Topic: what fools mortals be


Date: 2009-05-06 07:22 EST
The walk from the Red Dragon Inn to his mother's Grove was a long one, and Salvador Delahada cursed and swore the entire way. At least his cargo was a light one. Sophie was three days starved and the lack of weight of her in his arms was a small blessing in comparison.

"Tell the sinner and Marcus to release this girl from their company or I will kill her." Simple, straight-forward. "They have five days. If Marcus touches her, those days are gone. Mark me."

More white shadows. More demanding, annoying, commanding deities playing him as a pawn. "Fuck them," he muttered. That one choice expletive was the one he snarled and spat the most to himself. He dropped it into choice phrases and hissed them for the peace of his own ears alone. Not once did Sophie stir. He was glad for that. She probably wouldn't have been too happy about the fact that he was kidnapping her.

Taking her back to Peccavi was out of the question. That was the sinner's domain, and in part also Marcus. This also ruled Ambrosio Enterprises out of the equation, and above all the apartment he and Sin shared. The House between worlds that the sinner had given him was also not an option. He had given the key to that safe haven to Fury. At the time, she'd needed it more than he did. Now he was adding her name to the list of curses he was hissing, though entirely unjustified.

He could have made the entire trip much easier on himself by simply taking that Step Between the living world and the spirit realm, but he took some comfort in making his legs work. He was also hoping that along the way he'd be struck by a bolt of genius, a better plan. Much to his dismay, he hadn't been able to think of any place better. This was probably due in part to the fact that he couldn't stop cussing and swearing.

All this snarling and spitting to himself made the trek shorter, really. Before he knew it the City was far behind him and his boots were snapping twigs through the forest. There was resistance when he hit the border of her Grove. The air felt heavier, thicker, as if he were trudging through slime. More like he was pushing against a thousand taught ropes that insisted on tethering him to civilization and keeping him and this girl from stepping inside. He broke those ropes with a furious snarl. He snapped the tether and carried her within.

Bones snapped underfoot instead of twigs. The air here was pungent and thick with the smell of rot. No other time before this had he ever thought the scent to be suffocating, but now it was.

A blur of silver and frost sped through his peripheral vision and leaped atop the jagged stone that marked the center of his mother's sanctuary. It moved so fast and carried with it a particular menace the drowned out all thoughts, all other sound, all scents and cares. He dropped to one knee at the edge of her grove instead of dropping the girl in his arms. He sent her down as gently as he could while his eyes locked onto the enraged monster crouched upon his mother's throne.

Her ears were elongated but not pointed. They narrowed at their peaks and tapered off into little bulbs of flesh. Set high above her brow was a set of short little horns, peeking out amongst wisps of thin hair. Her mouth was set with two clean rows of sharp and pointed teeth. Her eyes were wide and yellow with slit pupils like a cat. Her body nude but genderless, skin glitter-toned gold and silver, pale. She had the shape of a human with short, sharp claws capping fingers and toes. Three sets of ragged wings spaced apart by a row of spikes down her spine identical to her son's. A long and prehensile tail coiled against the base of the rock they lay across together.

He crouched protectively over the unconscious skeleton of a girl and looked upon the beast he had seen more than once before. Whenever she was angry with him, this is how he saw her. This time he did not fear her. This time he set his stance and bared his teeth at her in challenge.

"Salvador," the creature hissed. Her tail lashed and cracked like a whip behind her. She matched his pose, crouched low and teeth bared. "What blasphemy do you engage in now?" Her words were laced with acid and copper, inflected with fury when no other time before did her voice carry a tone.

"Madre," he growled back at her. The atmosphere between them sparked and crackled. Without taking his eyes off of her, he wormed his arms out of his coat and gently lay the article over Sophie's unconscious body. If he were to face her, he would have to face her as one of them. Here he had to shed his human skin and wear the suit of a monster as well.

"Fool of a child," his mother hissed at him. Her yellow eyes glowed. "How many times must I break you before you learn?"

