Topic: Till Death


Date: 2012-04-03 03:12 EST
((Quick note, this happened on December 21st)

She stood in the bedroom of the New Haven mansion and looked in the mirror, smoothing a hand down the red dress. It wasn't typical, most wouldn't think it was traditional but for the first time she was willingly letting a piece of Roman tradition into her life.

With a deep breath she moved back to the bed and slipped on her shoes, when she stood she again ran a hand down her hips and walked back to the mirror, nerves coming out again.

She leaned in, toward the mirror, checking her hair, curling some of it around her finger. Looking at herself she looked good, dressed to the nines, ready for another party.

She wasn't going to a party though.

The knock at the door made her jump a little, when it opened and she saw Chris she smiled and did a small turn. "Good?"

His smile matched hers as he offered his arm and nodded, "Ready?"

When she took his arm, her free hand wrapped around his wrist and held on. "Yes."

The two of them moved to the stairs, she stopped, looking down at the entry way and those gathered below, Lucien, Gwyr, and a man she didn't know. She took another deep breath and was about to start down the stairs when Chris leaned in and whispered to her, "You sure this time?" An eyebrow went up and she quickly lifted a foot, bringing the heel down on his foot and stabbing him with it. He winced, stuck his tongue out at her and they both laughed.

They were still laughing when they started down the stairs.

For once, everything felt right.


Date: 2012-05-09 08:01 EST
Lucky and Gwyr were waiting for them, well Lucky, Gwyr, and the Justice of the Peace.

At the bottom of the steps she looked at Chris, smiled and winked. He knew better than anyone what it had taken to get here. In a way he had been the conductor of this particular love story.

So it was fitting that he was the one walking her over to the three men.

When they stopped the Justice of the Peace smiled at all of them, "Who gives presents this woman to be married?" She kind of wanted to laugh at that, she was the oldest one there and yet she was being given away.

Chris slipped his arm from her's and lightly held her hand. "I do." Then he lifted her hand toward Lucky.

She had finally really looked at Lucky, taking him in, more importantly taking in him in a kilt, which happened to be her favorite sight, pretty much ever.

Lucien's gaze never strayed from Kate. He had seen her in her dress before. She had showed it to him before. And she was breathtaking. He took hold of her hand from Chris, his attention moving to Chris for a moment and he tipped his head to him. Then he gaze returned to her, he wrapped his fingers around Kate's, then led her to the justice of the peace.

The justice of the peace looked to the couple and smiled. "Lucien, do you come to this union of your free will and with the intention of being faithful in marriage to Kate as long as you shall live?"

He smiled and nodded, attention remaining on Kate. "I do."

The justice then turned to Kate. "Kate, do you come to this union of your free will and with the intention of being faithful in marriage to Lucien as long as you shall live?"

She couldn't help it, she tilted her head a little and looked at Lucien, smiling a little at the question. "I do." She squeezed his hand and took a deep breath as she answered.

He gently squeezed her hand back, his smile blooming wider as she answered, the smile reaching his eyes.

The justice smiled, then he looked to Chris and Gwyr, then back to the couple.

"I am told that the couple have written their own vows." He canted his head to Kate and smiled.

She smiled again then turned to Lucky, "Ok then. I'm not going to get all flowery. I love you Lucien and I can promise to keep loving you, taking care of you when you need it, or when you don't think you need it but you do. I promise that if you ask me something, I'll always tell the truth and while I can't promise I'll obey, I can at least promise I'll think about what you have to say about something and how you might feel." She smiled again cause they both knew she'd never promise to obey anyone. "I also promise to never pressure you into changing who or what you are." She looked at him because that promise had a bit more weight to it for other reasons. "I love you, which I already said. So what's mine is yours." her nose wrinkled a little as she thought. "I think that's good."

His smile didn't fade as he listened to her and watched her. Lightly, he rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand and when she wrinkled her nose, a wry grin ghosted.

The justice of the peace nodded to Kate, then looked at Lucien and nodded for him to begin.

Lucky took a deep breath and looked back at Kate. "I love you, Kate. More than I can properly put in words. You make me smile. You make my worse days seem alright. And you're my best friend. I promise I'll love you always and always be there for you, no matter what. ::He looked down at their hands, then looked back up at her:: I promise to be at your side, and not be out in front trying to shield you. All that I have, all that I am is yours. ::He drew another deep breath and smiled.:: I love you.

She matched his smile with one of her own then threw a quick glance at the justice before leaning up to kiss Lucien. "Love you."

He kissed her back, one arm slipping around her waist.

The justice of the peace, just smiled then continued. "The wedding ring seals the vows of marriage as a signature bears witness to a written covenant." He looked to Chris and Gwyr to hand the rings to the couple. Then he nodded to Kate and Lucien. "Please place the rings on each other's fingers and repeat after me... Let this ring be to you and to me and to all the world, the symbol of our love and our marriage."

Her hand wrapped around the ring Chris gave her, her fingers then lightly rubbing it. She took his hand, set the ring at the tip of his finger and smiled at him. "Let this ring be to you and to me and to all the world, the symbol of our love and our marriage." As she spoke she slid the ring onto his finger.

He held the ring that Gwyr set in his palm, then reached for her hand. He slowly slipped the ring on her finger and smiled at her. "Let his ring be to you and to me and to all the world, the symbol of our love and our marriage." As he finished speaking, the ring was set at the base of her finger. He lifted her hand and pressed a kiss to the palm of it, before taking hold of her hand in his.

The justice then reached for the large ceremonial folder he had set on the table behind him and opened it up. Inside the folder was their marriage certificate. He first asked Lucien to sign his name, and once he did, the justice offered the pen to Kate to sign her name, after which, he would have the two witnesses sign their names.

A deep breath was taken as she lifted the pen and signed her name. Then she took a step back, her hand set in his again, and watched as Chris and Gwyr stepped forward to sign.

Once all everyone had signed the certificate, the justice signed his name and pressed his seal on the document. He closed the folder and handed it to the couple. "We have come together and witnessed Kate and Lucien be joined in marriage. We heard their vows and watched them give and receive the ring as the seal of their promises. Therefore, by the powers vested in me by the Realm of RhyDin, I pronouce that they are husband and wife."

He looked from Kate to Lucien and smiled. "You may kiss the bride."

Lucien barely waited for the words. He slipped his arm around her and drew closer and kissed her deeply.