Topic: heartache hotel


Date: 2014-10-01 22:20 EST

What follows is a collection of personal letters exchanged between the parties writing. Unless otherwise agreed upon between us and those reading, this is not knowledge known to other characters outside of this little circle. We are presenting them here for your mere reading entertainment and our writing enjoyment.


Date: 2014-10-01 22:21 EST
30 IX 2014

mi m?s querido luz,

He made me feel.

My friend. My sometimes lover. The only one you seemed to fool into thinking I was off limits. That finding him in my bed with me would make you angry.

He came to quit me - because of you.

In part I?m glad you quit me first.

Because he let me have him again. This time he came to me. He came planning to tell me it was over. We were done. Because he didn?t want to get in the middle of whatever petty jealousies you were showing.

But I told him that you left me. So he stayed instead. He stayed and he let me have him.

I slipped. I showed a moment of weakness. I paused too long to take a breath and fight the monster down. It?s hard in the Autumn. So very hard to remember fucking does not always mean killing, and killing does not always mean fucking.

I can?t - I can?t even tell you what I wanted to do to him. I couldn?t tell him either.

But he caught me in that moment, and it angered him. God. I didn?t know he could be so beautiful.

And I didn?t know he?d remind me instead of helping me to forget too.

I told my brother I felt nothing, and at the time it was true. I don?t feel. Only lust and anger and hunger and maddening thirst. But all these other little emotions - and the strongest one of all. I don?t feel them. Not now. Not when her season is thick and young and boiling in my blood.

I forget how to feel. Until someone reminds me. And then it hurts. I don?t want to hurt.

I?m sorry.

- tuyo

Elemmiire Rei

Date: 2014-10-03 14:53 EST
Mi amor,

You don't feel?

You write me a letter that sings of him and what he has done and how he and he alone can make you feel? About how he let you have him? How great for you that my "petty jealousies" did not keep him from you.

You write me a letter that says you don't feel? You don't feel for me. You might as well have said it that way. Is it the Autumn? Is it? Or is it really that I never got deep enough into whatever it is you call a heart?

Yeah, thanks for that. I really needed to read that letter because I wasn't already hurting enough.

What in all the hells am I supposed to do with that?

I suppose at least this gives me a voice, that letter, because I can write one back. So here it is.

Ever since we danced in the dark parade
Something old was born anew
In spite of all the good things
Your good God has made
Everything I touch turns into you
Everything I touch turns into you...

My Chev. My Beloved. Do you remember when we were at the rings, and you were struggling with what to call me? You named me your "amado". Was it only after Sinjin returned that it suddenly was no good anymore, that it was girlie or stupid or whatever you called it? Perhaps that happened before he returned and it was just a journey we were already on. I don't know anymore.

Ever since my eyes perceived your face
There was little doubt that I could do
Anything to save my fall from grace
Now everything I see turns into you
Everything I see turns into you...

Our union became when we realized we loved each other. It was that love that gave me the strength to say you could sleep with whomever you wanted, because in the end it was me that you came home to. Home to Matadero and me. I told you those very words. It was me that you loved and the others were people you cared about but were not in love with. Their bodies were just fun playgrounds that you were having good times with. No problemo, mi amor. That's what you needed, what you wanted, and it was right to let you be who you were. Sinjin Fai is different, though. You really do love him. I could not see past the smell of him on you that day because I know his place in your heart is greater than mine. Does that make me petty? So be it, then.

And ever since my ears received your cold clear voice
Singing silver lines so soft and true
My destiny was written, I had no choice
Now everything I hear turns into you
Everything I hear turns into you...

But then Sinjin came back. Ilhar knew he would. She knew it, and so did I though I knew not the man. That was about the time it seemed you were redesigning the boundaries and edges of our relationship. It was made clear to me that I'd gotten it wrong. You were in love with us all, or some version of that which defines love as you see it. Maybe it was that way from the beginning but I was too blind to see it. I was no longer your special one, I was just one of a crowd. It wasn't me you came home to because I was your luz, your amado. You came home to me because I just happened to have camped out there.

Each snowflake that falls
Achieves your subtle form
The howling wind calls
Your name in the storm
The frost in the ground
That turns into dew
Each sight and each sound
Turns into you...