Salvador had no answer for her, he only snarled and willed his carapace to grow. Under denim and cotton it slithered and sliced, cut fabric to ribbons that were easier to peel from his body than disrobing one at a time. He set his feet firmly when the transformation was complete, pushed his toes into bones and sludge and leaped for her.

The collision of these two monsters meeting within her Grove made no noise beyond the boundaries of her sanctuary. The veil caught the explosion of rust and silver, the clash of steel and copper, and bounced it back at them like a stone being pushed out of then sucked back into a vacuum. To mortal ears, the silence would have been deafening.

They clawed and hissed at each other for hours. One was left bloody and raw while the other only dimmer as the time went by. Her glow faded from bright and blinding to mellow with exhaustion. His armor hung from his flesh in tattered and broken bits. Blood trickled from a thousand little wounds all over his body, and Salvador was left knealing, panting in the dust. His voice was hoarse, throat raw, from all the spitting and snarling and yowling he had done. Regardless of his pain, he huffed out his words.

"I've nowhere ... else ... to take her ... Madre."

Faye did not answer him. In the end she lost her form. A dim silver mist blanketed the floor of her Grove. She did not speak, but he knew she was near enough to listen.

"Just need ... time to ... think. Plan." A fit of violent coughing interrupted him. He spat thick cold blood into the sharp and slick turf, then wiped his mouth with the back of a wrist. "Keep her safe."

Silence lingered between them for a time, for the most part. His wheezing breaths were the only music in this place. His words cut deep and brought words back to him. A haunting and chill monotone laced with the song of copper chimes. "This one is not mine to claim, Salvador. You should not have brought her here."

"No," he admitted. "No. I know. But there ... was no other place. Just ... give me time."

The mist that was his mother, silver and cold, considered these words at great length. Never in their history together had she ever relented and acquiesced to a single request. His demands were too high. He asked too much of her. But this time he was not asking her for help. Only time. "Time," she said, "has no meaning to the fae."

Silver frost swirled about his tattered body. He shivered from the feel of it and hacked up another glob of mucus and blood. The fit shook him fiercely, and the frigid chill of his mother's essence was a painfully soothing addition. "Th-thank you," he wheezed. Unable to remain upright for much longer, he shoved a fist into bones and sludge.

Her essence retreated, sliding and slithering across the ugly landscape. Time was something Faye could give her son. Time was all she had to give.

Sinjin Fai

Date: 2009-05-06 07:32 EST
As the morning trickled into the afternoon, the light of spring rising high and hazy through his mother's grove, Salvador came to realize that this just wasn't his day for sleeping. Not even after getting torn to shreds by Faye's angry claws. Not even after trudging through the City, bloody, and fetching Sophie some breakfast. Those cuts and bruises had congealed to his skin while he lay there propped against Ambrose's grave and acted as the Possum girl's pillow for a time. He thought and he thought until his skin itched and burned and he decided he needed a shower to think under. So it was that all those long hours later he crept back home, into the apartment he shared with the sinner, dressed in cracked and broken carapace, boots, and coated in dried blood. He even came in through the front door, silently arguing with the hinges to be quiet. Probably hoping to get in, clean, and get out without giving himself away. These plans always failed.

Especially when the shower was already on and the bathroom door was open with a line of black clothes leading to it like a trail of blood. Steam pooled out of the open door and Kavi stared at it uselessly. The bathroom, the one place she hated! Alas!

Kavi was probably the one motivating factor that got Salvador to take more showers. He could escape in there without her harassing him! Realizing that the shower was already in use made things complicated. He hissed an expletive under his breath and looked at his hands. Scratched, bloody, sore. Sighing heavily, he decided there was no real escape from this. Besides, like he'd told Rhi, Sin thought he was pretty when he was all beat up! Stepping out of his boots, he crept into the bathroom and toward the shower. Meticulously slow like that movie Psycho, which he'd never seen.

"Hnn?" Sin peeked out of the shower curtain when he heard the door open, his eyebrows jerking up with a frown for what he saw. "Jesus. What the hell happened to you?" Concern was in his voice as he pushed open the shower curtain for the boy to come in and clean himself off. Sin was.. well, wet and naked, which made perfect sense, really.

