Topic: The return


Date: 2008-03-24 08:29 EST
"You can keep the change, man." Was said to the cab driver as Tristen slid out of the cab at the main gates of the frat house. The driver smiled as he made an extra twenty bucks than he should of and he popped the trunk for him. "Do you want me to help you carry your stuff to the door?" The driver asked and Tristen shook his head. "Nah, I'm good. But thanks anyways!" And he gathered what little bags he had and set them behind the cab, saving his guitar for last. It was in a white coffin case and one could swear he was holding a child.

"Don't worry, you're safe now." Tristen said to the case, patting it softly. His guitar was definetly his first love. Those bright green eyes of his moved to the gate and he stood upright as the cab drove off.

Where has Tristen been anyways?
Well here is the part where the flash back come and you find out...

We find this flashback scene to be very typical of Tristen... he is standing on a stange bouncing and thrashing about. The guitar is around his neck and he's playing a little before singing into a microphone. The crowed goes nuts...

Ok next scene..

This one he's lounging on a couch with a couple of girls and he's taking shots with another guy who was sitting on the floor. He's smiling and drinking like one couldn't believe, until he passes out of course.

Flashbacks are over now and as they played through Tristen's mind he was smiling. That was fun, but now it was time to get back to Rhy'Din and hang out with the rest of the Pi boys.

He walked up the driveway and through the gates and such... somehow. This boy could pick a lock like crazy sometimes. Anyways...

He was up the steps and to the doors with what little of stuff he had on his shoulders and in his hands. He looked at his things for a moment before frowning... then he got an idea!

He kicked the door roughly with his foot.

"What's a brother got to do to get a welcoming party out here?!" Was shouted inside, loud enough that the girls in the CZK house would jump.

He did have a set of pipes on him.

Dean Santiago

Date: 2008-03-24 10:59 EST
And there is Dean, lounging on that couch like nobody's business. Only in his Jack Skellington night pants and a t-shirt, he abhors socks by the way. Remote in his hand as he flips the channels. Bored expression on his face, pillows stacked under his head, feet up on the couch, if Russ saw him, he'd be smacked.

"Boring.." He murmurs. "Boring." Another flip of the channel and he shakes his head. "What do these guys watch anyway." He mutters, not one for TV really, usually he's busy with Daniel, recording, or spending time with Rhyannon. But today's he's on his own, Daniel on a play date with the other little ones, no recording since all the rest of the band are still sleeping, the bums, and Rhyannon, well he hasn't called her yet to see what she's doing.

"Boring. Agh.." He shakes his head and turns the TV off. The urge to call Rhy hits him and he is just about to slide off the couch when the door is kicked in. "What the hell?" He stands up and walks over to see Tristen and not to mention hears him. Wait, Tristen?

"Tristen!" He laughs and walks over, shaking his head. "About time you came home, how's it going bro?" He chuckles and reaches to help bring in Tristen's things. "Your room is still just as before, man. Nobody touched it, well unless Julian did something in there." His face scrunches up a bit. "But I think it's alright." He chuckles softly.


Date: 2008-03-24 11:10 EST
As soon as he saw Dean, Tristen got that classic goofy smile he had. "Dean! Long time no see! And yeah I know I should have came home sooner... I didn't think you missed me that much." His grin stayed as Dean took a bag or two. Tristen still had a death grip on the guitar case. No one was allowed to handle his baby but him. He was anal in that sense. And please don't think nasty!

Tristen, when he left had short blonde hair... quite skinney and lanky with nothing on him but his backpack and his guitar. Now he had shaggy black hair, muscle, and a bit more gear than what he left with.

"I swear if my room was cleaned or anything while I was gone someone is going to pay." And he grinned once more. "It's so nice to be.. home." And he ruffled his own hair while looking over Dean's shoulder. "You know, when I left there were a lot more guys here than just you. Where the hell is everyone? Don't tell me they were all abducted by aliens or something, man... That would suck." And he was still smiling.

"Good to see you though Dean. What's new?" He knew there was going to be a lot said, but he was willing to hear.

Dean Santiago

Date: 2008-03-24 11:53 EST
Grabbing up a few of the bags he walks on ahead of Tristen a bit, on down the hallway. He hadn't tried to grab that guitar case, he doesn't want to lose a limb. And he knows how that goes, he feels the same about his baby as well. "Missed you? Man I was only a shell of my former self without you!" He grins and shakes his head, jesting of course.

