Topic: Jessie's Journal

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2007-06-08 20:35 EST
Last night something happened to me that changed my life. A caring and compassionate man bought my contract with the escort service so that I wouldn't have to work for them anymore. He paid for a year's worth of service. So, essentially, I am his boyfriend for a year.

I thought I'd start this diary to chronicle the events of the next year. The good, the bad, the otherwise. So far, there's not much to tell. He's been kind. And so far from what I've seen, friendly enough.

I am looking forwards to getting to know him. I know that's against the rules. Getting close to your clients is a cardinal sin. But, seeing as how he's paying for it and he sets the rules, I may as well get comfortable, right?

I think it's going to be a good year.


Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2007-06-09 07:02 EST
It's been a few days since I've written in here. Tomorrow my benefactor and myself are flying to Paris. I am very much so looking forwards to the trip. He has work to do there and wants to find a place to live there. He was talking about a loft above a corner bistro or something like that.

He keeps talking about "we" this and "us" that. I can't help it, I like it when he does that. I have this fantasy that after this year is up that he's fallen so madly in love with me that he can't do without me. I really like him a lot. Besides Cole, he has been the most kind and generous man I've ever seen.

Speaking of Cole, I wrote him a letter. I hope he gets it and is relieved. I know that even though he and I parted ways under not so good terms, he worries about me. I know I worry about him.

My benefactor says that everybody deserves second, third, fourth, fifth chances. And I agree with him. He says he wasn't always such a good guy. I have a hard time believing that. He has been nothing but kind to me. Most that pay for company don't bother to get to know that company. But that's what he's doing. He's trying to get to know me. And if something gets me down, he tries to pick up my spirits.

Anyway, we're going to Paris. So I'm going to pack you away, my journal. It'll be a few more days before I can pick you up again. I just hope you don't get lost by the airline!


PS I told my benefactor a bedtime story last night. I pretty much put my fantasy of being with him after the year was up out there on the table. He said it was a nice story. Then he said he loved me. I couldn't believe it. And I told him I loved him too.

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2007-06-15 08:50 EST
We had to cut our trip short and come back to Rhy'din. A terrible tragedy has struck and a dear friend is gone. Well, dear to most of the brothers here. I hardly knew her. But, once a brother, always a brother, regardless of what's happened. So here we are.

My benefactor has been busy and I've been just trying to stay out of the way. I hate to admit this, but I do hope that we get to leave soon. Everybody is so sad. I just want to laugh again. Nothing to laugh at here.

I am trying to be as supportive as I can. I'm still a bit leary of being here. Ah well, make the best of things right? I do worry about the elder, Dean. I did not know him but I've seen him in passing and I'm not so sure he's doing all that well. I think I'll stop in and visit with him for a little while. If nothing more than to hold his hand and let him know that I care. We all care.

Not much else to say.

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2007-06-20 20:50 EST
We're still in Rhy'din. My benefactor has been keeping busy so here we stay. I will have to admit that I am enjoying my stay more this time around. There seems to be a peace that has settled over the house and it is truly a joy to be there once more.

Before they went away, I visited with Cole and Dirk quite a bit. I didn't think that I'd be able to sit in the same room as them, but I just couldn't stay away from Cole. He and I have become quite good friends and I am relieved to see that he and Dirk are going to finally make it. I can see it in thier faces and I can feel it. I am sad that Cole cannot speak, but I am sure that he'll be right as rain soon.

My benefactor came home last night and he seemed troubled. I brought him some jasmine tea to calm him and sat with him. He says he's become a monster. I thought he meant just a bad person. I didn't realize that he was actually being literal. He showed me just a glimpse of what he's become. I have to admit, it frightened me. He says he's been starving it. That he is afraid that it'll hurt me. I told him to go feed it. That I'll be waiting when he returns, and I will.

Nothing else much going on. I did visit with Dean for a spell. The chap seems to be doing a bit better. But the sadness won't be away from his eyes for a long time to come, I'm afraid. I wish him the best. He is a good man.


Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2007-06-25 08:53 EST
We've been in Rhy'din a while now and I must say I am growing rather bored with it all. Cole and Dirk are Gods knows where. Nobody tells me a damn thing. I suppose it's none of my business. But without Cole to hang around, it's been rather dull here.

Oh, I must sound ungrateful. And I am not, truly. My benefactor has been very good to me and I see him every day. I just wish we could move on. I'm sure it won't be too much longer. Work always calls to him and being in Rhy'din hasn't been exactly a bed of roses for him either.

I've been going to see Dean the Elder, just about every day. And I am happy to say that the old chap seems to finally be coming around. His son is such a delight, the cute little bugger. It pleases me to see a smile on the Elder's face. The smiles never last long, but they are coming more and more frequently. If they'd just reach his eyes.

Ah well, I'm off for a swim.


Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2007-06-29 08:32 EST
It's been a few days, my friend the journal, and I am just now starting to sort out what's happened. First off, Cole and Dirk returned from wherever they had been. And they had broken up. Or, so they said. I found them both naked, in each other's arms, by the hot spring. I was going to get my telescope and there they were. I told them that I wouldn't say a word.

Of course, I should have known something was going on. The night before they asked me to make a video of me kissing Dirk. Of all people, why on earth would they choose me to do something like that? I'd just as soon kiss a hogs ass! So Dirk took the phone from Cole and asked if I would do it for Cole. Of course I'd do it for Cole. It wasn't that difficult to kiss him. I'd done it a thousand times and of course I still love him.

So they sent the video to Cole's mother's phone. She thought it was cute and wanted to meet me. Gods, I could have told them that one lie leads to another and another. But nobody listens to me.

The trip was nice, spending time with Cole and his parents was nice too. If I had closed my eyes, I could imagine that it was all real. That his prents loved me and Cole loved me and all the world was perfect. But it was all a charade. Cole's parents went out and we retired to his bedroom. We were watching a movie and eating popcorn and just jabbering away like two little monkeys. That's when the door opened.

I still do not remember a whole lot. This man walks in, Cole seemed to know who he was. All I know is that I got a fist to my face. Next thing I know, I'm waking up and this guy has got Cole pushed into a corner. He had a knife out. I didn't even think. I grabbed a belt and threw it over the guy's head and pulled back. I couldn't let him hurt Cole. But then what he did next, I still can't believe. He slashed at me with the knife! My shirt was torn open and he sliced my stomach. It was a superficial cut, but it hurt none the less!

The rest is kind of foggy. Dirk showed up. Cole healed the wound on my stomach, and we came home. I'm glad to be home and my benefactor is glad that I'm home too. I told him about what happened and he wasn't very happy about it at all.

So, this was longer than I thought it would be. Time to give my hand a rest. Getting writers cramp.


Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2007-07-04 07:35 EST
I am really growing tired of being in Rhydin. I dare not speak this to my benefactor though. I do not want him to think that I am ungrateful for what he does for me. He has been kind and patient and is still very good to me. So, I hang around and try to stay out of the way.

I've been avoiding everybody. Sitting in this room, just watching the television or going for long walks along the different trails. I have even taken to feeding the birds. There's a bench that holds special memories along the trail and I sit there and feed the birds bread or cracker crumbs. And it's been peaceful.

The reason I am avoiding everybody is that I simply do not want to see Cole and Dirk together. And those two are like they are joined at the hip. Where you see one, you see the other. I miss Cole terribly. But I cannot forget what Dirk's done to me. Nor can I forget what he's done to Cole, to all of us. I thought things were going to work out great for them. But I just see Dirk being his same old egotistical self and it angers me to no end.

I try not to think about it. But sometimes, when I close my eyes, I can still see them in the kitchen, holding each other and kissing. Cole was mine back then. We were going to be forever. And there they were. Dirk had stolen him from me. Of course, nobody really can be stolen. He's wanted Dirk all along. I guess I was just a diversion until they could be together again.

So I finally told Cole that it hurts too much to look at him, to talk to him. It tears me up inside. I love him so much still. Yet he and his baffoon plan a wedding. I hate it.

And now there's rumor going around that they've brought two more into their bedroom. Won't those two ever learn? You can love a million people, and that's fine. But those intimate moments are meant to be shared between two people who are in love. If you try to stretch that out to another, then another, the feelings are going to be worn thin. Very thin. Somebody will feel left out. Somebody will feel jealous. I know it's horrid of me, but I am hoping that it's Dirk that gets those negative feelings. Let him know, just once, how it felt to be in my shoes.

Enough of that. I do go to see Dean and his son still. Everyday is better than the last for him and that's a good thing. His son is far too young to realize the pain of losing his mother, and he's so doted on by all of the brothers that he's become quite spoiled. But it's very cute. And someday, I know Dean will find somebody not to replace his beloved, but to ease his heart and to be a mother to his son.

Anyway, going to take a walk now.


Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2007-07-05 03:08 EST
As I sit here and write this I can say I have never been happier. It's been a very long, tiring, trying and exhausting day. But every moment lead me up to this one, so I wouldn't change a single bit of it. Not a single bit.

Let me start at the beginning. I had just finished morning tea when Cole came to visit me. At first he lingered by the door, and I asked if he would have a seat. He started babbling about how if he came further into the room that he'd end up doing a bad thing. Well, I knew exactly what that meant, so I called him on his bluff. I told him that nobody had to know if we did anything "bad." Of course, I knew that he would back down. That's when the arguement started. I don't really recall exactly what was said. But then, things said in the heat of the moment are often forgotten as soon as the moment's over.

It was probably the same malarchy as always between us. He wants to be friends, and I tell him that I cannot forget what he and Dirk did to me. It ended up with Cole in a chair and me laying on the bed, hugging my benefactor's pillow to my chest. He destroyed the chair in a fit of anger, then left. I knew that he hurt himself before he left, but did not realize the extent of his injuries.

A bit later, as I was finally getting up out of the bed once again, I saw the blood on the floor. And the shattered chair had blood all over it too. Cole must have torn his arms up pretty badly. I was going to check on him, to see how he was, and then here comes Dirk. He told me that Cole wanted to talk to me. I told him that he was out of luck because I was done talking. Well, what Cole wants, he gets, and Dirk is the muscle he used to get it. Dirk smacked me around a bit, broke my nose, blackened my eye, gave me a fat lip and pretty much knocked me out. I woke up on the couch in his house, Cole healing my face. There was some other chap there too, but I'd only seen him a few times and didn't catch his name. I suppose it was one of their new lovers.

Anyway, Cole begged me to be friends with him again. I mean really, how many times can I explain myself? So I tried to lie and say we were friends, just to get out of that bleeding house. Cole flat out admitted, in front of Dirk and everybody that was there, that he originally came to see me to be with me that morning. Just one more time, he says. So, anyway, I left the house and wasn't more than a few meters away when Cole was right behind me. He yelled out and I suppose he thought I was going to keep on going, but I turned around and he plowed right into me, knocking us both over. We tussled about and he ended up on top, pinning me down. We argued more and finally he gave up and let me go. I told him that maybe, someday, the pain of all that happened would go away and we could be friends again. Someday.

So I get up to the room where my benefactor and I have been staying. There was blood all over the floor and that chair was literally in pieces. I quickly discared the chair, and did my best to clean up the blood. Unfortunately, there wasn't a lot that could be done at that point.

So my benefactor came home after a long day. He asked me what had happened and at first I was reluctant to tell the entire story. But he soon got it out of me, as he always does. He misinterpreted what I was saying and thought I still wanted Cole. He told me to go to him if I wanted him so badly. And he pushed me away. I told him that I don't want Cole anymore. The one I wanted was my benefactor.

I guess he believed me, because the next thing I know, he's on one knee in front of me, with a ring in his hand. I couldn't believe it. And, I actually fainted. Being so good to me, he picked me up and lay me on the bed. A few moments later, I waken and it wasn't a dream. He slipped the ring on my finger and I became engaged. Neither of us wanted to wait to marry, so he called a Justice of the Peace. I guess it's true money can buy anything, because within an hour of that, we were at the JP's saying our vows.

I don't remember all that was said, I only remember looking into his eyes and thinking about how happy I truly am. He and I are of the same cloth. We were both loners, and we saved each other's lives.

As of this writing I will no longer call him my benefactor. he is my husband. And I had left him unnamed in case this journal fell into the wrong hands, I did not want him to be blamed for anything that's happened.

But now he's my husband. And I shall name him. My heart and my life belong to Gage Parker Reynolds, and I am very proud to announce that I am no longer Jessie Wygant. I am now Jessie Reynolds.

We are in Montreal and I'm very very happy.

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2007-07-07 07:38 EST
We've been in Montreal for a few days now and I've had the time of my life! We've been to quite a few of the sites, I never have walked so much in my life. But sharing this all with Gage, it's been amazing. He is truly an amazing person and I pinch myself everyday to assure myself this hasn't been on wonderful dream.

Speaking of dreams, I had one of Cole last night. We were laughing and drinking smoothies. It was a very short dream, but it stuck with me. I wonder how he is doing. Contrary to popular belief, I don't hate him. Quite the opposite, in fact. I just hope that he's doing well and that Dirk is doing right by him. He deserves more than Dirk can ever give him. But Cole will never see that. Ah well, I just hope he's happy.

Gage and I are looking to buy a house here in Montreal. It's such a beautiful city in the summertime and it's not been stifling hot like it is in the south. We looked at a few places and he only wants the biggest, the best. He makes me laugh when we go looking at houses. Where I would be content with a small ranch, he wants a mansion. I do say, he is going to end up spoiling me rotten. But I don't mind that one bit. He wants the biggest and the best for those he loves, and it makes me feel very special that he wants that for me.

