Topic: One Kitty, Two Kitty

Stalk ThNight

Date: 2007-06-07 15:56 EST
Cal made her way down the narrow alleyway and she found herself in the streets of the town after hours of aimless wandering. There was no intended direction for her to head at the moment as she walked without much of a purpose. The black furred kitten meowed at her heels and would move to roll in the dirt a few times. The animal was covered in so much dirt that she coughed when the kitten's incessant meows caused her to pick the thing up.

The small burden in her arms would then let out a horrendous sound that sounded more like a baby crying than a kitten. When the kitten pushed it's body up against her arm, she scowled. If Cade was going to push her to take care of the thing then he could have at least got the thing fixed. She shook her head and did her best to ignore the thing, but when it wouldn't shut up she sat down. She wasn't quite sure where she was at the moment, but she stopped and set the kitten down in front of her. Hands reached into her pockets for something to plug her ears with, but her results were small if anything.

A loud sigh emanated from her lips as the kitten pounced into her lapy, a little playful for being in heat and then the paws went up and down against her legs as though preparing to take a nap. "Well, it will shut you up for a little bit," she muttered. She glanced to the rundown house behind her, silently wandering if anyone lived there. It didn't look like much, but one could never be too sure.

Ryo Tosaga

Date: 2007-06-07 16:13 EST
That scent.

It couldn't be anything else. There was another cat around here. Silky, ebony fur could be seen throughout the house, heading for the door. Scratching noises could be heard from that rundown house, and a meow or two. Even if Yamikage used to be a lesser demon, he was still physically a cat, and apparently his hormones were feline as well. Normally, he wouldn't pay attention to anything like this, but he hadn't seen another of his prison's kind in a looong time.

A groan could then be heard as the demon headed out of his kitchen and over to the door, crimson orbs looking down at his cat.

"You've never wanted to go outside in the past, what makes today so special?" he muttered, not really expecting an answer. The cat just mewed and clawed at the door more violently. A sigh. Damn spoiled thing. He then elbowed the door open, and Yamikage slipped through it the first chance he got. But the demon then blinked once.


Yeah, that was Cal. No doubt about it. And a little cat too. So that's what Yamikage wanted. A friend. The demon then headed over to the two, kneeling next to the pyromaniac.

"Hey, what're you doing around here?" Lavender brow raised, of course.


Date: 2007-06-07 16:29 EST
Shadow had wandered out of her room, and when she heard the scratching noises she went to see what the cat wanted. Freshly showered with her hair wetly braided she poked her head out of the kitchen wearing a loose blue robe.

She saw that Ryo was outside and Yamikage inside. He ran over to her and yowled, "Will you open the freakin' door for me?" The voice reveberated oddly in her head as she went to do so.

"I thought Ryo let you out.." She replied. Yep, she was talking to the cat again. He sniffed at her. "He did..I wanted you to join us though, so I slipped back in...You've been hunting Wryrasha.." It was a statement, not a question. "What's it to you?"

By now they were outside, not three feet from Ryo and Cal. It truly seemed that she'd lost her marbles. Then to Ryo and Cal as she noticed the kitten. "Aw! It's so cute!...Where'd you get it?" Suspicion if her voice, lightened by the smile though. "Is it like Yamikage?"

Stalk ThNight

Date: 2007-06-07 16:52 EST
She turned abruptly as the kitten skittered out of her lap and over to Yamikage. She was hoping the thing would have slept, but now the horrible noises began to erupt all over again. She growled and the kitten stiffened a moment at the frustrated sound in her throat. Then the nameless animal was back to moving towards Yamikage in an attempt to rub her filthy body up against him.

Damn hormones...

She glanced to Ryo and then Shadow and she froze a moment before rising to her feet. A fleeting glance was cast in the opposite direction before she looked back to him hesitantly. There was a soft sigh and then she simply nodded, "Hey there." That was all she said before she went completely silent, staring at the kitten for the longest time before turning to answer the question. "Brother gave her to me," she answered in response. Her voice was low as she looked the dirt covered ball of fluff over.

