Topic: Bass Girl, Geeky and Young... And a Ditz


Date: 2006-07-21 11:12 EST
Chastity's face lit up from the fire that sparked in front of her, burning the end of the cigarette that rested lightly between her lips, dragging upon it to fill her blackened lungs with the smoke that will eventually kill her in later life, disgarding the lighter into the front pocket of her guitar case she slung over her one shoulder. The smoke was blown from her lips with a loud sigh as two fingers came up to pin the stick between them, drawing it close to her side while giving it a light flick to send the dead ashes to the ground.
She continued to walk on through the streets while having no true idea where the hell she was going, but she had an idea or two where Keaton said it was. She was terrible at directions and continued to walk mindless about the City while glancing around and seeing the sights - asking people for directions, wondering how to get there... Wondering if she will ever get there.

"Yeah I know the place. Keaton Fox?"

"Uhm... Yes, I think that's his name... I mean yeah Keaton but his last name? I don't know..." Chastity fiddled with the tips of her ginger shoulder lengthed hair meely, avoiding her eyes from the woman she just asked. She looked like some business woman and the type who had little time for children... If anything Chat avoided her attention from the older woman's face by sucking away at the cigarette and expelling the smoke towards the ground.

The woman narrowed her eyes, "Aren't you too young to smoke, child?"

Bright blue eyes looked up guiltily, "... Y... I'm ninteen... That's old enough... Yeah?" A shy smile up to her however as her hand that held the cigarette trapped between her fingers smoothed the imaginary folds in her green and red checkard skirt.

"Well..." The woman pointed over her shoulder to the building with hardly any windows, directly behind her. "This is the studio your talking about."

Suddenly, she felt very stupid because she had been standing before the studio for the last fifteen minutes... And hadn't noticed.

"Th... Thanks, miss..." A smile to the already departing lady who helped her, she threw Chastity a wave and of course Chat couldn't help but feel somewhat downgraded by the woman's observation of her smoking habit... She had it since she was twelve (thanks to peer pressure) and to give it up now was nearly impossible for her to imagine.
And with a glance to the cigarette dropped it to the ground and snuffed it out below a black leather heelless shoe and stepped up the the door. Knocking upon it gently... Perhaps too gently.

A cough, "Hello?" She called out. Knock knock knock. "Its... Chastity..."


Date: 2006-07-22 04:15 EST
"Come in!" is the simple shouted reply. The studio opens up into a large room with a nearly middle-aged woman, an aging rocker, behind the desk, shuffling through some papers, smiling as the geektastic metaller makes her way in. She's blonde and very pretty in a warm, mature kind of way. "How can I help you?" The woman leans on the counter, tapping her pen against a stack of paper, her chin propped in her hand, watching the nervous girl with a smile.

"...It's 'vintage stuff,' he said... 'classic'..." The hippie-fox is grumbling to himself in uncharacteristic fashion, though this may have to do with his uncharacteristic burden - two square, very heavy-looking boxes, one in each arm, and a longer box balanced between them, as he makes his way out of a stairwell through a doorway in the hall, visible through another doorway from the front room. As the studio expands, more room is needed upstairs, and more things are moved down into the basement.


Date: 2006-07-22 18:06 EST
In she entered, looking about and closing the door gently behind her. She looked for a mat to wipe her feet on to rid of any dirt she picked up while wandering the street, but found none below her footing and so instead made slow steps across the room towards the blonde woman while making sure to look behind her just incase she left prints in the flooring. Pausing before the desk, her bright blue orbs looking about meekly and finding luckily to see Keaton through a doorway in the distance... She smiled gently. She didn't call out to him either she needed to answer the woman's question.

"H...Hi, my name is Chastity and I came here... For a j-job..." She hoped to god Keaton didn't arrange an interview since she really and truely sucked at those. She fiddled with the single strap slung over her shoulder glancing back to guitarcase then back towards the blonde woman at the desk. Trying to smile nicely to her.

