Topic: Once a Pi...

Dirk Stevens

Date: 2006-10-30 17:31 EST
Sitting in the living room at Gage's place, he lounges on the couch, enjoying a beer and watching the evening's entertainment as they dance and gyrate in front of him and the other "Frats" that have gathered. His mind is on the next thing that they could do and a slight grin curls a corner of his mouth.

He stands up quickly and grabs one of the girls around her waist and gives her an appreciative squeeze, nuzzling her neck, grazing it with his teeth before releasing her.

Standing in the middle of the room, he places his hands on his hips and leans his head back and starts to speak.

"Attention my fellow Frat Boys! There will be a meeting this Wednesday night in the Red Dragon Inn! The booze is on me! We'll discuss, whatever. You know us, we'll probably check out the chicks and other local yocals before we take off for the strip clubs!"

With that he crumbles back into his chair, arms open to the scantilly clad woman before him. Yes, he was offering her a seat in his lap.

Gage Reynolds

Date: 2006-10-30 19:15 EST
Gage was sitting on the couch, one girl already on his lap, her kisses trail up and down his neck, while another dances and caresses he and her both.
He had to admit this was the life!
A sidelong glance over to his other brothers, as his right hand lifts to salute Dirk's comments.

"Here, here! And do not forget that we have our Halloween Birthday Bash tomorrow night! And everyone bring a gift for our brother Dean. " As he then took a gulp of his beer.

Jaden Linares

Date: 2006-10-30 19:24 EST
His nose stuck in his notebook, pen in his fingers, he gave a casual glance towards Gage and Dirk. A gentle shake of his head at the commotion those two were causing, and this was a normal everyday event. He looks back to his notebook and continues to write the small poem, his other hand raises in agreeance to them.

His big brown eyes look up just in time to see the girls parading around the other brothers, he has to chuckle. Back to his poem.

Christian Stevens

Date: 2006-10-30 19:30 EST
Hazel eyes peek around the corner of the wall, he wasn't suppose to come in when the brothers held a meeting. He knew his brother would kill him if he snuck in, so he stays behind the corner. Eyes widen at the pretty much nude girls dancing around everywhere.
"Wow.." He whispers, he stays glued there. This was better then any raunchy TV show!

Russell E Green

Date: 2006-10-30 19:50 EST
At 23 he was the oldest of the group. He comes out of the bathroom and down the hall, smacking Chris in the back of the head. "Dork, you know you aint supposed to be here." Grabbing his arm, he pulls the younger boy out into the living room. "Dirk man, your brother is a pain in my ass."

He'd heard what Dirk had to say and he shakes his head, handing Chris off to one of the ladies. "You're such a putz, Dirk."

Of course he's laughing. Grabbing a handful of a girl in one hand and a beer in the other he settles down onto a couch.

Evi Langellasa

Date: 2006-10-31 07:36 EST
The noise from the party brought her downstairs. She's dressed in a silver lame' disco queen jumpsuit with 4 inch stacked sandals strapped to her feet. When she reaches the bottom of the stairs and peers into the living room she rolls her eyes. She should have known that he'd have his hookers over again.

She watches the boys with a grin on her face. Soon enough they'd all be more than a bit tipsy and then picking off the next one on her list would be easy as shooting fish in a barrel. Leveling her eyes at Gage, then to Dirk. They were already check marks on her list. Jaden was cute, but would probably be a tough nut for her to crack. Chris was simply way too young for her. So that left the eldest of the group, Russ.

Slipping past the living room, and into the kitchen, she pulls another case of beer from the huge refridgerator. She plasters a grin on her grill and turns, heading back out into the living room.

Holding the beer she grins to the folks in the room. "Anybody for more?"

Joel Hayes

Date: 2006-10-31 10:18 EST
Snickering as he watches Russ pull Chris on over into the room, he hops off the barstool and smacks Chris on the back of his head.
Then gives the girl that holds him a sneer.
"Give him a show, little kid needs to be taught."
Another smack to the kid's head.

He grabs a beer from Evi, snort to her and then he is over to the couch near Gage and shlumps down on it.

Cole Hayes

Date: 2006-10-31 10:58 EST
He would of been laughing at his twins actions toward Chris if it wasn't for the scantly dressed girl dancing before him.
Beer in one hand, the other combing through his soft auburn locks, he gave this girl one of the most chesire grins he could muster.

Hearing the "Here, here." He lifts his beer to join in, though his attention was mainly on this hot brunette.

He gave Evi a grin once she came into the living room, he always liked that girl, she had timing. His beer was warm. He pushes the girl aside and makes his way over to her, grabbing up a beer as his brother passes on by.

