Topic: Oh The (Literal) Humanity! Info and Whatnot


Date: 2016-01-07 13:04 EST
(Here is your playable if you choose to accept it;

Any number of supernatural and preternatural creatures can be affected by this. It can last for hours, days, months, years, the choice is yours! The only thing I ask is that no one has their character capture the being (which manifests as a weird purple cloud of dust). Otherwise have fun and just direct any questions to me. By no means do you have to acknowledge this playable :) It's all fun and games. Oh! If you'd like to link or post your stories for this playable in this thread, please do. That way I can give you a nifty a icon at the end of this shindig.)

Cailean Connor

Date: 2016-01-07 17:32 EST
It had been a long time since Catey disappeared.

The barn had been erected, the perimeter fence line completed, the pig sty set up, the stables slapped together, a coop for the chickens built by hand, and an impressive year-round vegetable garden planted. She wouldn't recognize the cottage or the land if she returned. Several apple and walnut trees had been planted, but no bountiful harvests came yet. Grass grew green and thickly in the far corner for the cattle and horses. His greatest desires were becoming a reality, but not the biggest ones.

Seamus still wanted a family, but he refused to begin one with this curse looming over him as a black cloud that rained on his greatest wishes. That and she had taken half of his heart with her, wherever that was.

He snorted, shaking his head as he paused, narrowly avoiding being taken out by a passing carriage. Seamus came into town to donate freshly slaughtered beef, chickens, eggs, and vegetables to those affected by the cult's damages. Despite living so far out of town, he tried to help others if he could, as quietly behind the scenes as possible. Crowds and tearful thank yous were more than he could handle.

The horse and cart he rode in on were given to a family who needed it more than he did, especially with their 6 young children. He would make another cart and he had other horses. He took his time, wandering through the Marketplace, before heading northwest to his home. It would be a long walk.

As he passed the fountain, eyeing a young couple embracing very heatedly for such a public place, his path intersected with a mystical, purple cloud of dust and he unknowingly passed right through it. The dust made him cough, and he stopped long enough to hold his fist to his mouth and look around inquiringly. The dust, however, had continued floating on and he saw nothing suspicious.

"Now tha' was strange," Seamus remarked, frowning. There hadn't been any wind to stir up enough dust to irritate his lungs like that. He shrugged, continuing home and not knowing that the next time the full moon shone bright in the sky, it would not painfully force him to become the vicious wolf that echoed in the recesses of his mind.


Date: 2016-01-07 17:36 EST
Phaeton, in which Meatgrinder's third season faces delays... indefinitely.


Date: 2016-01-07 17:53 EST
Living with Bart meant that Mona had grown accustomed to all manner of smoke, so she didn't give the wispy purple cloud a second thought..until she got up from the movie she was watching and disappeared into the bathroom. When she emerged, her eyes were wide with dawning horror, her cheeks streaked with tears. In one hand she clutched a roll of toilet paper. Breathing rapidly, nearly panting, Mona squared her shoulders, threw her head back and screamed "BaaaaAAAAAAAaaaaaaAAAArrrrrttt!" at the very top of her lungs. Her functioning lungs.

Someone was going to die for this.

(Also, great work you guys! *Thumbsup. Gold star stickers*)


Date: 2016-01-11 13:22 EST
Apparently the purple cloud of dust followed an odd wind to the Rhy'Din General Hospital one January morning and at least made things interesting, albeit unbeknownst, to one particular patient in the ICU... or at least interesting for those taking care of the schmooze.


Date: 2016-01-16 21:04 EST
*Slow claps* That had be giggling! Poor Sir Lemon!

Billie Barlow

Date: 2016-01-17 13:58 EST
Billie had been taken into custody for some crime. Not that she had any idea as to what this crime was. She's had chili for dinner that night. Beans, you know, the musical fruit...? Yeah, Billie was playing the backdoor trumpet.... was she a little off-put at seeing a purple cloud..? Did that.... really just happen..? "Damn, what the hell was IN that chili..?" Did she really just fart out a noxious cloud of purple gas?


