Topic: Office of ConColor Incorporated

Ander Northlander

Date: 2011-10-18 22:42 EST
The office of ConColor Inc. was located just on the other side of the delivery hall of ConColor on the Plaza, was unlike most offices but then again Ander was unlike most men who worked in offices.

From the outside it was ?fairly? normal, a front wall of mahogany bricks a large bay window to the left, that displayed centered a large clear crystal balance scale in perfect balance to the left a set of singing crystals, a crystal orchid and a rolled scroll on the other side a sword a bolorang (a cross between a bolo and a boomerang ) and a dagger, and a door to the right on the door there is an ember oral with an emerald strip from top to bottom centered on the upper half it the whole of the rest of it is near transparent with the rest of the door being a mirror.

Open the door and The wall opposite it is stone slabs stacked in flat but irregular arrangement the colors are creams gold?s and shades of brown; the left and right third have several slabs that stick out from the wall several inches and serve as natural shelves for figurines, crystals, scrolls and assorted other items.

In front of the stone wall Ander sits at a desk (a gift from his wife Veronica) of fine polished mahogany with the ConColor emblem carved into the wood of the front, and though not visible from the front the handles on the draws were the ConColor oval, with Tamir paws trimmed in ember on the bottom of each leg of the table and chair, the chair was also carved and polished mahogany the seat and back padded in rich deep emerald green silk, the arms ending in Tamir paws also trimmed in ember and the kids printed their hands along the top edge of the desk along with their Tamire?s, Veronica's, Terra?s, Ander's and Tero's in a circle on the top center. In one front corner sat a small set of singing crystals more a stress reliever than anything else on the opposite front corner a hologram of the ConColor pride, on the back left corner a 1foot x 1 ? chocolate brown box the bottom half open on the side facing the center of the desk (this was a store restore device that could be used to retriev documents as needed) leaving the center free as a work space

In front of the desk were two chairs both identical the chairs also carved and polished mahogany but without the ornate ends of arms and legs the seat padded in rich deep emerald green silk. To the left of the desk lay a very large cushion that serves as a cat nap bed by Tero when he joins Ander in the office or Terra when she joined Veronica or any other Tamir that happened to be in the office.

The bottom half of the other three walls are covered by a row of 3ft x 3ft leather Mahogany panels above that the walls are painted a rich but medium ember slightly streaked with shades lighter and darker top to bottom several floating shelves holding more scrolls a few books and family holograms In the corners are large potted vine that is being trained upward eventually ringing the ceiling like a living border,