Topic: Operation Clean Sweep: Official Press Release (SL on Hold!)

A Fox Mask

Date: 2009-02-01 06:27 EST
On a small podium within the market place a gaggle of very important Gnome businessmen are gathered. Dressed to the nines in miniature pin stripe suits, fine gear driven pocket watches with up swept mustache and well slicked back hair it was almost difficult to tell the difference between the gnome businessmen and the gnome lawyers.

The lawyers were actually the gnomes which looked a bit more frazzled and overworked, a silk tie here and there crooked, a set of brass of leather goggles askew. Busy last few months.

There's a security team surrounding the raised on beer-kegs platform. Green skinned orc with chests best left described like the barrels under the wooden palette, scar marked. All of them were paid well to frown and look mean--scarred and pitted. As a small red headed gnome with balding pate and ridiculously loud blue suit walked across the stage, the orc security force tightens ranks, a small busty gnome lass in wenches blouse crosses with a homemade written sign while throwing out a dazzling smile. The sign read: APPLUAZE PLZ.

By the time she'd crossed and put down her sign, there might have been a smattering of confused applause from those unsure of spelling, a bit more from those gathering unsure of what in blazes was going on, and a few enthusiastic children who were excited about all the colors.

The bright blue suited gnome disappeared behind a podium. As he did so, a small trap door opened and metal whirly gigs, long metal arms and claws holding microphones, speaker phones, parchments and papers, and even for some reason--a kloohorn--burst from the GGGS crest on the front of podium. All ready to take down the bright blue suited gnome's words.

It would have worked out well, had it not been for the fact someone had forgotten the gnomes step up.

A moment of awkward silence as a large Orc working security on the stand leans down to pick up the male gnome like a child, holding him outward by the arm pits and up to the mic. The orc really doesn't look anymore impressed than the gnome. However, the gnome trudges on, removing a pair of clockwork decorated spectacles.

"Greetings, fellow citizens and illustrious personage of our wonderful and glorious realm, Rhydin," he declared enthusiastically into a round of mic feed back and smattering applause.

"It is I, Sporklefroggit, President and C.E.O of the GigglebringerGnomin school." Several members of the audience are already throwing suspicious glances at the podium and a few polite smiles have frozen in a horrified, oh god...not again...sort of way.

"In our never ending efforts to bridge the gap between gnomekind, humankind, humanoidkind, tentacle and sometimes stew, we here at GigglebringerGnomin school wish to yet again, extend our more heartfelt and sincere apologies over what happened this Holiday season.

To further show our goodwill and well meaning to the citizenship of Rhydin, GigglebringerGnomin school would like to present to you--The Sparklewhorlfizzeep 9000!" The gnome threw back a hand, and via the magic of a very unhappy looking troll in an ill fitting, too tight suit, a blanket covered easel was presented on stage.

The easel was pulled off to reveal a poster showing two models of apparent robot; one with a very 1940's feel and much taller than a second, more sleek model that appears to be a third of the larger size, and made in two shapes--vaguely feline shaped and vaguely oval shape. Both of these smaller models, via illustration, appear to be covered with a tarp of some sort to simulate being a cat and or rat.

"The streets of Rhydin have long been abused by us; or dirt, newspaper, refuse and occasionally children have long been lost in the gutters and never ending maze of alleyways." --Wait, did he say children?--"Well no more! Citizens, I give you Operation: Clean Sweep, via the Sparklewhorlfizzeep 9000. It sweeps, it scrubs, it trash compacts and it cleans away dirt like no one's business! Starting today: A newer, cleaner, prosperous Rhydin awaits ALL of us!

Consider this a gift! Nay! A glorious offering! GigglebringerGnomin school is looking out for YOU, and we hope that you will enjoy this absolotely free gift from us, to all of you, from the cockles of our heart.

Ifyouhaveanyquestionsorcommentscontactourlawyers," Read fast and quiet into the mic as an add effect as the bright blue suited gnome smiled into a riot of camera flashes (half of them from his very own podium) while the microphones transmitted his message to those who could pick it up--radio, internet, cables, signals, and even a few more magical means of listening. Parchment was scribbled and copied even, to be handed about by very not impressed looking orcs later.

It did not take long however until a slight feeling of unease went through the crowd dispersing. Wasn't this is same school that couldn't stop spewing Hershey kisses that turned the snacker into a carol machine, or the candy canes that grew dwarf beards?

A few may have even murmured to one another about how long it would take for this to go wrong.

Only time will tell.