Topic: A Translation Guide for Abbyisms


Date: 2015-02-10 20:28 EST
Baby Containment Unit- Usually a stroller, but it can also be used in reference to high-chairs, car seats and baby slings. "Geiseric, please put your son in the baby containment unit."

Timeout Tray- A repurposed (she upcycles!) vault located in the funeral home that she shares with Geiseric. Usually a place to stick unwanted guests who can't take a hint regarding the polite time to leave. "Looks like someone gets to spend some time in the Timeout Tray!"

Children's Pound- Orphanages/Children's Homes. Though Rhy'Din has several lovely places for foundlings staffed with compassionate and loving people, Abby assumes that unwanted children, like dogs, are taken to the pound. This may have something to with the memory of the state of orphanages during 'back in the day' London. "Quiet, you, or I'll pack you off to the Children's Pound."

Artsblood Shusberg- see 'Bag of Hate' "Artsblood is a wretched bag of hate."

Snackdisc- A circular tray filled with various foods. Or, you know, a food tray. "Yes, go ahead and eat your damnable snackdisc. I'll just sit here and admire the way your mouth moves."

Meat-tube- Not at all what you're thinking, the term 'meat-tube' in Abby's head is used to describe summer sausages. "There. A meat-tube. Merry Christmas."

Stinkroom- Bathrooms, usually public ones. "Good lord, someone death bombed the stinkroom."

Bag of Hate- see 'Artsblood Shusberg' "Seriously though. Artsblood is a wretched bag of hate."


Date: 2015-10-16 01:00 EST
Leaking- A reference to the myriad ways that humans..well..leak. Usually used in reference to tears. "Why are humans always leaking?"

Lights Out Time Down- Nap time. "Shh, little thing. Lights Out Time Down.

Foot Casings- Shoes. "I shant wear foot casings. They coup me up."

Dirt Eater- A crazy person. "Why, he's just a certified dirt eater."

Stinkrose- A vampire of the Toreador clan. Usually used in reference to the smug, untalented variety. "Abominable. My dog could produce a better painting than that stinkrose when he accidentally eats rancid meat."

Baby Cage: Playpen or crib. "Aww. Would Mummy's widdle man like her to fwee him fwom his baby cage?"