Topic: Letters to My Guys


Date: 2016-02-22 05:17 EST
January 28, 2016

Some people don?t handle the winter well. It?s a time of depression and loneliness. The holidays are a peak time for people to commit suicide. Why is it that I find myself feeling the most alive during these cold and gray months? I had a conversation with Ketch recently, just before you guys left for Spain. We talked about a lot of things, surface things, safe things. We talked a little about the deeper things. He gave me secrets and I locked them away. I don?t know when I?ll ever get them again from him. One thing we talked about was December. He and I met in the month of December, it was just before the orphan christmas party last year. I remember everything about the night we met. I remember watching him walk in and I remember thinking, I have to talk to him. I have to see this guy smile. Somehow I think I knew even then that he would be my undoing.

I remember I was there alone without you guys, just two weeks prior we had gone to that night club, that awful night. I?m sure you guys don?t even think about it. Hell, you probably don?t remember the details of what happened. I remember them all. I remember the days after. I remember the talk at Kaos. I remember thinking that from that moment on I was going to have to be on my own. I had lost the two most important people in my life. (or so I thought) And so the night I met Ketch was a night I had been determined to go out on my own and really give coming out of my shell a shot. I was bold and strong and witty. I was everything I had ever wanted to be that night and in the coming weeks, through most of January even. That was the me he fell for. I just couldn?t hold on to her. It wasn?t until the end of winter and the beginning of spring that I began to lose myself. Right when I am supposed to be peaking, I began to wither and die. Your Snowdrop, your Campanilla. The sprout of springtime in winter. I am supposed to grow where others will not. I am supposed to thrive.

And here I am, wilting again.

This past December had some gloomy moments but I survived them all. I survived Shifra. I made it out alive and it was like this new beginning. Only, I had to relearn so much. I am still learning so much about who I am now that she is not a part of me. I had just begun to feel like I had my shit together. I loved myself, I really did. I was finally over the break up with Ketch. Things were going so well. We had our amazing IFL season.

Once Shifra was gone, so were many parts of me. Parts of her? I didn?t realize how deeply we were intertwined. I think that while she caused me so many problems, she also was sort of my coping mechanism. With her gone, so many things hit me again and it was like experiencing them for the first time. Feelings resurfaced, hopes, fears, love, hurt, so much and I wasn?t prepared for that. I went into survival mode and just processed it all as quickly as I could and put on December me and was determined to keep going, to live this new life. I found that strength that I had last year when I was prepared to step out on my own.

God she?s beautiful. She?s your brave girl Sal, the bravest girl you?ve ever known. She came back. I want to cling to her so badly but I feel her slipping through my fingertips.

I am mad that you're not here. I want you to be here. I need you to be here to tell me it's all going to be okay. To stand in your kitchen with me at two am and hug me so tightly I can't breath while you pet my hair and murmur comforting words in my ear. I need to hear you tell me to be brave. To tell me that I am brave, the bravest. I need your advice. I just need you. I haven't needed you this badly in so long. I need you to anchor me. To remind me how to breathe.

He undid me again. He came over just to catch up, to bring me tacos and my favorite latte. He had been meaning to since he found out about Shifra being removed, when my elbow was broken. The night that was just a few days before you left. I had stopped, I swear I had stopped looking at him like that. We?re friends. And then there he was again. And there I was. December me.

I?m ashamed to admit that I wanted to kiss him as we both sprawled comfortably in my living room. December me wanted to. She made me want to show him what he is missing, how bold and fearless I am, how much I?ve grown and changed. To remind him that the girl he fell for was still here. But I couldn?t. I couldn?t take that risk of losing what we have. I couldn?t take the risk that he has someone waiting on him, someone new who loves him, someone that he loves. And so we talked, we talked like we hadn?t in so long and I think some of the tears in my heart began to open again because when they opened, I felt that lingering feeling of hope numbing the pain.

What if?

In the days after that, it was like I was on a high. December me was in full force and determined.

And it was during those days that I met him.

I met Josiah.


Date: 2016-02-22 10:36 EST
February 3, 2016

I know. I know. Who the fuck is Josiah?! Victim number 2 of December me. The fly to my trap. That?s who. I think he?s falling for her too. We spoke briefly a few times, introductions really, but then one night we actually got to talking and it was nice. It was more than nice. My words came easily, I was so witty and carefree, I felt at ease with him and alive. I felt an excitement that I had not felt in some time. Even someone else commented on not having seen me so confident before. But there was that lingering hope for someone else, that one last damn ember that refuses to die out. I could feel myself enjoying the conversations with Josiah, but I was afraid because I knew I wasn?t free from the resurfaced feelings I was facing. I couldn?t drag this poor unsuspecting guy into my mess.