An air kiss to Evi as he moves on back to the recliner he was sitting in before.

Dirk Stevens

Date: 2006-10-31 12:11 EST
His younger brother had been right, Dirk was ready to tear into the boy's hide for being there. But as he watches his bros do the dirty work for him he sits back and places his hands behind his head. He gave free access to his upper body to the lady in his lap.

As the hostess that had been "assigned" to Chris took the younger Steven's hand and began to dance with him, Dirk hoots with laughter. "Go Chris go!"

An upnod of his chin to Evi and he holds up his hand, waiting for her to toss him a beer. She doesn't disappoint him and he grins at her and holds the bottle up to her in salute once he gets it open.

"Gage, dude, when's Dean and Rosie coming over? The girls won't have to leave, will they" He looked a little pouty at the thought of the excellent hostesses having to go.

Christian Stevens

Date: 2006-10-31 12:24 EST
As Russell drags him across the room, he takes in the rest of the girls with wide hazel eyes. The hit to the head earned Russell a dirty look, and then Joel came over and did it also, not once but twice! He would remember that.
"You a.." His attention was caught by the girl that began to rub her hands up and down his chest.
"Oh yeah.." He smiles and joins in with her dance.
A fist up in the air to his brother!

Evi Langellasa

Date: 2006-10-31 14:57 EST
She hadn't noticed the twins sitting at the bar. She raises a brow and moves her head slightly when one of them snorted at her. Snorted? Hell she'd break the boy in two! She mentally puts the two on her list as well.

She relaxes her posture, still holding the cold case of beer in her hands. She walks towards the bar and places the case on top of it. With the sweetest smile she can muster, she turns back towards the Frat bros.

"Can I get any of you gentlemen anything else?" One of the "hostesses" had the audacity to give her a sneer from across the room. She places her hand on her hip and gives her an impish grin before turning her chocolate browns back to the boys.

Gage Reynolds

Date: 2006-10-31 15:40 EST
He took a glance of each brother, it seems all are rather busy and he has to grin. This was after all what he paid these girls to do.
Although he frowned slightly at Chris, he was too young to be in here, little brat.
He slid one girl away but kept ahold of the second and let her continue to sit on his right arm and lap, hand cupping her rear.
He gave Dirk a sidelong glance and pondered for a moment.

"I'm not sure Dean's woman will like having all these...."
Pause. "This entertainment around when she gets here, you know the whole mongomy bit." He even brings up both his hands to use qoutations.

"As for what time, hell the party will begin right now and continue until everyone passes out, brother!"
A nod towards Evi, that girl was going to open a can of worms that best be left closed. He knew all about her "list".

Julian Rios

Date: 2006-10-31 18:29 EST
He had slipped away to the hot tub with one of the ladies and was coming back from that area, towel wrapped around his waist. Water dripped from his ebony hair and he wipes a hand through it as he makes his way into the living room.

"Who cares what the boss wants man! It's your house, homes." He grins at Evi and his hands go to his towel, quickly pulling one corner down, then back up, just a slight flash of his hip. He giggles, yes, Julian Rios giggles and makes his way to the middle of the room to join in the dance with the hostess and Chris.

Russell E Green

Date: 2006-11-01 07:56 EST
He gives Evi a longsided glance and nods his head slowly. "A ham sandwich would be great. I'm starving." He blows her a kiss and sits back. "Thanks Dove."

Finishing off his beer he tosses the empty bottle into a special can they bring into the room just for their little parties. He then shoos the girl out of his lap and stands.

"If you happy people will excuse me?" He heads out of the room, and down the hall to the li'l Frats room.

Gage Reynolds

Date: 2006-11-01 11:30 EST
As Julian came into the room and almost lost his towel, Gage cringed.
"Dude! I told you I do not want to see that again!"
Upnod as Russ went on to the little Frat room, and then he slid the girl from his lap and heads on over to Chris and Julian, that were dancing with a rather happy girl.

"Alright girls, time to go...we have a plan to undergo, no pouting, you will be back later."
He taps one of the girl's ass and walks them to the door, a few kisses here and there and the girls are gone.
Once back in the living area one of his trademark devilish grins spreads on his lips.

"Dirk, time bro."
He rubs both his hands together.
"JayJay, get the kid out of here..."
A nod towards Chris.

Christian Stevens

Date: 2006-11-01 11:40 EST
Dancing happily with this girl on him, he laughs when Julian joins in.
He couldn't wait to be involved with all of the Frat meetings, if it meant girls!
But there was Gage, he saw him coming over and he frowned already.
"But can't I at least keep her..." As the hostesses were being walked to the door by Gage.
"This sucks!" He kicks the end of the sofa.
And then Gage was kicking him out of the party too?! He was quickly going to protest but he caught that grin on Gage's face, maybe he didn't want to be here for this one, besides he had his friends to meet.
"Whatever." He mumbles as he watches the other brothers.