Some bits of carapace were sloughing off, too tattered to repair themselves. The rest of it was sliding and slithering back under his skin. He was naked and shredded by the time he got to the shower. Just in time to answer Sin's question. "Picked a fight." That's all he was saying. He climbed in, groaned and shuddered and hissed, eyes rolling, when the water hit him. He almost collapsed right then and there. Sway.

"With who? --easy, love." Sin grabbed his shoulders to steady the boy as the water hit him, still frowning. Who the hell's ass did he have to kick for this one?

Pitching forward with the assistance, he slapped a hand to the shower wall and bowed his head. Let the water hit the back of his neck and wash red rivulets down his spine. One spike was askew, disjointed but not torn. He moaned. God, a shower had never felt so good! So good that his brain was numb and he didn't think when answering. "Madre."

Sin eased his hands down his lover's body, marking each injury as he passed it, checking to see how bad and if it needed further consideration. "The damn bitch. What the hell for? --lean against the wall, amante.." Sin was gently guiding him to plant his hands there once his fingers found the disjointed spike. He'd fix that.

Those hands also felt very nice, though every finger touched over a scratch and a scrape. They were little things. The whole mess of his body probably made it look like someone had stuck him in a small box with a hundred wet and enraged kittens. He brought his arms up, folded them on the wall, and used them to rest his forehead against. "Challenging her d-- AUGH F*CK!" The spike snapped back into his joint with a click that made him shout and jerk. Lost his train of thought there too.

He imagined Bekah probably heard that one downstairs, too. "Easy," he murmured softly, running his hand gently down the length of those spikes and leaning in to press a kiss to the nape of Sal's neck. "Challenging her what?"

"Nngh. Mngh." Easy, easy indeed. Slow and easy sinking back into his slump against the shower wall. Right. So. He had to remember what they'd been talking about. Oh yeah. "Her domain."

"And why did you do that?" Sin asked, leaning aside to grab the soap and roll it through his hands. It looked homemade, and the reason for that soap became clear soon enough; the light scent of dogwood began to fill the steaming shower as he began to wash the grim and blood from Sal's skin.

Salvador tensed up as soon as the soap hit his skin. Nice and scented, worked into thousands of tiny little scratches. He sucked a hiss back through his teeth and held his breath for a moment. Though the scent was also a nice strong wake up call for his conscious mind. He was set on not saying. "Thought it was time." Eye for an eye against his mother? Yeah sure.

"Hn." That was Sinjin's disbelieving sound, but he kept silent after that, assuming it had something to do with Ambrose like every other secret Sal kept from him. Gently, the elder Spaniard eased his hands down the length of Sal's back and shoulders, his sides, methodically erasing the scent of battle and grove from him.

It hurts and stings! The soap is going to melt him, melt him! He made a few nngh and grunt noises here and there, but otherwise he was a trooper, and enough massaging like that does wonders, even to beaten bloody skin. Ever so slowly his breathing and his body relaxed. So long as Sin wasn't pressing him with more questions, Sal wasn't talking. Except, there was one thing that still boggled him about the entire experience. "I think I won." He didn't hurt ... as much.

"That's not surprising." When Sin finished, he kissed Sal's shoulder and moved to let the spray of hot water clean the soap off, turning to his own personal grooming in the meantime.

"I've never won an argument against her before." Sal begged to differ. He leaned away from the wall a little to put his head in the spray. Catching a mouthful of water and spitting it out. Then he turned to repay the favor and run his hands all over Sin. The ache was worth it. He sighed at the feel of him. "Think I'm leaving for a while."

"You've never physically fought her before either. Not on your own terms." Sin turned back toward him, wet curls clinging to his skin as he wrapped his arms around his lover, leaning in for a kiss. "Where do you intend on going?"

