Topic: Party: Part IV

Aubrianna Lynn Kensington

Date: 2006-09-11 17:08 EST
Violins and harps played on a raised platform in the back corner of the large ball room. The wooden floors had been waxed and buffed to a shine. The three sets of French doors leading out to balconies were open. White lights framed the low hanging cross bars running up the ceiling, the windows, and were wrapped around large potted trees placed in the corners of the room.

White and red shear linen draped from curtain rods and wrapped around large wooden braces running from floor to ceiling. Fresh red and white rose pedals were strewn across the entrance way and over the table tops. Candles were placed evenly down the middle of the long table. Larger candles were placed in sconces fixed in groups and lined the walls.

Long tables were set side by side and covered with red sheets for dining. They stretched down one side of the room. The tables were wide enough to have places set on one side and the buffet of food on the other.

Young unmarried couples stood in pairs whispering sweet nothings to one another. The man speaking softly into the young woman?s ear was always rewarded with a swoon and a fan brought up to cover the blushing cheeks. The married women stood in groups gossiping about their husbands and the other married woman who had not arrived. The married men stood in another group arguing opinions over politics and telling sides of past wars.

Aubrianna had not had a moment alone with Gloria since she had shown her the letter. The maids were rushing around her room getting her ready. Aubrianna held the amulet in her fingers the entire time. She was off in another time as the maids bathed her, pulled on her dress, combed and curled her hair. She could not stop replaying the woman calling her sister or the contents of the letter.

?My lady,? came a whisper and a hand was placed on her shoulder.

Aubrianna blinked and looked up to the woman standing behind her. She smiled warmly and her concerns faded as Gloria gently squeezed her shoulder. She sighed tucking the amulet into the cleavage of her dress. ?I cannot think about anything but today?s turn of events,? she whispered as the maids gathered their combs and bathing soaps and left the room.

?I know and we will talk. But tonight you must act as if nothing is amiss. If you draw attention we could be in grave danger.?

Aubrianna Lynn Kensington

Date: 2006-09-11 17:09 EST
She nodded and stood turning to Gloria.

She took Aubrianna?s hands and looked her daughter up and down. ?You are the image of an angel.?

?He will announce our engagement tonight,? she swallowed and met Gloria?s eyes.

?Things always work themselves out,? she put on a warm smile. ?I got you didna I?? She pulled Aubrianna into a tight hug. ?I?ll see you out there.? She pulled back, gave her a motherly smile and then turned and left.

Alone. Aubrianna looks once around her room. She takes a big breath and leaves her room. When she reaches the top of the stairs servants alert the pipe players and they announced her ladyship?s arrival.

Everyone stands and watches as Aubrianna appeared in the door way. Her dark locks were curled to perfection and placed carefully into a plump bun on the crown of her head. Small tight tendrils were purposely left hanging down her neck and temples. A rope of pearls adorned her neck, masking most of the necklace Gloria had given her. Matching pearl earring were clamped to her earlobes and dangled almost to her shoulders.

Her garment was velvet, stained to a deep emerald shade. The neckline was large and trimmed in small pearls, resting on the tips of her shoulders and dropping down to the tops of her breasts. The bodice underneath had been pulled tight enough by the maids she could have rested a plate on her bosom. The sleeves were shot and did not even reach mid upper arm. The rest of her arms and hands were covered with white gloves.

Around her waist was a white sash tied on the side, it hung just at the top of her hips. The gown was long and full but not enough to hinder her movement. She floated into the room that had fallen silent. She took a long look around the room before she executed a perfected curtsy. Then the buzzing conversations started up again.

Aubrianna Lynn Kensington

Date: 2006-09-11 17:09 EST
Iolani stepped quietly from the stable holding the reigns of both the huge black animals. She moved with the fluid grace of a soldier long seasoned from battle. The horses whickered and nudged against her as she waited for the colonel to arrive. She couldn't ever remember having worn a dress in front of the man and that just made her all the more nervous. She distasted parties, had never really fit in with the gossiping ladies. She felt more welcomed by the guards than the guests. Head down she looked over the skirt that the detestable people in the dress shop had fitted her with.

She wore a peach satin gown that flowed behind her and had been accented with a diamond broach at the hip. The neckline had been considerably lower than she had expected but the color did seem to make her skin radiate. The dress was gathered slightly on one side allowing the fabric to flow around her. She had abandoned the idea of gloves in order to give herself freedom to reach for any number of the daggers that were hidden amongst the folds of the gown.