I don't know when we're going to be leaving. I do know I've had so much fun here with Gage. It's been a true honeymoon and I never want it to end.


Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2007-07-12 14:34 EST
We're still in Montreal and I wish I could say I am having the time of my life. But right now, I'm feeling like utter crap. I'm not sure what bug I caught, but it is beating me about the head and shoulders pretty badly.

The room is so cold. I can't stop shaking and it doesn't seem like I can get enough blankets on me. Maybe I have the flu. Who knows?

Gage has been great, taking care of me. He's such a good man.

I think this may be kharma for treating Cole and Dirk so poorly. I really said some horrible things to and about them. Gage was hurt that I spoke of his friends that way. When we get back, I'm going to make amends. It's time to let hate go.

I'm pretty tired. Think I'm going to go back to sleep now.


Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2007-07-15 10:10 EST
The last I wrote to this journal, I was feeling rather poorly. I didn't quite know why really, but now I am fully aware of why I was so ill. Gage had told me once that he was a monster. I even saw a short glimpse of it. I wrote about it in this journal as well.

Gage and I had our first real fight. He had told me to leave. That if I felt and thought so poorly of his friends Dirk and Cole, that he didn't want my company anymore. It hurt, but I was going to do as he wanted. I took off my ring and started to pack up my clothes.

But then we started to talk. I suppose that I'll never fully comprehend why he still loves Dirk and Cole so much. Well, Cole I can understand. But that baffoon Dirk. I still don't understand. However, I did say that I would attempt to make amends once we returned from our honeymoon.

Gage held me tightly and said that he wanted me to share in all aspects of his life. I knew that meant becoming the monster that he spoke of. And I willingly allowed him to do what needed to be done. I love Gage and trust him with my whole heart. I would do anything for him.

So that is why I was so ill. My body was changing so that when it was time, the monster could do what it needed to do. Once the illness passed, it was like my entire sensory system went into overload. I could see things so much more clearly and sometimes the light burned my eyes. My sense of smell was so heightened that I could smell the flatulence of the neighboring hotel guests. Everything had such a strong taste to it, even a saltine tasted like a gourmet meal. And we spoke in whispers, my ears hurt from the slightest raised noise. But the most fantastic part was the sense of touch. It was like every nerve ending from every inch of my skin yearned to be touched and to touch everything. The satin sheets were even more smooth. And Gage's touch, that was the only thing that could soothe the fire of my skin. It was amazing.

I had my first transformation a few days ago. I had never experienced so much unadulterated pain in my life. Every single muscle and bone in my body screamed in agony. And Gage was there, through it all. Comforting me and letting me know that all would be alright. And it was.

I don't remember much, Gage says I tried to mate with a female. This disgusts me more than anything. I don't want to touch females. It appalls me to think I did so.

Last night, we had visitors. Cole and Dirk came up to see us. Something about how Cole wanted to meet me. I thought this rather odd, considering we've known each other how long? But I was agreeable and it went rather well.

I didn't realize how much I missed him. We spoke for a long, long while. I could smell Dirk all over him, so I asked him to take a shower. I went to hand him a towel and seeing him in the nude, it was amazing. He has the most beautiful body. And to be matched with that kind soul, he's irresistible.

Next thing I know, Dirk and Gage are in the bathroom with us. And that's all I will say about that. It was very nice to be back in Cole's arms again and to hear him whisper that he loved me. I love him, more than words can express. And I told him that, as best I could.

I'm not overly thrilled at having to be around Dirk. But I suppose that you take the bad with the good. Besides, Cole said that they are all bonded with Dru and Dien. Hopefully that will keep Dirk busy enough that he won't notice me.

Last night was, simply, amazing.

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2007-07-19 08:05 EST
Gage and I have moved in with Dirk, Cole, Dien and Dru. Dirk's brother, Ryan, is here as well. It's funny how Ryan and Dirk can look so much alike and be such polar opposites. Ryan is a nice fellow and I've really enjoyed sitting and talking with him and getting to know him. Very nice fellow indeed.

Gage's brother, James has come to visit. I've not really sat and talked with my brother in law. I'm going to have to do that some time. There's been another visitor as well. Her name is Rumer. I had met her some time back. I think it was when we were in Milan. I don't quite remember truthfully.

I got to know her a little bit from when we had met before and it was a pleasant surprise that she showed up at this house. I didn't really question as to why she was there. I mean, she's a dear friend of Gage's. And while Gage was at work, Rumer and I spent some time just talking about the last time we'd met and the parties that we had all gone to.

Now, here's where things got odd. She said she notices that when she, or another other girl, got close enough to me to touch me, I flinched away. I mean, I knew that I didn't want to be touched by a female, but to flinch? It made me ponder on why I would do something like that. She took it personally and apologized to me for trying to wipe some ice cream off of my arm. How utterly absurd! She was trying to help me and I was acting like I were still an eight year old boy.

She and I talked more, and I told her she didn't have to apologize, that I am the one what should be sorry. And the more we talked, the more I realized that I wasn't seeing her as a girl or a woman. She's a person. My whole problem with being around a female was all in my head. I saw people in two categories: Male and female. And I shouldn't be categorizing people at all. How many other potential friends had I alienated because of this? Countless, I am sure.

I have found that I am extremely attracted to Rumer. While we were talking, we broached the subject of my family, my mother in particular. I must have had a very sour look on my face because suddenly Rumer makes this hilarious face, just to make me smile. And she did a lot of other things, said a lot of things that really changed my outlook. Honestly, I am falling madly in love with her.

I spoke with Gage about all of this. He said he's so proud of me. That I was able to overcome my past and start moving forward. I love him so much. He completely understands everything and he's so supportive in all of the things that I do. I truly hope that he and I never leave this place. Sure, there are a lot of people here. But it's like we're in a bubble where there is nothing but love, understanding and support from each and every person for the other. Nothing but respect is given to each person in the house. And that includes Dirk. I've gained a new respect for him. Especially since the change that I went through in Montreal.

All of that rambling brings me to my next point. Rumer is like Gage, Dirk and myself. I think she's what they call a true blood though, not sure. Anyway, being around three males like her, she's come into her first season. I know, it sounds so veterinarian. Perhaps that explains the initial attraction to her. The initial instinct of the animals in each of us is survival of oneself and of one's blood.

But that was the initial attraction. I have found myself wanting to be close to her, and she said the same of me. We sat and watched the stars. And I am not ashamed to admit, we made love under those stars. It was completely amazing. And, unlike with any other girl before, I didn't feel dirty or want to rush off to take a shower and scrub my skin until it was pink. She is simply and truly an amazing woman.