God I wish you guys were here. I need to hear you call me Campanilla. I need to curl up against you and just?be. You?re so quiet. So still.

I went on a date with Josiah. I asked him to dinner actually. I needed to do this, to prove to myself that I am capable of moving on, to test my bravery. And, I really like him.

We had a date, it was a wonderful first date. Something right out of the movies. Cane would appreciate that more I suspect, you don?t really like movies, do you?

He showed up at my door on time, he was dressed in his formal attire. He used to work on an airship. Different, hm? He had a flower for me and asked to come in. When we walked to the restaurant he offered me his arm and he was patient as he asked me questions, never prodding or judgmental. When I apologized for talking about myself too much, he replied with, ?You do not talk about yourself too much. That is saying one looks to the stars too much. There is always more to see? more to hear.? He wasn?t annoyed by my incessant chatter.

When we went back to my place after dinner to have coffee, he called me alluring. Me. Awkward me. He looked at me like no one else had before. It scared me. There I was perched on a chair collecting bourbon from the top of my fridge and he caught me completely off guard. ?You do realize how alluring you are, right?? He asked me. No. No I do not know that. I was getting a alcohol to pour into his coffee, I wasn?t doing anything special, and yet he thought I was alluring in that simple task.

I apologized. Can you believe it? Someone offers me a genuine compliment, one of the nicest I have ever received and I panicked. I still don?t know how to react to people being nice to me. To someone showering me with that kind of attention. Sometimes I don?t believe I deserve it.

He asked permission to kiss me that night. That was new too. I am used to more aggressive guys, guys who just go for what they want. And while I have always enjoyed that, it was nice to be asked. It was different and it made me feel special. In that moment, he reminded me of my worth and my right to say yes or no. It was such a small thing but it made me powerful and cared for. It was left at that, just a kiss, a sweet kiss and a caress to my face with the hope of one day having more.

We had been at the Inn a few nights later, a group of us hanging out at the hearth. Josiah sat beside me. Cris was there, Fin, Taneth, Ketch, some others. And I acted so shamefully. Josiah is very attentive but at the same time, he lets me take the lead and follows my cues. He is sensitive to the fact that I am easily overwhelmed and made nervous and so he took things slowly with me, not acting like we are something just because we went on a date. However, just before he left, he gave me one of those little moments. He kissed the corner of my mouth and bid me goodnight.

I froze.

It was such a sweet gesture, I wish you could have seen it and I just sat there. My first thought? Please don?t kiss me in front of Ketch.

In that moment I realized what was holding me back. What has been holding me back. I am scared to really move on. In the last ten months, I have not had one serious relationship, I haven?t even pushed for one. I?ve had a few ?friends,? you?ve met them. You know. This was the first time that there was the prospect of something real. Something that just happened so organically and felt like it could really be something special. And I was ready to sabotage it because I was scared of what he might think. Scared that he?d see me really moving on this time and that would put and end to? everything. It?s not just that though. It means letting go completely of my heartbreak, my pain, everything that has been my near constant companion for ten months. It is time to change. I didn?t realize how comfortable I had become in the misery and how scared I was to put that entire chapter of my life behind me.

I did not handle it well.

I shut down. I even forgot about a dinner date I had planned with Josiah. You know how unlike me that is. I don?t forget things like that. I don?t let people down that way. He showed up and I was just? it was bad.

I was unprepared for him. I think this is a reoccurring theme with him. He is there and I am constantly surprised by it.

The scared part of me wanted him to go. I could use this opportunity to push him away, I could end this before it really began. No fears of change. Nothing new.

And so I told him. I told him exactly why I had not kissed him back. I told him everything I had been feeling, what had kept me up the entire night, and what had me so scattered and scared.

His reply? He apologized for putting me in that position emotionally, for kissing me publicly like that. He told me it wasn?t selfish of me to have hope or to be scared of change. He offered to step back and give me time to see if a reconciliation with someone else was possible. He said he appreciated my honesty. I wasn?t a girl who played games and made him guess at what was bothering me, instead I was raw and unfiltered. He can deal with that over the mind games that others play.