About that time it seemed you started to think I was a lady boy or something, with no spine and no reason to respect. I was suddenly an idiot, a fool, a romantic irritant. You didn't feel that way when you gave me your name. You didn't feel that way when I took you in our bathtub, when I made you scream and die the little death.

A statue of your likeness
Floats through my dreams
Carved in ice and glacial blue
You're in my heart forever
Or so it seems
Now everything I dream turns into you...

You laughed at me. When you fell off the roof and I dived off the edge to catch you before you hit the ground three stories below, you laughed at me. You found it amusing to see the fool that I was trying to save you because I was too stupid to know you wouldn't break from such a fall. You laughed as I risked my own life to save yours. My wings still ache from the breaks in those bones, as does the very heart of me.

Everything I touch turns into you
Everything I am...turns into you

You said I never understand, that others don't need you to explain things. I tried, Salvador. I tried so hard. I am trying still. I want to hear, I want to understand, I want to know.

But I can't hear when you belittle me.

Your bloody Luz.

(Lyrics taken from Steeleye Span's "You". )


Date: 2014-10-05 10:49 EST
5 X 2014


Everything I say to you is wrong. Why do I bother?

Please quit putting words between my words. You still don?t understand. I said I forget how to feel sometimes, not that I don?t entirely. And you misunderstand me when I tell you--

You misunderstand everything I tell you.

Should I be more specific? Should I angrily scrawl all the sordid details on this page for you the way you do? You?re an idiot if you think I don?t feel for you. A goddamn idiot who keeps seeing things about me that are not there.

Your words are hateful, yet you?re the one who thinks I hate you?

Nobody has ever made me feel guilt the way you do.

You don?t love me. You love a dream of me, of what you imagine me to be, of what you desperately want me to be for you.

You don?t want to understand. Every time I try to tell you anything, to make you understand, you pick apart my words to only see the faults in everything I say or do. You look for reasons to be angry with me and envious of him.

I forgot how he could make me feel. But you don?t want to hear about that. You should know anyway, so you can understand. But I won?t tell you, because I don?t want to upset you. I?ve never wanted to hurt you.

But I did, and I knew I would.

I never should have fucked you. I never should have kissed you before that. I should have walked away. I never should have followed you into that alley after you tore that little mouse away from me in a jealous rage.

I knew then. And so did you. When you spat the name Sinjin Fai at me like a weapon. Even before I took you - before you saw my scars. You knew.

You compare us to your mother and her ribbon man, saying the difference lies in that his first love at least loves your mother too. But Sin does not love you. How can he when it?s so obvious that you hate him so very much?

You don?t know him. Your mother doesn?t know him, and it?s clear she?s poisoned your mind with lies about him. Lies that make you hate him. If you really knew him-

Nobody knows him as I do.


You speak of unions, and again put words where there are none to be. We are not joined together. We are not one flesh. Perhaps you think you bound your soul to mine, but not I to you.

My soul - is not you.

You got everything wrong. My relationships with all these people I share my body with go beyond anything you could possibly understand. And what is there is between me and them. Just as what you mean to me is between you and me.

Each of you is special to me. I need each of you for the strengths you give to my weaknesses. Even my friend and sometimes lover whom you mistakenly think is the only one who can make me feel.

No, mi amor. What I meant to say is that he reminded me of a feeling that I had forgot.

I wanted to bury you, because I didn?t want to feel this ache in my chest that I do every time I think about you. Every time I see you. Every time anyone asks me if I?ve talked to you yet. And do you know? No. Of course not. You don?t know. You never know. So I?ll tell you.

The one person who insists I talk to you the most is Sin.

I can?t. Not until you?re ready to really listen.

- tuyo

Elemmiire Rei

Date: 2014-10-05 14:53 EST

I read your letter.

I've sat here for the last several hours, reading it over and over again trying to make sense of things.

I keep thinking about our time together, wondering how we got from such heights as we felt then to the lows that we are at now.

How did this happen? Was it all an illusion? Did I make it all up?
Did you feel what I felt? Was it truly all my fault?
Is it my jealousy of a man who hurt you that tears us apart?
Or am I really as poor a man as you paint me to be, jealous, petty, foolish, selfish, needy?

