Topic: The planes shutter, War is looming

The Traveler

Date: 2013-06-14 22:08 EST
It wasn't often something caused the wheels to stop spinning in the outer planes. A moment in history recorded that night when what had supposed to have been locked away for eternity and never to come back. That presence was revealed finally. Roan Vhenguir walked. The planes paused if even for a moment. They knew it now and preparations were being made.

For most were those of chaos already searching. As soon as they knew where he was the attack was on. Creatures of pure chaos were being spawned for this. There masters didn't care if they were strong or weak just that they would work to get the demon lord to stand still long enough for them to attack. Ygrol The second oldest Slaad lord with his use of the spawning stone to change the physical form of the Slaad into the frog-like creatures that they now look from the embodiment of chaos they started as.

Blackened, winged skeletal hulk looking through the swirling mists watching. He could pick it out. It looked more like one of the planes of chaos than anything else. He knew of Rhydin and could get there if he wanted. His head turned letting empty sockets shift to the scythe and finally to Shkiv the great wyrm brass dragon.

His deep voice, more like cracking rocks than anything else seemed to come from all around as jawbone slowly opened and closed not matching the pattern of the words. "He lives. I will not win this fight," He knew as he started his life at the end of all things and lived backwards through existence. "But it seems I am to be the first to attack. Ironic isn't it?"

The great Dragon looked from the nothingness that he chaos currently took the form of to his lord. A single eye blinked before its head turned back to the twisting maelstrom of realities that the chaos was at the moment. Only then did the other blink.

It was an avalanche that erupted, rocks cracking and falling were his laughter, and somewhere within known existence a village was crushed.


Date: 2013-06-14 22:41 EST
The age old killer, this world's murderer had been watching, he had been listening. From deep in the confines of Finis Rie, Azreal, the Last Living Prime, had been listening and watching. He stood, as he so often did, on his podium, casting his eyes across time and space, reality and the unreal.

This time, the feeling couldn't be ignored. Roan had spoken of this, and the Angel's promise had been made. Azreal reached across the planes, his gaze scanning, searching. In the darkest night, the killer's white glare fell on the realms mounting. Details were fuzzy, images were hazy, but there could be no doubt as to the intent.

"Tyreal, should I fall, I consign my soul to the Most High, and I leave my charges to you, brother." The angel spoke the words he'd spoken so many times before, the sacred oath given before the angels went to war.

He stared down, taking a moment to pan across his already dented armor, he let his eyes reach out for the blade he held so loosely. With a slow nod, he turned and glanced up once more. As his wings fanned to life, he felt the village die. Each and every death hit him like thunder on a tree. The light around him grew, his wings twisted behind him. For a moment, he took pause, collecting his thoughts and reaching out once more. The souls of the dead answered his call, the faded remnants of life stepped into the Fade, offering power to the Lord of the Unreal. Finally, his wings moved again, propelling the killer into the night's sky, his glare turned down in search of the Demon Lord he would stand beside of fall in front of.

The Redneck

Date: 2013-06-15 17:38 EST
She'd known that eventually something like this would occur. Quite frankly she'd been more surprised than he'd been that he'd lasted so long without revealing himself. To have gone four months without hearing his name, without touching the power innate to him, and his kind, had to have been something he'd wrestled with from moment to moment.

Knowing that was to have been his eternity had to have been torment.

A shoulder rolled into a shrug, cloud soft cotton rustling with the motion. Oiled leather was inspected, every half inch gone over with a fine toothed comb, a tooth brush, a scrap of cloth and oil. Another war as coming and she'd be damned if she went down because her armor was in disrepair or neglected. The thought gave her a moment's pause, and a few minutes of soft laughter.

More than likely there'd be no few Powers throwing themselves into the coming conflict. Beings most Primes called Gods, with all their might stacked within easy reach. And she was worried about some bits of leather.

She'd gone through her personal, private store of weapons and items once already. Taken careful inventory and made note of those pieces needing repair or recharging. By the end of the day, before the sun dipped its toes behind the mountains in the west, she'd be as physically prepared for the eventual onslaught as she ever was.