Where the hell did he come from?! I asked him that. And it hit me.

He was capable of giving me the things I had found lacking in other relationships and I told him. I told him then that there was no hope of a reconciliation. It?s something I have known but not a reality I was willing to face.

Until then.


Date: 2016-02-22 18:00 EST
February 9, 2016

I write these letters that I will never give to you or Sal and so in them I can pretend that I have and that Sal has shared with you the words I wrote to him.

In these pages I can take a moment to thank you.

I can tell you that you set the precedent for how I want to be treated.

I think I know that you have regrets. Maybe regrets isn?t the right word, but maybe you think that you should not have been my first. Maybe you should not have been anything at all.

Please know I will never regret that experience. I will never regret how perfect that night was or the things that you taught me that I?ve only just begun to understand.

You taught me about consent, you taught me how to feel like a confident woman, you taught me how to act on something I want, you taught me that I am worth exploration and attention, you taught me that I can handle intimacy, you taught me that there was nothing wrong for the things I desired. You did not judge me. You did not push me away. You just helped me to discover myself in one of the most beautiful ways.

These are lessons that I did not realize would be so important until now.

You see, I have spent a great deal of time disbelieving my self-worth, because of this, I have shied away from asking for some of the things that I want and from speaking up. I know me? Have trouble speaking up. It?s true.

I have been fortunate enough to have dealings with mostly good guys, please don?t think that any of them have treated me badly. They haven?t. It?s just that, things haven?t always gone the way that I needed them to in order to grow and thrive. I thought I liked how things were, how my relationships worked, how my version of intimacy worked. Instead of coming out and directly saying ?this is what I need.? I would compromise or push those things aside thinking they were unimportant. I would create issues out of nothing and focus on those rather than the core problems. I asked only for what I thought I was deserving of, which was not always good.

It wasn?t until a few nights ago with Josiah that I understood the lesson you taught me, perhaps without even knowing you did. He reminded me of those things.

You see, going slow is new for me. It is not something I?ve done. Ever since you, I jumped in head first. This time, I had someone who was in no rush either and yet, he took the time to please me in ways other men tend to be reluctant to do. He took the time to make it known that I was desirable and he did want me. He made sure I understood that his desire to go slow had everything to do with the value he has placed on me and did not want me to doubt myself. He explained that he found satisfaction in seeing me smile and in waking up to me well rested. And that was enough.

I was enough.

Giving up control is hard for me, I overthink things in excessive ways to try and control everything around me. Lately I have been feeling so out of control, so confused and overwhelmed. I felt like I was beginning to lose myself. And then he gave control back to me in doses I could manage and I started to find me again.

We went to the opening of the casino. It was lovely. It is a bit loud there, but I managed. Josiah kept me close and we kept to the less populated areas. We ended up spending a night together on the ship and that night reminded me so much of my night with you. He made his intentions known before we were in the heat of the moment, he gave me plenty of time to think on what he wanted to do. Time to think on what I wanted to do and he gave me a chance to explain to him what I wanted and needed, what I was capable of giving to him, and he amended his intentions where necessary to make sure I felt in control of the situation and not at all coerced or caught up in the rush. He drew a bath for me and washed my hair and we talked. It was perfect.

He gave me everything that you taught me I deserve.

I wasn?t ready for that.


Date: 2016-03-07 18:11 EST
February 13, 2016

Knowing something and implementing what you know are two very different things. Knowing what you deserve and truly believing in it are also two different things.

I know I deserve good things but then when I get them, I push them away. Not letting anyone in to begin with is just easier than the messes that follow. It?s not good, it?s not better, it?s just easier. It?s lonely, but easy.

Do you ever get tired of fighting?

I do.

Josiah wouldn?t let me push him away, even during this getting to know phase, he would not let me push him away. I tried dammit. I tried everything I knew. I tried shocking him, I tried being wishy washy, I tried being mouthy, the man is apparently a glutton for punishment because he will not accept that I will hurt him. I am not good at relationships, human interactions, breathing? there is a list, just think of something and it should probably be on that list. I tried to tell him because that is the right thing to do, he is such a good guy. He?s a white picket fence and playing baseball in the yard with kids kind of guy. I?m not that person, Cane. I will never be that person. I don?t want to be that person. I am twenty! I?m not ready for any of that and even when I am, it?s not something I have ever wanted.

