Topic: Sinners & Saints: OOC Information

Sinjin Fai

Date: 2009-01-03 04:04 EST
Since there's no way to put older writings in real order, I thought I should jot down an actual timeline for all the older writing if anyone's insane enough to read through them from start to finish.

in my craft or sullen art
Of men and monsters
The Jackal King
Thy Kingdom Come
The Red Night
Morning Light
you turn the screws
dead men tell no tales
debt & death
the unsane
a living dance upon dead minds
where your eyes don't go
jigsaw falling into place
never a dull day

No timeline:
you'll miss me (breathe to words) - A collection of character thoughts, similar to a journal, or interactions.
le cannibale: girl of le'krysh - History of Sophie

Unrelated posts:
Charity Auction Extravaganza, Part One and Two
Grim Warnings, Part One and Two

Sinjin Fai

Date: 2009-01-03 04:07 EST
Sinjin & Tohias

you turn the screws is a continuation of Of men and monsters after Ambrose's death. It should also be noted that the threads The Jackal King and Thy Kingdom Come are also involved in the events prior to this new thread and Ambrose's death.

Sinjin Fai

Date: 2009-01-03 04:27 EST
Ambrosio Enterprises

The threads surrounding Ambrosio Enterprises take place after Sinjin step into the inherited role of Ambrose's business affairs with the help of Bastian, an elder kindred, Gideon, his OCD financial manager and Bastian's personal assistant, and Marcus, their general business associate and gopher.

debt and death discusses how Bastian stepped into Sin's life, where the unsane looks into how their relationship further developed. The newest thread, books, opens up Sinjin's current conflicts with the Tzimisce.


Date: 2009-01-03 15:21 EST
Salvador & Faye

These two figures are a major part of Sin's life, so you may see a lot of stories referencing or including them. I've gone ahead and cross-posted The Jackal King and Thy Kingdom Come, for the sake of everyone's sanity.


Date: 2009-01-05 01:09 EST
The Red Night ties into about the midle of you turn the screws, an event that happens right at the apex of Ambrose's imminent demise. Also at this time happen the events of Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, immediately after the Elder's death. These events then lead to Morning Light, and anything after that will be posted some other time. Maybe.

Sinjin Fai

Date: 2009-02-19 15:53 EST
Ambrose, The Father

I've started shifting some of Ambrose's older writings here, all of which will be contained in the thread in my craft or sullen art, the title of which was stolen from a poem by Dylan Thomas by the same name. You can find that in the first post of the thread.

Most of it involves writing 2004 when Sin's surrogate Father and my beloved villain, Ambrose, arrived on the scene and began purging his own line, only to spare Sinjin's life upon finding him so similar to how he used to be himself. There's a lot of roleplay that happened between writings, but it gives a good progression of how things developed for him over the past three years.

Of men and monsters is the story of Ambrose's most current storyline which takes place in his home territory of Newport, Rhode Island. It enters the realm of Ambrose's past and the man who, somehow, knows all of it.


Date: 2009-05-27 02:44 EST
Sal's Childhood

Honestly, he didn't actually have one, but this is the closest thing you're going to see of him kind of sort of maybe having one.

memento ensemble is a thread I'm starting to try to tell the story of how Salvador learned to fight with a variety of sharp pointy objects. This sequence is totally inspired by the Lessons: Swords thread started by Maranya over in her Riverview Clinic folder.

I am also cross-posting this sequence over to Rings of Honor and GreaterRealms whenever I get more work done on it. No real timeline for this story, but I just wanted to let people know what the deal is about it in case you were wondering.