I find I cannot answer these questions.

Even now I read again the words you spilled across the paper, those tiny knives to stab me with, whether that was your intention or no.

You are right in many of the things you say, but you are also wrong.
I am no better, though, for I am as often wrong as I am right.

We do not talk well together, you and I.
I think you will agree with me on this, at least.

One thing must be made clear and I do ask that you believe me on this, for it is the truth. My mother has not poisoned me towards Sinjin. She has told me that once, years ago, they were great friends. She has told me he saved her life many times. She has said he was great friends with Godfather. All she has said about him now is that he dislikes her for reasons he has not told her of. That it hurts her but it is his right to feel what he feels, and so she avoids him out of consideration for that right.

Perhaps your claim is true, perhaps she does not know him.
Perhaps the man he was then is the only one she knew.
Perhaps he has changed. I do not know. What is between them is their business.

No, my feelings about Sinjin spring from what I perceive to be the poor way he treated you. And, I confess, to fears that he would return and steal you from me. That makes me the bad guy, not my mother. From this point forward let us leave her out of whatever is between us, for she has no business in it and she has not sought to meddle in our affairs since you showed her the mark on your hand. I will not bring her up if you do not. I think that is fair. Hopefully you will, as well.

Regarding Sin, I will say this. I do not hate him. I do disrespect him for what he has done to you. If you choose to forget what that was, or that it was wrong of him, then so be it. That is between the two of you.
But I do not choose to forget those things.

I will try to stop putting words in your mouth or your hand as you write them.
I will try to stop saying what you think or you feel.
It is clear I do not understand you.

You will need to do this as well, from the other perspective, if we are to talk. Stop saying I feel this, or think that. You are as wrong in those statements as I am in what I have stated of your thoughts and feelings.

I do love you.
I do want to understand you.

You tell me that you should never have...

But you did. We did. Do you really want to forget all that now? Would you choose to undo it if you could? Really?

I am here. I am listening.

Once a Luz

Elemmiire Rei

Date: 2014-10-07 23:26 EST

The days of silence grow since I left you my last letter.

By turns my heart flies up in hope you will read it and see in me what you once saw, and then swoops down again in a dive for fear this won?t happen.

There are moments I wonder --did I deliver it as I know I did? Was I in some fever dream that insists it was delivered but in reality it lays unsent in a pocket of mine somewhere?

I am assailed by visions of you not even reading it but merely tossing it into the fire.

My brain seethes with thoughts unspeakable and hopes unborn.

I saw you last night.

I saw you and I wanted to shoot you and that Nancy boy with you full of holes. As soon as I had those thoughts I grabbed them by the throat and I slew them. I killed them with logic and scattered them down before me like broken glass. I did this by aid of some of the words you have said to me.

I try, Salvador. I try!

I saw you last night.

Did you see me?

I do not speak well enough, at times. So once again I leave you with someone else?s words to speak for me, to try and tell you how if feels without you.

Clouds crush the setting sun
The sky is darkening grey
Restless whispering
The summer's blown away
Bleak deserted arbors
That speak of absent friends
God forsaken wasteland
In time all friendship ends

Flame sears the sullen air
Scorching my land
Yonder swoops the black crow
To the wind's command
Your body is warm
But your brain is cold
Leaving me lonely
Only emptiness to hold

The spine of love is snapped
There is nothing to be said
But the hollow in my belly
Sends an echo through my head
I ache to see you
To laugh with you again
But the voice that once caressed me
Is filled with disdain

Like a hurricane you came and shook my innocence
You woke me in every sense
And I ran bemused and excited, curious and delighted
But I could not hold you, like the wind you moved on
I stood rooted like a fool waiting for the sun

The spine of love is snapped
There is nothing to be said
But the hollow in my belly
Sends an echo through my head

Your body is warm
But your brain is cold
Leaving me lonely
Only emptiness to hold

And bare trees trace their story
Of death in the sky
And the savage winter wind
Has a tear in its eye

Lost Luz

(Song lyrics ?Cold Flame? by Maddy Prior)


Date: 2014-10-08 11:10 EST
8 X 2014

mi m?s querido luz,

I want you to remember how our skin felt pressed together. Remember kissing me. Keep close the memory of how I made you cry out my name. My touch. My scent. Do not forget these things.

