Topic: Breaking Faith

Chris Driscoll

Date: 2010-05-09 20:20 EST
Boston, Mass
August 2005

"Where the hell is she? She's late!" Chris was pacing the floor nervously, arms folded across his chest, worry written all over his face.

"Relax, Chris. She'll be here," Susan told her brother reassuringly, stopping his pacing to adjust the tie at his neck. He never had mastered the mechanics of formal wear. Computers were a piece of cake, but hand him a dress shirt and tie and he was all thumbs. "She knows how much this means to you."

"Yeah." He frowned uncertainly. Did she? She'd blown off dinner with the family once before, and he was starting to wonder if she took their relationship as seriously as he did. Time to change the subject. "Where's Ma?"

"She's upstairs getting dressed."

He glanced at his watch. "We're gonna be late."

"No, we're not. Would you relax?" She turned his collar down as she finished knotting his tie. "You wanna go check on Ma while I get Chrissy ready to go? Unless you wanna do that."

He winced at the possibility of having to change his niece's dirty diaper. "I'll check on Ma."

"Coward," she teased, grinning.

"Only when it comes to babies."

"Uh huh." She brushed a kiss against his cheek, her smile fading. "Don't rush her, okay? We've got plenty of time."

"She okay?" he asked with undisguised concern in his voice.

She shrugged. "You know Ma. She has good days and bad."

"Yeah." He started toward the stairs, wondering which today was. It seemed he was about to find out.

Chris Driscoll

Date: 2010-05-09 21:09 EST
Chris quietly rapped on his mother's bedroom door before opening it and peering inside. "Ma?" he asked, tentatively.

"Christian, get in here and help me with my zipper."

He pushed the door open a little further to find his mother standing in front of the mirror, struggling to zip the back of her dress. Even at fifty-two, Eileen Driscoll was still an attractive woman, though the last ten years of her life had been riddled with illness.

He found himself blushing as he looked over at his mother's reflection in the mirror, and he backed away from the door. "I'm no good with zippers. I'll get Suse."

She laughed at his obvious embarrassment. "Don't be ridiculous. You're my son, and I'm sure you have no problem with zippers when it comes to your lady friend."

The mention of Rocky only made him blush more, but being the dutiful son that he was, he obediently stepped into the room to help with her zipper.

"What's she like, this girl of yours?" she asked, watching him in the mirror as he came up behind her. "She must be someone special to have captured your heart."

He focused his attention on the zipper, hoping she hadn't noticed the blush, slowly and carefully, pulling the zipper up against her back. "She's... great."

"That's all you have to say about the girl you're going to marry?"

"I never said I was going to marry her."

Once the zipper was in place, Eileen turned to face her son, a smile on her face. She knew he was in love. The signs were all there. She just hoped that his marriage didn't end up the way hers had.

She reached up to rest a hand against his cheek. Twenty-four years old already. He wasn't her little boy anymore; he was a man. "You can't fool me, Chris. You never could. I know you better than anyone. I know you love this girl. I can see it in your eyes. I can hear it in your voice."

He sighed, frowning. "Okay, maybe I do, but..."

She pressed a finger against his lips, silencing him. "No buts. If you love her, then tell her, and no matter what happens, don't ever let her go."

He wished it was that simple, but it wasn't. She didn't know the half of it, and she probably never would. "I just hope you like her."

She smiled again and brushed her fingers through his hair, remembering the boy that he had once been. Always too serious. He'd grown up far too fast. "How could I not like the woman my son has chosen to spend his life with? I just want you to be happy, Christian. That's all that I want."

She reached up to brush a kiss against his cheek. "Now, let's not keep your sister waiting, shall we? We have a new baby to welcome into God's family."

Chris frowned. "Right." After all the things he'd seen in his twenty-four years, he had his doubts about God, but who was he to argue? It seemed she was having a good day today, and he wasn't about to ruin it, no matter what happened.

Chris Driscoll

Date: 2010-05-12 21:09 EST
Later that night...

The yellow cab pulls up to a stop near the house, and she steps out carefully. She gathers her bag, and she's still wearing the dress she'd changed into at the airport. She's limping but walking, hair's up and neat even her make up was applied just right. She rolled her shoulders knowing that she'd messed up, but strolled for the door as best she could manage.

Today had been an important day to him. He'd been planning it for weeks, going over it in his head, working out all the details. Today was the day he was going to move his relationship with Rocky up a level. Today was the day he was going to introduce her to his family, propose marriage, completely let her into his world. All of it. The whole kielbasa. And she'd let him down. Probably working some job somewhere. When would he learn? Money was more important to her than he was, or so he thought.

