Topic: Things Better Left Ignored


Date: 2012-05-31 08:23 EST
The difference between being kindred and human are huge. It might sound like a silly joke but it is night and day.

Since the time of the Roman Empire, since Caesar had conquered most of the world, Kate had been kindred. Fast, steady, strong, quick healing, not aging, never in the sun, surviving on blood.

Waking up human had been a shock, adapting to being human, even months later, was still hard.

She was working again but there was a difference, she wasn't as strong, she didn't heal like she used to, her balance was off, she was tired, and while she was still capable, she wasn't as good as she had been.

If she were honest with herself the answer to her problems was easy.


It had been seven months since she was still having problems eating.

Fruit and bread were about the only things she would willingly eat, even then she couldn't seem to get past a few bites. It was all dead, not alive like blood. One of the reasons she'd never liked the synth or bottled blood was that it wasn't as alive as from an actual person. She could always taste the beginning of death. Now all she could think of was death, everytime she opened her mouth to eat she had to fight the urge to gag.

So she was constantly taking a few bites of the fruit or bread portion of whatever meal was in front of her then running off, promising to eat more later. When she couldn't get away, when Lucien was around, she'd distract him, claim she had already eaten, that she had a party later and would eat there, anything to keep him from noticing.

So far it had worked.

She'd noticed some of her clothes not fitting as well, that the curves she'd always had, that her body that hadn't c hanged in ages was doing just that. There was still muscle but she was moving from curves to slight, her hip bones even starting to make an appearance. As long as she wasn't letting some people grab ahold of her she was good though. So she avoided contact with those who knew her well. Lucien she just kept distracting whenever possible.

The lack of real food and the refusal to slow down was catching up with her and if she was honest with herself she'd admit that some of the slip up's she had were due to the food situation.

She kept hiding it though, refitting her clothes, keeping the smile on her face, moving forward, just like normal.

She always had been good at ignoring things she didn't like.

(This is with the whole Kate being Human thing and ties into "thunder and Pain" I just didn't think it would work well in that thread so I gave it it's own)