Date: 2016-01-17 14:22 EST
Well okay! Have an icon!


Date: 2016-01-17 23:15 EST
Dinronk Drive was a drab little street consisting of about five blocks of single story homes, the road way set in an unimpressive U-shape between Ballast Avenue and Venrag Street. It wasn?t remarkable by any stretch of the imagination, and though the inhabitants of the neighborhood were RhyDinians, they too were modestly average in their peculiarities. Small families, young couples (though sometimes ?couples? could consist of enough people to form a small family?), creatures just familiar enough with the town to find a place with cheap rent ? these were the denizens of Dinrock. It was the kind of area you could pass by and entirely forget about easily in a town that had much more exciting venues to offer.

However, in the early hours of the late night, it was precisely the kind of place she wanted to be. On Dinronk Drive, those small families were just starting to wind down and settle in. In fact, some of the smaller members of the households were already sleeping. She was sure of it. It was the very reason she came. She couldn?t yet see them, but she could hear them; the threads of dream-stuff were busily being wound together into intricate little tales.

She passed numbers twenty-eight and thirty-five, absently glanced at the bizarre collection of topiaries outside of house number forty, and continued to glide further past the house on her right with the broken mailbox. It wasn?t until she saw the faded pistachio green awning of duplex number forty-seven that she finally moved off the street. She slid through the squat gate and over the cracked pathway that cut through the browning lawn. She didn?t stop to look at the gentleman on his lawn chair next to her. He didn?t look at her, either. That was to be expected, though, for she was as good as a ghost. Ahead of her were two doors, both sea-foam with green trim; one door read 47a and the other, 47b.

47b was the home of the gentleman on the lawn chair now behind her, a widower named Louis. He often dreamt of his wife, a petite woman who had been called Lois. ?Lanta had always wondered how that hadn?t become more than a bit confusing, or if maybe it had even been a bit narcissistic on each of their parts, but she usually was too distracted by the fleeting tenderness in his sleeping memories to delve into the psychology behind their spousal name choices.

47a, on the other hand, was the abode of Rey?ell, a cat-like humanoid charmed with bright yellow eyes, smooth cheeks, and tufts of tawny fur that protruded from her pointed ears, her jaw, elbows, shoulders, and probably a dozen other places. Rey?ell had two sons that lived with her, Enzi and Parth, with Enzi being the oldest of the pair. Enzi was gawky and solemn, and his resting mind often reflected it. Missed exams, being humiliated in front of his crush, having his pants rip when standing up to deliver a report ?but also, defeating the bully, getting the girl, and once even about buying the school and forcing all the teachers to eat the class assigned text-books: these were the things Enzi dreamed about. But Parth? Oh, Parth was much more care-free. He often conjured up pictures rather than plots, his sleeping brain a wondrous place of bright colors and frenetic images strung together, the little boy hopping and exploring the whole night through. True, his nightmares were as terrifying as any child?s with an imagination, but she soothed those when she visited. She much preferred his whimsy.
She tilted towards 47a, stretched her arm out to move through the door ? when suddenly, Louis sat up in his lawn chair and made the plastic-y cables groan oddly under his paunch.

?Wha?s go?n?? he blustered.

?Lanta froze. He?d never seen her before. No one had?that she knew of, anyway. This was, at the very least, certainly the first time someone had called her out on her dream-walking. Her mind raced with any and every excuse she could come up with as to what she was doing there at this hour. Nanny? Social worker? Long-lost, non-feline sister? When she finally settled on an excuse that seemed half-way plausible, she turned to face Louis.
But she didn?t see Louis. Not at first, not through the purple. In her current state, she was no more solid than the fog she was staring into, but perhaps she was not as dense. That would explain how it blocked her view and so easily engulfed her?

-------------------------------------------------- ----------------

In her bed, in her quaint cottage on the opposite side of the Marketplace from Dinronk Drive, Atalanta woke with a start, holding her throat as she came up coughing and flailing.

Breathing? Sleep? Had she ever done those two together before?


Date: 2016-01-19 15:08 EST
Well. Zynn had quite a surprise this morning when she woke up.