Topic: Of Fire and Ice - an Elementalist's Blog

Evan Thompson

Date: 2007-11-23 11:14 EST
Ok, so everybody else is doing it, why not me? I guess I should catch up from when I first came to the frat house. Seems like a good enough place to start. Maybe a little history. I'm not sure how these things are suppose to go so I'm just kind of winging it.

I'm what my parents call a dual elementalist. Fire and water are my elementals and they control me and I control them. Well, kind of. I'm still learning the control part. But I get better each time I practice, so that's a good thing I guess.

Mom says we're from the Styx. Alright, I guess that's a good enough description and title. No need to tell where I'm really from. What does it really matter? I'm here, that's all that counts, right? I can tell you this much, Rhy'din has proved to be better than the Styx though. But I do miss my mom.

So I've been practicing. Even showing off a bit to the brothers. But I got a talking to about doing that in the house. I accidentally set a couch on fire once. I guess they didn't take to kindly to that. But then, can I blame them? Hardly. And then there was the ice slick incident. Was funny to see people sliding around and trying not to fall on their butts. But then who would suspect an ice slick in the middle of August. That was fun until Cook slid and fell. Poor old guy was out for a week. Yeah, so that wasn't fun. But he's ok.

Hmm, not much to talk about today. Was invited to go to Thanksgiving dinner at a newer bro's house. A bunch of us are going. Should be a good time. I don't know most of the bros so I'm hoping that they can cook. All I can do is burn water. haha!

Ok, time to go shoot some hoops with the guys.


Evan Thompson

Date: 2007-11-23 11:30 EST
Been a few days since I started this. I got to drive Dirk, Cole and Brey to Brey's place for the Thanksgiving dinner. We got there early so that we could set up and stuff. It was really neat riding with those three. Dirk and Cole have been with the frat for some time and they told all kinds of stories about how they first started when Russ was the president.

They said Russ is a good guy, but not one to mess with. That if he gets mad at you he zaps you with electricity. I'd like to see him try that with me. I'd just let the water part of me take over and he'd get it right back. How cool would that be?

I've been having fun playing basketball with the guys and just hanging out. Brey's been super cool. I think he just likes having us around. I don't think he has any siblings and I didn't ask too much about it. He seems like a really nice guy though.

Dirk is weird. I've never seen anybody so moody in my life. I don't know what's up with him. I think he and Cole are fighting, but I stay out of it. Or I try to. It's really none of my business. But if he tries to foul me on the court again, he's going to get stuck in a block of ice for a while. See if he likes that. Otherwise, he's been ok. Kind of distant. Not sure if he wants to be friends or not.

Cole, on the other hand, is great. When he's not around Dirk he laughs and cuts up and we watch scary movies together. He's been very cool to just hang out with and he likes to play basketball too. Though he's kind of short so I cut him some slack. Just don't let him find that out! I think he's a good guy. We really hit it off. I'm glad to call him my friend. Oh, he introduced me to strawberry smoothies. Oh my god! Those things rock!

Anyway, yeah I'm having a great time so far here at Brey's. The place is just about ready for the other guys to get here. Brey's excited. He loves having this new family around. And that's cool.


Evan Thompson

Date: 2007-11-24 09:13 EST
Ok, well I'm back again. Thanksgiving was ok. Dirk cooked all day long. I think he did it just to keep himself busy. But man it came out really good. I was so stuffed! But it would have been better without the dramatic crap. I mean really.

After dinner we cleaned up the kitchen and then hung around watching movies. Most of us fell asleep. Must have been funny to walk into the room to see five or six guys in front of the tv, just passed out. And not a beer in the room! Good times.

Like I said, there was some dramatic crap going on. I tried to keep out of it. I mean Cole and Dirk, if that's what gets them off, then let them fight. I, for one, am tired of it though. I overheard some things Dirk has said to Cole and it's just not right. You don't treat the person who is carrying your child like that.

But, I digress, it's none of my business. Jamie, Taylor and myself went out on the property for a while. To give their privacy I guess. But it was nice. A horseback ride and skeet shooting. Jamie was scared of the guns so we didn't stay out for long really.

Other than that, not much going on. Dirk's gone. There was some big blow up or something and now he's gone. Not sure where he went but they say he's not coming back until the baby is born. Oh well.

Time to hop in the shower and to get ready for the day.

Evan Thompson

Date: 2007-11-24 18:59 EST
I just don't know where to start. The day started as any normal, ordinary day I suppose. I was playing basketball with Brey and Cole and a few of the others, just having a good time. By the way, it's amazing how the tension level has gone down here since Dirk left. Everybody has been smiling and laughing and having a great time. Pretty sad that one bad apple was spoiling it for the rest of us.

Anyway, back to that morning. Basketball was fun and the guys came and went out of the gym. Cole had went up for a hook shot and I blocked him with my body. Next thing I know, my arms are around him and I'm involved in the most amazing kiss ever. I mean, my god. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think. And then just that quickly, it was over.

My God, Dirk only left a few days ago. I mean it's been over between them for a while, even before Thanksgiving, but still. I don't feel badly about it though, just shocked by it still. I guess every thing is just a whirlwind right now. Hard to keep my thoughts straight when they keep going back to that kiss.

