Topic: OOC Notes and Info: A Sanctimonialis Ultionis


Date: 2010-08-20 10:07 EST
Just a few quick notes on the Kate story going on:

Most of it is backstory that was posted in my old folder in the RDI back in the day.

Everything that is going to be posted after Kate hits Rhy Din was either played out or written with other people, the SL was well over 7 months of play with various players.

Speaking of all those players? Sorry but this was all played out 16+ years ago and the only name I remember is Kate's husband, so if anyone is still around drop me a PM and let me know and I'll add you in.

Because this story is so old and most of the posts and logs are gone (lost in one of my various moves) I'm pulling a lot of it from memory and the few scraps I have saved here and there. Yes I know some things have been dropped but I"m trying to condense it all down into an easily readable, coherent story so some of the side stuff has been dropped.

All of this being said if anyone wants to join in please do. I know it's hard right now because like I said it's backstory but it'll all make sense soon.

Thanks for reading!


Date: 2010-09-16 18:33 EST
Enjoying the read, Kate! :)


Date: 2010-09-26 09:30 EST
As anyone who's involved can tell we're up to live play with the story now. I still have a few logs to edit and post but at least the backstory is done being written.

So anyone who's involved or who wants to get involved, please feel free to post. I'm open to ideas and suggestions.

If you want to join in or if you have something to add. Do so. I love me some partnerships and SL overlap.

If you need to contact me you can PM me here or email me at
