Topic: Uziya Grazuul: Astrological Reading

Tasha Van Blaudin

Date: 2011-05-15 11:02 EST
Uziya Grazuul
Week of Energy
Born of the Star Energalis
Birthdate: May 19
Mode: Sensation/Thought
Element: Earth/Air

Strengths: Versatile, Active, Brilliant
Weaknesses: Garrulous, Compulsive, Hasty

Can be viewed as a force rather than as a person
They forge a role in life that is active rather than passive; dynamic rather than static
Interested in everything around them, they tend to search for stimulation everywhere
Can be accused of spreading themselves too thin: they want to do it all
Could easily master many subjects but tend to move on before completion
Can be fearful of rejection; may acept wishes of others at the expense of their own
Their keen interest in the world around them and natural charm tend to draw innumerable friends and lovers; however, those involved with them are in constant fear of losing them (for some people this can be challenging and appealing)
Their brilliance and natural ability to succeed is tempered by their impulsiveness (a tendency to move on before a task is completed)
Eclectic backgrounds reveal the diversity of their interests early
Easily assume the position of the center of attention without always trying; viewed as fascinating
Combine earthy, sensuous traits with airy mental characteristics of their shared stars, they can be both obssessively interested in physical matters and compuslive about checking things out on an intellectual level
Can be ruled by curiosity
The best mates for these individuals are those who are strong enough to maintain their own individuality
Planning and soulsearching do not come easily to those who are influenced by this Cusp

Advice: "Monitor the pace of your activities carefully. Seek to be more consistent and less casual in jettisoning people and ideas. Focusing your natural brilliance on less activities will guarantee more success."