On a side note, when we came back into the house, Dien happened into the kitchen as we were putting away the picnic basket and such. He says that she's going to have two sons. What a peculiar little fellow he can be sometimes. There's no way she can conceive on our first time, right?

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2007-07-28 15:13 EST
My, so much has happened since I last wrote in this book. It turns out that Dien was right. Rumer is pregnant with two boys. Half brothers, being carried in the same womb at the same time. If not for the lycan blood, I would not think it possible. And it's absolutely amazing how quickly her pregnancy is going. Perhaps that's the lycan blood as well.

Everybody is so excited about the babies. Here we are, all grown men, and we're all giddy like school girls. Amazing what a child can do. And Rumer, she sits as the modest queen of the house. At least, in my eyes she is.

Even Gage is excited. He smiles all of the time now and has even went shopping for the babies. He truly spoils the ones he loves by showering them with love and gifts. I count myself truly blessed to say he is my husband. He is truly a wonderful man and deserves all of the edification I can muster. I love him so.

Cole seems to be handling all of this quite well. I'm not sure how he took things at first, but now he seems alright. He and Dirk had a bit of a falling out and Dirk was gone for a while. But now he's back and life is returning to somewhat normalcy here. I will say that Cole did ask me to go away for a weekend or so. He asked me to go to that cabin where Dirk nearly killed me by beating on me. I told him I would have to ask Gage. Not that I need Gage's permission, but I wouldn't just up and leave my husband without at least letting him know where I was going. Not even for a trip to the local grocery. I think that upset Cole quite a bit. He had been distant for a while, especially after Dirk left and then came back. Things aren't the same between Cole and I. We're friends, for sure. But I'm not sure he wants anything more than that from me. Time heals all wounds. So we'll see how it goes.

The nursery is coming along very nicely. I have the artistic touch of a bull in a china shop, so I just painted the walls white as a foundation. Dirk has sketched out and started to paint, with Rumer's help, a jungle scene that's going to have moon and stars on the ceiling and a sun. When it's all done it will look quite lovely I think.

I think I've caught myself up on my writing. Also, it's time to meet Gage at the pool for some quiet one on one time. Gods do I love him.

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2007-07-28 23:28 EST
As I sit here and read all of what I've written, I cannot help but wonder how much of a fool I truly am. It's all been a farce. All of it. Was it revenge? Did he only want me to believe that he loved me? I cannot believe that. I guess I should start at the beginning.

Gage left for a photo shoot somewhere in Europe. That was a few days ago. He kissed me goodbye, told me he loved me and that he would be back in a week or so. I would have, should have, gone with him. But with Rumer expecting, I decided to stay with her. Maybe that is what he was hoping for.

I got called into the kitchen by Dirk just a little bit ago. Cole was there, as was Rumer, Dien, just about everybody. Dirk held some forms in his hand and looked pale. Nobody was smiling. And then he told me, showing me the forms. Gage had the divorce papers delivered to the Pi compound and Jay faxed them to Dirk.

I didn't know what to say, or what to do. Stunned, yes I was very stunned. And i still am. Hurt, angry, sad, you name it and it's going through me right now. Did he never love me? Or was he like a bird in a gilded cage that just needed to be set free? Did he feel as if I clipped his wings? Was he jealous of my relationship with Cole or Rumer? I don't know.

What will I do without Gage? He was the rock that I set my foundation on. And now that rock is gone. Thank the Gods for everybody that lives here. Rumer, Cole, Dru, Dien... even Dirk. I hate to make myself a burden on them, but if I should need a shoulder, they've all assured me that they are all available.

Rumer is carrying our sons. I must concentrate on that. I cannot let Gage's absence get to me. Only you, my journal, will ever know just what he meant to me. I will miss him, surely I will. I already do.

Maybe, some day, I'll understand. Until then...

Respectfully yours,

Jessie Wygant-Reynolds

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2007-07-29 05:51 EST
Post Script to my previous entry:

I've been wondering around the house in a sort of daze. whenever I would meet up with any of the others, I dare not show a sign of what my heart bears. Stiff upper lip and all that rot. Maybe if I can convince them that I am alright, perhaps I can convince myself.

After the initial shock of it all was over, I realized a few things. The way it all happened, the divorce papers in the mail. Him not facing me. That is the coward's way out and the man I married is no coward. It's just not like him to do something like this. Or, maybe it was and I just didn't know the true Gage hidden inside. I don't want to believe that.

Also, once Gage turned me, the bond between he and I was palpable. I could feel his presence, even when he was far away. I cannot feel that now. I don't think that the bond between Sire and childe could be broken like that.

I spoke with Dirk about it and he says that he never felt that kind of bond with Gage. There's something peculiar going on. I just wish I knew what it was. I just hope the unthinkable hasn't happened. I pray that he's safe and warm somewhere. It scares me to think that the bond was broken because he is dead somewhere.

This is all too much. I cannot sleep in the bed that he and I shared. I can see his face when my eyes close and I can smell his scent on the covers, pillows, even the very bed itself. Will I ever stop missing him?

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2007-08-02 14:28 EST
It's been a few days and still nothing from Gage. A part of me hopes that something is wrong with him, that he's been hurt somewhere or something bad has happened. I hate to think of the alternative. That he truly just doesn't love me or maybe never did. I know it's horrid of me to think such things.

Joel has been great. We've talked to all hours. I would be amiss to say that I've started to have feelings for him. As I reflect back, I don't think it's the typical rebound stuff, but only time will tell. He has been wonderful to talk to. He sits and listens and tells me his thoughts straight out. Not afraid to say what he thinks. I am glad of that.

Everybody else in the house has been full of "I'm so sorry." and "I'm sure he'll be back." and such rubbish. I honestly do not think he's coming back. Truly, I'm a man with a sordid past. Who would really want me?

Joel is taking me to the Bahamas to cheer me up. He's been very kind to me. And I am falling in love with him. I can feel it.

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2007-08-04 15:18 EST
Had a smashing good time in the Bahamas with Joel. We stayed up late, danced and drank all night and slept most of the days away. We were only there for a few days. But, we had fun and talked about a great many things.

I was so confused and hurt when we left on our little holiday. I know I sat and wrote about feelings for Joel and rubbish about rebound. Joel is truly a wonderful man and I'd be very lucky to have him. But there's only one man for Joel and that's not me. The more time I spent with him the more I realized what a great friend I have in him. Friend, nothing more.

We got home and I gave Rumer a tiny pair of diamond earrings. They look quite fetching on her. I apologized to her for being so selfish over the past week or so that Gage has been gone. Being the kind hearted girl that she is, she forgave me. And now things are starting to return to normal.

I must say that I miss Gage so terribly much. I wish we would hear something, anything. The divorce papers sit atop my dresser. I refuse to sign them until Gage himself tells me to and why. I know that sounds stupid and headstrong, but until I know for sure that he does not want me, and that this is not some trick, I will hang on. This ring shall not be removed from my finger.

