Topic: October OOC Funsies


Date: 2017-10-12 14:17 EST
All Hallows Write

So I watched this video by Jenna Moreci, a youtube writer I absolutely adore: ALL HALLOWS WRITE - Halloween Writing Tag.

Thought it would be fun to throw up here for anyone possibly entertaining doing NaNoWriMo this year, to get the creative juices flowing, but also I think it could apply to our RP characters and their stories here on Dragon's Mark and that could be fun too.

C&P'd from Sam Kass?'s blog ( ):

The Rules:

#1 ? Provide a BRIEF description of your novel before starting.
#2 ? Don?t use the same character for more than 3 answers.

The Questions:

1. It?s Halloween night! What is your protagonist dressed up as?
2. Who in your cast refuses to dress up and shows up at the Halloween party without a costume?
3. Which character wears the most outrageous costume, and what would it be?
4. On Halloween, werewolves, vampires, and zombies are on the prowl. Which of your characters gets caught in their clutches, and which creature do they subsequently turn into?
5. Who wins the contest for best costume?
6. Who hands out toothbrushes to the trick and treaters?
7. Which two of your characters decide to pair up and do an angel/devil costume together?
8. Someone is too scared to even attend the Halloween party. Who is it?
9. Who overdoses on Halloween candy and ends up sick?
10. Which character is most likely to place a curse/hex on someone and who would they curse?

Feel free to reply to this thread with whatever you come up with. Don't be shy. All in good fun.


Date: 2017-10-24 23:17 EST
All right, fine. Since nobody else is jumping in on this, allow me to be the first. Disclaimer: I may pick on your character a little bit, because I love you and adore your character(s) too. We all know this story. It?s basically ?Sal?s Rhydin Life.?

1. It?s Halloween night! What is your protagonist dressed up as? See #2

2. Who in your cast refuses to dress up and shows up at the Halloween party without a costume?

Of course Sal is not wearing a costume. He doesn?t know how to fun. He only showed up because Cane promised him head. The Cajun did not specify when and hinted that it could happen even at any time during the party, and so that?s the only reason Sal is there. Waiting.

3. Which character wears the most outrageous costume, and what would it be?

We all know this is Dris. He dressed up as a burlesque dancer, complete with stick on pasty tassels, a shiny thong, sequined high heels, and a feather boa. He complains about the discomfort of his tuck all night long.

4. On Halloween, werewolves, vampires, and zombies are on the prowl. Which of your characters gets caught in their clutches, and which creature do they subsequently turn into?

Sabine. She gets caught in the clutches of all of them and becomes an even more badass multiple zombie/werewolf/vampire/ninja/witch hybrid.

5. Who wins the contest for best costume?

Aoife. She put the most work into her costume, incorporating live plants still attached to their roots in the construction of her Poison Ivy costume. She used non toxic hair dye made from a fruit blend to get that perfect red color for her hair, and she smells nice too.

6. Who hands out toothbrushes to the trick and treaters?

Skid. He?s daring the little bastards to retaliate, but also telling them that the best way to ensure they have the most strong and lethal bite is by incorporating good dental hygiene. Can?t effectively wound and infect your enemies without good brushing habits!

7. Which two of your characters decide to pair up and do an angel/devil costume together?

Cane and Sin. Though it?s an argument about who gets to be the angel and who the devil, so they wind up mixing and matching the sets together into the most stylish angel-devil hybrid duo that Rhydin has ever seen.

8. Someone is too scared to even attend the Halloween party. Who is it?

Mesteno. Rumor has it he?s allergic to socializing and having a good time.

9. Who overdoses on Halloween candy and ends up sick?

Rekah, of course. After throwing up and a short recovery period, she goes right back go binge eating all the candy in sight, and repeats this process all night long, until there is no more candy.

10. Which character is most likely to place a curse/hex on someone and who would they curse?

Cassandra. Most likely she cursed Sin because he dared grope her butt in passing. And by curse I mean she shanked him. He deserved it and would later confess that it was worth it.