I don?t. I won?t. I can?t. I remember everything.

I saw you and my heart ached at the sight of you. I saw you and felt guilty for having just been kissing Sin a second before you were there. Even though in that moment before, with my lips on his, everything felt right and good and I was happy. The moment I saw you all of that left me.

Then he went to talk to you and I felt my whole world crumbling apart. I fear nothing he might say to you, but everything you might say to him.

Please remember, mi amor. You don?t know him. Don?t pretend to think you do. Hear him and listen. Please. Hear him out. He knows me better than I sometimes know myself. And the man I love in him is not the one he lets you see.

And then I saw her. Everything after that is a blur. I remember thinking my friend and sometimes lover was in danger with her near. Smiling at her smile. Offering her a favor when she asked. I could only act. I had to keep him from touching her.

The monster in me was riding high and I was ready to take her. She was ready to let me. Then mi alma slipped his words in through the cracks of my mind and I let her go.

My sometimes lover soothed me too with his heat and his whispers. I asked him to take me out of there before I did something awful, something I might regret. After that everything was blood and sex and the hunt that called to me.

I was a long time returning to Matadero, where your letter waited for me. I read it. I always read what you write to me. I always hear what you say.

Your poetry drew me to you last night. I have been struggling with what to write back to you. A dozen different crumpled up scraps of discarded paper litter the corner of the room. Words I?ve started that stall out and messages gone unfinished.

I read your words and all I could think about was how much I wanted to touch you again. How much I?ve missed you. I do not regret coming to your bed.

I had to leave, though. Autumn burns cold and boils under my skin. I don?t sleep. I can?t. I could have lay there all night beside you while you did, but I feared the words that might come out of your mouth when you awoke.

You?re always talking, mi luz. Grand, elaborate speeches spill out between your grinning teeth. And you wound with words in ways that make the sting of a blade seem more favorable. It is not the talking you are so very terrible at. It?s the listening.

I know he intends to speak with you. He has told me. Please, please, mi amado luz y risa - Please, for the love you bear for me, promise me you will listen.

And know I have not forgotten what he has done to me. Know this. But know also that I have forgiven him. I always forgive him. In many ways we have always been cruel to each other, but always do we forgive.

I will always forgive you too, because I love you.

Remember. Listen.

- tuyo

Elemmiire Rei

Date: 2014-10-09 19:50 EST

When you came to me the other night and we dissolved again into each other?s touch it was glorious. But you did not want to hear anything I would say.

Did you think I would not notice that?

You were gone with the morning and your letter, and I had to just stifle all that wanted to pour out. I think I get it, though. You are afraid of what I will say because it might tear us apart again. Shall I wear a gag when we are together, Sal?

Today they came to me.

They came while I was trying to find words to put to paper that would leech into your mind and heart and bring you to me again.

They came like intrepid souls trying to carve a way through the fog of my suffering and confusion to the heart of me. Trying to show me who you were and how your needs and loves are necessary for you to function.

Your mother. Your sister. Your Sinjin.

Your mother was the most clear, as is appropriate for She Who Tends The Dead.

?He will never love you as you want him to?.

?It will never be you,? (who has his heart).

It will never be me.

Cass said the thing that rang the truest. She said it seemed as though I was trying to piss on my own campfire and put it out, because the bonfire that is your love for Sinjin is bigger than my own fire. Or something to that effect. She said it better than I can. I get that. I really get that. It has me thinking.

Those who hold you dear came and they talked. They clarified and they reminded me that what you feel for me is not like what you feel for any other.

They surrounded me with their concern for you and they spoke of how you are not human, and thus cannot be expected to love or to perceive like a human.

I am not human, either.

They tried to show me a new way of seeing what lay between us, and how it can possibly become something truly special. I thought it already was, but then I found it wasn't. Sinjin would have me believe that it really is. I am very confused.

They reminded me that what we have is very new. It is in its very infancy.

Take it slow, Sinjin told me. Don?t rush things. Go slowly.

We have not gone slowly, not once, not in any of this. How shall we start that now? Tell me, please.