Shafer walked around the edge of the stable. He was garbed in black taught tights, a white tunic with a puffy ruffled front, covered by a black long jacket with coat tales. His short black hair was parted to one side and slicked back at the sides. His boots had been shined so they gleamed even in the dim evening light. His face was spotless and had been shaven clean. He was adjusting his leather gloves when he raised his head and caught a glimpse of Iolani. He stopped immediately and his hand froze on the other glove. He just stood there, mouth agape, and gawking.

The light of the moon shone down upon Iolani as she stood with the horses. The tack shone in the moonlight, the stable boy had really done well with his orders and had fitted the horses accordingly. But the shine of the tack was nothing compared to the woman who stood between the horses. She wore a sparkling necklace of diamond and purple stones that simply highlighted her violet eyes. Iolani turned having heard the rustling of foot steps. Seeing Shafer she gave a small smile, bowing her head as she made a curtsy. A string of purple stones had been weaved into her hair and had been pinned up in an elegant manner. "Good eve, m?lord Colonel," her voice was softer, maybe it was the nervousness about the party, but she seemed almost meek.

"Uh," he started to speak but his mouth just fell into another gap. She was absolutely stunning. Why had he not noticed her before? She'd been right under his nose for how long and he'd known nothing of this other look she kept deeply hidden behind thick armor. He cleared his throat as he remembered his manners. "Good evening my lady," he gave her a deep bow. He rose, "You look...amazing." He slowly approached her.

Aubrianna Lynn Kensington

Date: 2006-09-11 17:10 EST
Iolani smiled; actually smiled and even blushed slightly as she straightened. "Thank ye m'lord Colonel. Ye clean up pretty well ye self," she chuckled awkwardly and shifted her weight. "I do hope I will provide an adequate escort for ye...Despite this garb, I do have the weapons to protect yer person as ye asked." She moved forward, bringing the horses with her and held out the reigns to him.

He found himself still stunned by her appearance. "Yes. Yes you're a perfect escort. And your garb is," he took the reigns. "Perfect." How many times had he said perfect? This woman was distracting. "Would you like assistance in mounting?"

Not one to be ignored, the hawk gave a screech from his perch on the tall horn of her saddle, looking around to peer at Shafer. "I believe it would be much appreciated. I do nae know how these women get along in such?outfits," she clicked a signal to her horse and it side stepped to give her access then knelt on one knee for mounting. She moved around looking up at the hawk then back to Shafer waiting for a hand up

He smiled knowing exactly how the woman here did it and he'd show her. He held the large grin as he approached her. He placed his hands on her waist, pausing he took a moment to stare down at her, and then hoisted her up into the saddle sideways. "It's how the dress wearing woman rides." He slid his hands down the saddle staring up at her.

Iolani blinked as he stared at her...Good must be this party that had sent her heart all a flutter. She swallowed and gave herself a slight mental shake as he lifted her into the saddle.

"Are you ready?" He was asking himself more than her. He began to feel nervous as he turned to his horse and mounted with ease taking the reigns in hand.

She was a soldier first and foremost and allowing such fancies of nervousness of a mere party was unacceptable. Straightening she looked over at the colonel as her horse righted itself, shifting her weight accordingly. She prayed that she would not slide too badly on the way over; it simply would not do for his second to fall off her horse on the night he was making his big announcement.

He clicked his tongue and headed towards the castle. It was dark enough that he was able to catch a few glimpses of Iolani. Once, he had gawked for a moment too long before he was almost caught. After that he then stared straight ahead. As they closed in on the gate he saw the guards give a signal and pipers rushed into the main hall. He dismounted his horse and handed the reigns to a boy waiting near by. He walked to Iolani and held his hands up to her to assist her down. He felt his mouth go dry when he thought of what he was asking Aubrianna this night when the woman he stared up at could take his breath away and jumble his mind. Wedding jitters, he thought.

Aubrianna Lynn Kensington

Date: 2006-09-11 17:11 EST
Iolani had barely looked at Shafer on the way from the barrack stables to the Kensington Castle, though she had thought she saw him glance her way a time or two. She had gone into soldier mode, peering this way and that for threats and traps but then again what could possibly trap them on the streets, especially with the guards and others arriving for the festivities.

She jumped back to reality as his hand brushed her thigh, her hand clenched in a fist freeing from the reigns ready to strike; with a squeak Iolani relaxed and took his hand to slide from the saddle. Some point man she was supposed to be, didn?t even realize he had dismounted. She swished her hips slightly to allow the dress to fall back into proper place and smoothed the fabric with one of her hands.

He placed her hand on the bend of his arm and held onto it tightly. How was she to know it wasn't normal to hold one so tight? He straightened and headed with her up the front steps.