Ryo Tosaga

Date: 2007-06-07 17:05 EST
"Aw, that's so cute, Cal!"

Just leave it up to an unemotional pyro to bring the female out of Ryo! His arms were around her by now, probably squeezing the life out of her, if she had any at all.

"You've got a soft side after all! I'm so proud of you!"

On the other hand, the black cat was purring with pleasure as the two cats rubbed up against each other. Oh no, kitty porn!

Stalk ThNight

Date: 2007-06-07 17:16 EST
Kitty porn was one thing Cal could do without, Ryo hugging her was another.

She pushed the demon back as his arms flung around her and brought a fist up to hit him square in the jaw should he not react quick enough. "I haven't even named the thing yet, I'm putting up with it for a friend." Cal admitted she had a friend, so she was one step closer to being sincere. Her gaze was cold as ice as she moved back. "But if you think the thing's so adorable, take it off my hands. On less thing I need. Right?"

Ryo Tosaga

Date: 2007-06-07 17:21 EST
"Ow!" Rubbing his jaw now with a hand, then a blink for her. "Who's your friend?" His face lit up again at the mention of her friend. This was definitely an improvement. He just won't try to hug her again..

"And we probably could take care of her, but would your friend be okay with that? I mean, he asked you to take care of the kitty, so if we do it, it wouldn't really be you taking care of her." A shrug.


Date: 2007-06-07 17:23 EST
She blinked. Ryo was acting all female! Neat! Cal was beating up on Ryo, not so neat.

She watched the cats a moment then looked at Ryo. "You think we can? I mean, will another Yamikage drive us bonkers?" A grin there as she watched the cats a moment longer, trying to decide if that would be a bad thing.

Stalk ThNight

Date: 2007-06-07 17:31 EST
"Cade," she answered a bit hesitantly. Then she looked at the kitten with a sheepish glance. "I don't know..." And then a scowl pulled on her features, she did a lot of that. "It's just a stupid cat," she answered. The response sounded a bit childish, but Cal didn't want them to think she had a heart! She had already built up a reputation as being an insensitive bitch. And she was pretty proud of that for some unknown reason. Ah well, since when did she care for Ryo's opinion on anything anyways?

Ryo Tosaga

Date: 2007-06-07 17:40 EST
"Cats aren't stupid!" A poke for Cal's forehead. "They're cute beyond all reason. Be nice to them." Arms crossed then, and a blink over to Shadow.

"I'm not sure, really. I like kitties, but then again that one's a girl and I'm pretty sure Yamikage has gotten pretty horny over being the only cat around for a while.. So we're probably gonna have more than just one more. Maybe five or six more."

Stalk ThNight

Date: 2007-06-07 17:43 EST
She laughed lightly, "Good luck then. That kitten gets herself pregnant and there's no way I'm taking her back."

And then a blink at the mention of being nice, "Since when have I EVER been sincere?" A brow arched his direction.


Date: 2007-06-07 17:49 EST
"Five or six.." She winced. Then paused and thought about it a moment. "But it might be neat to see which ones talked and if they could do other things..."

Ryo Tosaga

Date: 2007-06-07 17:59 EST
"Yamikage has the body of a full cat, therefore the children will be regular cats. His soul is what lets him communicate with us, not his body." That said to Shadow, then to Cal.

"Never, but you should really start at it. Don't you want people to be nice to you?"

Stalk ThNight

Date: 2007-06-07 18:10 EST
"No," she put it simply. "What does it matter anyways? It's not like it would change anything. Wherever you go there will be people who don't accept you or could care less of your existence. The world doesn't need one more person to waster there time with such petty things. If I stoop to people's levels and do choose to be nice to them it won't matter any. People forget about you and then you're nothing, some people say they care about you and then they use you. So... I'm not going to spend time being nice or sincere to others when I don't have to. It's not like I care about them anyways and it's not like they'll mean anything in the long run. Most people you'll never see again anyways."