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2007-08-07 08:50 EST
Since my last writing quite a bit has gone on. Just after writing my last entry, there was a phone call. Paul had found Gage and he needed to take him someplace safe. My beach house isn't far from here, and I told him to meet me there. When he got there, Gage was bruised, beaten and battered. He has marks on his back where he'd been flogged with a whip.

Paul left, and I made Gage comfortable and did what I could for him. The next morning, over coffee, the most horrible thing happened. We were talking and suddenly he grabbed my throat. His eyes turned this horrible shade of black and it wasn't Gage any longer. It was Setheus, possessing Gage's body. I begged with him to let Gage go. He did, but then both Gage and I were taken to the de Laurier estate. I was bound and gagged and put in a separate room from Gage. They beat me pretty badly but never asked me a thing. And then next thing I know, there's Setheus again. Guess he had a change of heart, I don't know. Through teleportation, he took Gage and I back to the house. He apologized profusely, and then disappeared.

Gage kept to himself. I waited for him to come to bed and ended up sleeping alone. I found him in the kitchen the next morning and we talked briefly before he stormed out of the kitchen. I followed, of course I would. We talked more, he said that he couldn't live in the house anymore. That he didn't want to share me with anybody.

Long story short, the papers were signed and he took them with him. If he had told me how he felt when we were in Montreal, I'd still be married. But as it is, I've got Rumer to think of. She's carrying my child and I can't just up and leave her. I am in love with her. It saddens me that Gage is gone, don't get me wrong. But what can I do?

Rumer is my life now. And I will make sure she never goes a day without knowing how I feel for her. And I will tell her everything. There was a lesson to be learned from what happened between Gage and myself. "To thine own self be true." Because if you're not happy, how can the one you love be happy as well?

I'll miss you Gage. I love you. Good luck to you in your travels. I hope that someday you find what you are searching for.

I know I have.

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2007-08-14 00:49 EST
I have come to the conclusion that I am better off alone. I've left that house, don't think I'll ever go back to it. And the more I think about it, the more I realize I was daft for not seeing it all before. Perhaps, first things first, just to get my thoughts straight.

Setheus came to visit the other night. He and I talked for a while, even went on a walk through a Parisian park. We talked about a lot of things, some trivial, some important. And there was an almost instant bond between us. I'm a very private sort of person, and here I was, telling my life story to a man that had been a mere stranger.

I took my promise to Rumer very seriously. I love her and she deserves all of the respect a woman can get. I wanted to share my life with her. I just wanted her to know.

So Setheus comes for another visit. And it gets a little heated in the kitchen. He kisses very nicely. And, Rumer walked in. I was mortified and torn. I'm such a fool for letting my heart be divided like that!

She walked out of the kitchen, and it was difficult, to say the least, who to stay with, who to turn to. I chose Rumer. But she laughed. Acted as if it really didn't matter to her that I were just kissing on a man. Then she reminded me that she is also with Dirk. So why should it bother her if I am with somebody else?

I just don't understand it. What is wrong with being with just one person? I had that with Gage. And I threw it away to be with Rumer. I knew that Dirk was going to be in the picture, but I chose to ignore that fact. Now I am beginning to wonder if I made the wrong choice. I think I should have gone with Gage if he had let me.

So, I'm at home in my beach house. Setheus begged me to go someplace safe. But if you cannot feel safe in your own home, where can you?

Anyway, so here I sit in my beach house, alone again. This time, I think I am going to stay that way.


Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2007-08-16 09:57 EST
I was alone for all of a single night before Setheus came to me with the news. Rumer had been, all along, an agent for Vicente. His daughter. He sent his own daughter to do his dirty work. It's unfathomable. And it turns out that she was pregnant before she showed up at the house. I can honestly say a large part of me is relieved. I know that sounds terrible, but it's true.

I apologized to Setheus for treating him so horribly that night. It was no fault of his own that Rumer laughed in my face when I spoke of forever with her. Forever, what a funny word. I was ready to give everything to her. I thought she carried my child. Anyway, off topic once again.

He and I have become very close. Setheus, that is. It just feels right and comfortable to sit and talk with him for hours. We even snuggle on the couch a bit. Kissing him is the most amazing thing. He is wonderful and I fall for him more every day. And he says the same things about me. And I know that there are no others with him. I don't have to share him or pretend to like sharing anymore. I have to say I've never been happier.

He gave me his ring, his family crest, and said he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. Of course I wear the ring now. And the feeling is mutual. I will spend the rest of my days with him. I love him.

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2007-12-10 21:03 EST
It has been a very long time, my journal friend. I should have been keeping you up to date in my life. But after I married Setheus and we settled into our perfect little house with our perfect little life, there really wasn't a whole lot to tell. I mean I could go on and on about how wonderful he is and how great it is to be with him. And he is, and it is.

Sometimes he goes away on trips and I'm left alone. Usually not for anything longer than a day or so, but there was a convention where he was gone for a week. It was bad and I was terribly lonely with out him. I did everything I could around the house to keep myself busy. But you can only strip and refinish the kitchen floor so many times. I went out, to movies, the mall, dinner and always alone.

But then I met up with Rico at the mall one day. I use to work for Rico and he asked me if I wanted to do him a few favors, make a few bucks. At first I didn't want to and I told him no. But then he kept calling me and telling me how much money I use to make for him and myself.

As the days grew longer without Setheus, the more I thought about what Rico was saying. And finally, I just gave in. The first guy came over and I sent him away. Same with the next few. I gave Rico the money, but kept sending the guys away.

Rico got very angry when he heard the complaints. I admitted what I'd done and he was ready to tear me up. By this time Seth returned home and I told him I didn't want any part of that lifestyle any longer. Things were good again, quiet and Seth and I lived the happy married life.

The next time he left, Rico was right at it again. Again I gave in and I still don't know why but the guy paid and was serviced. Nothing major at first. But then things just started snowballing. And the more it happened, the more I wanted it to happen. It was like I was living this double life. And it was exciting and dangerous.

But that can only last so long. Seth's nephew came to stay with us for a while. I'm trying to behave while he's here, but it's very difficult. I don't know why I do the things I do. I know that I'm going to lose Seth. There is no doubt in my mind. I wouldn't stay with a guy like me either.

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2007-12-11 14:34 EST
My worlds have collided and both have come to an end. Setheus knew that something was wrong. How could he not? He asked if I wanted to talk to him about it. I can with hold the truth. I cannot out and out lie. I told him everything that I'd done while he was away.

He said he will always love me. The pain in his eyes, on his face, how could I do that to him? I begged him to stay. But why should he? So Seth is gone. And he'll never be back. I don't know what to do. It's nothing more than I don't deserve.

