Topic: Invasion of the Tasty Snacks ((OOC Notes))

A Fox Mask

Date: 2008-10-23 13:34 EST
What happens when a mad Gnome scientist passes from the realm of Rhydin (and stays dead), leaving behind thousands and thousands of animated?Jello men?

Good question. Here?s where you get to answer it. :D

Granalthrasargogglebanger was a good gnome; if anyone could call a short rambling child-sized ball of hyperactivity with access to dynamite good. He had a dream you see, a dream and a purpose. He wanted to create life, and not in the old fashioned sense...

Surprisingly, something went wrong when his adoptive daughter?s dessert tumbled into the Cosmic Giant Thingamobob Awesome Machine. And thus came to pass, the birthing of the first Jello-man, (actual humanoid man-sized jello) and he was strawberry. Not one, not two, not even three or four, but hundreds poured out of poor Granalthrasargogglebanger?s Awesome Machine and it wasn?t too long before the gnome stopped being facinated by his edible army and began to feel the pangs of fear. Granalthrasargogglebanger eventually shut down the machine but not in time to prevent thousands of wobbly, jiggly jello men from forming.

Granalthrasargogglebanger, having reached a great age for a short stumpy dynamite loving midget, finally kicked the bucket?forgive the pun?leaving the denizens of Rhydin to clean up the sticky, jiggly mess of animated Jello.

Time is ticking, however. The ellusive Jello General (who happened to be the only Blue Raspberry flavored Jello) has gotten word that below the inn rests a copy of Granalthrasargogglebanger?s first attempt at building a Cosmic Giant Thingamabob Awesome Machine and the General tends to find it, start it up, and make more Jello men to eventually overtake Rhydin and rule in total sugar filled domination. Mass wobbly men and women shaped sentient Jello have begun flooding Rhydin streets, Inns, business and homes in an attempt to crush the humans in their rubbery-like fingers.

Someone needs to stop these evil jigglers and destroy Granalthrasargogglebanger?s Awesome Machine!

How do I play along?
Anyone should be able to join in this story line should they wish to, be it stories written within Dragon?s Tales, personal forums, or one of the many chat rooms available via Flash Chat. Perhaps the jello men are spilling over from Rhydin into other realms connected? Perhaps they?re stuck to a character?s window in the hot sunlight? Maybe a character catches their children chasing after moving Jello? There really isn?t any limit in what you can do here!

What if I don?t want my character to play along/be involved?
Then by all means, you don?t have to if you don?t want to!

What can?t I do?
While I know it?s easy to get excited and want to get a head by just a little bit, there are some things I am going to have to ask players respect to ensure that we can all play this out as fairly as possible!

Please do not:
*Find the machine, know how to find the machine, kill all the jello men or skip ahead of the plot. I?m doin? my best to give everyone the chance to get in on this, so by not doing this you?re helping me, help everyone else have an enjoyable SL!
*Have your character mysteriously know all of this information OOC. I?m sorry if this steps on any character concepts or player toes, but I would very much like any OOC information remain just that, OOC. You know the plot but your character should not.
*As Jewell did in her magnificent SL with Perchance to Dream, with her permission, I will be following the same format by posting each important SL twist, advance and help set the pace using Playables, so please try and follow along with it via Playables. For instance, try not to write that a treasure map leading to mysterious jello treasure has been found, when no playable has been posted to that effect.

Alright. What CAN I do?
You can manipulate NPC jello men into your character?s daily lives any way you see fit during the invasion within forum threads and in the chat room if you see the jello men and women being played.

In fact, you are encouraged to have your character "NPC" jello men within the flash chat should you see them being played by DangerousJello. There is no limit and no permission needed as to what your character can do TO the Jello, in forums or in the chat. Your character?s reaction, home fortifications against the jigglers, their thoughts and feelings trying to get to work through a crowd of wobbly men and women?be creative and have fun anyway you want!

When played in the rooms, your characters are encouraged to do as they see fit :)

How long will this SL run?
Since this is a fun one, I'm going to be running main plot points via playables and room from now until Halloween(that's October 23rd to the 31st)--of course, since threads and forum posting tend to run a little different as well as slower, you can post stories dealing with the Halloween invasion of Jello until the end of November. :)

I still have questions or comments?
You can contact me anytime by PM here at the RDI or at AOL, at Please don?t hesitate if you need anything!

