I keep thinking about all the things I might need but won?t have. Not to mention the ship! I will be trapped on a ship in the air, no getting on or off, just stuck. What if I get sick? The plumbing is also an issue. I can?t take baths whenever I want.

What have I got myself into?! I?m hyperventilating. No not in the comfort of my home but at Teas ?n Tomes because I don?t want Josiah to see me like this. I don?t want him to think I don?t want to go. He?s told me repeatedly that I don?t have to but I also don?t want to be without him for several weeks! I think it means a lot to him that I am going. I do want to go, I?m just scared.

I?m scared.

This is new, so much new. I don?t like change. I just want to be grumpy and in my safe place. But my safe place technically feels like Josiah, so here won?t be the same without him either.

I?ve been shopping a lot and going out just to avoid being at home. I don?t want him catching on to how scared and nervous I am. I don?t want him to feel bad.

I've got to suck it up and go home to him. He'll make it okay. He would never ask anything of me that I could not handle. He has answered all my questions and helped me prepare for everything. I just have to trust him. This is my first chance to really travel, I should be enjoying this.


Date: 2017-04-26 20:28 EST
Josiah keeps telling me to write. He says whatever I need to say that I?ll be able to say it here. I told him to burn my journals.

He didn?t. Obviously.

I am trying things his way.

I don?t know if anything can help this time.

I?m so numb, I?m running on fumes. I?m trying to hold it together and I am so afraid of cracking.

And this is another part of mental illness that no one tells you. You begin to question the care people have for you. The part where it tears apart your relationships. The part where your fears, anxiety, depression, so much worry, where it wears you thin and you forget all of the people who are on your side.

Maybe I already knew that a little bit, maybe I?ve been here before. Maybe these aren?t the first relationships I?ve set fire to. Maybe I just never expected that these ones would go up in flames like the others.

I never meant to hurt anyone, but I did.

I am married.

That is the first time I think I?ve written it.

I have been married for nearly six months now.

I am somebody?s wife.

Not just somebody. Josiah Edward Aubrey?s wife.

I finally feel like somebody. Maybe you?re not supposed to let someone else make you feel complete but I?ve never felt more myself than this. And if that?s a bad thing, then so be it.

I didn?t always feel the way though.

And thus why this was kept close to my chest for so long.

For so long I talked a lot of shit about marriage. I never thought it was for me. I never saw any relationship that lasted. The only married people I really know are Eva and Mason and they always seemed to be the exception. Sure I?ve read a lot of love stories and some of them even seemed believable but none of them ever seemed like something I would have. Who in their right mind would want to tie themselves to me for any length of time let alone legally and mess with all of the paperwork involved.

And then I met him.

He was never supposed to mean anything to me but the connection was immediately palpable. He never pushed, he never begged, he never made me feel guilty. That?s when I knew that he was it for me. He was my game changer. I suddenly allowed myself to daydream about the things I never thought I wanted, thought I deserved, thought I could have. There was this person who wanted to love me forever and where he?s from, the way you show that is by asking the person you love to marry you. It?s this grand gesture full of meaning and purpose. It?s so much more than paperwork or some dated religious ?thing.

Not only that but it offered me the kind of security and peace of mind that my anxiety never allows me to have. He wanted to bind himself to me in every way possible, he wanted to stay.

One night in July, he asked. Well he asked if I would become engaged to him. He left out the word wife and marriage probably to keep be from running because those words had always freaked me out in the past.

I told him to ask me again and this time do it right. I wanted to hear those words more than ever before.

He did. I said yes without hesitation.

I kept that to myself over the course of the next month. I didn?t tell anyone. In late August, Cane and I took a little trip. We both needed to get away. I was running from my happiness. One night sitting in the torch of Lady Liberty, I told Cane the truth. I think I only told two other people after that.

I knew how Cane viewed marriage and his views on it were only slightly better than Sal?s. Was I scared? Yeah. I wanted their approval so badly but I was so scared of asking for it. For needing it. Of not getting it.