More than me hurting him, what if he hurts me? People say they won?t. I don?t think anyone goes into a relationship thinking ?I can?t wait to fuck this one up.? But it happens. I don?t want to go through it again. I feel selfish for even allowing it to get this far, he wants more than I can give him. More than I want to give. At the same time, I do deserve more than being alone. More than random hookups. I know I do.

How do I reconcile these two halves of myself? The part that is terrified of being hurt and wants no one close and the part of me that needs to love and to be loved.

How did you ever find the strength to move on after Jeremy died? I know it?s not the same as him choosing to leave you, but you loved him and then he was gone.

Without Shifra, my head is so much clearer, my days are brighter, I am happier. I just still don?t know who I am. What if I am all of the things I disliked about me when she was a part of me? What if it was always me and not her? I can?t let him see and go through the things I put Ketch through. There are still nights I lay awake horrified over the things I said, the things I did, the demands I made. We were not perfect, it probably would have never worked either way, but it?s still hard to let go of all the things I said. The things I wish I could take back. Would it have made a difference? I know that answer, but it?s hard to accept it. It?s hard to accept that you can love someone and they can love you, but it isn?t enough. You are not the one.

What if I am never anyone?s ?one? ? Or, at least a someone.

I can hear your voice now in my head. If you were here you?d hug me and kiss the top of my head and probably say something like ?Oh Cher, yous young. It?s gonna happen fo?ya.? Or maybe you?d say something else, maybe you?d tell me a story like you used to and tell me how it gets better or sometimes that it doesn?t get better but it get bearable. Maybe you?d distract me by playing a song or we?d sing together. Maybe you?d tell me that I can?t be a ?one? if I don?t try.

Can I tell you a secret?

Of course I can, I always have been able to give them to you for safekeeping.

I do like him.

I know I?ve brought guys around before and I?ve said I like them, but this is different.

Aren?t they all?

No, really, this one is different.

This one isn?t about the physical. This one is about a connection. Not a sudden spark that burns bright and quickly fizzles. This one is like one of those fires started with a rock and two little twigs. The kind that you have to softly blow on and gently add dry grass to, the kind you have to nurture to grow.

It?s the kind of something that happens so gradually, that you?re already in it and you didn?t even know it. The kind where you look back you don?t quite recall a definite moment that it started. It just is and suddenly you are.

He is patient and he is kind and he nurtures me like that little fire.

I am burning brighter.

Now to believe that I deserve it.


Date: 2016-03-17 13:09 EST
February 22, 2016


I was reading over my last letter to you and it?s like HELLO. Lightbulb! Ding ding. Hammer to the head, hey Sabine!

I don?t love him. I?m not still in love with him. I didn?t want to kiss him, not really.

I love the idea of still being in love.

I love the pain, the misery, the hurt because it?s what I know. It is what has become comfortable and normal. And if there is anything I hate, it?s change. I hate change. Without those complicated feelings, what else is there? Nothing. There is nothing left. Those feelings were the last desperate attempts at not letting go, at not having to truly change, of having to face the discomfort of letting go of what I thought I knew and wanted. Those things were anchoring me to a ship that had sailed and I was drowning in it?s wake.

Holy shit.

Are we all so fucking stupid about love? I mean is this like the entry level training course for life?


I wasn?t holding on to a person, I was holding on to feelings. Feelings that didn?t even really exist. Fears more so. I was holding on to fears and hurt.

Letting go isn?t easy because I feel like a failure. I don?t like losing, I don?t like giving up, and those are two things that I am having to deal with. It?s not even about losing him, it hasn?t been about that in a very long time. So much of it just has been about me. About me being ready to admit that it didn?t work and no matter how much I revisit it and cut it open and explore it, it isn?t going to change the ending. And that ending was the right ending. Like I told Cane, two people can love one another, but that isn?t always enough to make it work.

I will always love him, but that love has changed.

His ex is here, maybe. At least last I heard, it was believed to be her. I?m happy for him. He needed answers. Fuck I don?t know, closure. I hope he gets it. I hope he?s smart about it because I?m like 99% sure she?s insane. Not like my kind of insane, the adorable sort (ha!) but like the really fucking psycho, like shave off one of your eyebrows while you?re sleeping so you have to go through the horror of shaving off the other one yourself when you wake up and see. I just want him to be safe and happy. I don?t think we can want much more than that for the people we love. I hope he knows what he is doing.