Iolani looked back to the boy busying himself with their horses. ?Ye keep them together, ye here?? The look she gave him was no nonsense but turned back with a softer face for the colonel. Iolani spoke in a soft whisper as they ascended the stairs. "Ye alright m'lord colonel? Ye seem out of sorts."

The pipers blew their horns signaling Colonel Shafer was approaching. Aubrianna's heart skipped a beat and her head jerked towards the entrance way to the ballroom. She slowly stood with the rest of the crowd. She wondered when it would happen. How much time did she have to come up with a believable excuse? How was she going to disappear with out being seen at all?

Colonel Shafer nodded. "It has just been a long time since my last marriage proposal," he gave her a smile and a wink, before leading her into the large ball room.

The woman nodded only giving a half hearted smile, "I am sure ye will do just fine, m'lord Colonel."

Aubrianna smiled when she saw Iolani. She was gorgeous and the transformation from soldier to princess seemed she could adjust to fit in anywhere. Aubrianna had sounded disgusted by a woman in the army to Shafer only so he wouldn?t think they would ever become close. He looked very nice also. He was handsome but he just was not the one for her. She had tried to push her feelings aside and love him. She felt a pain of guilt, he didn't know how she really felt, and he seemed to actually care for her. What had she gotten into? After a sigh to calm her nerves she headed towards them.

Iolani sighed softly pulling her arm away from Shafer as Aubrianna approached them; after all she wasn't the beloved. She delivered the colonel?s hand to the other woman with only a slight hesitation. Iolani was a soldier and did not really know how to be anything else. She had viewed Aubrianna as a primed woman who had been spoiled in every way. Aubry would get what she wanted and Iolani would probably get a promotion as Shafer started a family. Her eyes were almost sad as Iolani excused herself to go speak with the guards though she gave an unreadable look to Aubrianna.

Aubrianna Lynn Kensington

Date: 2006-09-11 17:12 EST
Shafer bowed and after he straightened the crowd went back to jabbering. He knew Iolani was uncomfortable in situations like these so he didn't push her to stay. He smiled brightly to her. "My love," he took her hand and kissed the back of the glove. "You?re breath taking."

Rolan make his way into the Ball Room. It was full of nobles and officers and rich merchants from all over the city. ?So many wealthy people. So many purses, ripe for the picking,? he thought and his eyes gleamed as he looked over the room. He stopped and shook his head, admonishing himself. He was there to do a job. Aubrianna was in some kind of danger, so Davram had said, though he didn?t say what kind of danger. He knew this was going to be hard. Convincing a bar maid to leave with him was one thing. Convincing a ?prim and proper? ?lady? was something else entirely. "Time to put on the ole' charm of yours Rolan." The last was a whisper for him. He strode along the edge of the room seeking his target.

Unknowing of what to do with her hands, Iolani in a last ditch effort clasped them in front of her. Eyeing the crowd as she moved through the chattering people her eyes caught on the one man who had entered without an announcement. She had no idea who he was, but he bore being watched for a while.

Aubrianna gave Shafer a small curtsy. "Thank you Colonel. You as well have cleaned up nice for the evening." She let him take her hand and lead her back to the table. She gave Iolani a glance hoping to have caught her attention, wanting to badly to be able to speak with her. "Why do you not ask your Lieutenant to join us?"

Shafer chuckled. "I am not sure Iolani would enjoy that. She's more to herself in these type situations," he pulled out a chair for her and waited till she sat to scoot it up. He then nodded to Howard receiving one likewise in return; he sat next to Aubrianna.

Howard was at the center of the main table, a glutinous bouquet of food spread in front of him. His eyes missed little as he took in the colonel and his escort. His expression took on one of a hatred long embedded in his being as he watched Iolani move to his guards. Recovering quickly by placing a goblet to his lips he gulped at the liquid. Something was going to have to be done about the 'situation' and it was growing more complicated by the moment.

"I am sure she just needs someone to reassure her we do not make a habit of devouring guests, much less soldiers," Aubrianna said matter of fact and stood abruptly. "I will go 'make nice' with her." She had wanted to sound it more like a chore. She turned and walked right up to Iolani and waited for her attention from the guards.

Shafer snapped his gaze from Aubrianna, who was far too gone to stop, to Howard. "My Lord?" He said nothing more knowing Howard knew what he meant.

Iolani turned after having berated one of the guards for being such a slouch, he sighed with heavy relief as he spotted Aubrianna coming to his rescue.