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2007-12-24 10:59 EST
My journal friend, it has been a while. So much has happened, I hardly know where to begin. I suppose first things first. Setheus returned a couple of times. He wanted to know everything and how it happened. I was more than reluctant to tell him of the clients and what they did to me. So, as I slept, he triggered my dreams and watched them like a movie. I agreed to let him do it. There is nothing I would deny my Setheus.

The more he watched, the more hurt he was. Dream after dream of men and boys and even a woman who paid for my services. Whether for the carnal pleasures or just an escort, Seth watched it all. I woke up to see tears in his eyes that would not fall to his face. And his face, his beautiful face, contorted in rage and pain and agony. I did this to my love.

He destroyed the outbuilding that stored our garden furniture and some tools. That is where I allowed the transactions to take place. Setheus left nothing untouched in there. With his bare hands, he destroyed it. Then we spoke and he said that he could never leave me, that he loved me. But, I would need a cleansing. Heart, body, soul and mind.

So for three days, Setheus made love to me. Over and over and over. There was no time for food. No time for watching television or going outside. No time for sleep. Setheus was meticulous and he is an angel. He did not need the sleep, food, drink. He allowed me water, and this was all. And even though my body grew tired and weak, my heart grew stronger. My love did this for me.

Today, the cleansing stopped. I was able to shower and remove any of the remains of his lovemaking that were upon my body. My body ached, yet yearns for more. My entire body was covered and the sensations to my skin were so sensitive that the warm water of the shower sent off tiny sparks that had me more than aroused and ready for more of my husband.

Alas, he wasn't there. He did not return for a long while. And when he did, he was spattered in blood. He had a gift for me. One that I've placed in a cedar box and hidden away, deep in my closet. It was a necklace. The necklace worn by the sadistic whip bearing client. And the necklace was coated in blood, flesh embedded between the links. Skin hung from the clasp.

My love has returned to me. And may the Gods help any of the clients that I had.

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2008-01-02 13:23 EST
Things are quiet now. Setheus' gifts are all stowed away in that cedar box, safely within the closet of our room. The diamond and sapphire encrusted fingernail of the woman I escorted to the ball, the ring from the finger of a man I scarcely remember, a pair of hooped earrings, one from each of those beautiful boys. They are all there. All reminders of my past. All reminders of my sins. I pull them out, one by one and display them onto his pillow when he's not here. A grim reminder of what my sins cost. Not only in my marriage, but in the lives of others.

Another cleansing period. It wasn't as rough as the first go round. Three days of non stop love making. I was only allowed water and the ability to relieve my bladder or bowels, if the need arose. My body covered in Seth's sweat, aching with every movement but loving every moment. It's all etched into my mind and my soul. It was torture, sweet and painful and wonderful all at the same time. This is what my Setheus has done for me.

And now, as I sit here with this writing, my mind and body are at ease. My sins have been absolved and I feel no more guilt or remorse. What's done is done. It's a new day, a new year. My days will be filled with nothing but the sounds of board meetings and my lover's heart beat as we make love.

I need for nothing.

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2008-01-23 08:35 EST
So much has happened since my last entry. I will attempt to make sense of it all here. Setheus had went to Vicente to beseech him to stop this terrible war and hurting of others. With each day that passed that Setheus was not home, I grew more and more worried. From what I understand, Vicente is an evil and cruel man, but one that will do anything if the price is right. So, I waited home, like Setheus had asked me to.

Cole had been kidnapped. I can't remember if that was before or after Setheus left. Or perhaps why Setheus left. None the less, he had been taken. Dirk went after him and brought him back. We were all very glad to see him. I had asked Dirk if he saw Setheus and Dirk said he hadn't. This only worried me even more.

So I waited for two days. It was the longest two days of my life. I missed my husband and feared the absolute worst. When I could not take it anymore, I used the ring that is linked to him. Within a blink of an eye I was teleported to where I thought Setheus would be.

Only, Setheus wasn't there. At my feet, buried in the dirt of that road outside of this little village in the middle of nowhere, was Setheus' ring. It was caked with dirt and blood and my heart felt like it was going to stop. I stood there and concentrated, harder than I have ever before. Taking several deep breaths into my nose, hoping that I would catch his scent on the wind. Soon enough, I did catch his scent and followed it into the village.

I found my beloved in the middle of only what can be described as a Grecian style bath. The pool was in the middle of a building that resembled the Parthenon in Greece. He lay there, nude, being tended to by the Priestesses of the village. His body raked with scars that criss crossed over is torso, legs, arms and even his beautiful face. What kind of creature could do this to such a gentle soul? I don't know, and I'm afraid to find out.

He woke when he heard my voice and I went to him. He was weak and the Priestesses were healing him as best they could. But soon, they left us to our privacy. The reunion was bittersweet. Happy to see him again, to touch him and hold him and let him know I loved him. But horrified by what had been done to him. And sad that I couldn't have been there to help him, even in some small way.

Soon he will be strong enough to travel and we can go back home. He says that the scars even will be gone within two days. I can't wait to get home. I can't wait to warn the others of what Vicente did and can do.

Mostly, I am just glad that Setheus is safe. And I'll never leave his side again.

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2008-02-09 10:13 EST
I sit here and read the last entry in my journal. The last line especially. How fickle am I? Setheus has been good to me. He's been kind to me. He's killed for me. But one must follow their heart. Even if it kills you in the end, your heart should lead the way. Especially when it comes to who you are going to spend eternity with.

But, I get ahead of myself. An invitation to Gage and Tomas' new club came in the mail and I told Setheus I wanted to go. Of course, he lets me do whatever I wish. So we made the trip to Brussels. Of course we stayed in a nice, posh hotel. It wasn't too long before we found ourselves walking into the club. Now I had expected some loud, obnoxious techno scene. But it wasn't anything like that.

Sure, people had flocked there and there were a lot of celebrities and models that Gage had been friends with. So the place was packed full of people dancing, talking and drinking. We went to the bar and ordered some drinks. Gage popped up from behind the bar and it felt like the world stood still and went on one side. Did he have to look so good? I turned my eyes away, and it was all I could do to do just that.

I don't know if Setheus caught the instant attraction to Gage or not. I made every effort to show Setheus that he was the only one for me. I think I made too much of an effort because as the evening drew on, he wouldn't touch me, hardly spoke to me except to chastise me.

Gage and Tomas escorted us to a posh room where he takes his special guests. Immediately Gage and I get into a battle of words. It was very harsh and not worth repeating what was said. Gage even left at one point. But when he came back, he had vodka and we started back into it again. Setheus and Tomas just kind of sat there and looked stunned.

After a while I just couldn't take it anymore. Not only was I hurting, I saw the pain in Gage's eyes at my own words to him. I just wanted the stupid argument to stop. Setheus and Tomas agreed that Gage and I were acting like small children. So I left. I got my coat and told Setheus I'd meet him back at the hotel.