Though she was well aware that she couldn't imagine, couldn't begin to imagine the power the enemies had at their beck and call, she didn't doubt that they'd come out on top. Might have their arses handed to them on more than one occasion, probably would wind up tore the hells up on more than one level, but they'd make it through.

She believed that completely. Had to believe that.

The Traveler

Date: 2013-06-16 18:05 EST
And so it began with a plague of frogs. There were of many colors Red, Blue Green, Gray ranging from six foot in height too ten foot.

There in the outskirts of Rhydin the first group appeared in a small village only a handful of red, blue, green and gray, with one death Slaad to control them. He barked orders as they tried to bound out in all directions at people. It only took him to grab one by its throat and rip it out before they settled down and looked back at him. His voice croaking within there own language spitting out orders that seemed to get them excited.

Those orders fell into line with what most of them wanted anyways so they started gating in others. The red gating in one or two of there own kind each so they just about tippled.

The larger blue most brought in there own kind but a few gated in a single green.

The green starting in and bringing in more red, blue and there own green. Some were even able to pull a gray or two through the rifts.

The gray bringing in up too four of there own kind.

And the Death Slaad was bringing in many of each kind every few minutes.

Within ten minutes most had exhausted there ability's to draw more but those that had been drawn in started in summoning others. Some failed but they kept growing. From the original twenty that were sent there were sixty, from the sixty there were two hundred. From the two hundred there were a thousand and finally before the last one was summoned there were close to two thousand Slaad and The Slaad Lord Ygrol upon his great wyrm brass Shkiv.

Like rocks falling down a mountain his voice was everywhere. " Go forth, spread and infect until we are noticed. He will come to answer the challenge."

With those words the slaad screamed and bound away through the village killing those that were weak, Infecting and laying eggs in those that weren't. Within five minutes the entire village was either dead or riddled with eggs to produce more slaad.

The Traveler

Date: 2013-06-17 21:03 EST
A full Day had gone by and The Vhenguir hadn't shown up. Ygrol knew he would he had seen it pay out many different ways. And this was the most ironic. He knew Roan hated anyone claiming to be a hero. So he waited watching the Slaad gate in more.

Roan knew he had known for a little wile but for some reason he was wary. The worry over those that he called friends weighed upon him until he could do nothing more. His voice ringing out in the house hard as steel and sharp as a blade, "Damn it he's going to make me play the hero. Thorn its time to go." With that one hand snapped up ripping his own shadow apart causing it to shift and swirl until it became a writhing maelstrom of chaos and darkness. It would be left open long enough for Thorn to get the general area and with him there a pinpoint exact spot. He stepped through.

Amber eyes looked forward at the village from the rise of a small foothill and all he could do was shake his head. They had multiplied once again and there were closer to eight thousand Slaad. Right hand dropping down grabbing Ophidia by the hilt and drawing her as his mind snapped out grabbing the elemental blade with his mind and letting it float to the left of him.

Now came the hardest part. His mind snapping out over the distance to make contact with those that he knew wanted to assist him aswell as activating the comband on his wrist. It is time to gather. Those were the words that his mind snapped out. His voice used to commanding people Bit hard with disgust as he watched the area surrounding the village, "The first strike has landed if you don't want to join the fray stay back. If not I'm going to need your ass's quickly.

The area surrounding the village shifted. The creatures were everywhere. And something felt so wrong with all of this it hurt to witness. When an area has that much concentration of a certain alignment it could get pulled into the reality of the outer planes.


Date: 2013-06-17 21:23 EST
He had been watching, from above. His wings had beaten, holding the darkness back and giving hope hold. The hidden voice, the words Roan shouted across the gap, hit the angel like a ton of bricks, and for a second, under the awful hood, his expression flared into excitement.

The massive exertion, the Gate that Roan had taken Thorn into, was found with ease, and Azreal replicated it. The scene in front of him was met with a calm, collected laugh. Both wings twisted behind him, both wings became living weapons, beacons of hope and lighthouses in the dark. Lazily, Transcendence began to wave at his side, black fyre dancing along the perfect edge.

"You, my friend, were worried about this?" Arrogant to a fault, the creature built to die simply stared and laughed, long and loud.