Jaden Linares

Date: 2006-11-01 11:47 EST
Engulfed in his book, or rather ignoring the commotion all of them were making, up until Gage came back in the room and said it was time. He knew his job was to keep Chris out of trouble, and out of their hair until the plan was set in motion.
So he closes his book, slides off the barstool and makes his way over to Chris, the notebook is folded and is then placed in his back pocket.
"Come on, I'll get Cook to make us some food." He gives him a side glance and begins to walk on out of the room, Chris of course, who would never put down food, tagging along close behind.

Dirk Stevens

Date: 2006-11-01 12:07 EST
When Gage came back into the room he knew just by the look on his face that it was time for their plan to be set into motion. He gives the girl on his lap a kiss on the cheek then pats her rump as she gets up. "Later baby."

He rises from the couch and walks to the middle of the room, eyeing the Frats carefully. He is deciding who will be in the little party with them. Pointing first to Cole, "you," then to Joel "and you." The twins will do quite nicely, he thinks. They had the strength and agility to deal with what they were up against. A wicked grin curls a corner of his mouth.

"You two, with me." He crooks his finger at them and then strides out of the living room and deeper into the interior of the house. It was time to get ready. They walked in relative silence towards Dirk's room. He had the black body suits and ski masks that they'd need for the day's mission. He pulls them out of his closet and tosses them to the twins.

"Dudes, go get changed. But for God's sake, not in here!" He ushers them into an adjoining bathroom. They could figure out which would change where on their own.

Joel Hayes

Date: 2006-11-01 14:20 EST
The girls went bye bye, and this made Joel just a tad bit upset,but he knew he would have them to play with later.
It was time to carry on the little plan they had.
He had to admit this was going to be fun, any chance he got to be around for the older brother's "plans", he always had a good time.
So without question he follows Dirk, and nods to his twin to follow.
Once in the room he grabs the clothes and just has to start laughing, this was going to be fantastic! Ski masks!
Cops and Robbers baby!

"Co, you go in there. I'll change here." He points his twin to the adjorning bathroom and shuts his own door.
Once changed he heads back out into the living room.
He was so ready for this!

Cole Hayes

Date: 2006-11-01 14:28 EST
Olive colored eyes were watching Evi as she moved about the room, not quite noticing the other girls had left for that it was time to get ready. She was trouble and he loved that about her, though he doubted neither she nor he would ever take it as far as her and Gage had.
A small grin towards her and then he noticed his brother nodding to him, ah time to go.
He lifts from the couch and follows Dirk and his brother to the room.
Grabs his own set of clothes and mask and goes on to the bathroom his brother has pointed to.
Laughing smile to his brother as he shuts his door.
"This is going to be great man!" Soon he was dressed it seemed his brother had beat him to the living room, but he is quick to follow. He stands next to his twin, ready as always.

Gage Reynolds

Date: 2006-11-01 14:37 EST
As the other brothers were getting dressed, Gage was getting the other things together.
Rope, large black sheet, masking tape, and of course the blindfold and gag.
Everything seems to be in order, he chuckles to himself.
He was already dressed in the black suit, the ski mask was hanging out of his front pocket.
Once the twins came back to the living area he held up the bag.
"Alright dudes, let's do this!"
He headed out of the room and out the front door where the black van was waiting, driver and all.
He threw the supplies in the back and watched as the guys filed in.
"Dirk! Let's go!"
He yelled back in the house, once he was in the car they would be out of here.
Jumps into the passenger seat and waits.

Dirk Stevens

Date: 2006-11-01 14:46 EST
He wasn't that far behind the twins, he snatched up the duct tape and headed out the door. He climbs into the back of the van and slams the door shut.

"Dude, masking tape is too weak. Try this stuff!" He tosses the duct tape to Gage and then turns his gaze onto the Fratlings. "You two just keep your mouths shut and follow our lead, alright? Try to control your bantering." He settles onto his rear, leaning against the back of the van. He grins and pulls the ski mask into place.

Evi Langellasa

Date: 2006-11-04 09:51 EST
Once the four guys were gone, it was her job to get the place ready for the birthday party. There really wasn't that much to do, and she set about it quickly and easily.

A "Happy Birthday Dean" paper banner was attached to one wall of the den. She set up a small table and places the cake onto the middle of it.

She moves to the kitchen and pulls the finger food trays out of the fridge and places them onto the table. Once everything was in place, she makes her way back up to her bedroom.