I didn't get more than twenty yards when I smelled Gage coming after me. I was expecting a good thronging and kept my hands in my pockets. Let him beat me to a bloody pulp, or so I thought. But then we started talking. Setheus and Tomas were about ten meters away and what Gage and I said was mostly whispered. I didn't look back at Setheus and Tomas. I am sure they knew what was being said.

But then Gage turned and walked away. Only then did I turn and look at Setheus and Tomas. Tomas was a mess, already crying. He knew. Setheus asked me if I loved him, why do I watch him walk away. What a wake up call that was. It was as if he were giving me permission. I whispered an apology and ran off after Gage.

I caught up to him and laid one bloody well good kiss upon him. He returned it in kind and the next thing I know, it's the next morning and I'm waking up in Gage's bed. It all happened so quickly, my head was still spinning.

Deciding to take a shower, I went into the bathroom and closed the door so as to not wake Gage. And lo, right behind me appears Setheus. I know my actions hurt him deeply. But I was following my heart. I feel terrible about what we've done to Tomas and Setheus. I guess Gage heard our voices, because suddenly he's there too. Setheus told Gage that he was only there to say goodbye. And then he vanished.

I've not heard from him since, and it's been a few days. Gage and I flew to Arkansas to find his dream home. Large farmhouse, white picket fence, a pack of hounds and beagles and he wants to find the perfect surrogate so that we can start a family.

Everything is happening so fast. I need to catch my breath.

One thing I know. I'll always love Setheus. There will always be a place for him in my heart. But the rest of me belongs to Gage Reynolds. And I wouldn't want it any other way.

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2008-02-11 14:21 EST
Gage and I found a house! It's wonderfully peaceful out in the middle of no where. And acreage too. I'm so excited about it. We came back to Rhy'din and the compound to get the rest of Gage's stuff from the guesthouse he was staying in. I was in the bedroom, packing things when I heard Dirk and Gage getting into a fight.

I know better than to try to stop them, so I stayed in the bedroom until it was over. Gage fumed for a while, nobody gets under his skin like that Dirk. They agreed to work it out in the boxing ring. It was crazy and I said as much. But nothing changes Gage's mind once it's set.

So we go to the gym and there's Cole sitting there watching Dirk dance around the ring. I was so excited to see him again! When Gage and Dirk started fighting, Cole and I held our hands up. We didn't want to watch them beat the bloody hell out of each other.

We also held hands, talked. Then Cole was in my lap. It felt so nice to hold him again. It was like no time had passed at all. He smelled of sweet strawberry jam and his skin felt soft like felt. We kissed a little, and next thing I know, we're being watched. I was scared Gage would say it was over. But he smiled at me and ordered us to the bedroom.

Dirk kissed me. And just this morning, made love to me in the shower. I never in a million years would have guessed that would happen. I have to admit, he knows what he's doing. Not as good as Gage, but then, is anybody?

Crazy things happening. Feels good, feels right. I think it may last a while.

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2008-03-07 21:23 EST
It has been quite a while, my journal friend. Not much to report lately. When things are good, I guess I neglect you. Truthfully I had thought you lost in all the moviing between Rhydin and the new house. We've been staying mostly in the new guest house on the Pi complex. Been pretty peaceful.

But Cole's powers have been out of control lately. He has the ability to make people want him. And if you already do want him or are in love with him, that power is amplified a hundred fold. It's amazing to behold. Dirk seems to be affected more than anybody else. But then, that makes sense. He's so crazy about Cole I don't think there's anything he wouldn't do for her.. him..

Cole and I made love after he had turned into a she. I know, sounds very complicated, and I don't fully understand it. All I know is that I am going to be a father. And this time, I'm sure that the babies will have my genetic code. I said babies, yes. They say she has three little lives growing inside of her. We laughed when she called them Gummy Bears. So that's what we call them. At least, for now.

I'm so overwhelmed and excited. Gage has been an angel through all of this. He works so hard. Always the provider, and he intends to make sure there is always enough money to spoil us each rotten. He's a good man, a strong man and a wise man. I don't think I've loved him more than I do right now. He's an amazing man.

Well I won't gush any further. I offered to take them for ice cream. Think it's about time to go.


Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2008-03-30 10:27 EST
I hardly know where to start. Dirk left Cole. He left all of us. I simply couldn't believe he did that. But then, this is Dirk we are talking about. He's moody and unstable as it is. At least, I think so. Anyway, Cole locked himself into a room after he told us. Luke and I tried so hard to try to console him. But really there was nothing we could do.

Luke's been so good to Cole. He tried several times to get Cole to come out of the room. Sitting by his door all night long, talking to him. I'm not sure Cole heard him or not. Cole had the music pretty loud and we could hear him sobbing over it. It is heart breaking to hear him so desolate. I could hurt Dirk for what he's done to Cole.

And that's another thing. Dirk spouting prose about how beautiful Cole is and how Cole's heart is big enough for everybody. Dirk wanted Cole all to himself, the selfish bastard that he is. And now he's broken the heart of the sweetest man I've ever known. I still don't understand how he can be so selfish.

Cole finally let me come into the room yesterday morning. I had brought food, but he didn't eat a bite of it. I lay there and held him for a while, whispering words to console him. Dirk had called and I don't know what the conversation was about, but I have a good idea. Cole said that Dirk said that he broke up with Cole for Cole. Bloody wanker can't possibly say that he was jealous. No. He has to say that it was for Cole's benefit. I don't believe it for a second.

And Cole left the room not long after that. He went to go see Luke. I stripped down the bed and opened up the windows to air out the room. I hope that Cole will be alright after all is said and done. My heart breaks a little more with each tear he sheds. He's not suppose to cry. He's not suppose to be sad.

Nothing more to report. Gage, Luke and I are just here for Cole. That's as it should be. As in the days of old, with the Musketeers, all for one, and one for all.

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2008-05-26 20:15 EST
Gage came back after a long absence. So busy with the clubs and his modeling career. I really should go with him more often. Anyway, he came back and at first I thought he was doubting himself and ready to leave me again. But that childlike smile emerged and he held me. It was heaven. We made love all afternoon. I was thoroughly exhausted and fell asleep a very happy man.

My dreams were of pleasant things. Sunny days in a wheat field and such like that. Towards the ends, the scent of strawberries filtered through. When I woke up, I looked at Gage and smiled. He was standing over me, caressing my face. But then I felt a tug and turned my head to the most horrific thing I've ever been witness to. Luke was savagely biting Cole. There was his blood everywhere! I screamed out and tried to get Luke off of Cole, but Gage held me back. He said it was beautiful and that it was for Cole's benefit. That Cole would no longer feel any pain.

Had he lost his mind? Soon no more sounds came from Cole. A soft blue pallor fell across his skin and lips and I knew he was gone. I tried so hard to get out of Gage's grasp. When I looked up, I was terrified. Was I next? Were they going to try to "save" me too?