I am listening.

This, then, is what I have to decide.

Can I love you the way you need? Or am I limited and narrow and circumscribed to the dream I crafted (so foolishly assumed) of what we had?

I do not know these answers.

And so once more I leave you with a song that speaks of what I feel, while I try to see my way in all this.

Where are you tonight I wonder
Where will you be tonight when I cry?
Will sleep for you come easy
Whilst I alone can't slumber?
Will you welcome the morning
At another man's side?

How easy for you the years have slipped under
And left me with a shadow the sun can't dispel
For I built for you a tower full of love and admiration
But I built it so high I could not reach it myself

The view from my window is a world full of strangers
The face in my mirror is the one face I know
You have taken all that's in me,
so my heart?s in no danger
My heart is in no danger, but I'd still like to know

Where are you tonight I wonder
Where will you be tonight when I cry?
Will sleep for you come easy,
Whilst I alone can't slumber?
Will you welcome the morning
At another man's side?

There is a silence and it cannot be broken
There is a pure heart and it's there I will go
Time will work its healing and my spirit will grow stronger
But in the meantime, I would still like to know.

Where are you tonight I wonder
And where will you be tonight when I cry?
Will sleep for you come easy
Whilst I alone can't slumber?
Will you welcome the morning
At another man's side?

(?Where are you tonight?? by June Tabor )


Date: 2014-10-10 12:21 EST
10 X 2014


I almost let your words ruin me again. You scrawl your jealousy across the page using another man?s words. Or maybe they are a woman?s words. I don?t know. I don?t know this song you wrote down.

Carolyn would know. She was always good with music. - I miss her.

But you could not have chosen a better time to wound me again with your words. Even if they were not your own words, you chose to use them and they cut me deeply. Instead of drawing me to you, they pushed me away.

I went to the Arena to bleed, but no one there gave me what I wanted. Sinjin told me to win one for him, and I gave him double. I won two, but they did not satisfy me at all.

Your poetry asks if sleep comes easy for me. I want to make you choke on those words.

You have no idea. You don?t know, because you left me the very first day of my season. When I came home smelling of Sin and you showed your true colors to me. You lying asshole. Fuck you.

When you dove off the roof like a fool to save me. You wounded your wings and your pride and left before you could see what it does to me. Fuck you.

The Autumn. You only saw a glimpse.

There?s a madness that creeps in at times. I slip out of my skin and my head swims with static. I don?t sleep. I can?t sleep. All of Her floods my veins and no matter how long I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling trying to will sleep to come, I can?t. I just can?t.

But I did last night. Fuck you. I did. I slept in another man?s bed and it was wonderful. I found peace. If only for a few short hours. It was the first night?s sleep I?ve had in sixteen days.


So fuck you for making me feel guilty for planning it - even though you didn?t know I had.

Fuck you for making me feel guilty about sleeping at all.

You?re always making me feel guilty. You disapprove of everything I do - unless I?m doing it with you. Fuck you.

There are some things you cannot help me with, Rei. Some roles you cannot fill for me. You cannot be my one and only everything, and you?re going to have to live with that. Or live without me.

The choice is yours. It will always be yours.

- Sal

Elemmiire Rei

Date: 2014-10-10 23:44 EST

You are right. I have decided you are right.

We never were a we. It was something else all together that I still do not understand.

What it is now is a travesty of colliding words and emotions that seem to never find surcease.

I've never let anyone talk to me the way you do. I've never let anyone call me the things you do. I've never taken abuse like you hand out to me.

I think I must have been as blind as I was stupid.

But no need to worry about it anymore, eh?

You can go on without me to blast with your ugly temper and your uglier words.

Ciao, bella. Ciao.


Date: 2014-10-13 13:20 EST
13 X 2014

mi luz,

You?re probably thinking of crumpling up this letter and throwing it away without bothering to read it.

Please don?t.

I hurt you with my last one, I know. I meant to hurt you. I can?t help myself from trying to push you away. I love you so much that I want to keep you safe - even from me.

You deserve better than me.

No matter how many pretty words you throw at me to protest, to tell me how wonderful you think I am, I will never change my mind on this. I will never stop being what I am.

I?m a monster.