"M'Lady," her voice was slightly harsh from the previous berating but tried to smooth it out by adding, "Ye look wonderful."

Aubrianna Lynn Kensington

Date: 2006-09-11 17:13 EST
"Aye Chadwick...come sit...we shall talk for a bit." Howard?s cheeks were scarlet from the wine, which hid the anger that threatened to shake his voice.

Aubrianna flickered her eyes to the guards who took the hint and retreated. "Pretend I am saying something just hysterical," her words were soft so only Iolani could hear.

Iolani's eyes could have burned holes into the woman. She was not a laugher especially not about just anything, but she put on a grin and snickered; which was almost what was considered a laugh from the soldier.

Shafer moved over a seat and leaned next to Howard, eyeing the chatting women. "They seem to have found something in common to talk about."

Aubrianna tilted her head back in laughter and then slipped her arm into Iolani's and laughed her way out onto the balcony. "We shall have to work on your laugh," she winked.

Iolani grunted, replacing the grin with a grimace at such a premonition. She had an odd sense of humor, one that very few save the colonel knew much about and the very idea at finding something in common with this woman to laugh about came at an unlikely situation.

Rolan carefully strolled through the crowds looking from group to group, trying to find the woman he was supposed to ?save?. His eyes moved from one table to another until he found what they sought. His eyes looked over a beautiful woman in a deep green velvet dress with red hair in a small round bun, a few curls here and there. She was talking to an equally beautiful woman, who had apparently taken to carousing with the guards. It seemed they were making idle conversation. No doubt some kind of "Noble Chat". Bloody nobles with their noses in the air. Davram had pleaded with him to do this and Rolan knew he owed much to the man and would do anything for him. ?Now,? he whispered glancing to the exits. ?How to get her away??

"Yes, well I see you are not one for joking," she released her arm as she glanced back to the table. Aubrianna then slipped into the shadows pulling Iolani there with her. "Who are you?" She whispered.

Shafer tapped his chin growing uncertain of their conversation material. "I'm sure they are just...gossiping." He gave Howard a glance. "Right?" He'd hoped.

Glowering she looked about for others that might listen in. "I am the second lieutenant to the man ye are to wed; I am your father's niece and not the man out there. That buffoon out there is a murderer." Her words were weighted and tight with agitation. The woman was risking more than Iolani cared to wager. She was glad for the darkness of the corner; it hid the heated expressions she was shooting at Aubrianna.

"Whoa," she held up her hands and shook her head a bit. "Slow down. If you are my father's niece, and not to the man out there, which is my father by the way." She chuckled. "Then how does that make you his niece? And the letter you gave me. Nothing is adding up right." Her expression pained.

Iolani blinked, she could scarcely believe the girl in front of her could be so dense. "You?re so called father,? she indicated Howard. ?Murdered your mother for bedding my uncle."

Aubrianna Lynn Kensington

Date: 2006-09-11 17:14 EST
Aubrianna blinked so hard she took a step back. "What? That," she shook her head and took another step back. "That is not true. He loved my mother. She died giving birth to me." She looked up sharply to Iolani, her voice sounding much more like trying to convince then trying to defend.

"Either gossiping or clambering for your head Chadwick," Howard took another gulp of his wine.

Shafter let his hand fall to the table. "Oh?"

Howard leaned over to him a slur to his words "You do realize my ?daughter? hates you right? She has been keeping it secret for so long she doesn?t know how to not lie to you anymore. You never noticed the slight cold shoulders she gives you whenever you appear or the shudders when you bend to kiss her?? He grinned waiting for the words to bite deep into the man?s heart.

Iolani took a step forward toward her. "Believe me girl, ye will be dead before the night is out if we do not leave before ye lay yer pretty little head upon that sweet pillow of yours. Howard knows now that I am your kin and will be hell bent on keeping his secrets.?

Shafer's expression grew cold and his lips hardened into a grim line. "Then maybe I should just let her keep her secrets and go along playing the fool." He growled as he jumped to his feet almost knocking his chair back.

Howard?s hand shot to the man's elbow, a grin coming to his face at the reaction. He pulled the colonel in for a whisper as to not allow the guests to overhear. "Ahhh calm yourself my boy. I will tell you what...if you announce the proposal and she accepts, you will know the truth of the matter and I will allow ye to take leave of whatever measure ye see fit to take upon her. I am sure you can arrange for some accident to befall her. I do not wish to have a lying daughter take over my throne.?

"Leave? But...but where? father would never hurt me." She began backing up, almost like a caged animal. "This does not make sense. How are we-" Shafter stepped out onto the balcony and cut her off.