She applies what little make up she wears and gets dressed in a short black dress with spaghetti straps. Black sandal high heels come next before she heads back downstairs to wait the arrival of the party.

Gage Reynolds

Date: 2006-11-04 19:32 EST
It was not long before the big black van came to a hault outside the gates of the Estate, after the kidnapping. Gage pushes the numbers into the keypad just outside the window and soon they were driving through the long driveway and stopping just outside the large wooden doors.

"Well here we are, time to get this started!"
As he hops out of the van, thankfully after about tens minutes of driving it seems Dean has given up his fight and was silent in the back of the van.
Either that or he was saving up energy to take them all down, whatever.. Gage was not afraid of his older brother.
And once Dean saw all that they had done, surely he would find this funny and enjoy his party.

All the other guys file out, each grabbing the now quiet Dean's legs and shoulders. An "Oof" and they were carrying him in the doors and into the now decorated living area.

"Let's get all this stuff off."

Dirk Stevens

Date: 2006-11-04 19:58 EST
Now that they had him in the house, there were more brothers to hold him down while Dirk untied the knots. The blindfold would be the last thing to come off. Dean didn't seem to be putting up a fight, and that worried him more than just a bit. He knew that Dean was a strong man and was probably conserving energy to whoop the first tail he saw once he was set free.

First the feet. He nodded to Cole and Joel to hold Dean's leg's straight while Dirk worked the knots. "Keep on him. Just in case." He moves to Dean's hands and looks over to Russ. "Bro, help me keep his hands down." Russ does as asked and soon Dean is untied, but still bound by the four gentlemen holding him still.

"Just wait brother. Somebody here wants to say something to you."


Date: 2006-11-04 20:42 EST
Tossing a bag with swim suits and extra sets of clothes for both her and Dean into the van, she crawled in just before they brought Dean out of the house. Crouched down behind the driver's seat she waited. It didn't take the guys long and next thing she knew she was surrounded by men in black. Her eyes immediately turn to Dean to make sure he's alright.

He wasn't moving and that alarmed her just a little bit. Was he hurt? She could see that he was breathing normally. Ah, he was using that infamous control of his to keep himself calm and collected. She smiles proudly as they speed down the road to Gage's place.

Once they hoist Dean out of the van she climbs out and walks behind them, keeping silent. The grounds were overwhelmingly beautiful. She took them in as best she could before finally entering the house.

Again, she was taken aback by it's grandeur. The home wasn't just lovely, it was gorgeous! She is almost afraid to step on the carpeting for leaving feet prints. And the furniture in the living room, though a little gawdy for her tastes, was still very lovely.

Her attention back to Dean. The boys had untied him and were holdng him for her. As Dirk steps aside, she steps forward and gently takes the blindfold off of his face. She smiles brlliantly, blushing slightly. "Happy birthday, baby."

Dean Santiago

Date: 2006-11-04 20:56 EST
He had been expecting something all day. Gage was notorious for his pranks, especially on his birthday. So when he was jarred awake from a peaceful dream...

Two masked men, not just two but it seemed four?
What the hell are four masked men doing in here? Where is Rosie...
Wait was that?


I knew it, I knew they would pull something..
Man I'm getting old if they can keep pranking me like this..

Once he was tied up and placed in the van...

Man, this van smells pretty damn bad. And who the heck keeps poking my head? Hello!? Stop poking me!

He attempts to bat away the assailant with his bound hands.
All that seems to come out of his mouth is.."Mmm! Mmm!"
Nothing was getting this person to stop poking him.

All right so it is Gage, the other one must be Dirk. And the one poking me..
Joel.. That little brat I should of known and where Joel goes Cole goes. I knew it!
Wait, I'm in nothing but my boxers,not just boxers the goblin boxers! Oh man!

If he could facepalm he would at this very moment.
The car game to a stop, he heard the numbers being keyed in.

So they brought me to the Frat House?! Oh gods, please, please tell me there won't be many people.
Did someone just grope my butt?

Once he is in the house on the floor, being untied.

Who the heck groped my butt!?

Once the blindfold is off he just sits there stunned, but Dean was and is always a good sport. And just laughs as he looks around the room.
People cared enough to go through all of this for him. He just had to shake his head and smile.

"You all didn't have to.." He looks down at his goblin boxers.
"Really.."He grins as he takes Rosie in his arms for a hug and a kiss.

Russell E Green

Date: 2006-11-05 10:44 EST
He had already started passing out the beers as Rosie slipped the mask off of the man's face. The smile told it all and he relaxed visibly as he made his rounds. When he reached the baby of the group he pulled out a beer and handed it to him. "Just one, Chris." He looked at Chris pointedly and then moved along.