I still remember what I told Cane after showing him my ring. All he could manage was ?That?s pretty.? He tried. I know he tried to be happy for me. I shared my fears with him, my reasons for not wanting to tell anyone.

And then he gave me words to soothe my fears about telling him. ?It?d have ta be someone real special ta get the Sabine I know an? love ta take on the moniker of ?wife?.?

And despite knowing in that moment I could trust him with this, I couldn?t get past the other fears and anxieties.

About three months later, Josiah had planned a trip to go see his family. We discussed having a wedding there. We could do things his way. Despite saying yes to being his wife, I was still terrified. Getting married in Albion seemed like a nice compromise. We could be married with his family and friends present, follow the traditions his people have, and it would be legal there. In Rhydin I could still be? not married. I could give him this and honor what I knew was so important to him. I could meet him in the middle despite him assuring me time and time again I didn?t have to give this to him. And when I was ready, we could have a wedding my way, with my friends and my family.

I never imagined how in love I would fall with being his wife though. Waking up the morning after November 4th and him rolling over. Him calling me his wife. Mrs. Aubrey. I could never have imagined that kind of happiness.

Or the kind of new depths to my fears it could inspire.

It felt like I had more to lose than ever. I didn?t know how to hold on to that kind of happiness. I didn?t know how to hold on to him. Me feeling content is one of the most terrifying things. I am so used to constant chaos and turmoil that I feel off being content. It?s such a foreign feeling.

At first I wanted to keep my being married secret for just a little while from my friends and I didn?t care if the rest of the world ever knew. How could I want to keep this from the people I love? I just did. I?ve given my explanations and none of them were good enough. It was such a combination of things.

My fears mostly. My fearing that this was too good to be true. That it wouldn?t last. That I?d look like such a hypocrite for doing something I said I?d never do. That I?d look like an idiot when it all fell apart because how long could he really stay? Maybe Sal and Cane?s view on marriage were right. I didn?t want them to be right. How long could someone really love me and want me? I didn?t trust my happiness enough to really let the world in on it. I didn?t trust myself to not let it slip right through my fingers. It sound so horrible writing it down. Why get married if you can?t trust the person you love? But that was never it. I don?t know how to explain what it was, just that I didn?t trust myself to allow this good thing to happen to me.

And then there were my fears about being in the public eye. This was such a difficult thing to keep to myself. But being a spokesmodel, a baroness, in the theatre, my name is in headlines more than ever. I didn?t want this to be a spectacle. Everyone already knows what an unstable fuck up I am. The last thing I needed was people making bets on how long this would last.

By the time our one year anniversary together rolled around, I had grown more comfortable with things. We had made it a year and had been married for about three of those months. Someone wanted me for an entire year. I know that is just a drop in the bucket but for me, it?s an eternity. And then it just didn?t seem pressing anymore to tell anyone. At this point I didn?t even know if Sal and Cane would care. Maybe they would be relieved they wouldn?t have to be a part of some big production and mess with a wedding at all. Maybe my friends would think it was dumb for me to have a second wedding, to be married here, my way. And a little bit of me worried that things had gone on too long now and there was no point in telling anyone.

It seemed like we were hardly ever together anymore. I thought the perfect time to tell them would be after my challenge since we would all be together and even if I lost it would still be something happy. By this point Cris knew because he had come straight out and asked me and I couldn?t lie to him and Saila had found out just a few days before I intended on telling Cane, Sal, and Aoife. She?s at my house all the time, practically lived there the week prior. Being able to tell someone made me realize it was time to put my fears to rest. That I could do this. I could allow myself to be happy and I could let others share in that with me.

But I didn?t get to tell them the way I wanted to.

And so here we are.

The guys are hurt. Aoife is hurt. She says she?s not angry but I think the guys are. Aoife said she didn?t understand why I would fear my friends. Did I think someone would steal my happiness? was I afraid?

Yes, I was afraid. I?m still afraid. I don?t know how to trust myself to not completely fuck everything up. I sometimes still don?t believe I deserve something so good. Someone so good.

