Topic: Leatherbound

Alaric de Laurier

Date: 2007-07-28 23:50 EST
They've left me. Why do they do that? Tristen, my son, with Ana my beautiful daughter. And now Elise as well. I gave them everything. They wanted for nothing. So why did they leave me? Am I that horrible? Of course I was stern with them. Children need a strong up bringing, especially in this world we live in. Spare the rod, spoil the child. My children were raised to be strong. They have to be. Pure bloods, all of them.

Really, I have been criticized over the years for my views on the pure blood and half breed issues. Do the new generations not see that our old ways and traditions are dying a slow, painful death? And the more lenient my generation becomes, the more we lose our identity. I cannot let this happen. I chose their mothers for a reason. They were beautiful, all of them, yes. And they, like me, were pure bloods as well. Now our children will be the foundation for a whole new generation of pure bloods.

Or so I had hoped.

I must find my son. Tristan is the key to everything. He will be my successor when I pass. And my time is coming, I know this. My scouts have been searching for him with no luck. My personal liason to the scouts and other militia tells me that no news is good news. Paul is a good man and I trust that he is right. I do not sense that my children are in any danger, so we do this the right way. First I must find them. One man knows where my son is. Dirk Stevens will be found and he will be brought to me, no matter what it takes.

My advisors inform me that Mr. Stevens is living in a well guarded estate somewhere in Massachusetts. State of the art equipment is used to watch the grounds. I suppose to keep them safe. But every security system has a fail point. Somewhere, somehow, my men will find it. Once that is done I will find Mr. Stevens' weakness. And then he'll come to me.

Alaric de Laurier

Date: 2007-07-28 23:51 EST
My sources tell me that the house in Massachusetts wasn't them at all. Really too bad innocent people had to die to find that out. Ah well, they've been delivered from their miserable lives. A favor to them really. Que cera.

It seems Mr. Stevens and his group are very crafty. They caught on to my scouts and threw them off the trail with some very strong enchantments. It's a pity that I've had to send my right hand man, and only friend, to clean all of that up. I have no doubt that Setheus will find Mr. Stevens, et al, soon enough.

My scouts were fortunate enough to stumble on quite the find though. It was completely by accident, but a valuable find none the less. I have one Gage Reynolds in my ante-room as we speak. I'm sure he'll find the accommodations to his liking. I mean, who wouldn't just love being chained to a padded bed with arm and ankle cuffs? I think I shall interrogate him myself. I do know that he was a close friend of Mr. Stevens, they were traveling together when we lost Mr. Stevens trail. Perhaps with a bit of old fashioned persuasion, I can get Mr. Reynolds to talk. It should be quite enjoyable. I am looking forwards to it.

Win some, lose some. It all evens out. And it has been an eventful day with it all. I shall retire now to my bed chambers.


Alaric de Laurier

Date: 2007-08-02 08:16 EST
I must say that it has been quite the eventful week. The capture of Mr. Reynolds has yet to produce the results I had hoped for. It seems that he's a bit stronger than I originally gave him credit for. He's withstood the merciless beatings from Jean Philippe, and that is saying something. Jean Philippe has no qualms with using his fists to settle any kind of disagreement and he's quite good at what he does. I'm not even sure if Mr. Reynolds' own family would recognize him at this point. Yet, he still refuses to talk.

He was flogged, and I didn't stay for that bit of entertainment. I had a rather beautiful dinner guest and I did not want to spoil her dinner with such entertainment. Already she is proven that she will be the next mother to my next child. What happens to her after that, well that remains to be seen.

As it were, I've had enough of Mr. Reynolds' insubordination. I've called Setheus back so that he can exact his own form of persuasion on Mr. Reynolds. Setheus has his own unique way of loosening tongues and I am sure that Mr. Reynolds will give us the information that we require soon enough. After all, how much can a man take?

Alaric de Laurier

Date: 2007-08-04 16:29 EST
I shall start off by saying that I love my children. Even when they misbehave or cause mischief, I love my children. It seems that the twins have caused another ruckus and unfortunately Mr. Reynolds had escaped. I had the house sealed off so the boys could play cat and mouse with Mr. Reynolds and it was very entertaining.

But then a traitor was discovered. Just as the boys were going to take Mr. Reynolds back to his room, the security to the house was breeched and Paul Wolfe grabbed Mr. Reynolds and made off with him. They disappeared into the night, thinking their escape complete. Little did that traitor know that he was taking Setheus right where we wanted him to be.

Setheus bid his time, and the following morning, I had the results I had desired. Not only was Mr. Reynolds transported safely back, but so was his husband, Jessie. Mr. Reynolds has been unconscious since his return. But that Mr. Wygant, he's been a bit of a fireball. He's attacked three of my men already. Not that it does him much good. They've had to keep him bound and gagged, unfortunately. I think the man is barking mad, truth be told.

As far as the twins are concerned, Cosimo is going to have to learn to keep his curiosity at bay. The boy has caused more trouble than good and he will learn there is a price to pay, other than singed fingers from Setheus. Three days in a room by himself with nothing but bread and water to eat. That should do the trick. And as for Amadeo, he needs to learn to assert himself more and not allow his younger brother to get him involved in things. A day in a room by himself, with just bread and water.

I truly hate to punish my boys. They are hardly boys really, both of them having just turned twenty. But they must learn not to meddle in my affairs. And they must learn to control themselves. I love them, and they will be as children should be. Free spirited, assertive and obedient.

Alaric de Laurier

Date: 2007-08-05 10:50 EST
As of this writing, I am still rather shocked at the turn of events over the last few days. Everything had started simply enough. A group of friends pissing and moaning over tins of ale at a local pub about half breeds and their superior attitudes and how they were changing the old ways and traditions. All five of us made a pact to wipe out the halves as we called them. Perhaps I took it more seriously than the rest.

Since I started this quest, one by one those friends fell by the way side. Whether it was one thing or another, slowly they drifted from what we called the great cause. There were only two of us left that truly believed in it and were building an army of pure bloods to exact our plans. But now I, too, have given up the fight.

My children have left me. Tristan, Ana and Elise simply disappeared without a trace. I know they are still alive, they've been spotted here and there, but when we've made the move to retrieve them home, they disappear once more. I miss them terribly. One may not believe that, but a child is in a father's heart forever.

And then the ranks started to turn on me. I began to wonder, doubt myself and the cause really, when one of my most trusted advisers, Paul, turned his back on me. All I knew at that point was that I wanted revenge. His head on a spike and no less.

But now, as I sit in the Chateau d'Thierry, I sit and think of the evening before. I close my eyes and wish it were just a horrible nightmare. Setheus was my highest adviser, and more than that, my closest friend. And now he too has turned his back on me. He let me know, under no uncertain terms, that my methods were becoming too sadistic, too ruthless, and that he wanted no further part in the harming of innocents.

I've not had any sleep. I keep replaying my last discussion with Setheus over in my head. Am I truly that cruel, that cold and vengeful that even my dearest friend has turned his back on me? Am I truly a cold blooded and heartless old codger? Perhaps he was right. Perhaps I am.

I've written a letter to Tristan, sending it to the same place that Dirk Stevens last known residence was. I hope it gets to him. I've given up the fight. No more armies, no more wars or squabbles about half breeds and pure bloods. In my quest for what was right, I've done things all wrong. And now is the time to set things right again.

I can reach Setheus through our minds. I just hope he hasn't closed that door. I have to let him know that he was right.