He'd gone through the motions for his family's sake. He'd pulled through, like he always had. He'd played the part he'd been playing most of his life. Head of the household. Son, big brother, and now uncle and godfather.

She taps on the door, thinking that he probably won't want to speak to her, and she wouldn't blame him for that. It wasn't her fault this time...sort of. If she would have left earlier she wouldn't have been shot, she would have made the plane, and would have been here hours ago.

He'd smiled and made excuses for her. No, they weren't going to meet her today. Something had come up. Another day, sure. Not a big deal. And now, he was sitting on the couch, working on his fifth bottle of beer, still dressed in the suit everyone knew he hated wearing but had tolerated for them, wondering where the hell she was and more importantly, why she hadn't answered his calls. She could be dead and he wouldn't even know it.

She tries the handle then, checking to see if it's locked. Risky, yes, but worth it.

He heard the knocking on the door but didn't get up. He didn't care who it was. He didn't want to see anyone or talk to anyone. Whoever it was could just go to hell.

"Chris?" She asked quietly as she stepped in, trying to hide the limp. "Are you home?" She flipped on the light switch, allowing more light in to see by, looking for him, and hoping he didn't come up shooting, or worse. "Chris?"

Chris Driscoll

Date: 2010-05-12 21:10 EST
She had the look, she knew she'd messed up today, big time. She wouldn't blame him for telling her to leave. No matter how hard it would be, she'd do it for him.

He was sitting on the couch in the dark, a bottle of beer in one hand, wearing a crisp white shirt that wasn't so crisp anymore, open at the collar, a discarded jacket and tie laying on the couch beside him. He wasn't normally much of a drinker, but he'd made an exception today.

"Honey, just don't shoot me." She was talking quietly as she walked toward his place on the couch, seeing him there. "I am really sorry." She reached out to touch his arm.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in," he said sarcastically, lifting his bottle of beer toward her. "Be late for your own funeral someday." He pulled his arm out of her reach and took another swig of the beer. "How much?"

She looked pained that he'd even ask such a thing. "How much?"

"How big was the haul? Or are you gonna lie to me and tell me you got stuck in traffic?"

"You think this is about money?" She sighed, so much for flight delays, and traffic. "I only got half of what was due...but I was on my way here til someone tipped the feds, and they raided us."

"Poor you. Only half. Enough to pay the rent on your fancy condo for another year then."

"Damn it, Chris, I was trying to get here. I told them I had to go....then the Feds showed up, and I had to answer questions at the hospital." She moved to sit down beside him, a wince when she bumped that leg. "You have a key to that condo, it's as much your home as mine." Another sigh. "You have no idea, how sorry I am."

He wasn't normally the kind to get angry, but he was bitterly disappointed by her absence. "You knew how much this meant to me."

"I was trying to get here, I swear to Christ!"

Part of his mind registered what she was telling him, but the part that was doing the talking didn't seem to care, or maybe it was the beer that were loosening his tongue.

"I was in Cheyenne, surely you heard about the bust on the news?"

He chuckled dryly. "My home? This is my home, Rock." He gestured around him with the half-empty bottle of beer. "I'm just a street kid from Boston, remember? I don't travel in your circles."

Chris Driscoll

Date: 2010-05-12 21:11 EST
No, he hadn't watched the news, hadn't even turned the TV on. "This... my humble home in my humble neighborhood where I grew up with my humble family. Who you missed meeting today. But why should that be important?"

She reaches for the beer to take it from him. "You are my circle! I was working my ass off to get here, I know you wanted me here today, I even told the FBI guy that I thought you were going to propose to me today, so I wasn't detained longer." She stared at him then. "I know who you are, and where you came from. Please stop, I like the man I love... I love you."

He glared at her a moment, his head feeling fuzzy. The FBI? He pulled the beer out of her hand and stumbled to his feet. "You don't know shit about me."

"I know things you told me!"

He gulped down the rest of the beer and started toward the kitchen, weaving only a little. Just one more.

She followed him and a few tears ran down her face, "Chris, please, talk to me. No more beer."

"That's some story, Rock. FBI. Did you stop to get a manicure on your way over?" He wasn't by nature angry or bitter, but he was hurting and she was the cause of his pain.

She lifts her skirt up, showing him the bandaged calf, "That look like a manicure? Turn on the damn news, couple of known felons had a woman held hostage! As well as a butt load of hot ordinance."

He pulled another beer out of the fridge, twisted off the cap, and took a swallow. He glanced over at her bandaged leg, unable to hide just a hint of surprise. "Deal gone bad? What did you have trade for the get out of jail free card?"

"I had to get here to you, so I did what I had to do."

