Topic: Patient Records

Audrey Horne

Date: 2013-02-27 02:27 EST
Profiles for friends, family, enemies and dust bunnies. Have at it!


Date: 2013-02-27 02:31 EST
Full Name: Abigail Louise Valk (nee Dekker)

Age: She'll tell you 28.

Date of Birth: December 25th

Place of Origin: Limehouse, London

Nationality: Irish/English

Height (Barefoot): 5'9

Weight: 140lbs

Eye Color: Green.

Hair Color: Red

Current Residence: The house of one Geiseric Valk.

Distinguishing Mark/s: Her right eye, a darker green than the other, bares the mark of trauma induced heterochromia. Her mouth bares a full set of teeth including two sets of fully formed wisdom teeth.

Weapon of choice: A bayonet as of recently.

Pets: An English bull terrier called Rivers.

Brandais Dekker (deceased): Husband
Oliver "Ollie" Dekker (deceased): Son
August Decker: Great Grandson
Loreck: Childe
Marie Chalfont (deceased): Sire
Lucy Baker nee Kehoe (deceased): Mother
Paulson "Paulie" Baker (deceased): Father
Andrew Baker (deceased): Brother
Christina Abigail Dekker (deceased): Daughter
Geiseric Valk: Companion
Godric Valk: Son
Beatrix Howell: Companion/Teacher


Date: 2013-02-27 02:42 EST
Full Name (Last Name, First Name Middle): Ralston, Corrine Elizabeth

Age: 112

Date of Birth: April 2

Place of Origin: Rolling Hills, North Carolina

Nationality: American Mutt

Height (Barefoot): 5'0

Weight: 99lbs

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Blonde

Current Residence: Room 113 of the Red Dragon Inn

Distinguishing Mark/s: Beneath the bandages wound around her legs are burn scars.

Weapon of choice: Anything within swiping distance

Pets: A small army of rats

Tobias "Teddy" Bugle: Childe
Lionel Stark: Sire (Deceased)
Marie Chalfont: Grandsire (Deceased)
Theodore Ralston: Father (Deceased)
Henry Josiah Tilley: Son (Deceased)
Liza Ralston (nee Holt): Mother (Deceased)

Audrey Horne

Date: 2013-02-27 02:51 EST
Full Name (Last Name, First Name Middle): Horne, Audrey Jane

Age: 20

Date of Birth: August 25th

Place of Origin: Twin Peaks, Washington

Nationality: American

Height (Barefoot): 5'4

Weight: 115lbs

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Dark brown

Current Residence: A stupidly huge brownstone in the WestEnd

Distinguishing Mark/s: A beauty mark beside of and slightly above her left eye

Weapon of choice: That would be what we call a *secret*

Pets: A beagle named Tucker and a hateful old cat named Dusty

Benjamin Horne: Father (Deceased)
Sylvia Horne: Mother
Johnny Horne: Brother
Donna Hayward: Half-sister
Magenta Horne (Grail): Wife
Susanna Quentin Horne: Daughter
Emlyn Osiris: Adopted sister
Tina Shusberg: Adopted sister

Sarah Incognito

Date: 2013-02-27 03:03 EST
Full Name (Last Name, First Name Middle): "Eogan", "Sarah"

Age: It's not only possible that she doesn't remember, but probable

Date of Birth: Sometime around the end of the last Bronze Age

Place of Origin: Caer-Celemion

Nationality: Celtic: Briton

Height (Barefoot): 5'5

Weight: 120lbs

Eye Color: Black

Hair Color: Light red/Strawberry blonde

Current Residence: An upstairs room in Cuyler and Saffron's house

Distinguishing Mark/s: Some crooked teeth. Beneath her clothing are crude, faded spiral tattoos that span from the sides of her legs to her shoulders; put there by iron pin and colored blue with copper and woad.

Weapon of choice: Pfft!

Pets: A tarsier affectionately dubbed "Horus", a horse named Barry and a puppy named Ari.



