Topic: Week in Review

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2010-09-20 11:24 EST
A week in the life of Fiora is a whirlwind of oddities. She attended and hosted her first ever Babyshower, went to the movies, checked out her friend's new theatre, helped another friend get a new place, and learned how to serve a shot from her cleavage.

Special thanks to: Jatari, Mindy, Jase, Dusky, Mataya, Kitty, Audrey, Tass and Brul.

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2010-09-26 20:52 EST
Yet another whirlwind week:

Fiora had spent a night celebrating Jatari's new place with the accompaniment of Desaid, the boy wonder.

Later that week she'd discovered she'd been listed in Bane's newest satire as a "would-be superhero." She wasn't sure if she was amused or irritated and had decided to pretend she had no idea of her mocking title: The Palavering Paper-Pusher.

Having located a fantastic consignment shop filled with 80's Earth Styles she'd found a new expensive love to support. Immersing herself in the songs of the time she had a fantastic evening at the Red Dragon joking around with friends--this had even resulted in a tickle match with Jatari and Icer. (And helped cement her desire for a Kung Fu Kitty for her birthday.)

Of course, good times are sometimes hard to maintain and an ill-timed attempt at humor sent a Bunny Shapechanger into a timid meltdown and set another patron on a dyspeptic warpath.

Special Thanks to: Jatari, Desaid, Fenner, Icer, Bunny Slippers, Deceitful.

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2010-10-04 12:14 EST
Jatari finally convinced Fiora to go for a ride on her "mechanical horse." Besides for her impression of a siren (the loud variety, not the other kind), she thought she handled herself well. Receiving tickets from Mataya for opening night thrilled her!

Upon discovering that Desaid might be suffering from an addiction she attempted to stage an Intervention but was thankfully sidetracked. Celebrating her successful sale of her first ever church, Fiora went on a date with a Gent who admitted his fetish was clowns (would she mind wearing a red rubber nose next time they went out?) A friendly gesture from her next door neighbor Sevier almost erased the bad night as he invited her over for homemade cookies. But it was not to be a good one as her first glimpse of the haunting at the Gardens sent her scurrying for the safety of her own room.

Edited to Add, Special thanks to: Jatari, Desaid, Mataya, Sevier.

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2010-10-16 11:11 EST
This week had been a series of ups and downs. Low turn out to her latest realtor showings kind had the irrepressible realtor a little down in the dumps.

A creepy visitation by a ghost had Fiora doubting her mental state.

But a quick pick me up at her favorite local hangout with friends (Audreycakes!) had resulted in a discussion about cooties and the reappearance of the Long Lost Naked Paladin!

Her week ended on a fabulous note as she attended the Harvest Festival with Iankul as her date and what had begun as an opportune moment to tease her earnest companion had resulted in a surprisingly heated kiss over caramel apples.

Special Thanks: Sevier, Audrey Horne, Ankarian Desotrox, La Rafaelo, Iankul Forgedawn, Maranya Valkonan, and everyone's favorite hostess Elessaria.

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2010-10-24 11:23 EST
Haunting Overload. Fiora attended the fantastical Mystery Theater night with Jatari as her "date." The girls went as superheroes, Fiora was Batgirl and Jatari was Supergirl. It was great to see everybody and to gorge herself on sandwiches.

Her nights continue to be interrupted by the Spirit that has taken up residence in her apartment. Though the creepy freakshow has taken a rather dire turn as Fiora has become convinced that "Mira" is a frightened little soul who needs her 'help.'

Special Thanks: Jatari, the crew behind the Mystery Theater Night and everyone who interacted with Fiora at the shindig, and Mataya (who wholeheartedly jumped behind the Haunting SL)

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2010-11-02 23:17 EST
Fiora stopped coming into work. She was no longer seen at the local hotspot, her friends noticed her absence but a few concerned calls turned up nothing.

It would seem the erstwhile realtor had vanished. But in a land full of strife, more pressing matters took precedent.

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2010-11-22 17:36 EST

Lots and lots of Ghosties.

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2011-01-11 04:46 EST
Finally freed of the ghosts that haunted her, Fiora was able to slowly recover right around Thanksgiving.

Special thanks to: Mataya, Aurelia, and Riley

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2011-01-11 15:21 EST
She finally made her way back to work and was thrilled to sign a new tenant.