The change to Tristen is very much noted, and Dean laughs softly. "You sure grew up while you were gone." He mutters a bit, but it's all in good fun. And for sure there's a huge change on Dean, as his back is turned, I don't know... the huge Jack Skellington tattoo on his back perhaps, just one of the new things really.

"I'm sure nobody touched it." He laughs. On towards the other side of the large main house, where most of the elders stay, without the loudness of the younger brothers, he sets Tristen's stuff down on the floor as he opens the door.

"Well, I'm engaged to a very hot girl named Rhyannon, Daniel my son is a year old now, you missed his birthday but I have pictures." He chuckles. "Planning on getting married on my birthday, I'm sure you will attend and be a best man." He smiles and picks up Tristen's things and brings them into his room.

"I can't tell you who is dating who anymore, that all changes so frequently. Russ is married and has twin boys now, Cole, Gage, Dirk and Jessie, even now a new brother named Luke are all together. Same drama as always. Jaden of all people has settled down and is to get married to a nice girl named Eddie." He gives Tristen that knowing look and shakes his head, as he puts Tristen's bags down near the wall.

"You have a lot of catching up to do, bro." He nods with a smile.


Date: 2008-03-24 12:10 EST
He followed behind Dean, glancing about casually as they walk through the hallway. "I knew you missed me man! I don't know how you could possibly function without my crazy ass here." And he snickered. Tristen was always a loud one... but he mellowed out a tiny bit since leaving and going out to do his music thing.

"Yeah I guess you can say that." To his comment on growing up. Which he has of course. He's seen it all in the while he was gone. But his eyes went to the tattoo on his back. "I like the new ink on your back, bro. I am due for another tat myself." Examining his forearm closely before shrugging and moving on.

As the door would open it would look very... well... It looked like a hurricane was in the room a bit. Well his clothes were everywhere. A drumset was in the corner, with a pair of boxers hanging from them... and a pair of panties were on the bed. Tristen was quite the messy one... back then. When he saw the room he blinked.

"Maybe I should clean a bit." Tossing the bags of his on the bed and nicely putting his guitar on the bed as well. "You're getting married!? Congrats, man." He smiled at the mention of Daniel. "Oh your boy is that old already? I'm going to have to see the little bug." With a smirk. He turned to face Dean once more. "And I'll be happy to attend. The bachelor party... tell me there is going to be alcohol. And if there are no strippers... I'm going out to a club by myself that night. Alright?"

Yeah... that's Tristen. Dean would know he was joking... but his tone was very serious.

"Russ is married?" He nodded at that one. "I knew he would settle down with a nice girl sometime." And he smiled. "Cole, Gage, Dirk, Jessie, and Luke?" He thought about that for a moment before shaking his head. "Alright, thanks for letting me know."

With the last person Dean spoke of Tristen coughed a bit. "Jaden is married?" And he frowned.

"Maybe I need to find myself a woman or something. I feel so left out, bro." And he laughed at that one.

"I'll get caught up eventually I guess."

Dean Santiago

Date: 2008-03-24 12:22 EST
"More ink is always needed." Dean grins and turns watching Tristen. A shake of his own head. "Do you even have any more room for some?" Course look who is talking. "I'm thinking about getting these tribals updated and re-inked." As he looks down at his own covered arms.

However the room gets a face from Dean, and the panties, causes Dean to have a bit of a coughing fit. "She left without them? What did you do, man?" He laughs and moves a foot up to push the covers to cover up those panties. "Cleaning is your friend, bro. How many times do I need to tell you? Or I could get you a hot little maid up in here, help you out?" Dean laughs and examines the room once more before looking back to Tristen.

"Thanks man. Rhyannon's a great girl and you better believe there will be alcohol. I might not drink, but I sure as hell won't stop my brothers from having a fantastic and sloshed time. Fun to watch you all act stupid." He grins and leans back against Tristen's wall. "As for strippers? No clue. I don't mind it, but I'll probably laugh more then anything, all of you drooling and chasing after them. Just have to be careful of Russ and them, they might trick us and have male strippers." He shudders. "I told them no pranks."

"Russ is happy, her name is Ana." He nods. "They are all doing very good. As for Jaden, well he's not married yet, but he might as well be with how they are. Two little lovey dovey birds, I swear. About as bad as Rhy and me." He grins.