The Redneck

Date: 2013-06-17 23:50 EST
She'd hoped for a day or, hells twenty, longer. She'd hoped, but hadn't put much faith in it. Thorn had been leaning against the kitchen counter, absentmindedly stirring the contents of a pot while trying to work through the wording, and pronunciation on the page she'd been plowing through for the last hour.

Wary, and ready, amethyst eyes snapped up to latch onto liquid amber. "Got it." When he went through his Gate, she followed the trace of it while stomping into, and lacing up, knee high boots. With quick, almost brusque hand motions she sent Dae into motion. Got him moving to gather at least basic medical supplies together.

In less time than most would think she was stepping out of Roan's shadow, rolling her shoulders and bouncing on her toes like a prize fighter going for a belt. There was a distasteful wrinkle at the tip of her nose when she came the rest of the way through and took a solid look around.

"Somehow, 'm sure those aren' good eatin'." Slaad, frogs, sort of (but not really) close. Eyes narrowed, pinched at their corners, the smile she most often wore bled into a ghost of itself.

Something felt wrong, terribly wrong, in the region and though she could feel it, she couldn't put a name to it. Couldn't quantify it enough to feel comfortable give voice to the 'offness' she felt. So she waited, the aspect of cheerful, chipper young woman bleeding away into someone ready, even eager, for the coming conflict.

Andu Kirost

Date: 2013-06-18 22:49 EST
::Andu was in the middle of tossing out the last of 4 bales of hay for his horses when the call came in. Even as he finished the throw, he was speaking into his ComBand.:: Gaia, track that Band, and beam me to the armoury. ::A pair of shimmering blue columns form, one around Andu, the other in Gaia's armoury. Both quickly fill with sparkles and just as quickly fades. When they do, Andu is in the armoury.::

Give me an update on that project, Gaia. ::Andu listens to her while he grabs the few additional items he needs. A haversack, a bandolier, and an oversized "Thommy gun". Patting himself he checks on the things he always wears, "just in case".::

::Gaia speaks from a gem on the wall of the Armoury.:: The project is in final stages, thanks to your Little Sister's help. Final testing should be complete with in the hour. I have the location of the ComBand when you are ready.

::Andu nods and grins.:: Good. When it's done, put it in the Rack and let me know. I think I am ready. Prep the Sickbay and transport me to that location.

::Once more the columns of blue light do their thing and Beam Andu from the armoury to a spot near Roan. When he arrives, Andu speaks with a grin.:: Shock troops present and accounted for.

The Traveler

Date: 2013-06-19 01:14 EST
He nodded lightly though those amber eyes never left the village before them. In front of them the air was changing shifting, taking on a slightly tinted look going from the normal translucent to green hued to red and yellow before they started to merge and making all colors swirling. It was jarring on the eyes but they could deal.

Roan was already steeling himself in his mind and the others as they were before he took the first step past where reality changed wile it expanded outwards. The chaos would hit any within like a ton of bricks mentally. What was in there were the elements becoming random one second everything was solid the next they were moving through a liquid landscape before all was frozen in stone and no one could move then the burning fires erupted and that was the reality of the place. Constantly changing and in flux.

He looked back to the others and grinned. This was something he was used too and he spoke the words were garbled, changed languages mid-word and fell silent for part of what he was saying. His mind hand to snap out to the others to let them know. ~Not only will we have to hold onto ourselves but try to concentrate on the way you want reality here its malleable.~ His mind became stilled even with the chaos surrounding him and he forced reality to become stable around him, at least for a few feet.

And with the next step he was thirty feet to the right. It seemed even with the control over reality space and time were also distorted.

The Redneck

Date: 2013-06-19 15:21 EST
Thorn was rarely without some smart-assed comment, or sarcastic snipe. Assessing the scene before them however, stilled her tongue and widened her eyes. The string of curses she cut loose with turned the air blue and was likely to strip paint from walls. Considering the warp and twist in reality in the area, both things were actual possibilities and not simple metaphors.

Wrists snapped up to change pretty rings and chains for the hand blades that were her favored weapons. "Keep a tight lid on wanderin' thoughts an' keep tighter hold on m'self. Got it."