And maybe, if I?m honest, I was fearful of the reactions my friends would give. I don?t think they, Cane, and Sal especially realize how weighty their opinions and reactions are. I know their views on marriage. I was scared that they?d be disappointed with me somehow. Or that they?d think it was dumb or disapprove. Especially Sal. That doesn?t mean that I think they wouldn?t try to be happy for me because that?s part of us, part of loving one another. Love means being happy for your friend?s happiness. And I know they love me. But you can love someone and not approve of their actions. The longer things went on, the more fearful I became of their reaction.

Aoife? I never really feared her reaction. Maybe I was afraid of her sadness. She deserves so much. She?s so good. She?s the one who deserves this kind of happiness. This kind of love. Not me. She of all people would have never stole my happiness. I wish I could have trusted myself to confide in her. In any of them. Sooner. She wants time, she asked me for time. I?m giving it to her.

Sal and Cane, I don?t know. Sal fired me from Matadero. Not that I was really needed there anymore or really had the time for it, but it still stings. It stings as much as it did prior to Autumn when he told me not to come around. I know Sal needs time. He?s always processed his hurt and anger differently than Cane. Cane usually is willing to talk things out, resolve them quickly. Sal takes time. He needs to be alone and work through things in his way. I can?t push that. I won?t. I have to respect that. Cane, I don?t, I don?t know. Part of me wants to call him, to see him, but I don?t know what to say. He was so quiet the night we met at Teas. He hardly said anything, it was mostly Sal asking the questions. Cane?s silence scared me.

I?ve been afraid for a while now of how our friendships are changing. Seeing less of each other. Talking less. I?ve been jealous. I?m not a jealous person but I have been jealous because of what Aoife means to Cane. Not because I want to mean *that* to him, but because ? just because. Where do I fit in? I was jealous when they all left together for the trip last summer and I wasn?t asked to go. I?ve been scared that Sal and Cane are just going to leave one day and not come back. The one thing that I?ve been able to count on though through these last three years is that no matter how little we talk or how often we see each other, every time we are together it?s almost like nothing has changed. But when we?re not together, I?m scared about what I mean to them. I?m scared that they will leave and I won?t know how to be okay without them. I?m still learning how to navigate on my own. How to make decisions without asking them for their opinions first. How to not need anyone?s approval. How to be okay being my own person. How to be confident as my own person and not rely on the strength of the pack.

I never meant to hurt anyone. But I did and I know that and I?m sorry for it. I don?t know how to make it right.

The idea of another wedding, it just seems so ridiculous now. I had hoped for something before Autumn or maybe just after. One where Aoife would be at my side as my maid of honor after spending hours tucking flowers into our hair. Where Cris could walk me down the aisle and Cane would be waiting with Josiah at the end of it. Cane would deliver some version of vows and I may or may not agree to them but his smile would charm everyone and there would be laughing and so much love. One where Sal would sit in the shadows somewhere pretending to hate everything about this day but secretly be so proud of me, so happy for me. One where no one would need to give me away because that?s such a fucking antiquated tradition but maybe Sal would quietly whisper that he did. One where he knew his Campanilla had grown up. One where he and I would both know that I would never have gotten to this point without him. One where we both knew I am only as happy and fierce and brave and independent, and able to love because of him because of how he raised me. And I mistakenly said that before, he raised me. But he did. He?s the only type of ?parent? I?ve ever known. He was the first person in my life to love me unconditionally, to teach me about things like love, boundaries, respect, so much. I wish he could be proud of me now. That he could be proud of me for being brave and chasing my happiness. That I was able to do something for me and not because I needed anyone?s approval. I wish that he could know he did such a good job, that I am so far from where I was and exactly where I am supposed to be. How much of that I owe to him.

And so even though it?s all a little sad. Even if I fucked everything up with my secrets. I still hope somewhere he?s sitting in a corner and he?s brooding like the fucking glorious Dark Lord he is and maybe he smiles, just a little, because maybe he?s happy for me.