Date: 2013-02-27 03:14 EST


Date: 2013-02-27 03:33 EST
Full Name (Last Name, First Name Middle): Barinaga (nee Agrippine), Anouk

Age: 21, and she's got a birth certificate to prove it

Date of Birth: 1416 AD

Place of Origin: Vienne, France

Nationality: French

Height (Barefoot): 5'6

Weight: 120lbs

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Brown

Current Residence: Rhy'Din

Distinguishing Mark/s: None

Weapon of choice: That's a secret

Pets: Quite a few, though they don't like to be called pets so much as lovers

Burke Barinaga: Husband
Aloysius Chastain: Sire (Deceased)
Cosette Agrippine: Sister (Deceased)
Manon Agrippine: Sister (Deceased)
Marcelon Agrippine: Father (Deceased)
Noemie Agrippine: Mother (Deceased)


Date: 2013-02-28 02:47 EST
Full Name (Last Name, First Name Middle): Hier, Blodwyn aka "Beatrix Howell"

Age: 1068. Doesn't look a day over 19. Probably the exercise regimen and good diet. Most grueling. Most taxing.

Date of Birth: March 12

Place of Origin: Saint David's, Wales

Nationality: Welsh. Somedays, it's Mancunian English. Somedays, it's Hewlett-Packard Fax Machine.

Height (Barefoot): 5'7"

Weight: 125 lbs

Eye Color: Muddy green

Hair Color: Bright blonde

Current Residence: A dilapidated cathedral to a solar deity in the West End

Distinguishing Mark/s: Numerous superficial scars on forearms, legs, and in scalp, when examined. Curly, nearly frizzy blonde hair cut short. Callused hands with short nails.

Weapon(s) of choice: Dour mood. Barring that, the cricket bat with barbed wire, machete and/or misericorde.

Pets: A black Abyssinian/Siamese mix named Wilhelmina. Occasionally, a redhead named Tock.

Olwen Hier/Sister Mary Peter: Mother (Deceased)
Craddock Hier: Father (Deceased)
Nia Hier: Younger Sister (Deceased)
Gwylim Hier: Elder Brother (Deceased)
Lailoken: Sire (Deceased)
Branwen: Known brood-sister
Giuseppe Veronese: Childe (Deceased)
Inga Stanek: Childe
Jean-Pierre Lefevre: Childe
Abby Dekker: Consultant for "The Funk Superieur"
Abigail Dekker: Pupil


Date: 2013-04-17 05:01 EST
Full Name (Last Name, First Name Middle): Brickchewer, Bobbin

Age: 25

Date of Birth: March 7th

Place of Origin: Atlanta, Georgia

Nationality: ?

Height (Barefoot): 5'7''

Weight: 110lbs

Eye Color: Red

Hair Color: White

Current Residence: ?

Distinguishing Mark/s: A chunk missing from her left ear

Weapon(s) of choice: Her brainball, an uncanny ability to build stabbity, shooty things from garbage


Sevundy Fife: Father
Buttercup: Mother
*125 siblings

Remy Jane

Date: 2013-05-01 00:28 EST
Full Name (Last Name, First Name Middle): Bordeaux, Remy Jane Marie

Age: 30

Date of Birth: October 4th

Place of Origin: Grand Isle, Louisiana

Nationality: American- Cajun

Height (Barefoot): 5'4''

Weight: 120lbs

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Red (Dyed)

Distinguishing Mark/s: Freckles across the bridge of her nose, various scars along her extremities and abdomen.

Weapon(s) of choice: Two Glock 19s affectionately named Lucy and Ethel.

Pets: A nutria rat named Chupa.

Charlotte Allain-Bordeaux- Mother
Bernard Bordeaux- Father (Deceased)
Wes Richardson- Husband (Deceased)
Lapin Charlotte Richardson- Daughter (11)
Etienne Michael Bordeaux- Brother (32)
Marie-Claire Heloise Bordeaux- Sister (24)
Jeanette Renee Bordeaux-Dupre- Sister (35)
Beau Sebastian Bordeaux- Brother (33)
Julien Andre Bordeaux- Brother (Deceased) (33)
Mattie Anne Bordeaux-Jackson- Sister (36)
Sarah Lorena Dee Henry (Bordeaux)- Sister (31)
Odalia Therese Adams (Bordeaux)- Sister (Deceased) (40)
Andre Juste Bordeaux- Brother (29)
Thomas James Bordeaux- Brother (39)
Lucinda Lorraine Bordeaux- Sister (39)
Rex Phillipe Bordeaux- Brother (17)
Landry Leon Bordeaux- Brother (Deceased) (2)