"Keaton might be... Expecting me..." She rushed in suddenly with more talk, "But if he's busy and I'll completely understand and I will just go okay... I-I don't wanna bother him 'cause I know he's very busy and stuff and... Yeah..."


Date: 2006-07-23 19:02 EST
The woman smiles as the girl nervously stammers. "Frankly, I think he'd like any excuse for a break from luggin' all that shit around. Keaton!" She turns, peering out into the hallway. "Chastity's here!" Keaton makes a muffled reply neither of them can understand as he thumps his way down the stairs, deposits the stuff down there somewhere, and races back up, wiping sweat from his brow with a 'kerchief as he strides into the front room, grinning when he sees Chastity. " 'Sup, Chat. I'm glad you dropped by." He takes up a lean against the doorway, wiping the sweat now from the palms of his hands - he folds up the handkerchief again and tucks it into his back pocket.


Date: 2006-07-25 11:17 EST
Blinking those big bright blue eyes behind the wide framed glasses, came to snort-giggle at Keaton's appearance. A little smile was offered to the woman at the desk, "Thank you very much." A little bow of her head and off she scooted closer to Keaton looking slightly nervous now. "Um, so... Your not... Horribly busy are you? I'd wouldn't want to interupt something important..." Obviously Chastity had little to no idea of why he was moving things about and well... She wouldn't question! It would be rude as it was none of her business afterall. "So... I don't need to do an interview for this... Job? Do I? I am... Not really good at those at all..."


Date: 2006-07-25 12:44 EST
He chuckles a little as Chat stammers away nervously, and shakes his head. "Not an interview so much as a demonstration. Follow me." He squeezes at his own forearm a little - the muscles wound up from lugging things around - as he walks off down the hallway, towards one of the back rooms. "We've got some guys from the Freaks here. Kind of a punk band. They've never really found a sound they like recording here - they say it's the equipment, but I jus' think we haven't gotten things quite right for them yet. Someone with some fresh ideas might jus' do the trick." At work, the fox is almost a different person entirely, talking and moving faster - all business, even if pleasant about his business.


Date: 2006-07-26 21:52 EST
Chastity looked a little less nervous than before, but then of course being in front of people and now being asked to do a demo upfront was something she was not prepared for, if at all. She tagged along behind him - bright blue eyes scanning the walls of the hallway as she walked, paying attention to what he had to say but too taking in her surroundings. "Punk band?" She sounded a little... Iffy. And to what is Iffy? Well, she didn't sound too confident.
But when he mentioned they blamed the equipment, her face hardened and her eyes stared to the back of Keaton's head.
"Such nonsense! The Equipment is fine! If anything I bet it's the person trying to use the equipment or they have no concept of sound at all." And now she sounded confident, "So what equipment do we exactly have? And what systems are we using? Digital? Analogue? I need the specs..."


Date: 2006-08-14 18:17 EST
And the specs are ticked off - he leads her into the room with the windows looking on the guys from the Freaks. They're big guys with... mixed looks. A couple of them look pretty plain, one of them just has the vintage rocker thing going on, and one is sporting a mohawk, more piercings than Keaton can count, and a world-wearied grin as he shakes his head and leans in a corner, watching the other three get into a heated argument.

"...P7 with 32 channels... shitload of mics - Sm-58, AKG-414, Rodes NT4... one less NT4, goddamn thing broke two weeks ago..."

He squints at the computer, giving the mouse a tap to shake it out of standby. Then he gives the monitor an agitated flick, and it crackles to life. After a little searching, he finds what they've done so far. "Fuckers barely let me touch a thing... so possessive..."

Sure enough, the vocalist approaches one of the windows, looking between Chastity and Keaton: "An' just who in the hell is that?!"

Keaton, looking very stern, just points a finger at him, and the guy shuts up and looks awkwardly at his feet. He looks back at Chastity... and breathes a soft sigh. " 'Pologies, Chat. They'll settle their stupid asses down now."