But the thing I don?t think you ever understood every time I told you this is that - I am not ashamed of being a monster.

Those who love me-

my friends, lovers, and family-

They see the monster in me too, and they are not afraid of him. They love him. They love me, all of me. And I love them for loving all of me.

Sin was the first to see.

Would you still be with me if he had never come back at all?

He asked me this question, and I?m not sure I know the answer. But then - maybe I do.

I?ve noticed things. Certain things. Things I might not have put much thought into at all if not for this - his coming back.

There?s a possessiveness about you. My brother noticed it and mentioned it to me. I know. I?m not an idiot. I saw it too. I knew.

I knew you were a jealous lover before I even took you. Any time I turned my attention away from you for even a second, you took it as a slight.

Like the night I first introduced you to Thorn. We were sitting at a table in the Red Dragon, only talking, being friends. It was the first time you had seen me in nearly a year, because of my habit of hiding during the Autumn - and sometimes longer. I looked away and you left, angry.

Thorn thought I should go after you. Talk to you. But I couldn?t. You weren?t yet mine and I was still pretending not to feel what I do for you.

Because no matter how much I love you, there will always be Sin. Even if I saw him slain before my very eyes tomorrow, and I knew there was no way to ever bring him back - siempre. Had he never come back, he would have always shadowed what you and I were building together.

I had been searching for him. All that time since your return in which you hadn?t seen me, I was searching for Sin. I wouldn?t have stopped if my brother had not told me to.

He knows my name too, you know. He and my sister both. They know it. They know the core of me more than they might like, but it was a gift my mother imparted to them both with trust. To keep them safe from me.

I only give my name to people that I trust, that I care the most for. When I gave it to you and called myself yours, I was not binding myself to you heart and soul, forever and always. I felt your own oath swirl around me too, but I don?t know what it meant for you. Or what you thought it meant.

But I do now. I?m seeing it more clearly.

You called me yours. You meant to make me yours and only yours. Every opportunity you had to assert your authority over me, you took it.

On the steps of the Red Dragon when you told me to come to you.

When you told Cane I was yours that night before he could even so much as say a simple hello.

Three nights ago when you told me to duel you, before you tossed away your key.

I?m sure you thought that was a meaningful gift, too. Do you think you?re the only one with a key to my domain? It?s just an object. Whether or not you keep it in your possession, my word still stands true. You are always welcome at Matadero.

Do you know? I can?t refuse you.

By my name and by my blood, I am yours. No matter how many keys you throw at my feet, you will not be rid of me. And even should we cease to be lovers, I will never stop loving you, even if you were to release me.

I didn?t realize what I had done until it was too late. When I was talking to Skid, and he told me with the utmost faith that he did not believe you would abuse your power over me.

But you did. You do. And no matter how much you try to hurt me or beat me down - I forgive you. Because -

You are my light, and my laughter, and no one else can be these things for me but you.

siempre mi luz y mi risa - s?lo t?

- tuyo


Elemmiire Rei

Date: 2014-10-14 02:56 EST
Salvador Delahada,

I do not recognize this person you describe me to be.

Who is he, this monster of cruelty and selfishness, this careless soul who can do these things you describe?

Command you? Corral you with rules and strictures? Declare who your loves are and who they are not? It seemed to me, instead, that it was I accommodating your requirements, your demands.

Did I really do these things? Do you speak of the time I ?commanded? you to take a shower?

How cruel of me.

Tell me, where in this litany of horrible things does ?Rei the loving? fit?

You know that guy, the one who filled your cell with packing peanuts in order to minimize the damage you might sustain? Remember him?

Oh, right, you don?t like that Rei anymore.

Where fits the Rei whose bit of possessiveness you liked?

Ah, here he sits in your letter, now a villain for showing his delight in being with you.

The really sad part here is that it doesn?t even matter now if I did these things or not, because?

This is what you perceive me to be. These are the things you now perceive me to have done.

Real or not.

It is what you see when you look at me, when you think of me?.when you remember me.

It?s a good thing you have come to your senses and you can now see me in the cold, clear light of day for the petty monster I really am.

As far as your being a monster, big surprise here, I know, but I have known it since the beginning. I love you, not in spite of, nor because of, your monstrousness.