Date: 2013-05-12 16:13 EST
Full Name (Last Name, First Name Middle): Quinn, Easter Dae

Age: 10

Date of Birth: April 13, 2003

Place of Origin: Toast, Alabama

Nationality: 'Murican

Height (Barefoot): 4'1''

Weight: 45lbs

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Current Residence: Toast, Alabama

Distinguishing Mark/s: Missing her two front teeth. Freckles across the bridge of her nose.

Libby Mackie Quinn: Mother
Mike Quinn: Father
Cuyler Quinn: Great Great Great Great Aunt
Emarie Eberhardt-Quinn: Cousin

Finch Snow

Date: 2013-09-10 04:46 EST
Full Name (Last Name, First Name Middle): Snow, Finch Lee

Age: 243

Date of Birth: October 15th

Place of Origin: Yorkshire, England

Nationality: English

Height (Barefoot): 5'5

Weight: 140lbs

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Red (Natural) Blue (Dyed)

Current Residence: RDI Room 142

Distinguishing Mark/s: A large burn scar on her left hip.

Pets: None

Agrican Petain (Deceased): Sire
Arnold Snow (Deceased): Father
Emily Piper-Snow (Deceased): Mother
Lark Edward Snow (Deceased): Brother
Starling Isobel Snow: Sister
Aelic "Pickabod" Saunders: Childe

Starling Snow

Date: 2013-12-05 00:05 EST
Full Name (Last Name, First Name Middle): Snow, Starling Isobel

Age: 243

Date of Birth: October 15th

Place of Origin: Yorkshire, England

Nationality: English

Height (Barefoot): 5'5

Weight: 141lbs

Eye Color: Hazel

Hair Color: Red (Natural) though she keeps it dyed a shade not found in nature.

Current Residence: A barn, man

Distinguishing Mark/s: Henna tattoos everywhere. EVERYWHERE! She had a bit of an under-bite which tends to place two bottom canines against her top lip.

Pets: None

Niamh Goddard: Sire
Arnold Snow (Deceased): Father
Emily Piper-Snow (Deceased): Mother
Lark Edward Snow (Deceased): Brother
Finch Lee Snow: Sister


Date: 2014-12-02 16:06 EST
Full Name (Last Name, First Name Middle): Valk, Geiseric

Age: The calendar has changed a few times since he was born

Date of Birth: Midsummer

Place of Origin: Alpine region, currently Switzerland

Nationality: Pre-Germanic

Height (Barefoot): 7'

Weight: 350 lbs

Eye Color: Has no iris, yet the interiors of his pupils glow between indigo and violet.

Hair Color: Stark white

Current Residence: A converted funeral home by a lake near the Glen

Distinguishing Mark/s: Pencil-thin, blue-green swirl markings over his skin.

Jeremiah- World Serpent on holiday as a chubby tuxedo cat
Jessica- Cat-frog-beartrap thing
Jeffrey- Heron-spider-skunk-spaceship-Pokemon-thing
Robburt- Ambulatory Philosopher's Stone

Heidi- Niece (deceased)
Gudrun- Sister (deceased)
Abby Valk- Companion
Godric Valk- Son
Leon McDermott- Re-animated protege

Flair Swansong

Date: 2015-02-09 03:35 EST
Full Name (Last Name, First Name Middle): Swansong, Flairion "Flair"

Age: 19

Date of Birth: Oct 23, 1995

Place of Origin: Belle Isle, Florida

Nationality: 'Merican

Height (Barefoot): 5'7

Weight: 140 lbs

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Blue

Current Residence: An apartment above her shop, Trashtastic Gifts

Distinguishing Mark/s: Panda markings, ears and tail. Digitigrade legs.

A sentient cat/couch named Murphy

Timothy Swansong- Father
Bethesda 'Beth' Swansong- Mother
Calhoun Swansong- Brother
Luna Swansong- Sister