"Which was what?" He was waiting to hear who she had to blow.

Chris Driscoll

Date: 2010-05-12 21:12 EST
"I shot myself in the leg, okay? I had to get out of there, FBI would have had me in the Pen, then what? I blamed it on Ike and his brother, said they'd taken me hostage."

"Ike, that piece of shit. I warned you about that asshole. He probably set you up. You want me to pull up his rap sheet? Or maybe I should check and see what the Feds have on him."

"Do whatever makes you happy, but he's in jail now for sure, just talk to me, please."

Yeah, that was it. Whenever he was feeling anxious, he'd bury himself in his work. He took another swallow of his beer. "What do you wanna talk about? You wanna talk about how I had to make excuses for you again? If you don't wanna meet my family, just say so."

"God, I said I am sorry! You've been drinking, and you aren't listening! I do want to meet them, even though babies scare the hell out of me."

"You always say you're sorry, Rock!"

"So what do I need to do, Chris?"

He blew out a breath and dropped into a chair, setting the bottle of beer on the table. "How's your leg?"

"Hurts." She wondered if he was going to talk to her now.

He purposely didn't answer her question. There was no point. They'd been over it before. If she didn't understand how important this was to him by now, there was no point in him explaining it yet again.

"Gonna leave a mark?"

"Not much of one, it was enough to get me out of there."

Outwardly, he seemed to mellow a little, though inside he was still a tangle of emotions. "You okay?"

"No, my boyfriend hates me right now."

He visibly winced. Had she kept her promise and been there, she might be his fiancee right now instead of just his girlfriend. Not that it mattered. What kind of life could he offer her really? She deserved better.

Chris Driscoll

Date: 2010-05-12 21:14 EST
"No, I don't."

"You do, and rightfully so. I ran like hell to get here."

"Don't worry about it. It's not important." He lied. "You staying the night?"

"It is important, and I'll stay as long as you let me." She moved toward him again.

When it really boiled down to it, he loved her too much to tell her to leave, no matter how disappointed he felt. He pulled his glasses off and laid them on the table, rubbing a hand over his face, feeling suddenly weary.

"I am so sorry. I've fucked up, a lot."

"I was worried," he admitted quietly. It was the truth. Every hour that passed without word was like torture. He'd worried that something bad had happened to her and, apparently, it had. "You should have taken me with you." He reached for her to pull her into his lap.

"You are right, I should have. But, I didn't. And my phone was at the hotel, I was going to call but I've been running all night." She was working fast, thinking and talking. Then she fell into his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Chris, why do you love me?"

Her question pained him. "Don't ask me that, Rock. It's like asking someone why you breathe."

"You put up with me, and my shit."

He drew his arms around her waist. "We put up with each other. What do you want me to say? I love you. That's all there is to it."

"I know, but twice now? All weekend me, you...and lace."

He smiled, but the smile was more for her than himself. The sex had always been great, but it didn't always fix everything. Whether he loved her or not, somehow he knew it would be awhile before he gathered enough courage to let her into his private life, to tell her his secrets, to let his guard down again.

Chris Driscoll

Date: 2010-05-12 21:15 EST
She leaned against him, thankful that he hadn't thrown her out, snuggling into his neck. "You smell good, and it's nice to see you in something other than a tshirt. I hope you took pics."

"I clean up okay, huh?"

"You would look good in a potato sack."

His glasses were still sitting on the table, the lenses no longer hiding the blue of his eyes. That got a laugh. "I think I'm supposed to tell you that."

"So I stole it from you."

She reached up and ran her fingers across his cheek and then looked him in the eyes. "You are my life, you know?"

"Yeah, I know." He wasn't sure if he completely believed her or not. His father had said the same thing to his mother, and look what had happened to them. He slid a hand around to the back of her neck, drawing her downward into a kiss.

She returned his kiss, her hands moved down his shoulders and trailed his back. She lifted off his lap, and limped slightly. "Come on, Cheers. You can be my nurse." She held out her hand to help steady him should he need it, and smiled finally.

He slid off the chair and took her hand. She'd won this round. He hadn't given up on her yet. "Only if you tuck me in."

"How are you my nurse if I am tucking you in?" She nudged him, "You have the game wrong."

He'd have picked her up and carried her, but he didn't trust himself not to drop her. The room was spinning, and he was feeling a little lightheaded. "I'd make a pretty homely nurse."

"No, homely was in Cheyenne." She shook her head. "You are a sexy nurse."

"Yeah? You want me to give you a sponge bath or something?"

"Ooh, that's a good start." She took him toward the bedroom. Truth told she just wanted to be close. At that moment, nothing else mattered, but the moment wouldn't last. It never did.