"You? Settle down?" Dark brow arches and he leans back, unbelieving. "You feeling sick or something?" Dean however smirks and bites on his lip ring before pushing off the wall. "Well I can leave you to your cleaning, bro. Wouldn't want to bug you." He chuckles, more like be talked into helping clean, that's where Dean didn't want to go. God only knows what's under Tristen's bed, Dean doesn't want to find out! Question is, can he retreat before being enlisted?

"Just wait till everyone knows you are here, well when they all wake up anyway, the lazy bums." He laughs.


Date: 2008-03-24 12:36 EST
"Dean... you see all this fresh white canvus here!?" Pointing to what little space on his arms he had left. "It's begging to be inked." He smiled once more. "I could use a few more on my back too... I mean. Really, I have to keep up with you don't I?"

He laughed as soon as Dean made a face at the panties. His eyebrows wriggled a little and Tristen cracked his neck. "Well I was so damn good that she had to leave me a gift." He thought back. "Good times. Good times." He paused at the comment about the maid. "You know... a hot little maid doesn't sound like a bad idea. A cute little french one, or something like that."

"Hey you remember the last time I was with a stripper... I'm not chasing stripper tail ever again! That was too much for me." He stopped. Dean should know that Tristen didn't like to talk about the stripper incident. That was way too much. Way too much.

"I'm feeling perfectly fine, although you are right. Why would someone like me want to settle down. Oh wait... I've gotten enough tail as a bachelor. I've done almost every crazy random thing known to man... there really isn't nothing left for me to do except settle down." Tristen was smiling.

"How about you... Wait. Get some of the pledges up here... they can help me clean my room."

Tristen was definetly back.

Dean Santiago

Date: 2008-03-24 12:47 EST
Hazel eyes glance down to the small amount of yet to be inked flesh of Tristen's arm with a arched dark brow and he laughs. "Yeah, you need to get that filled up alright. And if you want to keep up with me, hop to it. I believe you can talk to a sweet girl named Lyren, she's thinking about opening up a shop, actually. I'm even thinking about asking her to do a tat for me, maybe she can refresh these tribals too. She's a cool rock chick." He nods and takes one more glance around the room. "What a mess." He "tsks" and shakes his head.

The waggle of brows makes Dean laugh even louder. Tristen could always do that eyebrow waggle and crack Dean up. "She left you a gift alright." His nose wrinkles up. "But they are how old now? Gross, bro. Toss em, you have plenty of time to get more. And as much as I'd love to get you a cute little French maid, I think we are freshly out. Though I hear Rhy and Jade came here dressed up like that once. I missed it." He shakes his head. "But Rhy did dress up..." And he stops there. "Um, yeah, no maids." He clears his throat.

"Oh you mean when you.." Dean chuckles and of course doesn't continue. No brawling when Tristen just got home, there's plenty of time for that later. He grins and steps around all the clothes on the floor and to the buzzer near the door. One push of that will send the most annoying buzzing throughout the pledges wing and surely wake them up. Something Dean has done a few times and blamed on Russ.

"Wake them all up, bro. Welcome home."


Date: 2008-03-24 13:01 EST
"I have to keep up with you.. with all the shows I've been playing and song writing I've been doing there is no way I'm close to you in number now. I mean... look at me! This is pathetic!" And he smiled before raising his brows slightly at the mention of Lyren.

"Lyren. I met her last night when I stayed at the inn. I found Brandon there last night and that was all of the brothers I saw." He smirked a little. "That Lyren is fine." And he wiggled his brows once more. "She can ink me up anytime she feels like." He snickered. "I bet she's good at what she does."

And he listened to Dean's next comment about the panties then and he nodded. "You're right. They were fresh when I left them here..." He trailed off before moving to the bed and snatching them off of it and moving to the window. He opened it and tossed the bright blue lacey panties right out there. "No maids... well damn you Dean. Damn you."

At the begining of the comment about the stripper his eyes crossed. "Shut it Dean... I will hurt you." Pointing and waving his finger about in a threatening fashion.

He eyed Dean as he moved to the buzzer and smirked instantly before leaping over the clothes and moving to the door. "Oh... This looks promising." And he hit the button. "Wake up wake up!" Was said with a laugh before he looked to Dean.

"So good to be home!"