"Mm." Sin had a point there. A fair fight, tooth and nail, was decidedly different than the spectral level he'd endured before. He slid his arms and his hands all around the sinner in turn, washing him down and feeling him up while indulging a moment in that kiss. "Not sure." All these hours later he still hadn't figured it out. "Somewhere ... safe."

"Tell me what's going on, Salvador," Sin murmured quietly, looking in his lover's eyes with his own muddy gray ones, there under the spray of the still hot water. He hated not knowing.

"I..." Eye to eye contact struck him as hard as the demand. Maybe not stated as strongly as such, but it was enough. He choked on the word and averted his gaze. Warred with himself about it for a few long seconds but knew he couldn't deny him this. All it takes is knowing his name. The leash is that strong. He could tug and tug and tug against it for hours and only end up choking himself. "Sophie's in trouble." Reluctantly reporting.

Sin frowned quietly. "What sort of trouble?"

Closing his eyes, he too frowned, deeply. Another mental war stirred. He'd said the name once already, but that was hours ago. Besides, this was a safe zone, right? They were under running water. There were rules. "Le'krysh."

"F*ck." That was softer now as his hands dropped away from Salvador to scrub at his own scruff-lined jaw. "You're sure? What happened?"

Salvador slumped back against the shower wall again, this time with his shoulders. Dejectedly propped there. Eyes closed still and head bowed. "He came to the Inn last night, in her skin. I wasn't sure who it was at first." Brandy. That damnable brandy. He lifted one hand to his face and muttered the next into his wet palm. "He said... You and Marcus have five days to release her from your company, or he kills her. And if Marcus tries anything, he'll kill her anyway."

"So you-- brought her to the grove?" It was the only connection he could take that would lead to challenging Faye's domain like that. "We need to tell Marcus before he starts looking. I know he hasn't seen her in a few days already -- he's bound to get curious soon." Sin moved to shut off the water, pulling away the shower curtain to step into the bathroom.

"Yes," he groaned. It was the only safe place he knew of. Sal turned to slump down against the shower wall. Spikes scratching up little grooves likely. So long as he found a ledge to sit on and work on air drying, all was well. Better way to put his face in both his hands too. He hadn't been able to think of a plan at all, and this just sucked.

"We need to get him out of her. Do you think he can still tap into her while she's in the grove?" He asked curiously, looking back at Salvador while he snatched a towel up.

"No." Of that Sal was at least 95% certain. Pulling his head out of his hands, he lifted his chin, eyes open. "It's Madre's Grove. Her domain. It was a b*tch just trying to carry Sophie in there. Like something was tugging back on me, trying to keep me from doing it. Probably him, but once I got her in there..." He shook his head. "It was just Madre." That's all he'd felt.

"Good. Then we have a little time." He began to dry himself off, tossing a towel to Salvador in the span of the same time. "A little time to think, anyway, and talk to Marcus to make sure he doesn't do anything completely brash.."

"Time," he agreed, nodding. "She at least gave me that." The one thing his mother did give him was time. He sighed, exhausted and at a loss, and scrubbed his face. Then he crawled out of the shower to drip all over the floor. "I don't know how much time, but I think she'll keep her until I come back for her at least." Provided Sophie doesn't get bored and walk out on her own.

"Honestly, she'd stay there if Marcus was with her -- but I'm not sure he can even go in that place with that daemon attached to him." Abandoning his own towel, Sin prowled out of the bathroom and sent Kavi skittering as he headed for the bedroom to find some clothes. He probably had enough rest.

"Probably not. It's a risk just leaving her there." Faye's grove is no place for the living. Some small part of him worried about what kind of mark that was going to leave on the girl, but what other choice did he have? He flicked water off his fingers at Kavi when he followed Sin out of the bathroom.

"So! That leaves us with a dilemma. How do we close the channel permanently between Sophie and Le'krysh?" In the bedroom, he picked through his clothes until he found a shirt, shrugging it over his tattooed and scarred torso.

"Same question I was asking myself about Justin," he lamented with a groan. Salvador paced back out into the living room, naked, and slumped onto the sofa. Heel of hand to forehead with a heavy sigh. Eyes closing. Thinking super hard. Mental chess pieces moving about in slow motion. "Exorcism maybe? Find him a new host? Possess her with something else? ...kill her?" That last idea was a shot in the dark, but it was an option even if he didn't like it.