I screamed more, Gage did not look like himself at all. Those eyes had turned from green blue to that golden tint of the wolf, held just at bay. And Luke's eyes were blood red. I was terrified and tried to get away. Then Gage seemed to come out of it. He held me close and I knew I was in no danger. But Cole, oh God. The blood, there was so much blood.

Gage took me out of the room and started to call people. He said he was to blame. No, not Gage. It was not Gage that did that. He had no part in it. That bloody wolf. That bloody curse that we share. That's who was to blame. Gage would never have harmed Cole. He never would have allowed Luke to harm Cole. As a matter of fact, Luke, in his right mind, never would have harmed Cole.

Luke disappeared. God knows where he is. His casket, everything, is gone. Gage left. I'm not sure when he'll be back. I know he needs a lot of time. Lex came and I let them be alone. Curling up in a spare room, I cried myself to sleep. I just couldn't believe all that had happened.

I was awakened by the sound of a door closing. I looked out the window to see Cole and Lex walking away. Thank God Cole has the powers that he does. Thank God, Cole is alive.

I wish Gage would come home. I want to tell him that it's alright. That Cole is alive. I want to let him know that I love him, still.

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2008-05-26 20:18 EST
The house is so quiet. Nobody is here but me. I tried to clean up that room, and that was difficult. To see the blood and to remember the sights. God it was horrific. I burned the sheets and disposed of the mattress. The blood had even soaked through to the box springs. Those are gone too. I scrubbed the walls and the bed frame. There wasn't much on the carpet but a drop or two. I just cleaned as best I could and moved the bed over the spot. The new mattress and box springs are to be delivered some time today.

I guess I'm just trying to keep myself busy. I miss Gage so much. I hope that he knows that Cole is alright. I know I was very relieved to see him and Lex walking towards the car that morning. God speed and luck to them. They deserve all the happiness in the world.

I wish Gage would come home. It's lonely in this big empty house.

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2008-07-20 14:55 EST
It has been a very long time since I've talked to you, my friend. So much has happened, I barely know where to begin. I suppose I should pick up where I left off last. Gage came home and Cole forgave him, completely. I don't think there's a bone in Cole's body that could hold a grudge. He just loves everybody. Also, he's happily married to Lex. They are such an adorable couple. Lex is so funny and Cole just eats him alive with his eyes. They are a sight to see.

Gage and I are doing just fine. I've seen the looks of pity that some of the other brothers give me when news of Gage's latest conquest filters through the house. I simply do not care. Nobody knows what it's like to be held and loved by Gage. He has such a passion and fire in him that for one person to be able to handle it would be impossible.

Yes, I know that Gage has slept with other men since we've been together. It does not bother me in the slightest. I understand his appetites and I cannot always fulfill them. He never hides his affairs from me. He's always been honest and up front. I respect him for that. I love him more each day that passes. Call me a fool if you will. But nobody understands Gage the way I do.

He has told me that he holds no remorse in harming of others. I truly believe him too. He has a ruthlessness to his eyes and his smile when he wants something, God help the person who tries to stop him. A marvelous man to watch, a perfect blend of monster and human. He's perfect. I'd never try to change a single thing about him.

I love him.

Jessie Hutchenson

Date: 2008-07-30 20:58 EST
Hello, once again, my journal friend. To sum up the events of the last few days in one word, it would be dramatic. You see, while Gage is away during the day, I keep myself busy by maintaining the other brother's vehicles. Changing oil, rotating tires, giving tune ups, that sort of thing. Most of the other mechanics leave me alone, as they are busy with their own projects. I've even taken to rebuilding yet another classic muscle car. The Nova will be beautiful and fast when I'm done with her.

I suppose what I'm trying to say is that I've been avoiding being around the others. I don't like the looks of pity and even the jokes that I hear when I walk down the hall. They can all bugger off.

So one evening I was sitting in the kitchen, watching Cook as he prepared meals for the other, and eating my own. Along comes Cole and he sits down beside me. I will have to admit, I felt very awkward. What do you say to your ex that left you? I tried to make small talk, and that was about the extent of our conversation. I felt badly about it, but didn't talk to anybody else really. Just kept it to myself.

A few days later, I see Cole once again. He was coming my direction, but the instant he saw me, he turned abruptly and walked the other way. I think that single gesture hurt more than anything. We were out at the pool and I sat and watched him for a while. He watched me too and neither of us spoke for a very long time. After playing peek a boo for a while, he finally came over and sat with me.

We talked for a little while. Nothing of importance, just little things that had both of us smiling and laughing. Then Cole got into my lap and hugged me. My heart was racing and I was scared to death that others would see us and think the worst. But most of all, I was afraid of showing Cole how I still felt about him. I'd been hurt before, I was scared to death to be hurt again.

I told him that it didn't feel right, for him to be in my lap. That we can do anything any friends would do, but snuggling and cuddling weren't those things. Poor Cole. He looked so sad when he got up and walked away. It tore my heart to see him so sad. But I felt like I was doing the right thing. The problem is, why did it hurt so badly to do it?

The next day I was determined that we were going to fix our friendship. I went to his room and we talked for a long time. He said he was still in love with me. I had to bite my lips to stop myself from saying the same back to him. I just knew that if I uttered those words to Cole, I'd lose Gage forever. So I lied. I told him that I'll always love him, but I was in love with Gage. Well, that really wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the exact truth either.

I just wanted to leave. I had hurt Cole so much in the last few days that I simply wanted to go. I don't want to be where I'm doing nothing but causing trouble. I talked to Gage and he told me that he loved me. That I'd never lose him. That he expects Cole and I to be close. I was shocked, to say the least. Then Gage kissed me, held me close and told me to fix things with Cole.

I was loathe to leave Gage's arms, but he would have nothing of it. So I ran off to find Cole for a nice long talk. I wasn't going to lie and hide my feelings any longer. I found him a lot sooner than I thought and we ended up in one of the spare guest bedrooms. I told him how sorry I was, and that I was still in love with him. Long story short, we ended up making love in that bedroom. And it was just as I remembered.

As we lay there, spent, a knock came to the door and in walks Gage and Ares. I was frightened at first, but then Gage kissed me and smiled. He said Ares wanted to meet Cole. I can understand why, but my goodness. Poor Cole!

Ares was all over Cole. He wouldn't let Cole alone or up to breathe. Gage had to physically lift Ares off of Cole to get him off of him. I took Cole out of the room and let Gage deal with Ares. I swear, when I first met Ares I thought he was a bright, intelligent man. But when he's around Cole, he's a neanderthal! All grunting and going on about how Cole is his. He'll learn soon enough, I suppose.

This has ran much longer than I had expected. Gage and I are going to have a nice, quiet dinner. Just the two of us. I can't wait.