Dean Santiago

Date: 2008-03-24 13:15 EST
"Pathetic indeed." Dean smirks and was about to stick his tongue out of his brother but thought better of it. Once again, a brawl this early? And he's only in his pants and would be pantsed for sure. No way is he walking around like that.

"Lyren, she's something alright. Cool girl." He nods. "All the girls at the sorority are great. Jade and them." He nods. "All very sweet. Haven't met one yet that has gotten on my nerves and that's saying something." He laughs and leans against the wall once more. And the waggle of the brows again makes Dean laugh that much more. "Bro, cut it out. I like to breathe." He chuckles and shakes his head. "I haven't seen any of her work yet, or if she has done any, but fresh artist with passion for it? Yeah, I'm betting she's great."

He watches as the panties go out the window and his nose wrinkles a bit. "Yuck. Have to get some of the pledges to pick those up and toss 'em too. If there were maids I'd have them for you, you know that." He chuckles.

Even more of a chuckle at the finger waved at him. "You are just looking for a thumb war. You know I can beat you, I always do." He grins and moves out of the way so that Tristen can get to the buzzer better.

"Yeah we had it installed for all the elders, every single elder has the buzzer in their rooms and it links back to the pledge wing. We can buzz them anytime we want, or just to annoy the hell out of them." He nods, he steps out the door though. Laughing as Tristen hits that buzzer.

"I'm sure everyone else is going to love that you are home too, bro." He laughs loudly and makes his way down the hall, let those pledges clean Tristen's room, Dean was off scott-free.


Date: 2008-03-24 13:36 EST
"At least you agree with me for once." About Dean agreeing with him about the lack of tats being pathetic. Tristen was really off his game when it came to being inked.

"I met Jade and Lyren out of all the girls there. They're both really cool and Ly did her own tat on her hip. It is really good too. I was shocked it was that nice, and she did it herself. She's something." And he smirked, tempted to waggle his brows once more but he heard Dean laughing. "Yeah I don't need you to pass out from lack of oxygen in here... we might not be able to find you."

He snickered once Dean made the comment about the panties going right out the window. "Oh come on... the pledges do have to work a little you know. They can find the panties. As long as they're gone and out of sight I don't care if they keep them." He snorted a bit then.

"Oh come on you know I have a bad thumb!" Showing it to Dean. He always used that excuse. "Too many video games, man." And he wiggled the thumb at Dean again.

"If it's the middle of the night I might go beat on their doors with a baseball bat. I'm definetly not like the other brothers you know!" And he snorted a bit, hitting the buzzer a few more times. "Calling all pledges!" In a mock radio voice to Dean with a snicker.

"Of course they're going to love that I'm home. I'll be out in a few hours. I have to make sure the pledges do this right." And he waited by the door, waving him off as Dean scurried away. He's lucky that Tristen didn't get him in on the work too.

Tyler Redfield

Date: 2008-03-24 14:46 EST
It was early morning and Tyler had just flopped into his bed. He cuddled his pillow to his chest and was just drifting off when there came a loud BUZZ! from the intercom. His face scrunched up into a scowl and he reached over the side of the bed and grabbed his shoe. Throwing the shoe across the room he grumbles. "Not now, please, not now..."

But the buzzing persists and then there's a strange voice he'd never heard before. "God, one day I'll be an elder and I can get the pledges. Yes, revenge will be mine." He rubs his hand over his face and attempts to fall back asleep. But that buzzing just won't stop.

"Somebody fix that blasted thing!" he yells out and finally rolls out of bed and onto the floor. Landing with a thud, he curls his arms around one of his boots and rests his head on it. "Just two more minutes, ma!" He groans and keeps his eyes sealed shut. But the buzzing and the yelling continue.

"Alright, alright alright." He growls and finally gets to his hands and knees. "If I ever find the guy that invented those stupid things, I'm going to castrate him." Tyler is not a morning person, at all. Climbing onto the bed, he starts to get dressed. "I'm coming!"

Pulling on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, he was prepared for anything. Usually early morning calls like this one were reserved for kitchen duty if one of Cook's assistants were out. Or even some toilet cleaning when Julian or some of the other pledges puke in the bathrooms and miss the toilets. Yes, he knew he was in for some kind of work.

He put on his boots and then rises from the bed. Grabbing a black bandana, he ties it around his head and heads on out of his bedroom. "I'm coming!" He yells out as he can still hear the buzzing of the intercom.