"A god's spirit is too strong to remove like that. We could, maybe, find her a new host, but we'd just have to deal with it further down the road anyway -- and Sophie would never let us put something else inside of her.." Sin trailed off, walking out into the living room wearing nothing but that unbuttoned shirt as he moved toward the couch. "We could kill her. We could kill Le'krysh, maybe, but that would take too long."

"I'm fresh out of ideas, amante." He slung one arm up across the back of the couch and dropped his head back against it as well. Exhaling yet another heavy sigh. "I didn't even know how to get out of that mess with--" You know. He wasn't going to invoke that name ever again. Frown.

"Might be worth talking to Ali. I don't think he has many experiences with gods other than his own, but he's still a Bubasti and he might be able to find something on them." Cats, well.. they were good knowledge hunters and secret keepers. Sin moved to drop down on the couch next to Sal, leaning to press a kiss to his cheek. "We'll figure it out."

The kiss was the switch that flicked the lightbulb on in his head. He lifted up said head rather quick and opened his eyes. Maybe the answer was right in front of him. On that wall right across from them. "I might have another idea."

"--oh?" Sin lifted an eyebrow. "And what's that?"

He cut a quick, nervous glance aside at the sinner, then abruptly rolled up off the couch. "I need to talk to someone." That's all he was saying while he prowled into the bedroom to get himself a fresh set of clothes.

Well, that look wasn't reassuring at all. "To who?" He asked, watching the boy's back as he disappeared into the bedroom.

Sal did not answer that question at all. He pretended he didn't hear him while pulling on some jeans. Then dug around for a shirt to pull on over his head. All damp underneath still, but he didn't care.

"Salvador," Sinjin growled quietly, rising from his seat on the couch to prowl after him. "What are you planning?"

"I can't tell you," he moaned. Shirt on, he looked around wildly to make sure he had everything. Which he didn't. Sophie had his coat. Recalling that, he snapped attention back to look Sin in the eyes. Lifting his hands to his shoulders. Pleading. "Tohias. Please. Don't ask me. Just ... trust me, okay?"

Sin went stock still in the boy's arms, frowning heavily. "I do trust you." But it wasn't trust that was the problem. Worry and concern stood heavy in the Spaniard's eyes, staring back at his lover's own with some strange desperation. "I want your word you won't do anything foolish, Salvador. Please."

Putting his word on that took him a moment too long. His mother was right. He was a fool. He did stupid things. But he always thought it was worth it in the end. "This won't kill me. I'm just going to talk." Is that good enough? "Talk to Ali, though. I don't know if this'll help any, but I have to try." For Sophie. For Sin. Because he was the only one who could.

"..all right," he eventually submitted, feeling a heavy weight collect on his shoulders, but he bore it all the same.

As if he could feel that weight, or his own. He looked so sad there. So apologetic. "Te amo, Tohias, mi alma. Siempre." Not sure about a kiss, which seemed so common between them. Slinging his arms around him and giving him a supremely fierce hug said so much more, he thought. Though he couldn't resist turning his head for a kiss anyway.

He accepted both in turn, slowly curling his arms around the boy and returning the kiss with a tip of his head. "Te amo -- siempre, mi hermano. Hermoso. Be safe."

"I will." That he could promise. Reluctantly he released him. Stepped back and let his hands linger on his shoulders a moment longer. Look him in the eyes. I'm sorry, his own said. He really wished he could tell him. He broke contact before his eyes said anything more than they should, then prowled out of the bedroom to head to the door. "Call for me when you've talked to Marcus."

"I will," he promised, and had no other reply. He should be used to secrets, used to paintings scrawled against his walls that he hoped he would be able to puzzle out one day -- but still he worried in the unknowning and always would, from now until the day it killed him. Silent and still half-naked, Sin watched his lover move out the door and opted to go back to bed after all.