He kisses Evi's cheek as he passes her and hands her a cold beer as well. "You did a great job, sweets." His boyish grin and he moves along again. By the time he got to the birhday boy, Dean had already put Rosie back down so he offers him a beer as well. "Happy Birthday, Dude. And once a Pi, always a Pi, right?" He gives Rosie a peck on the cheek, shakes hands with Dean and moves on. The case he had in his hands now empty.

Into the kitchen he disappears.

Christian Stevens

Date: 2006-11-05 11:31 EST
Chris emerges from the hallway and into the living room just in time to see them untie Dean.
He hated being out of the loop, but what could he do.. He was just the kid and always seemed to just be in the way.
He plunked down into an armchair as the party began to give way.
Watching the brothers pass out beers, a few of Evi's friends coming in and pretty much now all of them were here.
The living room was soon becoming full of hot chics and all the brothers.

Though when Russ hands him a beer the boys face lights up and he takes it as though it is a prized possession.
A glance here and there before opening it, afraid that one of the other brothers might run by and yank it from his hand.

He takes a healthy swig and sits back and enjoys the party.
"Happy Birthday Dean!" He yells out. Then he was in his own little world, sipping that beer.


Date: 2006-11-06 12:09 EST
Once the party got good and going, she settles into a comfortable chair and sips on some juice. She had to laugh at the way the beer seemed to flow like water here. The more the beer, the rowdier they seemed to get.

But none of them bothered her in the slightest. They were all, even when drunk, very gentlemanly towards her. It was if they had some code they went by.

She watches Dean most of all. He seemed to be in his element here. She smiles at him proudly. When she catches his eye she gives him a playful wink and words "I love you" to him.

Her travels the room a few times before her lids grew heavy and she fell asleep, curled up in the chair.

Julian Rios

Date: 2006-11-06 12:14 EST
Although he didn't know Dean all that well, of course he was up for another Frat party! He grabs a beer from Russ and pounds him on the back. "Thanks Homes!" With a laugh, he moves on towards the kitchen doorway.

Emerging with a mouthful of sandwich he raises his beer. "Happy Birthday Senor!" Then takes a chug of the beer with a grimace. "Yea cavrone!"

Joel Hayes

Date: 2006-11-06 14:35 EST
The party was a go!
So he did whe he did best, took a beer and headed around to mingle.
Telling the story of how Dean was brought to the party to a few ladies.
Cause when it was a party Joel was in his element.
He gave Dean a salute and carried on out to the pool, where a few groups of people were already swimming and having a good time.

Girls in skimpy bathing suits, hell yeah.

"Woo! Party!" He yelled just outside the house as fully clothed, beer in hand, he jumps into the pool feet first.

Cole Hayes

Date: 2006-11-06 14:42 EST
He slid over to Evi, giving her a nudge with his elbow.
Then took a beer from Russ with a nod of thanks to him.
Olive colored eyes watch Dean and Rosie with a grin, dare I say he is happy for them?!
He sips his beer and leans on Evi giving her a kiss to her cheek and then he rushes over to Dean and tackles him.

"Happy Birthday Bro!" As they both fall to the floor. He smacks the back of Dean's head and then takes off towards the pool.

Gage Reynolds

Date: 2006-11-06 14:58 EST
After Dean was untied and the party really began he wandered off into a corner.
Watching everyone pass around. He watches Dean kiss and hug on Rosie, Russ pass out beers, Evi smile and laugh at the antics, Joel run off towards the pool, Cole tackle Dean then following his twin to the pool, little Chris drinking and guarding his beer from everyone that passes by, Julian being a crazy dude as usual, Dirk chilling, and he just has to chuckle to himself.
This was his family. The people he loves most in the world are all here, though he would never ever say so.
Gage believe it or not is a rather emotional guy, and has feelings. Gasp, yes I said has feelings.

He brings the beer to his lips and takes a pull from the bottle, brown eyes keep everyone in view.

Yes, his family.

Dirk Stevens

Date: 2006-11-06 15:34 EST
He had been the first into the pool, so when it became just a hair too crowded, he pulls himself out, dripping wet. Spying Gage in that corner, he grins impishly and walks over. He knew Gage probably better than anybody else there and he could see by the look on his bro's face that he was content and deep in thought.

He walks over to Gage, and bows slightly. "Dude, what's up?" Then the spark of mischief is in his eyes and he takes a step back. Proceeding to shower Gage in splashes of pool water, Dirk shakes his head to remove most of the moisture.

"Gotcha!" He laughs.