He meets up with Brandon in the hall. Giving him an upnod he grins wryly. "So what's this all about?" Brandon, fully dressed similarly to Ty just shrugs and says, "You're guess is as good as mine. But with the way they were buzzing, it must be something pretty important."

Tyler agreed and the duo walked in silence the rest of the way towards the elders wing. As they did they picked up a couple of muffins from Cook. And the house became more plush and ornate as they ambled through. "Some day.." Brandon grinned at Tyler. "Someday we'll be in this wing."

They were both grinning to that when they saw Dean walk in the opposite direction from them down the hall. Approaching the open door, they both look in curiously. "You rang." They both said in unison and started to laugh.


Date: 2008-03-24 15:38 EST
When the two pledges would walk into the room one would have to cue the music from the physco movie... you know that wretched sound with the violins or whatever horrifying instrument can make that sound. The room was a disaster and it would be the first time any of the pledges would be called to Tristen... who was known for being horribly cruel to the pledges he liked.

"Good morning sleeping beauties!" Tristen was shorter than almost all of the Frat boys but that cannot be held against him for he was about as quick and strong as the rest of him. "You took too long..." Was said with a frown before he glanced about his room and the small, closet like bathroom that connected to the room.

"Alright pledges... you all have to clean this room from top to bottom." Was said with a smirk. "I want the bed made perfectly, the windows washed, clothes all washed. I don't know which ones are really clean... everything should be dusted, the carpets cleaned... as in yes you must scrub the carpet. My bathroom is a mess... so that should all be cleaned and bleached. God knows what vermin I have living in these two rooms..."

And he paused, trying to think of anything else. "There are a pair of panties somewhere outside my window and if you touch my guitar I will cut off your arm." He smiled.

"Sorry to bring in so much work for you boys but I haven't been here in so long. I think I'll like you two. Just make sure this place is spotless. Beware when you go under the bed. People are known to go missing under there."

He was walking towards the door and he stopped midstep, catching his hand on the door frame. "Oh! I like my underwear hand washed... make sure you use a lot of fabric softener to. I hate itchy clothes."

He thought more before leaning against the door frame. "Can you use some of the smelly spray stuff that can go into the cloth and stuff. You know... because this place smells kind of..." And he sniffed. "Funky."

"Can you stock my fridge too... I mean put beer and candy in it... like chocolate because the ladies always love it when a man has chocolate on them." He then he smirked. "I'm going to grab a beer and say hi to the rest of the elders... I'll be back in a little bit to check on how you all are doing and when you're finished is inspection time!" And he grinned.

"Catchya later.." And he was out the door, snickering like mad.

Tyler Redfield

Date: 2008-03-24 17:28 EST
Both Brandon and Ty stepped into the room, careful not to step on any of the clothes that littered the floor. As they listened to what Tristen had to say, the larger their eyes got and the the more their mouths fell agape. Neither of them spoke a word in protest though. They knew that taking care of the elders was a part of being a pledge. They both grimaced when they were warned of vermin.

Once Tristen left the room, they looked at each other and wondered just what they had gotten themselves into. Brandon waded into the room and found an empty basket to start picking up the mountain of laundry that needed to be done. "Man, this stuff stinks! It hasn't been washed in years!" He holds up a pair of boxers and waves them, dust flying, causing him to cough.

Ty, on the other hand opted to clean the bathroom. He laughs at Brandon and walks into the bathroom then lets out a small scream and comes running out. "Some thing's in there!" he shouts as he goes to hide behind Brandon.

"Man you're nuts." Brandon shakes his head and drops more clothes into the hamper. Then he walks into the bathroom and flips the light on. Something small scurried past his feet and he jumps with a yelp. "What the hell was that?" Then Brandon kneels down and gets a closer look. "Sniffles!" he laughs and reaches out to pick up the small hamster. "I was wondering where you went off to." He laughs and stands up. Looking at Ty, he shows him the hamster. "I'll be right back. Need to go put Sniffles back into his cage. And if he didn't come back for a good hour, Ty wouldn't miss him at all, would he?

Ty simply looks on in disgust. "Yeah, whatever man. Take your pet and go." He shakes his head and puts his hand on his hip. Once Brandon whizzes past him, Ty walks into the bathroom. "Man, this crap is caked on." He runs his finger along the back of the faucet in the sink. With another shake to his head, he digs out the cleaning supplies that accompany each bathroom and he sets to work.