When Roan stepped off, and very, very far away she was left blinking. With a shrug meant to convey the concept of a clueless redneck to Andu and Dev both, Thorn made as though to charge in.

And wound up eighty feet to the left and twenty feet closer to the nearest group of chaotic frogger rejects than she'd intended.

A wince turned to a snarl and she tightened her mental grip on herself and the reality of the space she was currently occupying. This was going to hurt bad enough without becoming some sort of squirrel with butterfly wings or something.


Date: 2013-06-19 19:33 EST
This, this place of all places, suited the twisted nature of one just as malleable as time and reality itself. The angel reached back into his own mind, and when more of his nature poured through the Conduit, he barked a short laugh at the world. Such arrogance as he held would answer any challenge, such an ego would sooner die before give ground.

The twin pricks of light scanned the motions of those who were near him, and finally, the grey hood dipped in the ruined light of his wings. "And so it begins, no?" Idly, Transcendence flared to life in his hands, and the liquid fire began to drip off of his wings. Where it landed, he cared not. Said wings flared to life behind him, and pushed him into the storm that reality had become. He pushed, more with his mind then anything else, and in his reckless nature, he ran into a silent wall. For a moment, the angel stood suspended in place, his own war taking the majority of his attention. However, the weight of his will drew forth more, and still more, of his essence into this strange junction of worlds.

Finally, his wings beat again, and the armored specter swung to the opposing side, his own brand of chaos keeping the local flavor at bay. Golden in the night, the masterwork blade fell, and his wings grew, tendrils reaching for those who had the gall, those who had the nerve to stand before such a monster with no leash.

The Traveler

Date: 2013-06-21 22:43 EST
That chaos field was indeed a dangerous thing. Not only had it already broken the group up but the chaos rejected the technology that Andu primarily used. The poor Minotaur was left out in the cold so to speak.

Though on the flip side of the coin all things react to chaos within that chaos field. And just maybe the Slaad and there Lord noticed something out of the norm for the chaos field as for a moment they paused looking in the direction of the, for lack of a better term heros.

Upon the back of the brass dragon his hand rose, skeletal fingers jerking moving with a jerk pulling back further than fingers should bend against a hand. They overlapped the back of the hand and touched bony wrist. With the movement the sky erupted one after another of various sizes from small ones a pixie could wear on a finger to titanic ones that looked more mountain than brass bell. One by one with no order and no rhythm they started to clang. Some beautiful some light but over all the din of sound was almost deafening. Both Mortal and immortal mind over time could lose grip on sanity if it kept up for a lengthy period of time.

There was one other problem befalling one of the group. As he had been letting his powers run a muck. That falling liquid fire that fell from his wings quickly would turn against Dev as it was no longer a part of the angel and subject to the same chaos of the land. Each small drop of flame had begun to grow, Living elementals of the same power that spawned them. Each one haphazardly constructing itself. When two met they doubled in size. There existence baleful mockery of what spawned them.

That group of slaad moved. There entire mass seemed to disperse and snap about in random directions. Some falling from great distances in the sky to being at the edge of the twisted reality. One or two unlucky ones were part of the very earth the others walked upon with that half leaping gait. Quickly enough the battle was joined. One randomly appearing to the right of the redneck. Three next to Dev though one of the elementals made short work of one of them. And two behind Roan.

Dev wasn't the only one with a larger problem as the acid that his blade dripped was forming many smaller creatures that took the form of rodents. Each one going after the other trying to become larger before the Demon Lord could do a damned thing to stop them.

The Redneck

Date: 2013-06-23 02:50 EST
The sound she made was not a happy sound. More the tangled spawn of a snarl and a pained groan. For a moment, the blink of an eye really she'd felt the entirety of her being shift and warp.

She'd actually felt fur growing, butterfly wings sprouting from her back. With a sharp shake of her head the woman bore down on the reins that connected her to herself. Handily enough a frog-thingy popped up on her right. With a smile that didn't hold nearly as much cheer as it usually did, she shifted to face the creature.