We both brushed it off, at the time, saying that it was Cole's powers, amplified by my own. Sure we could say that. But the look in his eyes, and I swear that he saw the same in mine, the powers alone had very little to do with what happened.

Shit, here I am obsessing over a single kiss. Maybe Cole was right. Maybe it was just his powers and I'm reading way too much into it. But how can I be reading too much into it when my gut says that there was more to it than just a simple brushing of lips together.

It was... amazing.

Evan Thompson

Date: 2007-11-24 19:13 EST
Oh crap, see obsessing over that kiss and I forgot to tell the latest news. I was laying here, watching a horror flick and it was dark. The movie was really good and I was getting into it. Munching popcorn and drinking a pop and just getting into it.

I hear a shuffling noise in my room. I just shrugged it off, figured it was either a mouse or maybe acoustics from the tv. Anyway, so I'm getting back into the movie and all of a sudden, I feel a hand on my foot. I nearly jumped out of my skin and I know I could have woken the dead with my scream.

Then I hear giggling. Not just one voice, no, two voices. I flipped on the light and there are Jamie and Cole, just as cute as they can be, crouched at the end of my bed. No, that's not right. They were laying at the end of my bed, both clutching their stomachs and laughing. They got me good, I'll give them that.

They're so funny to watch together. Jamie is just as flamer as you can get and he's not afraid to show it or admit it. Funny as hell. And he and Cole are thick as thieves. So funny to watch them tip toe down the hall to so spy on one of the guys. I think Sean's been their main target, besides myself. Poor guy. I hope they get him good too. Will be funny to find out what they do to him.

And Brey, man I'm so proud of that guy. He's just taking the bull by the horns and living it up. He's got his friends around and he even found a girl to bring home. It's great. Though he cracked me up when he made his announcement that he was going to be a little busy. I left him a little present on his dresser the next day. Maybe a little late, but a box of Trojans isn't going to hurt for him to have.

Anyway, I'm out.


Evan Thompson

Date: 2007-11-30 12:04 EST
Still here, hanging out at Brey's. He's told us we can stay as long as we like and that he likes having his new family around. So it works out. I've started to clean stables and work the horses. Man he has some gorgeous horses. My favorite is the blood red Arabian. He is just too much. And his temperment is just as fiery as his coat. Been a real challenge to get him to even trust me enough to eat an apple that I've left in his stall. Slow going, but so worth the effort. He'll make a beautiful mount for somebody some day.

Hung out with the guys last night. We went to watch a basketball game and it was a lot of fun. Cole, Brey, Jamie and Brey's girlfriend all went along. Nothing like cold hot dogs and hot beer between friends. After wards, Brey took his girl home and I drove Jamie and Cole around. Jamie fell asleep in the back seat and Cole and I just talked for what seemed like hours. I couldn't tell you all that was said. Mostly small talk I guess. But it was nice.

Anyway, I'm out. Time to work the horses.


Evan Thompson

Date: 2007-12-07 14:51 EST
Man, it's been so quiet lately. I've not seen Sean or Jamie in a while. Tyler went back to the frat house. But then I've been keeping busy with the horses so it's not so bad. I tried to get Jamie to play basketball and he looked at me like I was asking him to shoot himself in the head. Guess he's not a sports kind of guy.

So Cole left to be with Dirk. I truly hope that the two can work through their problems. There will be a child involved soon and they need to get their ducks in a row. From what I'm hearing, things are going good between them right now. So that's a good thing. I just hope that they both know that if things start to get rocky again, they have all of use to turn to for help. That's what bros are for, right?

I think Jamie was wanting to go back to Rhydin. He has the hots for Sean something fierce and without Sean around it's been pretty boring for him. I may just drive him back to the compound and spend a few days there. But I'll come back here. I love it here. I feel so at home. Besides, one of the mares, Strawberry, is due to foal in about a month. I want to be here for that.

Not much else going on.


Evan Thompson

Date: 2007-12-16 01:02 EST
I drove Jamie and a few others back to the Frat house the other day. Everybody's gearing up for Christmas and trying to hide all of the presents away from each other. Kind of funny to watch them sneaking around and trying not to get caught. And the booby traps that are set up! It's too funny.

Jamie's a cool kid. A bit hyper, but cool. He must have shown me a dozen times his scrap book of Sean's work. Dozens and dozens of pictures of Sean modeling here and there. Sean even signed it for him. Jamie was very excited to be back at the Frat house.

Other than that, not much is going on. I got to sit in and listen as RD and VC practiced a couple of times. They're awesome bands. And I'm proud to say that they're my bros. A little crazy, but good guys all of them.

Well that's it for today.


Evan Thompson

Date: 2008-01-02 13:31 EST
Well, the holidays are over and I'm back at Brey's. It's been quiet, but busy. The horses are foaling and what a beautiful bunch of colts that are going to be raised here. It's very cool.

We also got word that Dirk and Cole's baby has arrived. A bit sooner than we all expected, but hey, that's life. So, we're getting the nursery and stuff ready for when they come back. Cole was saying this is where he wants to raise his daughter. I don't think Dirk's going to argue with him too much on it. He spoils Cole rotten.

Other than that, nothing is really happening around here. Kind of nice to be in a quiet place after the hustle and bustle of the frat house.

Well that's all for now.