A good hour goes by and finally Ty has the bathroom sparkling clean. He hadn't realized that Brandon hadn't come back yet until that very moment. "That douche." he growls and goes to start cleaning the windows.

Brandon walks in when Ty is about finished. "Wow!" He laughs and walks up to Ty, patting him on the back. "Seems like you've got this pretty much covered. I've got a date with Emma. You don't mind finishing up, do you?"

"Oh no, don't mind at all." Tyler sneers and shakes his head. "Get the laundry done man. He'll be back anytime and if at least some of that's not done, he'll have our heads!" Ty drops the paper towel he's holding in his hands into the trash can that was now filled with dirty paper towels. "Come on, I'll help you."

Brandon sighs and simply nods. "Oh ok.' And he picks up a pair of pants. "God, these things can stand on their own. I don't think he's ever cleaned a thing in his life!"

And so it went. Ty and Brandon sorted the clothes by color and one by one each load went into the washer. All except the whites, which were washed by hand, as requested. When the clothes were finally done and hung up, it was time to tackle the bed. Neither of them really wanted to go under neath it, not with the warning they'd received. Of course the bed had been stripped of the sheets and comforter to be washed, so making the bed wasn't the problem.

"You ready?" Brandon's dark blues look over at Ty.

"I guess?" Ty looks back at Brandon and nibbles his lip nervously.

"Then let's get to it. You get that side of the bed and I'll take this side. Any money we find, we split. Deal?"

"Deal." Grins Ty as he goes to his knees.

They had already split up a good deal of silver coins from the laundry, and this last task could prove to be a treasure trove. Ty lay on his stomach on one side of the bed and swept his arm under it, to clear out anything that he could reach. Brandon did the same. At about the same time, both of them run their fingers across something rubbery. "Eww..." Was said in unison as they both started to pull whatever it was out.

It was a tug of war and Brandon won. Of course, it was deflated now, but there was no mistaking the blow up doll as it came flying out of the bed and landing on Brandon's chest. "Ew ew ew ew! Get it off of me!" He screams and scrambles away from the doll. Ty looks over the bed and bursts out laughing, falling onto the bed and just laughing.


Date: 2008-03-24 17:43 EST
A while goes by and Tristen came back down the hallway towards his room. He caught up with Dean and they were watching t.v. and eating ... doing typical guy stuff until he looked at the watch and realized it was time to check in with the pledges.

As he walked back the hall he tilted some of the pictures slightly, just to piss off those OCD bros that were still living here. He was whistling and dancing a little as he moved. Those baggy black shorts with the chains hung off of his butt and as he passed the one bathroom he peeked his self inside and glanced at the black boxers he was wearing. He tugged up on the pants and ruffled his hair a bit before stepping back out into the hallway.

His footsteps then carried him to the room where he heard the ew's and the laughing and Tristen raised a brow to that before stepping into the room.

"Why the hell are you two...." And he spotted the blow up doll and started grinning like mad. "Susan!" He beamed and ran over, grabbing ahold of the doll and throwing her over a shoulder. "I missed you so baby! We have some work to do you and I..." Susan was legendary in Tristan's book... so many pranks were pulled with the blow up doll and a lot of the pledges have met her in one point in time.

"Thanks for finding my friend bros... now get back to work!" And he cracked an invisable whip, making the cracking sound effects to go with it. He then turned to the bathroom and stepped inside. His eyes widened at how clean it was and he just blinked.

"Alright alright. So far so good... wait until your inspection later... I find one spec of grime in the bathroom and you both will be on your hands and knees, scrubbing the floor with your toothbrushes!"

He moved out of the bathroom and into the bedroom once more. "But guys seriously... what the hell is in this carpet?" And he looked down at the crunching sound he heard while walking across it. It was probably caked on cheese from all the pizza he ate.

"Alright... I'll be back in a while more. DO NOT touch my guitar." Pointing to the coffin case leaning against the wall and he was off, with Susan on his shoulder.

Brandon Holyfield

Date: 2008-03-24 18:11 EST
"Dude, that was so not funny." Brandon grumbled as he sat up, glaring at the laughing Tyler. And as Tristen walked into the room, Tyler's smile faded and he pushed off of the bed to get to his feet. Brandon was watching Ty, and turned to see what had sobered him up so quickly.