Hands in loose fists, blade edges caught and flared in the light before a single uttered word in a language that, very briefly, was actually visible in the air, and true, real fire erupted around those blades. Fluid, feral and nearly boneless, she took a shuffled step or three in rapid succession to close the distance. Right, then left snake quick she slashed at the creature's throat and chest. Frog in a blender.


Date: 2013-06-23 14:20 EST
There was another player, moving to the field. How did the demi-god know where to go, when to appear?....Honestly, the easiest way of putting it would be to say that he felt a disturbance in the force. That much chaos, that much shifting in the reality, that by rights was his, could not go unnoticed by the demi-god.

With reality twisting and shifting as it did, he stood at it's edge, his head quirked to one side as he examined how it was changed. He watched the air taking taking in the tinted look, watching the colours swirling.

"Sloppy" He said, simply. And stepped forwards carefully, entering the distorted area. Everything was twisted here, reality, time and space.

The Swordmage, as his people once called him before they all died out. Otherwise known as a Demi-god in this country, he was of the Reki. An ancient order of beings, who's job was the protection of the land around them. And this, defiantly qualified as needing intervention. Order the demi-god, reality, reacted. He was a Knight of Order, and he brought it with him.

Walking forward, Arthour's cloak billowed out behind him, and he drew his sword, arcane energy built along it's length. Reality solidified for a moment as he passed, before melting away again. Thorn, Marshall and Roan were here somewhere, he'd move to find them, and find out what the hell was going on.

The Traveler

Date: 2013-06-23 16:24 EST
Arthour was right it was more of a feel of something until he stepped in. As from the outside there wasn't much to see on the outside of that expanding bubble of chaos. Everything could have been just moments ago that everyone had stepped in. There were no elementals from Devs wings, none from Roans sword, and no movement over the long distance to the village that held the Slaad.

Upon stepping in though everything would twist and almost rupture with the strain that it was putting on the land. All at once everything caught up to the reality of the inside from the out. All the creatures were everywhere. The bells all went off at once forcing there sounds within Arthours mind in a split second. And immediately there were six Slaad next to the man leaping at him with clawed forehands striking as if they had started to strike before they were even there.

The one Thorn turned into shredded meat quickly fell to the ground splattering blood all over the area. The blood itself quickly congealing and becoming a small liquid bubble before it snapped up into the air and filled one of the brass bells stopping its sound. Another stepped forward for her though where it ended up was back to back with the woman. Claws missed as it struck empty air but those powerful legs pressed hard into the ground dragging its back against hers and through itself backwards hopefully driving its hard skull into her spine and bowling her over.

Acid burned boots stomping on the small vermin hoping to crush the majority of them out before they could gather he had started as soon as two merged into one and gotten larger. Most here the acid by itself couldn't kill but it could hurt like hell and hamper quite a bit. The blade itself wouldn't vanish and he dared not to open a shadow gate to deposit it within. A quick turn and he flung the blade in the direction of the gathering and oncoming Slaad. It twisted and jumped through the space looking like it was almost everywhere at once before it finally hit one of the edges of reality and passed outside of the quasi-reality that they were held within.

Knuckles whitening around Ophidias hilt for with the turn the two Slaad that were behind him started there attack. Leaping in with claws Ones mouth open wide to perhaps try to swallow the demon lord whole. That sword flashed as he stepped down dropping to one knee letting her keen edge run a line across the creatures belly before he let his knee give out and he rolled to that side over his shoulders coming back to his feet. Leaving one wounded Slaad standing there hitting nothing though the other was twisting in the air and leaping over the top of the wounded one at Roan. Shadows rolled up the hilt of the blade as he stepped back into the attack. The faces within the shadows with mouths agape starving for what they could get too. The blade sank home in the creatures chest darkness engulfing quite a bit of it and devouring part of the body and the creatures immortal soul.

Not to be outdone by a blade, the tendrils of the gauntlet pulled free and jerked his arm down with the reach for the wounded sinking into its flesh. Ridges under the skin from the tendrils started to bulge and expand before one burst out the creatures eye socket, and engulf its head constricting until it was no more than a mass of pulp. Blood and fluids both vital and not congealed from both creatures snapped up into the air to fill another bell. Its sound dying.