Where can I read all the threads involving this SL?
If you would like to share your characters posts regarding the Jello invasion or read tales mentioning the jello invasion, you can visit this post here: Invasion of the Tasty Snacks - Threads to share your stories!

Invasion of the Tasty Snacks Playables:
Sticky Situations(2)
The First (Jiggly) Wave (3)
So these Jello guys walk into a bar (4)
Cry Havoc, and let slip the dogs of...Jello? (5)
Basement Running (6)

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to reading your characters sugary adventures! :D

A Fox Mask

Date: 2008-10-30 15:47 EST
First, a very big thank you to all of you who have played with the jello, interracted with this SL.

Without you it wouldn't have been half as smashingly awesome, so thank you very much!

Second, the final part of this SL will be played within the room tomorrow evening. The event will start around 7:30-8:00 pm Eastern Time, and will last until the completion of the event.

Summary of event for Friday Night (October 31st, 2008):
What's going to happen is that several brave souls, hopefully including those who have the map and the key (If we don't have anyone who has the key, a character skilled in lock picking or smashin' stuff will do :p), will begin a short adventurous trek down to the Red Dragon Inn's basement. Within, these brave souls will traverse the gnomish protections in the tunnels to finally find the Cosmic Giant Thingamobob Awesome Machine Version + Righteous!, built originally by Granalthrasargogglebanger. The goal will be to get to the machine and destroy it before the Jello men can reach it and replicate more of themselves, thus saving Rhydin from a sticky doom.

Who can play that night?
Absolutely anyone that shows up and wants to play, silly! Just come, bring a sense of humor and fun. :)

What if I can't make it on time?
I know I picked a generally bad holiday :p Halloween and the kids and the neighbors kids--if you can't make it on time? Don't sweat it, jump on in whenever you get there. If you miss it entirely, don't worry. I'll be thinking of other ways to tor--err--entertain people later on.

What's in it for me?
The excellent feeling of being part of the community of course, getting to play with some people you might not have had the chance to play with before, having your character be the hero, of course, and saving Rhydin from certain doom!

Oh, and you get this sweet, sweet trophy:

Further note:
I'd appreciate it people tried not to skip ahead too far. I know that there are a lot of characters out there with special abilities and I hate to rope ya in, but to make it an even playing field, I'd like everyone to get a chance to take a wack at--or at least get to the at the same time. So please try to not rush ahead during the event! Thanks!

ANY questions or comments:
Please feel free to contact me here via PM, AIM/AOL via A Fox Mask, or send me an e-mail at :)

A Fox Mask

Date: 2008-10-31 22:18 EST

Ehzoterik & Tharivol Vaedaes were the heroes of Halloween evening.

Ehzoterik & Tharivol Vaedaes figured the first puzzle out, revealing the hidden door in the basement guarded by a gnome. Ehz knocked, "Shave and a Hair cut," into the rock.

Both survived the next tunnel, which revealed a giant jello boulder.

Tharivol Vaedaes solved the prism rooms puzzle. A large table in a room full of gently lit prisms which through rainbows around the room. The table was tiled, missing seven tiles. Tharivol Vaedaes put seven tiles in the order of the rainbow to reveal the last and final tunnel.

In the last tunnel which lead to the great machine held a jello-spike trap triggered by Ehz' kick to a pebble switch. Lucky for her, Tharivol Vaedaes cast a levitation spell and the two were saved. Sadly, the Blue Jello general and the last of his armies fell to their horrible demise to the tiny kitten, Face Eater, destroyer of worlds.

Settled back down to earth, Ehz found the DO NOT TOUCH button, which inevitably ended up with the machine's self descrtuction, thus, saving Rhydin from Jello doom!

All hail our heroes!

Thank you two, and thank you to everyone who participated both in room and on the boards. It was a blast and an honor running my first site-wide story line with all of you.

Don't forget--if you were too late to join in the room, you can still write your characters experiences and fun!

A Fox Mask

Date: 2008-11-07 19:58 EST
I've had the chance to hand out the little inventory gift to those of you whom I was able to grab names from the logs of the event.

You should see this in your inventory now!

If you participated in the Jello Invasion, be it role played with the Jello-men, role played along side them or even acknowledged them and did not receive an lil' inventory gift--please don't hesitate to send me a PM, IM, or e-mail!

The logs hiccuped in some places, eating screen names, so I tried to send one to everyone I could remember that participated and helped. If I missed you I am truly sorry and send me a hollar so I can fix it! :)