Topic: Making Monsters.

The Liberated

Date: 2017-10-12 03:31 EST
The sky opened up to let loose a downpour overtop the thick forest, each drop hitting with a deific purpose. When the wetness hit the bark of a particular tree, it hissed and steamed like a faucet raining down on a hot frying pan. The thick cloud of steamy mist seemed to churn around the foot of the tree, disguising the area around in a thick mask of smoky white. It was in the midst of this, that the sky above ceased its shower on the ground below. The sizzling black oak, continued still, feeding steam to the collection beneath.

It took longer to clear out than any science could explain; and when it finally did begin to dissolve, the silhouette of a woman laid beneath. In the passing moments, the image became clearer and clearer. She had flawless pale skin like a china doll, and a cherub face to match. Her head was dressed in platinum coils, resting on a root of the mighty black oak tree. There were no signs of life in the nameless little corpse that lay there.

The remainder of the mist seemed to gather and focus on a single point above her, hovering over her head. It is time, pretty thing... The collection of vapor seemed to lash out like a hazy snake, invading the nose and mouth of the body below. It wasn?t until the last of the fog had disappeared, that the cadaver arched upwards. Fingernails dug into the ground, silver eyes surfaced from lid and lash in a harsh way, and a gasp threatened to suck all of the air from that silent forest.

The girl sat up, long coils of white blonde hair covering most of her nude form. She blinked once. Twice. Confusion had settled into her foggy mind as she took an eyeful of the forest around her. Pushing up to her feet, her hand met the base of the tree and a howling cry left her. She ripped her scorched hand away and whimpered softly. That is not wise? The eerie, whispering voice invaded her head, and she seemed to look around for the source, finding nothing as she cradled one hand with the other. She trembled upon the floor of the forest, her thumb almost viciously massaging the singed flesh of her palm. Do not over do it, pretty thing? The girl didn?t speak, didn?t move from that half-crouched position on the ground. She merely continued the strange method of self comfort, still attempting to rub the pain away. That one is wondering who this one is? This one is called... Rhogog...