Date: 2013-06-23 16:41 EST
The elementals were stared at, almost curiously. At least they weren't openly hostile, yet. Dev could deal with wanton chaos, yes.

Again, he could have laughed, really. In the middle, in the middle of a storm in reality and a veritable tempest of weapons, he was comfortable, easily so. Three came, and apparently one burned. Those elementals had been a good mistake, yes. As the two approached, a lazy flick of his wrist sent Transcendence into a dance. The poor creature stood, mesmerized, and lifted a poorly made blade, far too slowly. The masterwork tip flared up, before another twist sent it spiraling over the weapon, only to punch a slender hole in the creature's throat. The second died as easily, the angle's free hand having flipped flame towards him, black, dead fire that left a smoking husk, the very soul burned beyond recognition. Almost lazily, the ancient defiler floated to a higher level, flaming wings glowing above the odd landscape.

Art, good old Art. The angel turned another sharp motion, a long glide that sent him closer to one of his few friends.

The Redneck

Date: 2013-06-24 19:56 EST
And for a moment, our brave, blood-letting redneck who charged headlong into battle, turned into an utter girl. "Ewewewewewewew!" The words were nearly a squeal, and accompanied by the age old dance of Icky!

The dance and chant however, cut off abruptly when the Slaad's backward headbutt connected. Drove her forward in a couple of staggering steps and stole the breath from her.

Turning, her eyes narrowed in a venomous glare. "B*tch, y're gonna fry." A growl rough and harsh as she darted forward again. Blades leading, dabbing and slashing, slapping like the paws of a rather hacked off cat.


Date: 2013-06-26 10:32 EST
The bells. The sound, and the sudden change, it caught up with him after barely a step into the chaotic area and the noise jarred his teeth, disorientating Arthour.

For a moment, he was distracted. That nearly caused him a serious problem as the Slaad attacked. His sword flicked upwards, from right to left, slicing through one of them. It fell in half, split diagonally. A pool of innards and blood spilled out, but Arthour was already bringing his sword back down, using the momentum of the upward swing to power a downward one, taking a clawed arm of a Slaad at the wrist, while the man himself twisted, backhanding one of the Slaad, striking with a burst of air magic, causing the blow to send the creature several feet away.

Then, his twist took on a step and a small leap, putting Arthour on a course between two of the remaining (and so far unharmed) Slaad, trying to slip behind them and bring his sword up to strike them in the back while their initial attack took them past him. He hoped.

The Redneck

Date: 2013-07-08 13:54 EST
She'd dipped and spun, swung out low and sliced across high. And taken more than a few solid hits for her efforts.

Hissing and growling, there were few traces of the chipper and cheery little blonde she usually showed the worlds in her. And memory struck. A faint buzz that turned, abruptly into a jangle of sound and had her smiling fierce and bright.

"It is infinitely easier to effect a world than it is a single person on it."

With Limbo bleeding through so solidly here, and with her imagination slamming into overdrive, what could happen, what would happen when she decided that there was an oil slick spreading forward in a widening cone from her position? When she could feel the layer of grease between her own feet and the ground. Could see it spreading, oozing like thickened water, could smell it in an under tone in the air.

"Tolja, y' were gonna fry." Said with a smirk before she bent just low enough to skim the tips of her hand-blades across the oil soaked and coated ground. Hand-blades that were very much on fire. And fire and oil were such a ...volatile combination.


Date: 2013-07-12 16:28 EST
After passing the Slaad, he twirled quickly, slashing and broke his sword down. Slicing through thier spines and cutting them in half, letting them fall to the ground, Arthour would flick his hand at the one of the others still standing, sending a bolt of fire at it. Roasted Slaad...Lovely....

Now, that left him with the one missing an arm and the other, still several feet away after being back-handed. Watching the one armed Slaad flail for a moment, hopping and screaming at it's pain, it actually seemed more angry than anything. Arthour shot it. Pulled the magnum from his holster and shot it, sending it sprawling to the ground. This left the back handed one. He turned on his heel.....It was running at him, charging....That was not expected, and surprise cost him the time it would have taken to shot this one as well.