I love you because of who you are, and yes, part of that package that you comprise is wonderful. I standby and maintain that. You are beautiful and you are wonderful and you are, most certainly, a monster.

But enough of this torment.

I wish you joy, Salvador.

I wish you joy of Sinjin. I honestly do. I realize now his role is irreplaceable in your life. I am sorry I did not understand that at the beginning.

I am sorry I did not understand all those things you needed me to understand. Some of these you should have told me. Some of them I should just have known, I suppose. Still, I did not, and so here we are.

There can be no joy for you and me, Sal, until we can see each other as we really are.

I don?t believe we have ever done this.

If what we see does not bring love, then so be it.

For now we see as if staring into a fractured looking glass, broken shards of mirror that cannot reflect the truth.

A Lightless Luz


Date: 2014-10-14 11:53 EST

You are not the villain here, and I am not trying to paint you to be.

How many times do I have to tell you I love you, in how many ways, for you to believe it?

Nothing I say matters. You address me as a stranger with stiff formality and bend my words to suit your pain.

All I do is hurt you.

I?m sorry.

I?ll leave you alone.

- Sal


Date: 2014-10-19 12:18 EST

Please don't throw this away. Please read it. It might not change anything, but it's the only way I know how to tell you everything that I need to say.

I know I can keep saying it and it could mean nothing to you, but I'm sorry for the way I have acted. I should have never said that you don't care. All you have done is care and all I have done is treat that with disrespect and a total lack of concern rather than the carefulness that it deserves. I have a feeling that you don't care easily and with people like me walking around, I'd understand why. I promised you I would be careful and I went back on that promise not even hours later. You risked your life for me, not once, but twice. And I wasn't thankful either time.

I understand why you wanted to keep me away from Salvador. He could have killed me. I understand that it's probably concerning that I didn't care.

Please know, you changed everything.

When I saw you come through his door, saving me again, I was angry. I was at peace with what was going to happen until I thought about you, my promise...and then I saw you. I hated you for making me care. I hated you for changing my resolve. I hated you for making me want to live.

I hated myself even more for what I had done. To you. To me. Our friendship. You were going to get hurt on my behalf and I wanted to tell you not to do it for me. I'm not worth it. I had said to you at the duels, ?Don't give up on me.? When we were going back inside, you didn't respond then, but you did when you saved my life. You didn't give up. I was ashamed that I was about to. I was ashamed that I asked you to give a damn when I didn't. I didn't deserve you, but I am thankful that you did find me deserving of your time, your efforts, and your health.

It would take an entire notebook for me to try and give you reasons as to why I am so incredibly fucked up and broken. I know that I am. And I am tired of pretending that I am not. I'm a horrible actress anyway. Just because I've had it tough, it does not mean I have a right to hurt others while I pick up the pieces and move on. I am responsible for my actions and the trickle down from them.

My ignoring you, trying to hurt you, all of it was a terrible effort in protecting myself from what you did to me and could do to me. I care too. Too much. About you. It hurts to think that I could be giving that to someone who no longer cares. It's difficult for me to put myself in that vulnerable position. I've realized though, that I would rather try than continue on as I have. Even if it's hard, even if it hurts, and even if it means messing up more times than I get it right.

I went to your house that night after I went back to see Sal. After I saw his Mother and accepted the pendant that would allow me to be around him unharmed. You asked me to text you but my phone died before I could. I was just going to knock when I heard the sounds of sex, not one woman but two. I froze. I don't care what you do or who with, but I was hurt. I don't know if I had a right to be, but I was hurt that you chose to do that. I was worried that was the way you chose to handle your pain and anger. It reminded me of things...things I don't want to remember. I have no right to judge you. Especially when I was the cause of your frustration. But I do care, Cane. And I'd like to try and be someone that you could trust to talk to... if you need it. If you want. If you can forgive me.

I didn't want you to care about me. And now I'd do anything to have that back from you. Even if it means you bossing me around. Bossy Bastard.

So I ask you once more. Please don't give up on me.

I've been a bitch. I'm sorry.

-The so damn stubborn girl

P.S. Please don't ever call me stupid again.

P.S.S. I really miss your stories. I can't sleep.