Topic: OOC Notes - General Stuff


Date: 2011-11-16 07:25 EST
Ok, the new thread "The Coming Storm" is pretty close to happening in real time, well after all the other stuff that's going up.

I will continue to write and finish up the older stuff but the posts in The Coming Storm thread are happening right now.

Just figured I'd let people know what's going on.

Ebon Ilnaren

Date: 2011-12-25 10:05 EST
Regarding the latest post in The Coming Storm:

Oh #%$! She's alive!


Date: 2012-06-17 16:08 EST
Yes Kate is Dead, yes it is a public playable.

Ask anything you want, your character could be there, could have seen, heard, heard about it.

It happend Saturday night (June 16th).



Date: 2012-06-20 05:32 EST
Another note on Kate's death, there are going to be a few threads posted that happened before she died.

I'll have them marked in the title so there's no confusion.

Sorry, behind on my posts.


Date: 2012-07-03 08:53 EST
Still behind on posts, been on vacation. Hopefully I'll get things written up and posted when I get back next week.

Thanks for your patience.


Date: 2013-02-27 01:51 EST
Still working on it, going through the logs to write the posts. Sorry I'm so behind on everything but hopefully in the next few weeks here I'll get caught up.

thank you for your patience.



Date: 2013-05-12 02:50 EST
yeah, this is the second time I've said that I'm getting caught up but this week I plan on just writing out what happened, breaking it down into posts and getting it up. The logs are long and there are many of them and honestly I've just been looking at them going "Damn there's a lot there." I also think that with the kids various schedules and the time change I've taken the moments I've had and either read books or just vegged rather than write.

So again I'm sorry but I am working on it.

If nothing else I promise at least one post this week.


Date: 2013-06-21 02:11 EST
Ok so I finished the current scene between Lucien and Kate, there's more to come.

I didn't add a lot to the latest post and Im sorry about that, at this point i"m just trying to get it out there because I'm so far behind.

Hopefully it's at least answering any questions people might have.


Date: 2013-09-14 07:10 EST
This is a helping hand for Kate to keep her folder from being archived. She is still experiencing the log in bug despite clearing everything.


Date: 2013-09-14 19:09 EST
If she hasn't already, ask her if she's deleted ALL Cookies for, not just RDI or dragonsmark. I found it would only let me in if I erased everything for both sites AND the chat as well


Date: 2013-10-09 00:32 EST
Still having problems, I use chrome and apparently it doesn't like chrome, I deleted everything, all cookies everything in Chrome and it still won't work.

I had to download firefox to log in.

I did send messages to the higher up's no reply yet.


Thanks for the help guys.



Date: 2013-10-10 06:52 EST
Chrome seems to hate everything with....If it comes up again, delete all the cookies for rdi in firefox, thats always worked for me :) Hope it doesn't continue being a pain!