Topic: The Realtor

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2010-03-19 11:20 EST
This is the obligatory OOC sticky for an explanation of the mechanics behind the establishment of RhyDin's Realtor.

First, A How-To

A. Write up a response in No Appointments Necessary to initiate contact and/or interest.
B. Send me a PM if you would like to role-play your characters progression through the process, I am more than willing to come and "show" off some property.
C. Browse the website to determine if you want one of the available properties OR Provide a picture of the home and I will gladly add it as well.

Secondly, The Options

A. Rent - if you choose to go this route and would like a landlord and a forum through which to post your options (as far as I am currently aware) are: Luks Condos, and Kesey Apartments. I will expand this list as I research further.
B. Leasing of Commercial Properties - Again I am only currently aware of Plaza de Troyes and am looking into other interested parties in hosting this sort of enterprise upon their boards.
C. Buying - I'm pretty open to you buying property wherever your heart desires in RhyDin as I have yet to be informed there is any limitation to this kind of expansion.

Thirdly, Opportunities to Role-Play and Further Story-lines

A. If you are a Board Owner (Business and Residential) who would like representation please shoot me a PM as I am very interested in expanding the interactions available.
B. If you are a "Government Official" and would like to add an element of bureaucracy to the process send me a PM as I am equally interested.

Thank you!
Fiora S.