With the doll being ripped from his hands, and he was more than happy to be rid of it, he laughs and mouths, "Susan?" to Tyler who was barely able to contain the laughter. Then both sets of eyes turn to Tristen as he talks to the doll. Brandon just grimaces at the mental images and Ty holds his stomach, trying so hard not to laugh.

When Tristen walked into the bathroom, Brandon got up and rushed over to Tyler to punch him in the arm. "Shut up man!" He whispered loudly. "You want to get us both in trouble?" Ty just rubbed his own arm where the punch had landed. "Chill out, Branman." With a shake of his head.

"I'll go get the carpet cleaner." Brandon offered at the mention of the crispy carpet and he took off out of the room. Tyler simply watched him go, then smiles back at Tristen. "Yes sir, nobody touches the guitar." He nods and then breathes a sigh of relief when Tristen walks out of the room.

While Brandon was gone, Tyler started to move the furniture and clean out under neath it. Porn magazines, and there were quite a few of those, were put into a drawer in the nightstand. A box held other things such as car keys, rubber balls, an old box of condoms, a few packs of cards and other odds and ends. Everything got put onto the bed so that when Brandon came back with the carpet cleaner, the floor was ready to be cleaned.

Brandon lugged the carpet cleaner up from the servant's quarters. It was heavy as hell and must have been about a hundred years old. Sweating profusely and breathing heavily, he finally gets the contraption into the room. "Whew!" he blows out a breath and collapses into a chair. "How about you go get the stuff to stock his fridge while I get this thing put together?" Brandon's dark blue eyes landing on Ty.

Ty didn't have to be asked twice. He was also sweating and the light from the lamps was shining off of his golden skin. "Two cases of beer and chocolates. You want a drink too bro?"

Brandon nodded that he would and then Ty was out of the room. The machine wasn't too hard to set up and he filled the tank with warm water, then added the cleanser. Turning the machine on, Brandon wished he had ear plugs. The thing was louder than Julian on a Saturday night! But he persisted and by the time Ty got back with the stuff for the cooler, a good patch of carpet looked markedly brighter than the rest of the room.

Ty loaded the fridge up and then handed a bottle of Coke over to Brandon, and kept one for himself. "Looking good man." Ty pops open his bottle and takes a chug. "Real good."

Brandon shut down the machine and sat on it as he took a gulp or two of his own Coke. "Yeah, thanks." He smiles.

After their little break, Ty takes the trash out of the room and Brandon gets busy with the carpet cleaner. When Ty got back, they both moved the furniture around so Brandon could get under it. Finally, there was just one corner left and Brandon turned off the cleaner. "Ok, I'm going to change water, for the fifth time now." He looks over at Ty. "You think he'll notice if we move the guitar just long enough to clean under it?"

Tyler looked at him dubiously. "Man, you're not suppose to touch that." He shakes his head.

"But we've got just that one corner. And he'll never know." Brandon argued, walking back out of the bathroom with a clean tank of water and cleaner. He reassembles the cleaner then walks over to the guitar. "Don't you dare tell him I moved it." He looks at Ty with a growl. Picking up the case, he walks over to the bed and lays it down carefully.

"Man, You got a death wish." Tyler shakes his head and leans against a wall.

Brandon just grinned and turned the machine back on. "Well, we only live once, right?"


Date: 2008-03-24 19:03 EST
A while goes by and Tristen decides it is another good time to go in and check up on the pledges. Susan was dumped off in Brandon's bed all blown up and ready for him. He just felt like leaving her there... you only get to pick on the bros like this when they're a pledge and Tristen was going to take advantage of that.

He went to the kitchen and munched on some grub that he found... the cook had some muffins still out and he took about seven of those. What? The man could eat a lot.

He wondered about what items he had left in his room for the pledges to clean and it just made him grin. He was skipping around the house a little... bouncing here and there, getting to know who were the newbies around here and catching up with the old boys.

Now he was heading back to the room once more, turning pictures all crooked so that the OCD bro who fixed them earlier would know it was probably him. He only meant it in good fun though.

"Hey pledges! Just checking in and seeing..." And he stepped inside to look directly at the bed to where the white coffin case was. His eyes got big and he put his hand on his chest.

"Which one of you sorry pledges touched my guitar. You could have come and got me to move it. Now one of you is going to have to pay... if you don't fess up you both will pay."

