Topic: RhyDin's Commercial Properties

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2010-07-21 12:37 EST
Working alongside someone as beautiful and strength enhanced as Jhai Nein made the work go quicker but the moments of self reflection a little meaner. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate the work, or the strange loyalty exhibited by the woman, but Fiora had to admit that she suffered by comparison. This whole leggy thing that the populace of RhyDin had going for it was starting to get her down. Maybe she should invest in leg implants?

She giggled out loud at the thought and was immediately reminded by the echo that she was alone in the vault beneath the Plaza. It was her favorite place in the world right now. Because it was hers. A symbol of all that she had accomplished. From sleeping on the hearth at the Red Dragon to owning two businesses and her own loft, Fiora was pretty damn proud of herself and had an upcoming dinner with Aymeric to look forward too. She couldn't wait to rub it in.

Shelving those thoughts with the newest addition to her vault she didn't give it more than a passing glance as she made her way up the stairs, the subsonic shifting of technology and magic twisting together to lock up behind her didn't bother her anymore. Her steps carried her through the quiet building, past the offices of Jin's Private Investigation Firm, the closed double doors that led into Dr. Shilo's domain, and into the reception area. She took no pause of reflection at the sight of the empty doors through the far hall. No, she'd be filling those soon, she had no doubts of her ability to attract clients anymore. In fact she had two interviews in the morning for some kind of Cosmo--cosme--tology or whatever they had said, and another for a Security Firm.

Jhai Nein's customary spot at the wide open and airy desks was empty for the late hour and Fiora was pleased to note that she had gone home, wherever home may be. The erstwhile realtor stopped before the newest appointed offices, reading the gilt edged letters with a thrill of delight:

Shantalaine Realty, Commercial Properties Division

No more business lost by those too afraid to enter the West End; granted, this was ostensibly about offering commercial properties to her residential ones but it would offer an easy out for those not up to venturing into the RhyDin Quarter infamous for its unrest.

The thought of the Gardens brought a smile. It was time to check out and head home.