Ryo Tosaga

Date: 2007-06-07 18:25 EST
"What about me?" he then spoke up, his expression unreadable at the moment, "There'll be people who accept you too. There'll be people who your existance matters to them. They'd be crushed if you just up and disappeared one day. If you keep being mean to people, they'll look down on you because they took the consideration to be kind, and yet you shove them away like they're worth nothing! Yes, people forget, but sometimes you can leave a permanent scare on them, even if you don't mean to. Some people do decieve, but most people mean it when they say they care. Most people you won't see again, but for those few who want to be your friend for a long time, couldn't you at least be considerate once?"

He just couldn't believe Cal. All of this and she still didn't understand that being a bitch wasn't all that it was cracked up to be.

Stalk ThNight

Date: 2007-06-07 21:29 EST
"I'm just taking my time, I don't trust people to be themselves. No one ever is, so I'm not going to waste my time on them until I'm positive that I'm getting the real deal." Shrugs. "Even if it takes a long time at least I'm being safe, right?" She looked to him, "And what about you? How do I know this... Happy freak of a demon you are isn't for show? I've known enough people to know that just because someone acts like everything is rainbows and butterflies and that every cloud has a silver lining doesn't necessarily mean they aren't putting on a front. People are cruel, it's something you learn to live with."

Ryo Tosaga

Date: 2007-06-07 22:03 EST
"I'm myself. I always am. I wouldn't expect anyone else to not act like themselves. Me? I'd rather not be safe. There's no point in life unless risks are taken. I'd never facade what I am with something I'm not. I love who I've become, and I wouldn't trade my happiness for anything else. I don't act like everything's rainbows and butterflies either. I just like to focus on the good aspects of life rather than the depressing side of it. That's why you hear me talk about Fay-kun more than Gabe. And people are not cruel. Not by nature. People are doing what they believe is best. Some people like you believe that people are cruel, so they're cold to the world, but most aren't like that. Like me for example. I'd never be mean to someone without good, personal reasons. I care about what people feel. That's why I'm nice. You don't know how badly you could mentally scare someone just by simply ignoring them.."

"The only reaosn why people are cruel is because they've got insecurities about themselves. Like you, they're afraid of getting hurt. But you know what, if you stay like that, if you never trust someone again, your life will have nothing great about it to be remembered. If you don't open up to someone, then you'll stay miserable. I just don't want that for you..."

Stalk ThNight

Date: 2007-06-08 02:33 EST
"Why would I want to be remembered? I'll already be dead, what good would that do me? None whatsoever."

Ryo Tosaga

Date: 2007-06-08 02:43 EST
"Because even if you're dead, your soul will have a sense of accomplishment. It'll feel better knowing that it left its mark upon the world.. Besides, wouldn't you want your friends to remember you after you depart from here? What's the point in living if you're not going to be remembered by those you loved when you're dead?"

Stalk ThNight

Date: 2007-06-08 02:48 EST
"I have to go, Ryo." She moved to pick up the dirt covered fur ball and moved to leave. She was stubborn and she wasn't going to give into Ryo's side of the argument. But the only way to keep the said argument from continuing was to leave. "I have to meet someone," she lied. Then again, she was incessantly spilling lies to the demon.

Ryo Tosaga

Date: 2007-06-08 03:13 EST
"Fine, but could you take this?" pulling an ebony jewelled bracelet out of his pocket and handing it to her. "Because I actually care if people remember me or not. I want to make sure you won't forget me." Answering the question she was bound to ask before she could.

Stalk ThNight

Date: 2007-06-08 03:16 EST
She took the bracelet and gripped it tightly before shoving it into her pocket, the kitten was moved slightly as she turned to leave. Horrendous meowing and the clanking of chrome chains emitted from her as she turned to leave.

Ryo Tosaga

Date: 2007-06-08 03:28 EST
"See you later, Cal.." his voice there definitely lost some volume. He'd be surprised if the pyromaniac could understand what he said, but then again, people here in Rhy'Din tend to have good hearing. But sometimes, he just didn't know what to do with that girl...