And Tristen was not kidding. No one touched his baby.

Brandon Holyfield

Date: 2008-03-24 19:22 EST
Both sets of eyes go wide as Tristen entered the room. Brandon dropped the wand mechanism from the machine, and water spurted everywhere. "Oh crap!" And he hurriedly picks the thing back up and turns off the machine.

Tyler's eyes got round as saucers and he looks at Brandon, who then looks back at him. And at the same time, both take a deep breath and point at each other.

"He did it!" In unison.


Date: 2008-03-24 19:37 EST
His eyes narrow at the pledges and he walks over to the bed and reached into the pillow case of the one and pulled out a riding crop that may or may not have been used in bedroom activities that will remain un talked about. Tristen flipped it in his hands and looked to the pledges. Like he was going to use it other than to scare them a little. He also pulled out a pair of handcuffs from the pillow case before reaching between the matresses of the bed and pulled out a pillowcase full of.. something.

"Since you two do not respect my stuff you will be humiliated and punished or whatever... I told you not to touch my guitar!" And he smiled. "Hold hands for a moment please?" And he waved the crop at them. "Come on... do it."

Brandon Holyfield

Date: 2008-03-24 19:58 EST
Brandon and Tyler both looked at each other, then at Tristen as he started to pull things from the pillow cases and under the bed. Nervous laughs and shuffling of feet from both of the pledges as more devices of torture were being presented.

"I did not." Ty hissed at Brandon.

Brandon just shrugged and looked back at Tristen. "Uh.." he looks at Tyler and then holds out his hands. "Let Ty go man. I'm the one that moved the case." He comes clean.

Tyler looked visibly relieved and took a step back to leave. "You two have fun." He smiles and waves then heads for the door.

Brandon's eyes were on Ty and then travel back to Tristen with a loud gulp and his hands start to shake.


Date: 2008-03-24 20:05 EST
Tristen smiled at that bit of loyalty from Brandon and he dropped the things on the bed and walked over to Brandon and gave him a brotherly hug. "That was so cool of you, man... I was just going to duct tape you both to the wall until one of you confessed... but since you came clean and was loyal to your brother you will not be duct taped to the wall!" And he smiled. Oddly enough for someone who lives like Tristen he smelled fresh and clean, even his breath smelled like mints.

"Just finish cleaning up and I'll grab you guys some more beer or something. How about pizza?" And his brows raised and he smiled.

"Oh... but don't ever touch my guitar again man... ever!"

Brandon Holyfield

Date: 2008-03-24 21:20 EST
When Tristen dropped the items onto the bed, Brandon sighed with relief. A brief hug back with a pat to Tristen's back, he smiles as he looks at him. "I'm glad. Duct tape hurts to take off." he laughs

He goes to pick up the carpet cleaner as he was pretty much finished except for putting the furniture back into place. "No thanks man. I've got to go meet up with Emma in a bit. Maybe a rain check or I'll catch you later?" Though pizza did sound good to him. All he had to eat was the muffin earlier.

He looks over at the guitar case, then back to Tristen. "Um, can you put the guitar somewhere where I can't disturb it before you go?"


Date: 2008-03-24 21:34 EST
"Just don't tell any of the pledges I left you off the hook. Consider it your warning. Just tell them I did something horrible to you that you would rather not talk about. Try to blush if you can. That will make sure they all keep their mitts off of my baby."

He grinned before heading towards the bed to pick up the guitar. He leaned over and flipped up the covers to the bed and pulled out a drawer beneeth it and set the case inside, closing it gently.

"Put the stuff away and you're free to go. Nice to meet you.. I'm Tristen."

And he was off!

Brandon Holyfield

Date: 2008-03-24 22:13 EST
"Will do, and thanks bro." He smiles and watches how Tristen meticulously puts the case into the drawer and slides it closed. A thought occured to him, that knowing where he hid his baby would be useful if the others ever wanted to pull a prank on Tristen. He nods and then his eyes go back to watching what Tristen's doing.

"I'm Brandon." He offers to shake his hand but Tristen had bounded out of the room by then. "Ah well." he laughs and starts setting the room to rights and even dusting off the furniture now that it was in place. He takes one last glance around the room and smiles with pride and satisfaction.

Then he looks down to his grime and sweat covered body. "God, I need a shower." He grimaces and then leaves the room to go to the guest house with Emma. No intercoms there!