Feeling on top of her game she accepted a dinner date invitation from Dr. Euriya Shilo. The Nutcracker their destination, though the highlight of the evening was the parked car in front of her apartment. Conflicted, she'd called the night earlier than either of them wanted.

Special thanks to Katt and Dr. Euriya Shilo.

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2011-01-11 15:23 EST
Planning on attending the Winter Party Fiora got hit upside her head with her very first cold. It didn't help that she was fairly snow clueless.

Decorating the Red Dragon for Christmas she was given all sorts of healthy advice and assistance from orange juice from David, tea from Elessaria, soup from Maranya, and even a hankie by Ollie Granger.

Two days later Euriya Shilo delivered an extremely generous and outrageous Get Well Present: food, comfort, music, and futbol.

Special Thanks to So Many I will surely miss them but to give it a try:
Euriya Shilo, Elessaria, David, Maranya, Ollie, Vexi, Michael, Mataya (for hosting the party she never made it to) and so many others!

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2011-01-12 12:22 EST
Hosting a Gala Event was a brilliant idea, if she said so herself, which she did!

Penning letters galore, she ran by all of her friends' place of businesses and hit them up for her event.

Surprised by a gift from Riley, Fiora also took up iceskating for the first time.

Keeping up on the business side of things, she signed Jonathan Granger to the Zen Gardens.

All in all, a really fabulous week!

Special thanks: Tasha, Euriya, Mataya, Riley, Elessaria, Aurelia and Jonathan Granger for putting up with the ambushes. Additionally to all those who responded to the letters, Fiora's love is endless! And MissKate for coming up with the Hockey Idea.

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2011-01-30 23:20 EST
Fiora had a busy week running all over RhyDin and convincing people to be a part of the upcoming Gala event.

A special meeting with Aurelia ended up with two suprising gifts.

Additionally, she signed Lei to the Plaza and hung out and caught up with all of her girlfriends (because boy problems always remain a hot topic for them)

Special Thanks: Aurelia, Everybody who donated to the Gala, Shen Lei, Dusky Beaumont, Jatari, Euriya and Luke. And anybody else I might be overlooking

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2011-01-30 23:22 EST
A perfume by Elessaria, a painting escapade and heated kiss with Luke, a spat and a make up with Euriya, and a perfect flyer for the Business Gala by the Rhy'Din Post.

Special Thanks: Elessaria, Luke Boudreux, Euriya Shilo, and Darien Fenner

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2011-01-30 23:23 EST
Fiora took off for a mini tropical vacation to get her head on straight. Returned in time for a pity party and ended up with a canceled Gala over a snowstorm. A pajama party with JhaiNein and a reschedule on hand, she capped the week off with a whipped cream fight with Rhae.
Special Thanks: JhaiNein, Luke Boudreux, Euriya Shilo, Dusky Beaumont, Rhae, Mokkingbird, and Alain DeMuer.

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2011-03-02 10:57 EST
Fiora couldn't have dreamed of a better turn out for the Gala and not even her nightmares had prepared her for the aftermath.

Special Thanks: Wow. Just about everybody. I really couldn't list all the people that came out to support the Gala and I just want you all to know that you totally rock! To those who participated in the Murder at the Gala SL you guys and gals are seriously the shiznat!

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2011-03-02 11:07 EST
Tucked in safe at the Riverview Clinic, Fiora has had many visitors and well-wishing gifts. Her care is overseen by Dr. Shilo and Kalinda. An attempt on her life was made by the South Wind that resulted in the confusion fo her memories. Reporters and the Watch have both been by. Most of her time is spent reading the Post and growing more agitated over the things that she's missing.

Special Thanks: To all the visitors and well-wishers. Elessaria, Dusky Beaumont, Tasha Van Blaudin, Kalinda, Dr. Euriya Shilo. Luke Boudreux, Shen Lei and Rufus Bennett and Darien Fenner for writing it up.

Fiora Shantalaine

Date: 2011-04-16 11:18 EST
Sent home from the hospital finally, Fiora was a bit of a pain in the ass to keep confined but thankfully friends visited and took pains to entertain her. Cheung learned to avoid her and Dusky babysat the temperamental patient.

Special Thanks to: all my visitors and gift givers again: Ander Northlander, Riley Lo, Euriya Shilo, Mataya, Dusky Beaumont, Jatari (Anybody else I forgot because I haven't updated in forever).