Topic: Fuzzy Webs


Date: 2007-09-27 03:22 EST
Chinks of glasses being collected by those who worked with furious dedicated behind the bar floated across the gathered heads of the crowd. They swirled about the swish of ladies skirts, twirled amidst the quickly combed locks of hopeful men and scurried through the window toward the drow perched like gargoyle upon the porch.

Head tilted and pensive after her meeting with Lid-ee-ya, the green-haired half elven female, Suliss?urn had cocked an ear toward the window to catch the sounds of life within. And hopefully, the tail end of the conversation as certain large, fuzzy, flabby Minotaur had been having with a human female.

Alas, the humans had made much noise and the darkling had been unable to fathom what words had been exchanged.

Turning her head so that it was turned fully upon the window, slanted yellow eyes zeroed in upon the bull and stayed, slender white arch of brows very nearly dropped in an expression of thought before they cleared to the usual diamantine mask. If not for the subtle curl of a too satisfied smirk touching one corner of her mouth, one could barely tell she seemed pleased.

In fluid motion, the drow raised naked hand near her mouth, turned it so that the palm cupped nothing but air and brought it to her lips which were already moving in the harsh, guttural calling of dark-elven magic. Perhaps the pull of her spell crept across the Inn itself and tickled at the ears and minds of those who could feel it, perhaps not. Quickening her words as to build them to some great musical crescendo, when she stopped the last words echoed like a bell. In the span of such a sound, the drow puckered lips and blew across her palm.

From the silvery skin of hand she let-fly a creation that appeared to her as strings of light, as if woven from the tiniest most delicate spider. It passed through the window with nary a hiccup, bobbed over the heads of several patrons and then barreled itself in hurried manner toward the back of a red-brown, furry head.

There was a crucial full moments where she was not sure if it would take, even with the inclusion of the Minotaur?s single hair. She leaned forward on the porch like anxious hound, awaiting fight or flight, for should it backfire, surely someone would be able to ---Ah. Ah! The drow?s teeth were shown in pleased smile.

The webbing had laid to rest within the red earth shade of thick fur and sunk far to disappear as the Minotaur reached up to idly swat at the spot it vanished.

Good, she thought. Good.

And the drow?s smile grew wider.