I sort of feel that maybe pieces of him were hidden within her or there were pieces reserved for the possibility of him finding her again, not even to be with her again, but just unresolved things. Maybe that isn?t true, maybe it?s not fair to guess at things I do not know. It does make me realize though, how much more that I need to let go, if I am to really try with Josiah. How can I move forward if I am looking back? I can?t leave my pieces with him, thinking I can be put together by the same person who broke me. I have changed and those pieces won?t fit anyway, not anymore. I?m not the same person I was a year ago, not even a few months ago.

I am her Sal. I am December me. I am her and she is me. There are still days when I overthink, nights when I spend more time awake crying than I do sleeping, days when the world is just too much and I need to hide away. But I am also fucking fierce. I am witty and silly and have these bursts of over the top confidence. I am awkward and sometimes I am selfish. I am also giving and I am loyal. I don?t have to be one or the other. I can be all of these different parts and that?s fine. I used to think that I had to hide away parts of myself or tailor myself in order to fit.

I look back at how you came into my life, the way you accepted me just as I was and through all of my changes and my growth. You never required anything of me but for me to be me. And that?s how it should be. I will never be soft and delicate, I will not always be brave and unaffected, but I can be okay with knowing I am a little off center and that I am multifaceted. I can accept that there is no telling what you may get with me. And that?s okay. I don?t have to fit a mold, I just have to be honest with who I am. Maybe it?s okay to admit I don?t know exactly who that is and there isn?t some ideal, I just am.

The more I try to find who I am, the more I realized that we are all works in progress and we are all constantly changing. Some more than others and all at different paces, but when we die? We all die unfinished works. So what is the point of trying to become a masterpiece anyway?

So maybe I don?t need to be defined by a career, a talent, clothes, anything. I just have to do the things that matter to me and enjoy the shit out of whatever comes my way. I said I wanted him to be happy, that when you love someone, that?s what you want for them. Well, what about yourself? How often do we stop and think about what is making us happy? I didn?t and maybe that?s because for a long time I did not love myself. That has changed though and with that I know now that it isn?t selfish to want to be happy and it isn?t selfish to go for the things that can contribute to that or to cut out the things or people who can do nothing for you. It?s my unfinished piece, I can alter it any time I fucking want to. After all, we?re a pack, and if it?s one thing you have taught me it?s that we are lions and we don?t listen to the opinions of sheep.

And so, for the first time, maybe ever? I am just comfortable and happy. Content. But that is hard to get used to as well.

I have become so used to having drama in my life that I don?t know how to react when things are just calm, when things are going right. I was raised around constant drama and turmoil that it feels so normal, as much anxiety as it causes me, it was the only thing I knew. Without it, things didn?t feel right, I didn?t know how to be content. I still don?t know how to be content, it almost feels? boring.

Do you worry about getting bored?

How do two people fall in love and stay in love forever and it never gets boring? I see people like Mason and Eva, married people, and although they are a rarity in Rhydin, they seem genuinely happy. There are people like you with your multiple lovers and complex relationships and you always make it work, even when it takes a lot of effort. Does it ever feel stagnant or boring? I?m scared of that.

I used to think I had to be with someone who could teach me all sorts of things and that if they couldn?t teach me something, then things might get boring. For instance Ketch could teach me about the world, people, cars. Jacob could teach me fun things like skateboarding and driving. I never stopped to consider what I had to offer someone. What I could teach someone. How can I make someone better. I never considered that I might have someone who even viewed me as someone who could teach them something or would want that.

That is something I have thought about with Josiah. There is so much that he can teach me, but there are things I can teach him and bring to the table too. And he appreciates me teaching him things. It makes me feel important and like I am not lacking in what I can give him. I?m not just taking anymore? and I know I take a lot. I know it takes a lot of mental and emotional effort to be with someone like me. It?s nice to feel that I am worthy, not because he tells me so (and he does) but because I know I am and I can do things that make me feel like I am not just taking but giving back and putting forth real effort. It?s nice to feel like I am on equal footing and to have my fears soothed not by his words that he gives me, the ones that tell me he wants to be with me, but soothed by the fact that I know I am worth this. I deserve this.

As much as I wanted to give you and Cane these letters, I am keeping them. I am keeping them, especially this one because I know there will be times I forget what I am and I will read this as a reminder. I will know that I am a work in progress, ever changing, sometimes ugly, sometimes beautiful, undefined, and not confined by ideals of what others think I should be. And it?s okay.

I am your Campanilla and there is so much strength in finally understanding what that really means.